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Aphrodite's New Plant: Party at Camp Jupiter

When Rome throws a party, they party hard.

The solstice was an annual event that was celebrated each year by holding a great feast in honour of their patron gods in the senate hall. Similar festivities were held across new Rome, including the coliseum, with offering made up on temple hill. But it was the mess hall where Rome's legion celebrated that held the most recent and unorthodox celebration.

Within the building the five cohorts gathered to feast in their gods honour, merrily celebrating as they have always done until the next stage began. It happened suddenly but still simply crept up on everyone, starting out as a few "innocent" brushes and touches underneath the tables, catching the demigods attention one by one, each silently being introduced to something different and curiously welcoming, a probing green vine greeting each member of the legion.

They were subtle at first, carefully probing for invitations out of sight to each of the soldiers. The shocking part was nobody raised the alarm. Even more shocking was nobody rejected the notion. Within minutes every demigod in the mess hall was being pleasured by two or more vines as they sat at their tables, quietly enjoying the risky but public ministrations. Eventually all conversation abruptly halted as the hall fell silent, all caught up in their individual pleasures. No one said anything about what was happening out loud, but they all acknowledged the elephant in the room.

Or rather, plant in the room.

Within the next hour the mess hall was the scene was the biggest, wildest sex party camp Jupiter had ever held, naked bodies strewn over tables, slumped in chairs or laid across the floor as green vines pleasured and pounded into them while more were suspended in the air wrapped by even more tendrils, some hanging from the roof or pinned to the walls, some upside down, others spread wide open. A lucky few managed to hold onto some of their uniform while most others had their armour in tatters around their feet, ripped away to violate the eager bodies hiding beneath.

If you asked, nobody could say what escalated the orgy. Maybe one unfortunate centurion climaxed a little too loudly, leading to another throwing caution to the wind and stripping in front of everyone. Maybe the vines simply stopped hiding and got more rougher with these romans. It didn't matter, the plant spread across the floor and walls to reach every one of the horny teenagers and deliver them from their torment, fucking them senseless in very way shape or form. The girls were penetrated, pussies, ass and throats filled and breasts fondled, limps groped and massaged, hair tugged and butts spanked, all while filled to capacity with sap until their holes were bursting at the seems. The guys got there share also, rods up their arse and cocks were being sucked as they gulped down mouthfuls of sap and cock, a few even being fucked through their dicks to drive them wild.

Wherever you turned, everyone was claimed. Even the wind nymphs that served the food and drinks weren't spared, their translucent forms shimmering as they rocked against the swarming appendages that held them in place to pleasure them, share them with the demigods. One or two lucky nymphs were granted the privilege of enjoying the bodies of other demigods. The plant was creative in its stimulations, alternating positions to enjoy the heroes in as many ways possible, even passing them around so they could entice them to enjoy each other. They were more than happy to oblige, fucking whomever they were brought together with, be it boy or girl. Everyone got fucked.

And at the centre of it all, the praetor Frank Zhang sat in his seat with the rapevine spreading outwards around him from where they left the plant behind his seat, vines stroking his muscles as his girlfriend bounced on his massive cock on his lap.

"Who knew romans could be such good sluts" Hazel said casually as she watched the madness around her, a wide smile across her face as she hopped on top of him, his dick fucking her ass in a strong, steady rhythm. She was naked, save for the purple T-shirt pulled above her boobs as they swung up and down across her chest. Her legs where held apart by her boyfriends hands under her knees, her gorgeous body on display for anybody to see as she rode him. Her arms were pinned to her sides by the rapevine, which was also pleasuring her skin in other ways, teasing her exposed clit in preparation for the rising new flower drawing closer. It looked like a tulip, large pink petals surrounding a bulbous green dick. The daughter of Pluto was familiar with this flower and was dripping in anticipation.

Behind her Frank groaned softly, lost in the sensations of fucking his girl in front of the legion. Unlike her though he was still very much dressed, his dick pulled through the opening of his trousers as his golden praetor cloak draped over his chair. But the vines weren't leaving him alone either, massaging his limps and stroking his balls while an intimate member plunged into his mouth to muffle his groans. It was taking all his focus to keep Hazel in his hands while he was being fucked himself.

Hazel beamed as she gazed around at the horny demigods all enjoying their new plaything. She hadn't planned on bringing the rapevine to the mess hall, she was just transporting it from their quarters to a potential new lover when she got side-tracked. Before she knew it the plant had spread across the hall and introduced itself to the other campers, and things escalated. Frank was furious at first, but everyone seemed to simply accept this was happening. Hazel was loving the show put before her and wanted to join in with as many as possible. But Frank held her back, wanting her all to himself as he stripped her and made love to her. She didn't mind. With luck he'll grown tired soon enough and she'd get to mingle later. For now, she watched and sighed and suddenly moaned as the flower pushed his cock into her waiting pussy, it's petals cupping her groin and locking around her to begin its sexual process. It's cock thrust inside her deeply while the bud seemed to suck on her entrance, drawing out all her cum and moisture, the combination surreal in action.

"Oh fuck, I love it when I have two dicks inside me" Hazel laughed, surrendering the steamy orgasm that the plant readily drank up like a new-born. She turned back to look at the son of Mars, who was still distracted deepthroating the vine in his mouth. She gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek, leaving him too it so she could focus on her second climax. A few feet away from her she heard a young man cry out in escasty as the vines unloaded itself into his arse, making him cum prematurely over the other boy on his knees who was about to suck his throbbing penis. "It's a shame Reyna isn't here to enjoy the festivities" she sighed, casting one last look for the missing praetor, disappointed she wouldn't get to try her luck with the hot daughter of Bellona.

Except she wasn't missing, she just already had company.

"Oh, yeah, suck that dick" the unmistakable blonde demigod serving as her fuck buddy cried out as the black haired leader knelt before him, her head in his clutching palms as he plunged her down upon his throbbing cock. They were standing behind a free standing column along the edge of the mess hall, just out of sight of the rest of the legion as Reyna dutifully gave Jason Grace his blow job. It had taken some convincing to get her here at all after she'd discovered what had transpired with the plant belonging to her co-praetor Frank, but somehow Jason managed to drag her inside to join in on the party, as well as on her knees sucking his cock. Fortunately everyone was too distracted to notice them entering the premises and Reyna wasn't eager to allow herself to be seen publicly fucking one of her subjects or actively taking part in this orgy.

But that wasn't to say she wasn't enjoying it. Jason may have control of the pace in which he thrust into her throat, his fingers digging into her hair forcing her to choke on his pulsing member, she had her own moves in play. Her hands ghosted over his firm rocking arse after she yanked his jeans down to his ankles, his shirt already disposed off during their brief make out interval upon arrival. With one hand she played with his balls, feeling them slowly tighten as he approached his climax, occasionally squeezing them to keep him on his toes, reminding him she was still in charge. With her other hand, after giving the arrogant son of Jupiter a firm slap across his backside, pierced his tight ring with her middle finger, penetrating him sharply. That made him cringe as she fingered him, opening him up to add more fingers, driving him over the edge, increasing the tempo of his thrusts as his orgasm closed faster.

She was just as wild and horny through, as the rapevine had found them just as it had found her subjects. Vines coiled around them both, massaging their limbs and teasing their sensitive body parts. Jason groaned as two twisted his nipples, following her example and whipping his ass from time to time. She was fortunate to hold onto her clothes, her purple cloak draped over her shoulders to gather around her feet covering her golden armour. But her leggings had managed to be unclasped and pulled halfway down her thighs, along with her panties, opening the way for two thick appendages to fuck both her holes simultaneously, her hips rocking against them as she came again, muffled moans of joy lost to the relentless pounding of her lover fucking her mouth raw.

"Oh fuck!" Jason cried out in a raspy breath, his nails digging into her scalp as his hips ploughed into her, his cock striking the back of her throat like a jackhammer, his movement becoming even more erratic. He was approaching the end of his tether, but he didn't want to be the first to cum. Unfortunately, Reyna was a formidable opponent. "Just...fucking...cum already!" He screamed down at her, the vines in his neck bulging as he held the burning urge to orgasm in.

"Mphft" was the only response she could give as her face was slammed on top of his dick, her nose bruising his navel she as screwed her eyes shut. Just a little longer, she told herself, furiously fingering the boys ass as deep as she could trying to finish him off. Her own body was screaming beneath her as her thighs squeezed the vines pumping inside her uncomfortably, her butt cheeks and vagina clenched resisting her own climax, which only intensified the stimulation of the thick robs moving between them. Just a little longer, she kept repeating, a tear running down her cheek as her body burned, yearning to let go of the tension, the climax threatening to make her explode.

Finally, it ended in a draw. Both the teens lost control as pleasure overtook focus, releasing a bellowing scream as the shared orgasm tore through the pair of them (Reyna's screams choked out by the dick unleashing it's torrent of cum into her mouth). Jason slammed Reyna tight against him as she attempted to drink his seed, the white substance instead burst around his cock to let down her chin and over his thighs, her eyes bulging as she nearly suffocated. Her leggings were drenched when she burst alongside him, soaking the vines as they ejaculated into her, filling up her insides till they too were leaking from her swollen holes. They pulled out of her soon after, leaving her a sticky, dripping mess beneath her cloak.

When Jason finally came down from his high he let go of Reyna's hair, his breathing labored as he watched her pull him out of her sore throat, cum splattering over her front as she coughed it up, gasping for air through her blue lips. "Holy fuck!" She coughed, glaring up at the spent demigod. "Were you trying to kill me?"

"It's your own fault" he huffed back, too exhausted to put too much effort into the retort.

Reyna scowled at him as she pulled herself up to stand face to face, grabbing his hands and pinning them beside his head smiling, making a show of licking up the last of his cum around her lips before planting a firm kiss upon his. Jason tasted himself on her tongue as she forced it down his throat, immediately growing hard again, his penis brushing the sensitive bud of her clit inches away. "I'm going to get you back for that" she told him confidently, grazing the tip of his nose with her teeth.

A growl echoed through the son of Jupiter's throat, eyeing the sexy young praetor pressing against him. "I have a better idea" he suggested, cocking his head in the direction of the orgy behind the column. "Why don't we go in there and we can show everyone how we romans should truly destroy our enemies. I'd love to show them how to bring such a fearsome like you to tears. Maybe I'll let you spank me just to keep face."

Reyna chuckled as she risked a glance over his shoulder, briefly transfixed by the sight of her loyal legionnaires fucking each other like rabbits in all manner of ways, enough to make her own mouth water. What I wouldn't give to be a part of that.

"A tempting offer" she eventually said, giving her lover a tender peck on the lips. "But as praetor, I can't be seen to be fornicating in such a fashion, not like poor old Frank over there. Besides..."

She suddenly paused to stare at Jason intently, her hands slowly pushing his upwards until her mouth drifted closer to his, teasing his waiting and eager tongue. The demigod suddenly stiffened when her felt the rapevine cool around his wrists, binding them above his head leaving her Reyna to move her attention to his muscular torso, circling his nipples playfully as more vines encircled him, lifting up his ankles to join his wrists, his cock stroked forcefully.

Before he knew it, he was at her mercy as she stood before him, eyeing his exposed body with an anticipating gaze. But as his eyes fell lower, he saw something that both made him swallow nervously and caused his cock to twitch in excitement. Pultruding from between Reyna's legs was a very thick, very long green member, grinding up against her clit to stimulate her as she stroked the shaft affectionately, the tip dripping sap onto her fingers.

"Besides" she continued, stepping forward to sear her soaking fingers along the crack in Jason's ass, generously lubricating his waiting, vulnerable pucker as she gazed up at him. "I'm the one who does the fucking. And as much as I'd love to let everyone witness the great Jason Grace take it up the ass like a true Roman..."

She paused again, long enough to angle her new green plant cock in line with his anus before slowly, carefully yet forcefully, pushed the large member into its target, penetrating the son of Jupiter while he grit his teeth to bit back a moan. She kept going until her hips connected to his, hitting the vine so deep inside him there was a noticeable bulge on his belly, his penis rock hard and pointing at his own face.

"I'd rather have you all to myself" She whispered in his ear as she pulled herself back to thrust into the boy, her new fuckdoll helpless as she utterly demonstrated her dominance once and for all out of sight of the room full of wild, horny demigods drowning out his cries of pain and pleasure with their own voices of ecstasy.

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