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Aphrodite's New Plant: Mother & Daughter Bonding: Part 1

Annabeth sat back on the firm mattress, tapping her knee impatiently as she checked her phone for the eleventh time. "On my way. Be home in five minutes" the text from Percy read. That was twenty minutes ago.

The daughter of Athena tossed her phone aside, huffing in frustration as she waited in Percy's bedroom. She'd dressed up especially for this afternoon, wearing light blue jacket over a peach coloured button blouse, tight dark grey jeans with neatly polish black shoes. She dropped her small handbag next to her feet as she adjusted the ponytail holding her blonde hair back. She only really dressed this well for special occasions; like going on a date with Percy they were sure wasn't going to be interrupted by monster attacks, or family functions. Or today.

She took a long breath as she cast her stormy grey eyes over to the chest of drawers across the room, where she'd placed the potted green and pink plant upon it. "Come on Percy, what's taking you so long?" She muttered to herself. Best case, he got distracted on his way home, probably by a hot dog stand or something. Demigods are commonality ADHD and Percy Jackson was particularly prone to losing his focus. Worst case, something turned up that he needed to fight. "Come on, just today, please." Annabeth needed to see him now, more than anything else. She had to make it up to him.

Ever since that evening in Cabin 10, the incident with Piper, Annabeth had been trying to get a moment to talk with her boyfriend. But with her responsibilities around camp and him helping his mom with his new baby sister, they haven't been able to a moment to talk privately. So, for the sake of avoiding the awkwardness, she and her best had agreed to keep some distance from one another, just till she sorted things out with her boyfriend. They had a long talk, both agreeing with the decision, but not before coming to another conclusion.

The two of them fooling around, that could never happen again. But what she did with the plant, Annabeth concluded that since the rapevine wasn't considered a living being like humans, it wasn't technically cheating when she had sex with it. She decreed it as no different to masturbating. Besides, its was to enjoyable to let go. So with a little help from a fellow camper from the Demeter cabin (neglecting to inform him of the plants abilities) Annabeth was given a cutting of the plant and secretly grew an exact duplicate in her room back home in San Francisco, intending to share it with Percy after talking with him.

Hiding the plant from her dad through the following days was hard. Testing the plant to ensure it performed just like its predecessor in her bedroom without her step brothers spying on her through the door, an even greater challenge. But now, having a fully matured rapevine in her closet and finally getting on the phone with her boyfriend, Annabeth visited his apartment with the gift in her arms, butterflies in her stomach as Sally Jackson welcomed her in and invited her to wait for her son in his room.

The plan was to tell Percy everything, how she found the plant in cabin 10, was...enticed to fuck it, then how she ended up having sex with Her best friend. Piper was confident he'd forgive her, but she still had doubts, worried how'd he'd react. That's why she brought the plant, hopeful they could experience it together and he'd understand how intoxicating it was.

Her phone finally pinged and she snatched it up to read the text. "Sorry babe. Got held up. Load of crazy vultures got me and now I'm halfway across the country. Came we reschedule?"

"Goddamnit Seaweed brain!" Annabeth cursed, throwing her head back to silent scream at the gods. Seriously? Now, of all days? She shook her head, typing out her response angrily. "Sure. Talk to you later." She hesitated over the send button, adding a final "love you" to the reply before sending it.

She sighed in frustration as she stood up, hoisting her bag over her shoulder and walked to the plant on the drawers. It's vines shifted as she approached, waving gracefully through the air. "I guess it's just you and me tonight" she said sadly. Stroking the vines with her finger. "Not that we'll be doing anything. Fooling around with you is fun and all, but it just feels wrong without Percy there. Brings up...memories." She wanted to say unpleasant, but they were anything but. "Stupid monsters always ruining our date night. Sometimes I just wish AIEE!"

She looked down to find the long green appendages reaching forward to caress her boobs, snaking under her clothes to wrap around her chest and touch her soft skin. "Hey, cut it out!" She scolded, swatting the vines away.

"Everything okay in there?" Sally's voice called from behind the closed door.

Annabeth paled when she heard it, not sure how to explain being molested by a persistent houseplant. "Yeah, everything's fine" she called back, quietly shooing the vines back as they pressed on the offensive, groping her aggressively until she started to moan.

"I haven't heard from Percy in a while. I hope he's alright."

She bite back a moan as they fondled her, her nipples growing hard under the fabric of her clothing. "He's...he's no his way back now. I just texted him." It wasn't a total lie, but the last thing she needed was for Percy's mum to walk in on her being pleasured.

"Oh, good" she called back, followed by footsteps retreating down the hall. "I'll start dinner then, she heard her say, her voice vanishing into the apartment.

Annabeth gasped for air as she let out a long groan, her hand pulling away the vines as she regained her composure. "Not cool!" She told the plant, which just stayed silent as it hovered over her heaving chest. Damnit, it's got me all worked up now. She looked down at her house, seeing a couple of the buttons already pulled loose revealing the red lace bra underneath (a gift from Piper). "Fine" she sighed, immediately regretting this decision as she unbuttoned her blouse, opening her chest up to the rapevine. "Five minutes" she told it. "Not a second longer."

She had no idea if it understood her at all, but it took the invitation willingly, reaching out and lifting her bra over her big round breasts and wrapping around them, coiling around her erect nipples quickly and urgently. She sighed as it pleasured her tits, pushing back her embarrassment just this once to let it enjoy her, relaxing into its grasp. She hated her boobs, hated the attention they brought, but couldn't help but moan at how the plant teased her, her breath slowing as her body craved its touch.

"Oh Percy" she moaned, closing her eyes and letting her mind wander, thinking about how he'd play with her, hold her close, kiss her gently. She felt a thick vine rub along her bottom lip, her brain imagining it as Percy's thick throbbing member, giving it a gentle kiss as it probed her mouth, waiting for her to open up...

"Amazing, isn't it."

Annabeth's eyes snapped open as she spun around, her quick thinking brain giving her every defence technique she knew as the rapevine released her immediately. What she found was the form of a tall dark haired woman standing by the bed in a long blue dress, her hair plaited down her back, her large stormy grey eyes watching the demigod with a fondness akin to a...

"Mom?" Annabeth squeaked in shock, suddenly aware of her state of dress. Her arms shot up to cover herself, hiding her exposed breasts from view. "What are you doing here?"

"Why?" The goddess of wisdom said, striding towards her daughter on her long toned legs, her bare feet patting against the floor boards. "Does a mother need a reason to see her favourite daughter?"

"You usually do" she replied, hastily pulling her bra down to hide her boobs. She went to button up her blouse, but Athena's hands took hers and stopped her. She looked up to find her mothers eyes gazing into hers with a strange twinkle. "So...what do you want?" She asked her, suddenly uncomfortable under her strong gaze.

"To see you" she replied, brushing a strand of blonde hair behind Annabeth's ear, her fingertips tracing a line down her neck to her chest, her eyes drifting over her with admiration. "You've truly grown so much these past few years."

You noticed? she wanted to shout back at her, still harbouring resentment for abandoning her since birth and leaving her with her step mother. But something in her voice chilled her spine, sending Goosebumps along the skin her mothers hand touched. She didn't know what this was about, but it was making her feel very uneasy.

Athena saw the trepidation in Annabeth's body language, pouting softly as she brought her hand to her cheek. "It okay dear" she spoke softly, calming her with her soothing voice. "You don't have to worry. I would never hurt you." She watched as her daughters eyes met hers questioningly, giving her a pleasant smile. "You worry to much. It's our curse. So many questions to answer. Too many puzzles to solve." She stroke her cheek gently before slowly pulling her closer, leaning in to breath in her sweet olive scent. "You just need to relax, and stop thinking too much."

Annabeth wasn't sure what the most horrifying thing she was expecting from this visit was, but having her own mother kiss her on the lips certainly never occurred to her.

Her head jerk back in surprise as she fell backwards, hitting the chest of drawers and shaking the potted plant behind her, which started to move in response to the growing heat between the two young women. "Mom!" She cried in shock, careful to keep her voice down before she alerted Mrs Jackson there was someone in here with her. "What are you doing?"

Athena gave her a smile, stepping forward to close the gap, effectively pinning her daughter in place with nowhere to run. "I'm sorry" she said sadly, her fingers running circles around Annabeth's red bra. "I was bored, and lonely, and I wanted to try something...different. Call me curious, but I wanted to spend time with you. Learn more about you."

She leaned in to peck her lips playfully, making her flinch while she smiled in amusement. "Are you crazy? We can' anything. You're my mom."

"I know. Exciting, isn't it."

Annabeth gawped at her, her mouth slack-jawed as her mom moved in to kiss her again. She couldn't react fast enough to pull away, trapped by Athena's strong hand on the back of her head, moaning into the kiss as she tried to break away. She brought her hands up to push against her, but pulled back abruptly when they found her mothers large breasts instead. Athena let her go and giggled, taking her daughters hands and placing them on her chest, crushing them against her mounds, letting her feel how big they were.

"Help me take of this dress?" Athena asked her, dragging her hands up to her shoulders, hooking them under the blue fabric as she kept her gaze on the blonde demigod.

Annabeth gulped back the urge to vomit as she watched the blue dress tumble off her shoulders, falling to the floor around her feet leaving her mother stark naked in too close proximity to her. "This is insane" she said in a rushed voice, averting her gaze from the perfect figure she had no business or desire to look at in this way. "You're my mom. I'm your daughter. This is wrong. I have a boyfriend for crying out loud!"

"You know Percy's not good enough for you" Athena scowled, rather focus on anything but the son of Poseidon. "And anyway, I didn't see him anywhere when you were enjoying the company of that sluts daughter. What was her name? Piper McLean?" Annabeth went white when she heard her best friends name. "So here's a deal" she said, kissing her daughters stunned face as she whispered in her ear, "I won't tell if you won't."

Annabeth let out a pained wimpier as she felt her moms boobs press against hers, her breath coming in fearful gasps as she was forced into a corner. Both metaphorical and physical. Conflicting thoughts and emotions hit her all at once, leaving her defenceless as Athena came in to lock lips with her, relinquishing control, feeling defeated. I'm sorry Percy.

If making out with her mom was bad enough, the familiar feeling of the vine brushing between her legs only succeeded in making this day even worse. Annabeth screamed into the goddess's mouth as it rubbed her sex through the fabric of her jeans, bringing her out in a cold sweat. "I see you've acquainted yourself with Aphrodite's little experiment" Athena commented, reaching over to greet the growing green vines that rose up to wrap around the pair of them. "Fascinating specimen, don't you think? I'm familiar with their unique brand of pleasure. Maybe we can share the experience together?"

Annabeth's face scrunched up at the image of her mom being fucked by the rapevine, realizing that thought may soon become reality, with her right next to her. "Oh god" she groaned, dreading what was to come as the vines took hold of her breasts once more, mirroring the motions on her mothers body as they played with them, pulling her bra part to free her chest and attack them without hinderance. Athena laughed, plunging her tongue into her mouth to explore her daughter in a more intimate fashion, indulging her senses while she massaged her soft breasts.

The demigod moaned regrettably as her body gave in to temptation, enjoying the way her mom toyed with her. She struck back with her own tongue, desperate to recapture any semblance of control in the situation, but the goddess was relentless, giving no quarter as she dominated the young girl in her hands. She pulled away, leaving her gasping for air as she dropped her hands to her waist and unhooked her jeans.

"Wait" she gasped, squirming against the drawers as the vines coiled tighter around her body, squeezing her gently till she whimpered. "This is so wrong" she whined, but Athena put a finger to her lips.

"Shh" She hushed her, smiling warmly as she returned to her tight jeans, pulling the down her thighs to her knees. "Don't be shy" she whispered, hooking under her light grey panties and pulling them down, revealing the neatly trimmed pussy hidden beneath. "You are so pretty" she said proudly, cupping her sex and eliciting a loud moan from her daughters lips. "So sexy."

The rapevine moved in on the two of them, wrapping around their limbs and pulling them tighter together, crushing the pair to they could feel every inch of the others body. Annabeth groaned in protest while Athena sighed in delight, enjoying the sensations of many appendages massaging her muscles while kissing her daughters soft skin on her neck and collarbone. Annabeth tried to fight it, but the pleasurable sensations were overwhelming her body, her resistance falling apart. This is so wrong, but damnit does it have to feel so good?

Athena took Annabeth's face in her faces and pulled her into another passionate kiss, powerless to stop her, even more powerless to stop the vine from penetrating her core beneath her. The demigod gasped as she broke away from her mother, a pained shriek as she was fucked without mercy. Athena groaned in her ear, her body jerking against hers. "Oh chaos! It's fucking me Annabeth. It's fucking my pussy."

She figured as much, but still found herself replying with "mine too, mom." The two of them rocked against one another, the twin vines pounding them simultaneously as a third slithered up between their breasts to tit fuck them, enjoying the tight squeeze as it thrusted up towards their gaping mouths.

Athena was the first to take it into her lips, plunging down its length as it dove down her throat, fucking her face inches away from Annabeth's. She watched as her mother sucked the vine as hard as she could, her own lips yearning for a dick of their own. The vine slipped out of Athena's mouth, dripping with saliva as it swung around to Annabeth's face, plunging into her waiting mouth without asking for permission. Annabeth gaged on the length, choking on the taste of her mom on her tongue as it deep throated her, thrusting quickly so it could pull out and re-join her mom.

The two of them shared that vine between them several more times until they both climaxed at the same time, cum coating the vines inside them as the plant jettison a stream of sap from the vine between their boobs, covering their faces and shoulders, soaking their hair as it sank back between their chests, leaving them a hot sticky mess.

"Well, that was fun" Athena laughed, licking the sap from around her mouth. She gazed across at her daughter, who was staring back at her with a tired expression. "What should we do next?" She asked, kissing her daughter softly, sharing the spoils of their afternoon.

To be continued...

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