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Aphrodite's New Plant: Piper gets a Video Call

The beach was calm as the yellow midday sunlight glowed across the blue sea, the only disturbance the dozen or so demigods mingling across the sand. One such demigod rose from the ocean and walked gracefully back to dry land after her relaxing swim, her brown hair whipped back as she basked in the warm sunlight, her radiant beauty drawing the eye of everyone in sight as they stared at her slim figure in the red bikini as it strode along the shore smoothly.

Piper could feel everyone's gaze upon her as she walked casually out of the ocean, squeezing the water from her hair over her left shoulder as she hummed softly. Before she came to Half Blood Hill she would hate the attention she naturally drew. Since learning she was a child of Aphrodite she accepted she had to get used to it. But today she welcomed the stares, the ogling eyes and hanging jaws, feeling a silent thrill at being the most attractive girl on the beach.

She cast her gaze around as her feet padded across the soft dunes, her kaleidoscope eyes twinkling in the sunlight as she caught each demigods eye in turn, giving one or two a suggestive wink as she gently swayed her hips, her body slowly drip drying in the warm air. She smiled at their red faces and nervous grins, mentally sizing them up. She never used to be such a flirt, but since she and Jason took a break in their relationship she had time to weigh her options. She had her eye on a few good looking guys, and girls, she considered playing the field with. But unlike her siblings in cabin 10, she liked to be picky. Take her time before jumping into bed with someone else. She'd only slept with one other camper since the break up, which in hindsight was a mistake (though a guilty pleasure she hoped to repeat one day), and wasn't in a big hurry to find a replacement. And if her sexual needs needed tending, she had something just as good.

Speaking of which.

Piper walked over to a spot by a cluster of rocks where she set up her towel and a pile of clothes, her shoes and other items she brought with her. She sat down on the towel and started to apply the sunscreen, quickly glancing around to see if anyone was still looking her way. When all eyes were averted she turned around to the rocks and pulled aside the pair of jeans she "absentmindedly" tossed to the side.

Sitting underneath between two rocks was the plant pot containing the small pink and green rapevine, right where she left it. She let out a sigh of relief as she hurriedly covered it up again. Leaving it out here while she went for a swim was a risk, but she had little other choice. Chiron had made a surprise announcement that morning claiming there was some kind of special, ancient and rare beetle running around one of the cabins and had informed the campers that he'd be personally searching each cabin for it, for their own protection as it was supposed to be dangerous. Piper knew if he searched their cabin and saw the plant he'd reconsider it as something unusual and godly and confiscate it (especially If he discovered what it could do). So before he had started the search she had smuggled the plant out of the cabin and been hopscotching with it all over camp. Finding a hiding place was difficult and keeping it concealed at dinner was nigh impossible, What with her horny siblings all sitting around the Aphrodite table while secretly being pleasured during the speeches. Why she had to be the one carrying the sex crazed vine plant was beyond her. This was her most recent and best ruse to keep it hidden while remaining inconspicuous. She could've asked Annabeth for help, but after their recent...interactions with the plant, she didn't want to burden her with any of it.

Her minds briefly turned to her best friend, worried for her. She had told her about her plan to tell Percy what had happened between them and the plant, even growing her own copy to show him, hopefully make things right. But that was a couple of days ago and she hasn't be able to speak to her since. And when she did catch her eye, she realized she'd been crying. Oh gods, please don't say they've had a fight. If I've made things worse... she dreaded to think what could be wrong and was too afraid to walk up and ask her.

She shook her head, pushing Annabeth from her mind before she fell down that rabbit hole of regret and fear, casting her gaze back to the beach and the dozen hot bodies scattered across it. She needed something to distract her, take her mind of her troubles. She caught the eye of one particularly gorgeous hunk sitting by two of his mates down by the water. He looked back at her and flashed his whites, combing his blonde hair back with a handsome grin. She smiled back, raising a suggestive eyebrow. Maybe he could keep her busy, she thought, her imagination conjuring up all the things he could do to help her unwind.

He sucked in a breath before raising his arms up to stretch in such a way that flexed his well tones muscles, a clear manoeuvre to impress her. She still purred, liking what she saw as she sat back on the towel, her long legs stretched out in front of her while she held herself up with her slender arms, her busty chest prominently displayed, ensuring he could see every inch of her beauty. Two can play at that game.

While the pair of them had their little stand off, a small arm from the rapevine slithered from under the pair of jeans covering it, reaching up and coiling up Piper's arm, drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

"Hey" piper cried under her breath, careful not to let her voice carry any further across the beach. She swatted the vine away as it tried to hold her wrist, awakening the plant from its dormant slumber. "Not here" She hissed, fighting off the dozen other vines attempting to reach for her. She glanced back to the blonde guy, disappointed to find his attention had been diverted to another attractive young demigod.

Stupid plant cost me an afternoon of real action.

She scolded the rapevine with a cold glare as it dodged her flailing hands and found her torso, insistently touching her waist and chest like an impatient puppy. She managed to pry a few away but couldn't stop one from cupping her breast, stroking the nipple through the bra till it had become erect. Her breathing shallowed as more slipped past her defences, slowly spreading over her body to pleasure her sensitive points. It knew all the right buttons to press and within minutes she was moaning softly, finally conceding to defeat.

Why did it have to be trained so well?

Piper could feel her muscles relaxing into the vines touch, her chest heaving as her moaned grew heavier, her skin tingling for more pleasure. The vines spread around her body, reaching around her to touch more of her skin...

She stopped herself suddenly, suddenly aware of where she was. She urgently shooed the vines away before anyone on the beach saw her, franticly looking around as she pulled the vines off. Fortunately, nobody had seen the rapevine touching her.

Unfortunately, she was now desperately horny.

She held the jeans on top of the plant to stop it attacking her again as she quickly weighed her options. She couldn't go back to the cabin, Chiron might not have searched it yet. Same problem for approaching anyone who's aware of the rapevine. She could approach any number of the demigods for a quickie to starve her thirst, but she couldn't leave the rapevine hidden an unattended in case it was discovered. She didn't have a lot of options.

Bar one. But I've never done it so public before.

Looking back, she could've taken the plant to any number of hiding places to let it have its way with her, but at the time it seemed more logical and less suspicious to stay put and essentially masturbate in the middle of the beach.

Throwing caution (and sense) to the wind, Piper prepared herself the best she could. Pulling out her spare towel she wrapped it around herself to cover her waist. She put on her orange camp half blood T-shirt, ignoring the fact her skin and hair was still damp from her swim, and quickly removed her bra under it before dropping it by her side. The rapevine seemed to sense what she had in mind as it slithered along the sand and slipped under her shirt to fondle her loose boobs, earning a slow breath from her lips. Now covered by the towel she removed the last of her bikini, sliding them down her legs and tossing them with the rest of her clothes before laying back on the ground, using the pile like a pillow for her head. Under the towel the vines wasted no time in traveling up her thighs towards her throbbing pussy.

"I guess I can do this for five...maybe ten minutes" she sighed, closing her eyes and settling in for what she hoped was a very satisfying, very quick round of plant sex.

The plant was eager to please as it groped and massaged her breasts under her shirt, careful not to disturb the fabric too much and maintain the illusion the daughter of Aphrodite was just relaxing at the beach. The same went to those at her waist, though the front runner only teased her a few times before quickly sinking into her core to gently piston into her entrance. Lately the rapevine had been learning the unspoken cues from its lovers, understanding when to take its time and when to move things along for a quicker finish. To Piper's benefit, it aimed for a speedy finish, forfeiting foreplay and moving straight for the sex.

She sighed in content as she lay in the hot midday sun, basking in its glow as the vines silently fucked her, her hands tangling in her brown hair wistfully as her chest rose and fell, her breathing growing heavily the more her body was pleasured. The vines wrapped around her boobs and played with her nipples just the way she liked it, another massaging her clit as she was pounded fast and smoothly. By the time she was moaning for release she had broken into a sweat, the fire heating up in preparation for her release.

Her moaned rose in pitch as she approach the edge, gasping in air as the vines sped up for maximum pleasure. Just before she tipped over the edge something materialized above her, basking her in a soft rainbow glow. She felt the air shimmer and blinked her heavy eyelids open to see what it was. She was shocked to see a rainbow hovering a foot or so above her body.

She was even more shocked to see her mothers face looking down at her. "Hello my daughter" she smiled warmly.

"Mom!" Piper cried, instinctively shutting her legs as she scrambled up to a sitting position, trapping the vine inside her as her walls slammed shut, ceasing all intercourse before she could orgasm. Despite her body screaming for release she covered herself before her mom could see what she'd been doing. "What are you doing here?" She asked startled, pressing her arms to her chest to both cover her already covered chest but also stop the rapevine from moving beneath the T-shirt.

"Can't a mother send an iris message to one of her many daughters?" Aphrodite asked her, her smile never wavering.

"Not without wanting something usually" she replied, shifting uncomfortably as the vine wriggled between her thighs trying to escape.

"I just thought I'd check in and see how my little rapevine was settling in. I'm delighted to see you and my fellow children have given it a good home."

"Why did you even send that thing here in the first place?" Piper asked her, struggling to keep her expression neutral as the plant tried to stimulate her under her mother gaze. Not now!

"To share its wonders of course" Aphrodite told her, her perfect white teeth flashing as she laughed. "What kind of mother would I be if I didn't give my children the best sexual experience possible?"


"Besides, I haven't seen you be so disgusted by its gifts as of yet my daughter" the goddess laughed.

Piper stared back at her, her knees trembling out of sight as the vine returned to pushing its way inside her to resume fucking her pussy, much to the demigods objections. "Wait!" Piper said, the statements meaning suddenly clicking into place. "Have you been watching us?"

Aphrodite howled with laughter. "Oh, my darling girl. I'm the goddess of love and sex. I know when everyone is making love or getting fucked. Just as I know my little plant is pleasuring you right now under that towel."

Piper flushed bright red, unable to hold her mother gaze as she smiled down at her, beaming with pride while her plant proceeded to fuck Piper's sweet little body. She couldn't help herself from loosening her thighs, allowing it easier access as she groaned under her breath. This is so embarrassing.

"Don't be shy my dear" the goddess cooed sympathetically. "Sex is nothing to be ashamed of. We all must find passion somewhere. From a lover, or a friend. I must say, watching you embrace my gift was such a delight to watch. And sharing it with that girl of Athena's...I could hardly contain myself. You really should consort with her more often."


"Don't worry sweetie. Mommy won't tell a.." she suddenly got cut off as a gasping moan fled her lips, the goddess' face contorting as she flung her head back against the pillow, revealing her to be sitting in her bed chambers wearing nothing upon her figure.

Piper stared up at the rainbow, her eyes widening in shock. "Mom? Are you...?" Her voice suddenly hardened as her face flushed with disgust. "Are you Skyping me while having sex?"

"Of course not" she replied sluggishly, several green vines appearing from the edges of the rainbow to wrap around her perfect body to hoist her back above the bed, revealing her naked form to her daughter where three very large vines were penetrating her sex, thrusting into her at uneven intervals. "I'm messaging you while being fucked, so we can share the moment like a mother and daughter should."

"Ew" Piper muttered, horrified to find her body heating up at the sight of her mother being fucked by a similar plant to the one fucking her. Am I seriously getting turned on by this? That's my mom! I can't get aroused from watching my...oh, fuck, I guess I can. Oh that's so good! The demigod's body quivered as the vines ramped up the stimulating movements, twisting her nipples and pressing against her clit, the vine inside her now so deep it was touching her cervix. She let out a lustful sigh, her back arching as her eyes fell closed, unable to resist the overwhelming urge to give in.

"That's it my dear" Aphrodite sighed, rubbing her own clit expertly as the vines pounding into her relentlessly, her breasts bouncing against her chest as her hips humped the plant dicks for more, her mouth agape letting slew a mountain of dirty language. "Let the rapevine fulfill it's greatest act, grant it's eternal bounty. Give in to the pleasure and let it fill your soul with love."

Piper's fingers curled as her head struck the beach, one hand covering her mouth to muffle the cries of escasty while the other dove under the towel to find her clit.

"Sex is a beautiful experience that should be rejoiced" the goddess continued, lost in her own bliss as her pussy was pounded, the three vines dripping with her cum as they thrust rapidly into her womanhood, striking every pleasure point she had. "It bore my beautiful children, who I now share this wonder everyday." She gazed down at Piper, who somehow found the sill to open her eyes and gaze back. "Oh, how I wish to join you in this moment. Feel your perfect, smooth body pressed against mine. Touch your supple round breasts. Feel your long, wet tongue against my aching cunt. Put my mouth around your sex and fill you with utter joy."

"Fuck mom, I'm your daughter. This is messed up!" Is what

Pier tried to scream, but was unable as her hand was too busy silencing the desperate screams trying to escape her mouth. Her hand was rubbing furiously at her groin, the entrance dripping wet as the vine pounded her like a wild animal, her hips shaking like a jackhammer. She couldn't hold on much longer. She was going to cum. I'm going to cum watching my own mother, she realized, her face turning into a raspberry, waiting to die of embarrassment.

Aphrodite came first, her cry of pleasure reverberating through the iris message as her cum sprayed over the image, the vines ceasing as it filled her with a river of sap, her stomach bulging as it leaked around the edges of her pussy. The goddess smiled as she relished her orgasm, keeping her eyes on her daughter as her body was ravaged. "That's it my girl" she said encouragingly, gasping as she returned to rubbing her clit, pushing for another climax. "Cum for me. Cum with your mother. Let us share this moment forever!"

Oh fuck. Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck...

Piper willed the pleasure to end, for her body to give her release. She didn't care if it was her mom watching her, or that she was on a public beach where no doubt every camper for miles was watching. She needed to cum or her body was going to explode.

"Miss McLean!"

Piper's eyes shot open at the sound of Chiron voice, her burning ears picking out the sound of his hooves trotting towards her. In desperation, for the second time, she forced the urge to climax back down, pushing herself up to wave her hand through the rainbow, dispersing it while shut her legs once more. Denying herself another orgasm, her body trembled uncontrollably as she covered herself up in time for the half middle aged man-half white stallion director of camp half blood to arrive by her side on the beach.

"Good afternoon director" she said as he approached her, her voice squeaking as she swallowed nervously. She wrapped her arms around herself while trying to appear innocent with her glittering round eyes and flushed face, concealing any sign of something amiss even while the vines continued to force itself into her core beneath the towel, refusing to let up until it was finished.

"Miss Mclean" Chiron greeted her warmly, his thinning brown her combed back as he regarded her with his deep brown eyes. "I just came over to inform you I've completed the inspection of your cabin. You'll be pleased to know it's clear of any and all ancient and deadly infestations, though I did have to confiscate a few...peculiar items no doubt belonging to your cabin mates. Do inform them that if they wish for them to be returned they will have to come speak with me themselves will you?"

"Of course" she nodded, straining to hold her expression as her knees shook, her thighs trying to pin the vine and stop it from fucking her, unable to stop it as it squeezed her nipples under her shirt. "I'll be sure tell the next dorm meeting."

Chiron brushing eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Are you alright my dear?" He asked, noting her sweating brow and flushed face and her trembling body. "Do you need to see the nurse or..."

"No!" She replied, unable to stop her voice from raising in pitch as the vine finally stopped moving inside her. "I'm quite okay. Just a little indigestion. It'll pa..." she gasped quietly, unable to breath as the unmistakable sensation of the vine coming inside her womb occurred. She fought her emotions, desperately trying not to succumb to her body's natural instinct, denying herself yet another orgasm in front of the director. "It'll pass" She squeaked, her walls clenching tight around the green member.

Chiron cast his gaze over her full of concern, but conceded when she managed to smile up at him. "Very well" he said softly, looking around at the other demigods gathered on the beach. "It's a beautiful day for it, isn't it?"

Piper couldn't reply. The moment the bearded man turned away she clamped her hand over her mouth to stop herself screaming as sap started leaking between her legs. The vine was filling her up and her pussy was burning, begging for release. Her body was literally going to burst if she held it back any longer.

"Anyway" the stubbornly patient and slow centaur said, gathering his thoughts as he circling around to head back to the camp. "I'd better go inform the other head consolers of the progress of the search." He looked back down at the trembling demigod, who forced her mouth to smile pleasantly back and pretend it didn't want to yell out obscenities about how big she imagined his horsecock was (no, she had no idea when that thought jumped into her head) "If you happen to see the deadly ancient beetle..."

"Don't worry" she responded rather impatiently. "If I see it, I'll cum...CALL you. I'll call you. I promise."

Chiron raised a bushy eyebrow, but Piper just smiled apologetically. He shrugged, turned away and trotted back toward the camp. She watched him leave, hoping he finds his beetle and considered how amazing it would be to have his huge dick ploughing into her tiny body.

Christ she has the most dirty inappropriate mind when she's horny.

The second she was out of sight over the hill she collapsed onto the floor, plunging her hand under the towel and pushing her fingers alongside the vine into her core, muffling her desperate cries with her free hand. She screamed through her fingers as she finally opened the floodgates, unleashing a tidal wave of pent up pressure that soaked the towels covering her, her hips jerking wildly as she let herself orgasm at last. She didn't care if anyone on the beach witnessed this, she just needed release.

The orgasm lasted almost five whole minutes, one of the longest most explosive climaxes Piper had ever ensured. When it was over her body was a shivering wreck, her skin dripping with sweat, her thighs drenched in cum and sap, the rapevine finally pulling out of her and returning to its dormant state hidden under her jean beside her. She released her mouth, which had stopped screaming a short while ago, her nostrils flaming as they sucked in all the oxygen she'd expelled, her chest heavily slowly as she tried to breath properly, her muscles and lungs weak from exhaustion.

Piper lay there on the beach lifelessly, covered in her own sweat and cum, her body aching as her eyelids fluttered shut, her consciousness shattered as she collapsed into a deep sleep in the midday sun.

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