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Aphrodite's New Plant: Percy gets Drunk

He tapped the bar to order another round, tossing another wad of notes as the man behind the bar poured him another drink. "Just keep them coming" the son of Poseidon told him, knocking back the drink in one gulp.

The bartender immediately refilled his glass before walking back down the bar to serve another customer, keeping a watchful eye on the young man. Percy didn't pay him any heed, staring down at his drink as the bell above the door rang, footsteps being heard as they approached him. "All the friends and relatives you have made over the years, and you called me to drag you out of here?"

The jet black haired demigod turned back to lock his sea green eyes on the teenager, who was wearing his trademark black leather jacket, jeans and black T-shirt, looking very gothic that fitted his lineage well. Percy had opted for a standard grey jacket zipped over his orange camp half-blood T-shirt with fade blue jeans and white sneakers, rather than the Hawaiian shorts and shirt his dad usually wears. "Pull up a pew" he suggested, waving his hand to the stool beside him. "Have a drink. This is...I actually don't know what this is. I just asked for alcohol."

"Should you be drinking?" Nico di Angelo asked him, his dark brown eyes watching him coldly as he climbed up onto the bar stool. "How'd you even get them to serve you? You're not twenty one."

Percy glanced over to the barkeep, whispering under his breath "the stroll brother made me a fake ID a while back, just in case I needed it."

Nico rolled his eyes, suddenly confronted by the Barman, a burly looking bloke with a moustache. "You have ID kid?"

"Oh, I'm not..." Nico began to explain, but Percy interrupted him by proclaiming "he's with me. He'll have whatever I'm having."

The Batman eyed the teen doubtfully. "I'll need to see your ID" he insisted.

Nico looked back at Percy, scowling when he made no effort to either respond or leave. With a snap of his fingers he manipulated the mist before telling the man "I already showed it to you. I'll have whatever he's having."

The man blinked a couple of times, looking confused as he glanced between the two boys before shaking his head, pouring him a glass of his own before walking away. Percy scoffed. "Why won't anyone ever teach me how to do that."

Nico said nothing as he tried the drink, wincing from the taste before setting it back down. "Okay then" he said, turning to face the legendary hero of camp half-blood. "What's going on? Why are you in a bar drinking what, I must assume is heavy back shelf stuff? And why did you ask me to meet you out here? Don't you have a girlfriend for that stuff?"

Percy chuckled, sipping his drink.

"What? You and Annabeth are still a couple right?"

"I don't know" Percy mumbled.

Nico narrowed his eyes, searching his friends sombre expression. "What happened? You two have a fight?"

Percy took another sip. "It would have made things easier if we had."

Nico was starting to get irritated at how cryptic Percy was being. "Just spit it out man. What's going on? What happened?"

Percy stared down at his drink, not sure where to begin.

After he texted Annabeth about running late and cancelling date night due to unforeseen flying vermin, When Percy finally made it back home he was confronted with the most disturbing sight he had ever witnessed; his mom having sex in his own room, with a plant. He didn't know what to do about it so he just stopped functioning, later having flashbacks and nightmares as it haunted his dreams. His mom, making, the noises he was making, what kind of plant was even fucking her? Make no mistake, he understood his mom had sex, that is how he was born, but never wanted the image in his head. And now he did he couldn't be rid of it.

Anyway, the next day he returned to camp to find Annabeth and apologize for standing her up like he did. To his surprise she was more...forgiving? She didn't yell at him, or lecture him, or even make a snide joke, or even call him seaweed brain. She seemed quiet, tense, withdrawn. He assumed he was really in trouble but decided he needed to talk to her about what he had been through. It's what they did after all.

He expected reassurance, or at least howling laughter from her when he told her about his mom, not for her to burst into tears.

Then she told him everything.

She told him how Piper had been acting strange along with her cabin, how Annabeth had broke in to investigate and found the plant they'd been fucking. She told him how she'd been seduced by the plant herself and then had sex with Piper when she walked in on her. If that wasn't harrowing enough, it had been Annabeth who brought the plant to his place to show him, until her mom showed up and seduced her.

When she had finished confessing everything, how she'd cheated on him with her best friend and her mother, Percy just felt...numb. His mind went blank, his emotions just evaporating. He didn't say anything, just stood up and walked away, barely hearing his girlfriend desperately calling after her him.

He just left.

Percy and Nico managed to get though two more rounds before he finished his story, by which point it was Nico who was buying the drinks. "Jayzus Christ" the son of hades breathed, processing everything he'd heard. "That's...heavy."

"I don't even remember walking into this bar" Percy told him. "I just know I really needed a drink."

"I'll second that" he replied, paying for a whole bottle, knowing they'll need it. "So when was this?"

"Day before yesterday. I think. I haven't spoken to her since. Couldn't even look at her."

Nico couldn't imagine, knocking back another glass with the sea hero. They only had a couple of glasses, but whatever they were drinking was strong. Their heads were buzzing already (considering they were still teenagers, their alcohol tolerance was terrible. They were as good as pissed already). "The plant" Nico asked, glancing towards Percy. "Where is the...what'd you call it...rapevine? Where is it now?"

"Well I couldn't bloody leave it at home, could I?" Percy replied. "I took it to my cabin at half-blood hill, hid it away."

Nico nodded, staring down at his drink. "Could I see it?"

Percy looked across at him. His gaze was cloudy, his brain most certainly hammered, but he still had a particularly dubious look. "You want to see it?" He asked, his words slurring.

Nico nodded, his head bobbing, equally intoxicated.

Percy shrugged. "Okay. Follow me." He dropped of his stool and strode awkwardly out of the bar, waving at the barkeep in salute as Nico stumbled after him, carrying the bottle in his hand.

The two demigods walked/stumbled the entire way back to half-blood hill, singing and swaying together as they wrested the rise to pass the tree where the Golden Fleece hangs, greeting the dragon guarding it with a slurred hello. It was late evening by the time they reached the cabins, shushing each other as they crept by the big house to avoid waking anyone inside. Percy led Nico and slowly opened the door to the Poseidon cabin, stepping inside and closing it behind them.

He knelt down beside his bed and pulled out the backpack he'd shoved under there, unzipping it to reveal the small pink and green rapevine sitting in its plant pot while they both slumped onto the bed, staring down at the bag on the floor.

"So that's it?" Nico asked, staring at the plant as it sat silently.

"Yup" Percy replied, taking a swig from the bottle they'd brought home.

Nico cocked his head, examining it carefully. "It doesn't look very...entertaining? Sexy? Fuckable?"

"Apparently, according to Annabeth, it responds to your arousal" he explained. "It'll only come to life if you're horny."

"Really?" Nico nodded, taking a sip from the bottle before passing it back. "Explains Piper and her bunk mates. That also means...when Annabeth and your mom know...they must've been...well..."

"I get it" Percy interrupted, taking a large swig from the bottle. He knew exactly what he was saying, but that didn't mean they were asking for it. From what Annabeth told him, it may react to how turned on they were, but wouldn't do any more than what they would let it.

Meaning both Annabeth and my mom let it fuck them. That I can handle. It's the part where my girlfriend had sex with two other people that he couldn't get his head around. She cheated on him, with her best friend and her mom, of all people.

"What are you going to do?" Nico asked him, as if reading his mind because he didn't ask what was wrong.

Percy sighed, swallowing another gulp, staring at the floor. "I don't know."

Nico nodded his head. Or maybe he was bobbing from intoxication. He looked down at the plant again, nudging Percy with his arm. "Have you tried it?"


"Fucking the plant?"

Percy flung his head in his direction. "No!" He belched, seeing brief stars clouding his vision. "Why would I do that?"

"I don't know? See what all the fuss was about?" Nico suggested. "Your girlfriend got fucked by it. Why shouldn't you?"

Percy blinked, staring at the son of hades like he was suddenly a floating pig. "How would that...that's crazy."

"Is it? You telling me your girlfriend would rather fuck a plant than fuck you? It's logical payback. You should have sex with this rapevine to get back at her."

"The rapevine isn't the issue" Percy clarified. "I can accept the rapevine. It's the fact she fucked her own mother with it I can't get over. And Piper."

Nico shrugged. " should fuck someone else. And the plant."

Percy blinked again, shaking his head. "Jesus Christ. Are you serious?"

"I may be drunk" Nico said sternly, "but I am deadly serious. I am the son of hades. I never joke. You need to get revenge on your girlfriend cheating on you. The best revenge is to cheat on her."

Percy knew that was a terrible suggestion, but his brain was too intoxicated to mount a counter argument. In fact, his drunk mind was convincing him it was a good idea. Why shouldn't I even the playing field? Get my own payback? "It crazy" he said, though his head was nodding of its own accord. "But who would I even have sex with? Should I fuck Piper?"

Nico shook his head. "While that would work, she'd never agree to it. And before you suggest it, you should defiantly not go near her mom while she still despises you."

"Who then?"

"Well..." Nico thought about it a moment, but then turning back. He had a crazy idea. "I have it. Annabeth didn't just fuck anyone. She fucked...another girl. So maybe you...should fuck...another guy."

To Percy's surprise, he leaned in. "I should" he agreed. Shit, how drunk am I? I've never even considered having sex with a dude. That's just...well, gay. "But who?" He asked it, somehow the last logical parts of his brain screamed the answer before they winked out.

Nico grinned, grabbing Percy by the scruff of his shirt and pulling him in to lock him into a steamy, drunken kiss.

The son of the sea god froze as his eyes widened in shock, caught of guard and unable to formulate a response. The teen son of hades took the opportunity to press the advantage, deepening the kiss to explore the vulnerable demigod while reaching down to clasp his hand around Percy's crotch, making him drop the bottle as he tried to jerk away. Nico smiled into his mouth, delighted to feel the unmistakable shape of an erection inside those loose jeans.

"What the fuck!" Percy cried, eventually breaking from the kiss to stare at his mate. In his drunken stupor it didn't occur to him to push him away, walk out the cabin and not partake any further. However, he was so drunk his body started grinding into Nico's palm instead, the bulge in his pants growing as the two locked eyes with one another.

"Come on Percy" Nico said to him, his gaze full of lust and primal desires he'd been harbouring for years. "Don't you want to get back at Annabeth for cheating on you? To get revenge for how she fucked her best friend? Her mom? It's only fair, right?" Nico lowered his tone, his voice growling seductively as he rubbed between Percy's legs, drawing out a slow groan from the demigod. "Let me do this for you. Let me help."

Percy was struggling to come up with any excuses, or retorts, or any coherent thought. All that was on his mind was the image of his girlfriend cheating on him with two other women, and it was turning him on. And the way Nico was rubbing him, God's this is so surreal.

Things got even more weird when the two heads suddenly snapped back to find the small green and pink plant had woken up and grown several feet high, watching them silently as Nico fondled his partner.

"What do you say?" Nico asked, eyeing the plant with its many tentacle vines, his mouth watering at the thought was fucking both it and his oldest crush at the same time. "You want in? Because I must tell you, I'm fucking that thing with or without you." He gave Percy a gentle squeeze before adding "But I really want to taste your dick first."

Percy didn't hesitate. Nico knew just which buttons to press at this precise moment. He let out a loud blood curdling scream, ejaculating inside his boxers as he cried out "Yes. Fuck yes!"

Nico paused when he felt the dampness in the fabric, breaking into a laugh as he realized what happened. He lunged forward to kiss him again, his tongue pushing inside his mouth to dive deeper, taste him properly. Behind him the vines came to them, wrapping around their bodies to hold them together, massaging their limbs to relax them. Percy lost all control of his body, his brain buzzing from the alcohol and swimming lucidly. He slumped against the bed with Nico on top, his lips kissing the boy back on autopilot. The pale skins boy moaned as the vines snaked under his clothes, touching his skin in his sensitive places, circling his nipples and stroking his back just the way he likes. He could feel his own penis pressing against his pants, growing hard as his hands roamed the demigod of the sea.

"I can't wait anymore" he gasped, breaking from his mouth to grab onto his belt buckle. His fingers quickly undid Percy's pants before pulling the waistband down to his knees, followed close behind by his wet boxers.

Percy looked down in time to see his dick rising up into the cold air between them, fully recovered from its over eager climax and ready for another round. Nico stared at it for a moment, drooling over its seven and a half inches. He reached out tentatively, wrapping his small hand around the shaft, his fingers barely touching at the tips. He began to stroke him, and Percy moaned from his touch. "Holy shit!" He mumbled, his breath becoming ragged as the boy massaged him expertly. He's better than Annabeth. This is better than...oh Christ, that's good.

Nico smiled as he watched Percy groan, excited at how hot he was making him with his impromptu hand job. He stepped up the the next level when he licked his balls, making the hero gasp. He took them into his mouth, swirling them around in his mouth while he jerked him off, enjoying the feeling of having Percy's balls in his grasp.

The sea demigod moaned more and more frequently, the vines extending his pleasure by pulling up his shirt to toy with his boy tits, flicking his erect nipples and stroking his chest. Below Nico's mouth he felt another vine rubbing his butt cheeks, gently squeezing them every so often. When Nico released his bollocks the vines were there to fondle them while he licked up the shaft of his dick, from base to tip, before swirling around the head, pulling back the foreskin to kiss the crown.

"Have you ever been fingered?" Nico asked him, looking up at him with a devilish glint in his eye. When Percy didn't answer, he teased his middle finger into the tight hole of his butt, immediately clarifying. Percy quickly shook his head. "That's feel so weird!"

"But so hot" he replied, before opening his mouth and sliding his lips over his throbbing member. Now with his dick in his mouth, Nico could really start pleasuring his idol.

The son of hades was relentless in his skill of oral sex, the blow job unlike anything Percy had experienced. That combined with the vines massaging his body and Nico fingering his ass left Percy a writhing, sweating mess spouting curses and obscenities a mile a minute. He tried to hold on for as long as he could, but the feel of Nico's mouth sucking his cock was more than the demigod could handle. "Fuck, shit, fuck! I'm going to...Nico, I'm gonna cum! You're making me cum!"

Nico mumbled in acknowledgement, humming around his cock to urge him to release. He fired his load soon after, shooting straight down Nico's throat and into his gullet. The experienced teen clamped his lips around the base, swallowing gulp after gulp to ensure he sucked out every last drop. When Percy had been sucked dry he let him go, releasing his dick with a pop, watching it fall limply away.

"Wow" Nico whispered, wiping his mouth. "That was better than I thought it'd be." He glanced up at Percy, who was heaving against the bed semiconscious. "Don't go to sleep yet! I need you. I need you real bad."

Leaping to his feet, Nico raced to get undressed with help from the rapevine, ripping off his clothing as the vines bound up the drowsy demigod laying on the bed. Percy's head swayed as he gazed down at the now naked demigod, who leap onto the bed straddling his chest, his modest penis pointing at his face as the di Angelo boy grasped his head by his hair and guided him to his waiting member. Without a word, Percy found himself opening his mouth and letting the dripping cock inside, getting his first taste of cock.

It wasn't as horrible as he would've imagined it to be.

"Oh, shit!" Nico groaned, his erection sliding steadily in and out of Percy's moist lips as the drunken lover began to suck on it, his fingers tangling in his jet black hair to encourage him. The vines coiled around his body to tease his chest again, stroking his bare backside and tickling his swinging balls as his hips humped the boys face. "Oh, Percy! Your mouth feels too good."

"Mmfpht" the trapped hero mumbled, staring up at the groaning teenager above him while his mouth was full. His tongue licked and swirled around the throbbing dick tasting as much as he could, enjoying the crazy experience.

Further down his body the vines were massaging his thighs, his arms, his waist, waiting patiently as his limp penis hardened once again, rising up to greet the plants arms eager to fondle it. Percy felt a thick appendage cool around his dick tightly, gently squeezing it to feel him out before pulling down the foreskin, revealing his crown. There, a smaller vine explored the head, feeling around his glans, the tip, sliding along the urethra slowly, making his cock twitch.

He had no preparation for what came next. All Percy felt was the vine poke at his tiny hole, open it up, and slip inside. Before Percy realized, he had been penetrated by the rapevine and was now being fucked by it in the most bizarre and the curling way he'd ever known. He moaned loudly around the dick in his mouth, his fingers curling as his arms instinctively strained to break free, his legs spasming.

Nico looked down to watch Percy's eyes roll back into his head, glancing back to see what the plant was doing to him. "Wow, that is so hot" he exclaimed, bouncing on Percy's chest faster to hump his groaning mouth more eagerly. "Fuck, I'm sorry..." he said hastily, placing his hand around the back of Percy's skull to pull him closer, his cock pushing deeper into his throat as he fucked him more forcefully. "I'm sorry, but your just too good. Your mouth is so wet, I have to. Fuck!"

Percy was being abused on too fronts, dick fucked by the plant and deep-throating a horny teenage boy, all while being restrained to his own bed. He had no idea how this night was going to turn out, but landing into a gay/horticultural gang bang wasn't even a theory. But as far and drunken nights went, it wasn't as unpleasant as he could've imagined. In fact (and come sunrise he'll deny ever thinking this) he was quite enjoying himself.

So the demigod pushed the son of hades as much as he could. He sucked that teen so hard his throat was raw. Nico pumped into him all the way to his orgasm, not even giving him a heads up before ejaculating into his mouth. The abort climax set Percy off to, the vine pulling out of his stiff dick sharply to let him explode like a fountain, showering Nico's shoulders and back in cum. The two boys groaned in their shared release until Percy started to choke on the volume of seamen filling his throat. Nico slumped off his lovers chest, falling into a heap beside him as Percy coughed and sputtered, white cum spilling from his mouth. The vines retreated back to its plant pot, sinking back into the soil.

The two heroes lay their in silence, their breathing laboured as their chests rose and fell slowly, sweat covering their faces. Percy was staring at the ceiling, trying to keep his eyes open as he convinced himself that all just happened. I'm not lying in a gutter past out somewhere dreaming all this, am I?

"That was awesome" Nico beamed, coming into few above him, lying on his stomach. He leant in and shared a grateful kiss with Percy, tasting himself on his tongue. "Thank you of this" he said smiling. "You have no idea how much I wanted this night to happen."

"Well..." Percy replied, swallowing back the remains of the spit and cum down his throat as he turned his head to close his eyes. "I'm glad to have been of help. Now I think I'd better get some sleep."

"Hell no!" He laughed, grabbing his face to face him again, jarring him awake before he could pass out. "I may never get a chance like this again. If we're going to revenge fuck, we need to do it right." He glanced down to the rapevine again, pulling up Percy's head so he could see the vines had returned and where waiting at their feet. Percy stared at them intently, feeling Nico's erection digging into his hip as his own cock gave away his excitement. "One fuck isn't enough for what your cheating girlfriend did to you" Nico continued, a devilish grin plastered across his face. "It'll take the whole night to pay back that bitch. Don't you agree?"

Maybe it was the intoxication that spoke. Or maybe Percy really did agree with the horny teenager. Whichever one of them it was, Percy's response was a determined "fuck Annabeth. Let's show her how the guys do it."

Like a dog let off his lease, Nico dove onto Percy and latched onto him with an excited giggle, locking him into a passionate kiss as the vines lunged at the two demigods, joining them for a long and steamy night of sex.

To be continued...

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