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Aphrodite's New Plant: Octavian's New Cellmate


For reasons pertaining to the story, I had to step out of my comfort zone for this, so its a short one. so be advised, I don't condone rape and hope not to have to write this again. you've been warned.


The scrawny 18-year old awoke to the sounds off scurrying rodents and dripping water, his eyes blinking open to the harsh yellow sunlight blazing through the bars of his cell. Every morning he was forced to stare up into the rising sun, blinded by its rays. The first of his daily torments.

The former augur painfully pulled himself back onto his feet, his wrists raw from where he'd been hanging from the shackles all night. His arms ached from the stain, despite the fact he'd lost at least several stone over the last year since he'd been thrown in this cell. His body was becoming thin, his frame almost skeletal and his pale skin almost ashen grey. The scraps they were feeding him weren't enough. He predicted he'd waste away within a few more weeks.

Octavian looked down at the sorry state he was in. Once a proud centurion of Camp Jupiter, a pillar of his community, the Pontifex Maximus. Now he was just another cast away, his skin dirty and pathetic, his only article of clothing the tight, damp, shit-stained underwear around his waist. His blonde hair was a tattered scorched mess, one side blackened around the horrific burns scarring one side of his face, which framed his crazed blue eyes menacingly.

Outside his was a pathetic waste. But behind those eyes, Octavian plotted, and schemed, and planned. Even months after he'd been found in that crater outside the Greek camp he'd sworn to destroy, having survived the incident with the slide weapons that set him on fire and nearly killed him, after Reyna had ordered to have him locked in this dungeon with no outside contact, no visitors, no means of manipulating anyone, his mind was as sharp as ever.

I will find a way out of this cell. And when I do...there will be repercussions.

Octavian pushed himself to stand up straight, inhaling a deep breath as he stretched his weary muscles. Today wasn't special. They fed him once a week, just enough to keep him alive. Water flowed through a nearby grate to his left just within his reach, but it tasted like sewer water (he suspected it was). And once a moth he'd occasionally get a visit from the bitch herself, just to rub it in his face she won. But that wasn't today, she wasn't due for another few days. No, today was just another day of isolation, to gather his thoughts. To plan.

He was surprised when he found a gift left in the corner of his cell across from him.

Sitting on a stool by the bars of the cell was a curious looking plant pot, with a suspicious green and pink plant. When Octavian saw it, he was immediately suspicious. What the hell is this? Something to mock me? Remind me of what's outside these walls? He narrowed his eyes to study the plant, examining the details. He didn't recognize anything about it, it was new to him. "Stupid house plant" he mumbled, returning his thoughts to more important matters. He could tell there was nothing of importance about this thing, so he ignored it.

He changed his tune when it came to life and attacked him.

He looked up as it moved out the corner of his eye, the vines shifting as they grew longer and thicker. No sooner had he clocked his eyes back on it they struck outward, grabbing with faster than mercury himself. He made to shout out in alarm, but the vanguard of the assault lashed around his throat, constricting suddenly to cut off his voice, strangling him as the others wrapped around his body, restraining him tightly.

His eyes bulged in horror as he was lifted into the air by his ankles, his feet pulled apart with his wrists cutting into the shackles on the wall. He garbled a shriek as he felt the plant begin to crush him, squeezing him almost to death. Then it loosened, letting him breath again. What the fuck is this? His head turned on a swivel trying to see the plant, but he could find the corner it was sitting in, obscured by the encircling vines. He opened his mouth to speak, but the vine around his neck choked him again, this time adding an extra thick appendage into his mouth to gag him completely, pushing down his the narrowing passage of his throat.

It won't let me scream. Who would put this thing in here with me? For what purpose?

Next came the whipping. Vine struck his body at random intervals, across the back, his chest, legs, arms, face even, unpredictable. He'd cry out in pain around the gag in his mouth, struggling to breathe with the airway cut off. He could see the red welts forming on his skin from the lashings, his eyes watering from the pain they were inflicting.

The torture was just beginning.

At some point during the beating, the vine in his throat started thrusting, moving back and forth inside his mouth. It wasn't subtle as it shoved deeper, making him gag as it force him to suck its length. The indignity of such an assault was enough to humiliate Octavian to the point of seeing red. I'm not some cock sucker! I will not stand for this!

Yet there was little he could do, especially when a second vine pressed up to his arse. It rubbed against him through his underwear before they were ripped away from him, his dick flapping loosely as the vines proceeded to slap his bottom harshly, earning new groans of pain from its captive.

They struck hard against his backside while gently caressing his cock to entice it to grow against his will, coiling around the hardening shaft and pulling back the foreskin to reveal the crown. Octavian stared down in horror as the plant ran over his urethra, opening up its slit and pushing inside slowly, his toes curling as he was violated in such a bizarre way. Smaller vines wrapped up his balls tightly, squeezing hard as his cock was penetrated, fucked, while the demigod squirmed in the shackles in protest.

No! I won't let you...not like this! This is unholy! Unnatural! THEY CANT DO THIS TO ME!

The last thing Octavian felt before he blacked out was a large bulbous vine shoving into his arsehole to rape his body in all his holes, the pain shooting stars across his vision before everything went dark.

But in those stars, Octavian saw everything. And it all sent a ghastly chill up his spine.

It was a week before Octavian finally received a human visitor.

Reyna stepped into the cell and stared down at the pathetic excuse for a Roman at her feet. The man was slumped against the wall in a heap, dangling from the shackled cutting into his wrists, blonde hair splayed across his face. He was naked, so she was careful to avert her gaze from his shrivelled junk, but she did note how weak and fragile his body appeared. Maybe she should consider feeding him more, though she'd secretly wish the traitor would just starve. She glanced around at the cell, noting the splattered droplets of blood from the fresh cuts and welts across his pale skin, framed with bruising all over his body, covered in sweat and sap and his own cum.

"I see you got acquainted with your new roommate" she said calmly, glancing across to the corner where the rapevine sat patiently, allowing a small decree smile. "I recently became aware of its existence, and its...unique abilities. My fellow praetor helped me acquire this particularly aggressive strain from its maker, as a little decoration for your cell. Along with the added company. Wouldn't want you to get lonely down here on your own."

She paused to let Octavian speak, waiting for his familiar witty remarks or curse. To her surprise, he was ghostly silent. Any other day she'd be concerned, but she had better things to worry about than this backstabbing bastard.

"I just wanted to say, again... we're doing fine. Rome is doing fine without you. Better, even. We're about to host the annual banquet in our patrons honour. It's really a shame you'll miss it, have a good time down here, okay?" She turned and strode out the cell, leaving him alone with his new houseplant.

"You need to destroy it" his voice whispered across the cell.

She stopped just before the threshold, pausing to take a breath and hold back the heat of rage that rose every time she heard him speak. Even with his words so weak she could feel her fists clenching. "Destroy what?" She asked him, controlling her tone to avoid giving away her emotions.

"The plant" he replied weakly. She turned back to find him staring up at her, his eyes wide and full of desperation. "You can't leave it here" he pleaded. "You have to take it away!"

Reyna resisted the urge to grin at his obvious torment, focusing her gaze on his as she replied coldly "it's what you deserve, asshole." With that she left the cell, letting the guard lock it behind her with a heavy clank.

"You don't understand!" Octavian's voice cried after her, his eyes bulging from their sockets as he strained to reach her. "You have to get it out of here! Rome isn't safe! None of us are safe! I've seen what it is! I'VE SEEN WHAT ITS BECOME! LISTEN TO ME!"

Hush now my pet.

The prisoner's body froze, his pale skin dropping to an extra shade of white as his heartbeat stopped in fear. He felt his gaze drawn towards the dark corner of his cell, where it watched him patiently. He quivered under its gaze, playing for mercy from his gods, his patrons, even his father who damned him with the gift of prophecy. The gift that now shows him the truth. The truth that revealed how they all doomed.

Hush now, the voice whispered in his head, it's tendrils slipping under his skin and invading every conscious thought as the rapevine reach out to embrace him once more.

It's time to play, it whispered.

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