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Aphrodite's New Plant: Reunion of the Argo II

There had never been a more awkward meeting between friends and camp mates in the history of ever before this moment.

The five demigods sat around the big conference table in the Legions war room of Camp Jupiter, where they were granted privacy due to Frank's praetor standing. The walls were thick and lined with weapons, maps and other trophies from previous victories, lined with imperial gold, silver and bronze tools. In the centre of the room stood the table, where a large map of the valley was engraved into the oak surface.

At the head of the table sat Frank in his large armchair, adorned to indicate his status to the room. He didn't care for it much, but he filled the seat quite comfortably wearing his purple toga. To his right sat his girlfriend, Hazel, whose gold eyes surveyed the rest of their companions. Piper sat across from her, slightly uncomfortable in her seat as she avoided everyone's gaze, particularly Hazels and her ex's, who stared at her from across the table beside Hazel. Jason was almost as imposing as Frank in build, but his blight blue gaze was far more akin to thunder as he bore into the daughter of Aphrodite silently. Leo kept glancing between the two of them, waiting for his friend to explode into their inevitable domestic, one he had every intention of getting clear of in case lightning started getting thrown.

"Well" Hazel suddenly spoke, her voice cutting through the tense silence. "It nice to be all together again."

Nobody said anything. It had been a year since the battle with Gia and they'd planned this out weeks ago, before all the break ups and mismatching and everything started throwing wedges into the group. It was supposed to be a nice little reunion of the seven heroes of the Argo II, where they got back together and swapped war stories. Unfortunately, that's not what was going on. In fact things were so tense it was a wonder only two of them were absent.

"I guess Percy and Annabeth didn't get the invite?" Leo interjected, trying to break the ice.

"She said she couldn't make it" Piper told him, leaving the statement as is. When Annabeth had asked Piper to relay her regrets, she knew something was going on, and she could feel it involved Percy. With him missing too, it stands to reason they must finally be talking again. I just hope they finally work things out, she thought to herself.

"Well, at least we managed to make it" Frank offered, raising a glass of soda. "To old friends" he toasted.

Aside from Hazel, the others returned the toast with mild enthusiasm. The daughter of Pluto sighed as she sat back in her chair. "So...what shall we talk about? Fondest memories? Favourite takedowns?"

"So how long did you wait before replacing me for another fuck buddy?" Jason asked his ex with a fierce glare.

Piper's eyes shot up to stare at him. "You broke up with me, remember?" She replied angrily, her kaleidoscope eyes flashing an intense shade of red. "What I do outside our relationship is none of your business."

"That so?" He growled. "So you thought you'd get yourself out there by having an affair? I know you and Annabeth were close, but I didn't think you were that close."

Leo choked on his drink as he gasped in surprise. "What?" He coughed, staring at Piper as she flushed red. "You and... oh, we so need to have a talk after all of this" He stammered.

She ignored him as she glared back at Jason, feeling the judging stares from her friends. "Fuck you Jason" she said coldly, trying to hide her embarrassment. "I can choose who I sleep with, not you. How did you even..."

"Find out?" Jason finished, chuckling. "Somewhere around the time I caught Percy fucking someone else. I guess he didn't take the news very well."

"Whoa! What?" Leo cried, staring at the two of them. "When did..? How out of the loop am I? Does nobody tell me anything?"

"Shut up Leo, this has nothing to do with you!" Jason shouted at him. Piper fell silent as the blood drained from her skin. Her inherited ability to sense emotions told her Jason wasn't lying, Percy had cheated on Annabeth, after they'd cheated on him. Oh gods, this is my fault isn't it? Her heart went she considered what her two friends were doing while they were arguing here. She could only pray things work themselves out. I'm sorry Annie.

"Hey! You listening to me?" Jason screamed across the table, snapping Piper from her thoughts.

"Leave her alone Jason" Leo spoke up to defend her. "This is not the time for this."

"Who's side are you on?"

"I'm trying not to pick a side! But you being an asshole isn't helping!"

There was a loud boom as Frank slammed his fist into the table, the wood splintering as he screamed "ENOUGH!" Once he was satisfied they were done arguing his released an exasperated sigh. "Christ, if I'd known this was what I had to look forward to, I wouldn't have bothered getting out of bed. This was supposed to be a nice little get together, not a battlefield."

The three demigods looked down sheepishly, quietly apologizing as the settled back into their seats. After a few moments of peace, Hazel smiled pleasantly. "See, that's why I thought we should all get together and sort this out together. Work past our...issues. All of us. It's a shame Percy and Annabeth can't be here, but maybe we could make a start, right?" She looked around as everyone kind of nodded along. "So, I have an idea. It came to me whilst I was laying in bed with Piper a few days ago, and I thinking about all the tension between us lately..."

"Hang on, what do you mean..." Leo interrupted, looking towards Piper to see her sink lower into her seat, hiding her face with her palm. "Oh no, you two..?" He face palmed himself as Jason gave her the stink-eye, while she just wished she'd disappear.

"And I realized" Hazel continued, ignoring the interruptions and wavering of attention, "that what we need is a way to bond again. A way to connect as a group, a family...a way to move past whatever's driving us apart."

"And how exactly did you plan to do that?" Jason asked her sceptical. The other two shared his doubt as they sat in silence glancing at each other, until they all felt something brush against them under the table.

All three demigods sat up straighter, caught off guard by the sudden presence of something in the room with them. The thing under the table approached them all at once, brushing against their legs and wrapping around their waists, preventing any of them from jumping out of their seats to confront it. "What the fuck!" Jason growled, trying to get a look at whatever it was under there. Leo squeaked as several somethings held him down and went for his groin, rubbing between his legs roughly. "Oh, what is...Holy shit!" Piper gasped as she felt them too, but her fear was more profound. She recognized the touch, the way they moved, the way they caressed her body. "Oh gods! Hazel, you didn't...!" She cried, her words cut off when the thing snaked up her shirt to find her busty chest within.

Hazel giggled as she sat back in her seat, watching her friends struggle to control their emotions as the vines stroked them. "You had it best, Pipes. What better way to connect to one another than by sharing a beautiful experience?" She asked them, relaxing as similar vines began pleasuring her too, glancing over to see Frank submitting willingly to their touch beside her. He was surprisingly idealistic about the idea of smuggling the rapevine into the war room before the others arrived and using it as common ground to repair their fractured friendship. Now they would get to enjoy its gift as one.

Around the table the five demigods groaned as the multiple arms and feelers of the obscured rapevine explored their bodies, slipping under their clothing to better touch their skin, seeking out their more receptive pressure points. Hazel and Frank didn't resist, allowing the vines to pleasure them right off the bat. To his own surprise, Leo found himself not resisting as much as his friends, groaning softly as he was stroked along his chest and arms, a confident tiny vine slithering up his trouser leg to approach his boxers where his growing erection was hidden.

Despite her reluctance, Piper was quickly coming around to the plants touch also, familiar with the enjoyable way it caressed her and teased her muscles, drawing out those deep husky moans. What made her hold back from enjoying it was the fact she didn't want to do this in front of her ex. Every time she looked up Jason was there, staring at her as his nostrils flared, his temper flaring as the vines toyed with him. He hated this, the sheer lack of being in control of the situation. But the way he looked at her, like he blamed her... oh gods, he wants to fuck me! He wants to fuck my brains out right here! The thought, as gut clenching as it was, made her wet and even more receptive to the rapevine.

"See, this isn't so bad" Hazel sighed, lazily addressing everyone as the vines started to undress them.

They started tugging at their clothing all at once, leading to the group either raising their arms or removing the clothing themselves, unless they refused (such as a certain sky demigod) in which case they simply tore the articles into shreds. First went shirts, then jeans, skirts, vests, leaving all five heroes in their under garments around the table, all staring at each other uncomfortably while the plant massaged their limbs, torsos, breasts or groins.

It wasn't long until those vines got bored of simply feeling them up and moved under the underwear to fondle the more sensitive targets. "Fuck" Jason hissed as his boxers were pulled down, a thick vine wrapping around his manhood to squeeze him rhythmically. "I swear, when I get out of this..." he growled, directing his curse to the daughter of Pluto, who was sharing a quick kiss with her boyfriend.

"Sorry, you say something?" Hazel asked him, turning away as Frank groaned from having his dick penetrated, the member revealed to the party after being pulled out by his girlfriend. She smiled at the son of Jupiter smugly as she stood up to lean across the table, keeping her gaze on him as she reached for his ex's hand. "I was too busy making out with two of my favourite people."

Piper was pulled onto the table by a combination Hazel grasping her wrist and the vines hoisting her out of her seat. She sat with her feet by her side, her hiking boots still on having been ignored when she'd been undressed, clad in only her panties. Her bra was yanked away by the coca coloured girl before she lunged in to kiss the overwhelmed brunette, leaving her no room to argue with her.

Leo literally jumped when his cock sprung from his lap, growing hard instantly when he saw the tow of them lock lips on the table. It was as if all those simulations he'd built into the VR program at his cabin were coming true. The plant was drawn to his burning arousal, opening up a blossoming flower to slip over his erection and begin milking his cock. He didn't do anything to stop it, unlike the first time he found himself being fucked by the vines. He woke up in his VR room after falling asleep in his chair during his game to find the plant molesting him. Naturally he panicked as lobbed a fireball at the thing, engulfing it in flames and turning it to ash. He didn't find out what it was or where it came from, but right now he had a few suspicions.

Piper moaned softly as Hazel made out with her passionately, forgetting their was three horny boys in the room watching them and a sex crazed plant fondling her for a minute. "This is crazy" she mumbled under her breath when the darker skinned girl moved lower to her neck, kissing the soft flesh causing her to bit her lip.

She knows just how to make me feel hot. And in front of Jason... She risked a glance over to him, seeing the furious glint in his cold glare as he strained against the vines, desperately trying to escape. She could sense his frustration. I was his. I'm his to claim, to take, to fuck. No one else should have me. She made a show of catching Hazels eye and kissing her back, reciprocating the attention just to spite her ex-boyfriend.

He really didn't like that. "Fucking bitch!" He spat, electricity arcing across the hair on his arms while the vines drew tighter, holding him down and wrapping further around his penis, reminding him he wasn't in control.

Hazel broke away from her girlfriend to glance back at him sharply. "Honey" she called over to Frank, who was still being dick-fucked by a vine in his chair, "would you mind entertaining our lover for a moment?"

"It'd be my pleasure" he replied, pushing himself out of the chair to join the pair of them.

Hazel gave her an encouraging peck on the lips before passing her over to him. "May I just say, you look really sexy in your boots."

"So I've been told" she said quietly back, a small pang of guilt washing over her before she spun around to find Frank's large handsome form towering over lean body. He reached over and laid his strong yet gentle hands across her hips to gently draw her closer, leaning her head back to place his soft lips upon hers and kiss her as if he was kissing his girl. The daughter of Aphrodite sighed softly into the kiss, relaxing her shoulders and reaching up to draw him in deeper, the two of them getting lost the their embrace.

Satisfied that her two lovers were intimately compatible, Hazel leapt off the table onto her bare feet, still wearing her lime green underwear as she sauntered over to the captive Jason Grace, who was glaring back with glowing blue eyes full of fury. "Nobody" she spoke slowly, her tone level and firm, a dangerous edge to it as she planted her palms on his knees, "calls my friend a bitch. You hear me! Nobody! I'm starting to see why you two broke up in the first place." She gave Jason a cold stare as she looked down at him disapprovingly. "She deserves so much better than you."

"Fuck You!" He hissed, a powerful current shooting through his body, enough to make Hazel flinch when it ran up her arms. The vines tightened in response, coiling around his throat to subdue him.

She shook her head in disappointment, rubbing her hands together before hooking her thumbs under her panties. "No Jason" she said calmly, dropping her underwear down to her ankles, stepping out of them to sit on his naked lap. "Fuck you! I'm going to fuck you, and you..." she held out her hand as a vine brought her panties up to her, where she then stuffed them into his snarling mouth, clamping his jaw shut with her fingers, "You are going to shut up and take it." She lifted her hips, sliding her wet pussy over Jason's waiting cock in one swift motion, the boy grunting behind his gag as she held his cold gaze with her golden eyes. "I'm going to ride this dick so hard you won't be able to pee for weeks. Besides, you're the only one in this room I've yet to taste."

She ground her hips into his slowly, her tight walls massaging his cock roughly with each movement, working him up before she would start bouncing on it properly, fast and hard, milking his cock dry while he struggled and groaned completely helpless. Most men would get off on this, but to a guy like Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and former leader of Camp Jupiter, this was torture, humiliation at its worst. He was not in command. Hazel was. And she intend to abuse her authority as much as possible.

Piper was laid onto her back across the smooth wooden table where she was enveloped by several eager vines, coiling around her breasts and massaging her body as Frank explored her soft skin with his tongue, slowly making his way down her figure towards her dripping entrance, her panties drenched between her thighs. He was still being fucked in his dick as he was pleasuring her, his rasping breaths tickling her sensitive skin, giving her Goosebumps as she reached down and slid her underwear off. Her own breathing hitched and shallowed as her chest rose and fell, the vines playing with her tits and sliding another vine between them.

This is too crazy, she told herself again, unable to comprehend she currently had the son of Mars dipping between her legs, hoisting her knees over his shoulders to give himself unrestricted access to her throbbing pussy. She couldn't believe she was listening to her ex-boyfriend being gaged and fucked a few feet away from her by a younger Roman demigod. She gasped sharply as Frank's tongue found its way into her folds, her back arching as he began to eat her out, his mouth almost like magic around her entrance. As her head stretched up her upside down kaleidoscope gaze found the answer to a question she hadn't even considered asking yet. Why was Leo suddenly so quiet? At the end of the table the shaggy haired mechanic was relaxed in his seat, the rapevine pleasuring his whole body, a flowery appendage sucking his cock like it was milking a cow, the boys eyes closed as he deep throated a slender green vine in his mouth. The sight made Piper chuckle. She'd never imagine Leo being so receptive to sucking anything cock related. It was pretty hot to watch, which excited her already flowing juices that Frank was lapping up below her waist.

He groaned hard into her pussy, the vine in his penis thrusting faster into him, sending vibrations through the girls body that nearly made her orgasm prematurely. She moaned uncontrollably, her head tossing and turning as her hands got lost in her chocolate brown hair, her feet dangling carelessly across her lovers back as he held her legs in place to stop her moving. When she felt her falling towards the edge, she cried out Frank's name to warn him. He didn't stop, instead digging deeper with his tongue, his muscle finding all the right spots until her thighs clamped together around his head, crushing him between her legs as she screamed, her cum spraying all over his trapped face, drowning him.

He groaned loudly into her, overstimulating her sedative pussy and making her eyes roll back into her skull, before prying her legs apart so he could gasp or air, standing up to pull the vine out of his throbbing penis. "I need to cum!" He groaned, pumping his member rapidly as he looked down at Piper's sweetly, smoking hot body. "I'm sorry, but I need to..."

"It's okay" she whispered, nodding in permission. She knew what he wanted to do, and she let him. He steeped over her, pumping his dick as hard as he could, sighing in relief as his white hot cum exploded out of him and showered her heaving bust, covering her with his seed. He kept cumming until he was empty, his breath heavy as he collapsed beside her to recover. She stared at the ceiling a while, waiting for her strength to return.

"Oh fuck! You really do have a good dick don't you?" Hazel cried as she rode Jason harder, her breasts bouncing across her chest in front of his face as she gripped his shoulders. He stared up at her, determination all over his face as he bit down on the gag, thrusting up into her. He'd given up trying to break free of his bonds and instead turned his attention to fucking her brains out as best he could. As long as she broke before he did, the tables could be turned.

Frank looked over at his girlfriend fucking another dude, his dick growing hard again as he slipped off the table. "Sorry, Pipes. But I need to take care of this" he said apologetically as he left the young woman alone on the table covered in sweat and cum. She pushed herself to her elbows to watch him approach the pie of them, ok'ing up behind Hazel and greeting her with a heated, passionate kiss before fingering her nice round butt. She gasped in surprise at his touch, grinding her body against his waiting cock, begging him to penetrate her. When he did, she moaned in escasty, now riding two dicks like a coca sandwich. soon to be three by the looks of that teasing vine hovering in front of her face.

Piper sighed longingly as she watched the three of them, her body getting horny once more, wanting something to quench her thirst. Fortunately, the vines were there to ease the tension, stroking her clit and circling her nipples, but she wanted something human. Something warm and hot and...

"This seat taken?"

She blinked as she looked up to see Leo sliding up beside her, lounging back to watch the spectacle alongside her. The vines had finished with him a minute or so ago, drinking up his cum and ejaculating down his throat before leaving him to recover.

"I bet you never imagined we'd be doing this when you woke up this morning" Leo commented.

She shook her head. "Not with all of you."

She glanced over at him, and he glance over at her. Their eyes met, and they both knew what the other was thinking. They both had the same thought. "Pipes, I..."

"Just fuck me Valdez" she stopped him, grabbing him by the hair and yanking him into the steamy kiss.

He didn't protest as he wrapped his arms around her, rolling on top of her body as the two of them made love, exploring each other with their hands before sliding their bodies into position, Pipers feet hooking behind Leo's back as the young boy gently pushed himself into her core, gasped at how her tight walls enveloped him. "Holy shit Pipes" he breathed, staring down at her in wonder.

"Better than that video game of yours?" She asked him coyly, giggle d when he flushed red with embarrassment. "Let me show you how we do it in the real world."

They kissed again, a hot, loving, deep kiss as their bodies melted into one, the sex more than just lust, but a connection between friends. Though Piper hated to admit it, but it was one of the best sex she'd ever experienced.

While Piper and Leo were making love on the table, Hazel had finally been broken into climaxing first. Not surprising when she had three dicks fucking her, the vine pounding in her mouth firing its load into her stomach before retreating. Frank had also reached his limit, or so it seemed as he pulled out of his girlfriend to fall back into one of the chairs. Jason grunted as he came, firing reluctantly into her pussy before slumping into his seat. Hazel sighed as she fell against him, patting him on the chest. "Not bad, for a prick" she commended him, pulling out the gag to kiss him. Feeling his submission as the vines loosened their hold on him, leaving the exhausted demigod.

That was their mistake.

With the speed of a panther, Jason leapt out of the chair, grabbing the shocked daughter of Pluto by the ass and leap across the room, slamming her hard into the nearby wall. The impact sent a shudder across the surface, her head snapping back and striking the wall with enough force to daze the centurion, leaving her vulnerable to Jason's assault as he pressed his body weight against her, pinning her to the wall as he grasped her thighs and spread them as far apart as he could.

"I told you you were going to pay" he said arrogantly, kissing her roughly on the mouth, biting down on her lip to make her cry out and snap back into awareness. "Now I'm going to fuck you! And you..." he slammed his rock hard prick into her pussy, ramming it to the hilt, punching through her cervix so hard she screamed in pain, "You are going to take it...bitch!"

He began fucking her mercilessly, as hard as his strength would allow. He was his father's son, and he'll be damned if he was going to let this girl get the best of him. He pounded into her with such force he could hear the cracking of the wall behind her, as well as the sound of her spine bashing into the hard surface. She screamed and wailed, the mixture of intense pleasure and red hot pain making it an uncomfortable experience, but he didn't care. He crushed her under his weight, forced himself upon her until she was brought to tears, snarled at her as she dared to glare back at him.

"You asked for this" he growled, leaning in to bite hard into the crook of her neck, the whimper passing her lips like music to his ears.

The next thing he knew, someone had grabbed his hair at the back of his head, yanked him away from her her and then smashed his forehead into the wall beside her. Jason cried out in shock, seeing stars dance across his vision as his face hit the wall.

The next thing was a heavy weight pressing against him, pinning him to the wall against Hazels trapped body, his head pressed against the surface staring at Hazels sweating but smug expression. "Sorry love" her boyfriend apologized, kissing her quickly before twisting Jason's arm behind his back, holding him tight and making him wince in pain. "That last orgasm...took a bit out of me."

"It's okay" she replied, locking her gaze on the captive demigod. "I do like a bit of rough on the side."

Jason's eyes widened as he stared back at her, realized he'd underestimated her. He never had the upper hand, it was a trap. He feel for it hook line and sinker. He glanced back and saw the large rod of Frank's penis being guided towards Jason's vulnerable entrance, exposed and waiting to be punished.

"No one calls my girlfriend a bitch" Frank whispered in his ear before he slammed into him, making him regret ever agreeing to this meeting.

The rest of the afternoon carried on with little to no more hiccups. The five demigods revolved around one another, the orgy becoming more passionate and steamy the longer it lasted. With the rapevine isn't he mix, more positions were made available as each hero swapped partners and tried new things. The guys got to experience what the girls embraced during sex, the girls got their had at being guys, thick vines grinding between their thighs so they could fuck the lads in the ass or throat, loving the feeling of doing the fucking instead of being fucked.

Within an hour every member had enjoyed each other's company. Except Jason and Piper, the other three made sure to keep the two of them apart the entire time, against the protests of the raging but dominated son of Jupiter. Piper, though she didn't say it, was grateful. Things were still raw around the break up and she didn't want to be saying his dick today.

Eventually the arrogant blonde Roman was worn past the point of consciousness, leaving him passed out in a heap in a corner while the rest of the group continued without him, the sex getting more and more hot as they worshiped each other, taking turns on who the focus should be.

At this moment, Piper was the prize, sitting on her hands and knees as she was pleasured from all sides. Vines massaged her limbs and tit fucked her wildly, Frank behind her slapping her backside as he pumped into her asshole rapidly, grunting as he sucked another vine while two more twisted his nipples and a final whipped his ass and back. In front of her was Leo, holding her hair back as she deep throated him, twirling her tongue around his dick in her mouth as he face fucked her. He was careful with her, had been all afternoon, gentle and sweet, afraid of hurting her. She liked that, better than when she was with Jason. He was groaning too, form the expertise of her sucking his dick and the from the penetration of his ass by a thick vine, heavily lobbed up with sap that they were all covered in. Below her was the young Africana American girl, in the trademark 69 position with her mouth around her pussy, moaning softly around her as a thick vine pumped into her vagina, the end poking at her stomach with each thrust. Another vine entered her butt, but this one had worked its way through her system, feeding its way through her body up her throat to penetrate Pipers pussy, using Hazel as a conduit as it fucked the two of them simultaneously. It was surreal, being fucked by a Dick coming out of a girls mouth, but Piper was beyond making sense of this orgy.

The four of them fucked each other until they burst, the boys unloading into Piper at the same time, the vines following soon after, filling all four of the up until they were bloated. Hazel almost choked as the vine in her throat expanded to pump the sap down its length, through her and into Pipers womb, making the girl cum against the vine in her pussy as it filled her to capacity. Piper drank up Leo's cum as Frank's painted the inside of her ass white, the hulking hero struggling to swallow the sap filling his mouth as it started to dribble down his chin.

The four of them collapsed on top of the table when the rapevine finally finished with them, entangling their bodies as they drifted into a deep slumber, sap and cum leaking from their orifices while belly's bulged and body parts ached. None of them had the strength to move, neither of them doubted they'd be able to walk in a few hours. So they just lay their and fell asleep, snuggling up against one another as the world faded to black around them.

Piper was the last to fall unconscious, her thoughts drifting to the two missing members of their party, the two who'd missed out on this moment. She wondered what could've kept them away, and hoped they were okay.

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