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Aphrodite's New Plant: Leo becomes a Gamer

The best thing about cabin nine at camp half-blood, is it's bigger on the inside. Two floors and a basement, yet no one knows who or how they made it such. But for the children of Hephaestus, it worked a treat. Gave them more than enough room to fit the oversized workshop, retractable bunk beds, countless unfinished projects and junk and still have space for new ideas. A forge fit for a bunch of ADHD demigods.

Right now the forge was empty. Not quiet, the furnace burning hot and gears turning as machines pumped and roared automatically. But all the occupants were busy elsewhere, either training or eating at the pavilion. All except Leo, who volunteered to man the forge until someone relieved him. It was a cabin rule they set up after one of their inventions overheated and activated on its own, tearing out of the cabin and scorching a hole straight through the Ares cabin. It took them a week to repair all the damage. So now one camper was elected to monitor the forge any time there was a pending situation, such as a device cooling on a work bench or a computer installing updates. Today, all Leo had to wait for was his bunk mates new device to finish fusing together inside the furnace.

The egg timer buzzed and Leo reached inside the fire to grab the metal ball on the grate. Perk of being a rare son of the blacksmith was he'd inherited his immunity to fire, one of the only demigods at camp who had it. He checked the mould for any cracks or blemishes before dunking it into the nearby tub of water, the steam filling the room. "I don't even know what this thing is" he said to himself as he placed it carefully down on the work bench, wiping his brow of sweat and shaking the soot from his curly brown hair. "Could be anything from a bomb to the next generation games console. Didn't think to ask before I took the job did I?" He studied the object intently with his focused brown eyes, his impish smile crossing his face. "If you explode while I'm downstairs...working, I am going to throw you in with Spencer's toys. Trust me, you don't want to know what they were designed for."

The device was silent as it sat their, so signs of anything ready to implode. Leo prayed it would stay that way. The guy who instructed him on what to do with it swore all he had to do was let it cool and he'd be fine until he got back. That gave him an hour before He would be relieved of watch duty. Two if they were serving pancakes at dinner.

I think I have time for my girls.

Leo removed his overalls and tossed them to the floor by his back, currently retracted into the wall like the rest. He walked towards the back wall wearing nothing but his red boxer shorts. The forge got hot and many of the occupants preferred working in their underwear when they were alone, they even made a red warning light to flash outside to warn entering parties before they entered.

He glanced behind him just in case before imputing a code into an LED keypad in the corner, opening up a secret compartment in the cabin where a reclining chair was situated inside a cylindrical room. He flicked the lights on and two rows of bulbs circled the room, illuminating the chair in blue light, revealing the pair of goggles resting on the seat. The chair was padded for comfort, but simplistic in design, a handful of loose wires hanging down from the back. The rest of it was wireless. Not many people know this room exists, but it's where the forge campers experiment and toy with their relative VR programs. Each occupant has their own projects, most kept private as they tinker every so often. Leo had three such programs, his personal favourite he'd designed to link into his world of Warcraft account. Playing the game was nothing compared to living in it.

He walked inside the dark chamber and took the goggles, sitting himself down as he settled in for a quick afternoon game. It wasn't his Warcraft programs he intended to play today. "Activate the matrix" he said eagerly, putting the goggles on as the room hummed, holographic projectors scanning his body, making his skin tingle. He removed his boxers and threw them out the open door, looking around at the hard light sensors. One of their resident geniuses had figured out a way to project sensory outputs onto the players, enhancing the 4d experience they'd already had, meaning they could literally feel anything they experienced within the program. You touched a wall, your fingers would recognize the texture. You got punched in the gut, it would hurt, you fell to your death and got impaled on a row of spikes...they made sure there was a safety feature to avoid unnecessary torture. But to get the best results, the player required as little clothing as possible.

Once satisfied, Leo pressed the buttons on the side of the specs and relaxed into the chair, speaking clearing to the voice recognition system. "Play game file Leo Valdez number 3C, password...dreams come true." There was a steady thrum as the program ran. "Initiate" he commanded, his vision going dark as his Virtual reality program booted up.

Before he knew it, he found himself sitting in an armchair on the bow of the Argo II, bright blue sky hanging above his head as the boat rocked gently against the lapping waves. At the blow Festus hummed calmly as they sailed across the seas. The sea air blew across his face as the yellow sunlight warmed his skin. He looked down to see himself completely naked, still caked in soot, as if he'd teleported straight from his forge. He scanned the boat again, grinning joyfully as he took in the surreal feeling of being back on his ship.

It felt good to be back.

"Welcome back captain."

Leo looked up to see the silhouette of a young woman standing over him with the sun glaring behind her. He held up his hand to block the sunlight, but then remembered where he was and simply spoke aloud "dim sunlight". Now he could see the girl more clearly as she smiled welcomingly at him, her dark almond eyes twinkling as her caramel hair glowed around her shoulders. Leo swallowed back a gulp of anticipation as he gazed down her lean and slim body, wearing nothing but a white bikini with her hands on her hips.

"It's good to see you again" the representation of Calypso greeted him with a warm smile, walking over to his seat gracefully. "How long has it been?" She asked, tracing a gentle finger across his muscular chest, cutting a line through the soot.

"Too long" Leo whispered, transfixed by her beauty. It had actually been only a week since he'd last run this program, with her as his partner of choice. He'd taken care to get the details of her appearance just right, exactly as he remembered her from the island. It pained her he never got the navigation device working to find her, but one day he will. Till then, this simulation will have to do.

"I'm glad you came back" she said sweetly, leaning down to kiss his cheek before drawing him into a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Hey, leave some for the rest of us!" A voice called from behind her.

Calypso tutted as she turned back to face the three other half naked girls sitting impatiently at the bow of the ship watching them. Leo glanced around her sheepishly at the other simulated programs he'd made alongside the young sorceress, all resembling his close friends and part-time fantasy girlfriends. "Well its not my fault I'm his favourite" Calypso taunted smugly, patting his chest as she gave him a teasing peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, but you don't need to hog all the action either" the digital version of Hazel countered, laying on her stomach with her feet in the air as the sun tanned her coca brown skin, her golden eyes narrowed from annoyance. She wore a green bikini that framed her assets perfectly, exactly as she appeared in real life. Leo was careful to get the details on all his girl's accurate, though it required a lot of awkward staring and silent but subtle measuring and the occasional photograph or two. He got lucky with Hazel when he was invited to a threesome with her and frank and he got an opportunity to get more data from the hidden video he recorded during the night.

(Not his finest hour. Or rather, 46 minutes and 7 seconds.)

"Yeah, come on captain" the blonde hair girl in the blue bikini pleaded, sitting next to the others with her knees to her chest, her arm wrapped self-consciously around them. "Let some of us have a go" Annabeth begged, locking her stormy grey eyes onto Leo's as he smiled guiltily. "I promise I'll be much more entertaining than she is."

"Yeah, please Leo" the familiar brunette in the red bikini echoed form beside her friends. Piper threw her chocolate hair back as she reclined against the step to showcase her beautiful figure. "You know I was born for this. Let me blow your mind in every way possible."

Leo's mouth watered as he stared at his harem, the four hottest girls he'd managed to recreate within this program for his own personal...relaxation purposes. Yeah, that's not creepy. How many more girls are waiting as "drafts" to be completed and added again? You are so going to hell for this Valdez.

"Well captain?" Calypso asked him, looking down expectantly as the others waited for him to choose his partner for the afternoon. And for the life of him, he couldn't decide.

"I'm sorry" he said, sighing wistfully. He didn't have long, so he couldn't waste time making up his mind. "Computer, shuffle...two." Better make it a threesome, else I'd be working at it all evening.

A second later all four girls abruptly blinked before Hazel and Piper smiled, Hazel even quietly cheering while Calypso sighed in disappointment alongside Annabeth. "No fair" the blonde pouted, "I never get picked."

"What do you expect, you have a boyfriend" Hazel laughed as she rose up to her feet to join Piper as they walked over to their captain.

"So do you" she complained as Calypso sank down to sit beside her, tucking her legs under her as she watched her lover be embraced by two hot young mistresses.

"Listen, ladies" Leo stammered, swallowing back his excitement as his penis stood to attention harder than he'd ever felt it before. "I've only got maybe an hour before I have to leave again, so..."

"You want it quick and hard? We can do that." Piper assured him, sliding in beside him on the chair so she was pressed up to his right side. Leo could sense the holosensors kicking in to project the feeling of her body pushing against him, her warmth enveloping him, making him breath heavily from the feeling. Even in a computer, her body felt amazingly soft.

On the other side of him, Hazel stood over him, running her fingers through his curly black hair, giving him that warm smile she like to give him. "Whatever you want. We live to serve..." she leaned in and kissed him teasingly, "...and love."

Leo kissed the coca flavoured girl, his mind casting back to that one afternoon when they'd slept together, amazed at how real the virtual world felt in this room. The combined efforts of cabin nine have outdone themselves, he thought. As he kissed the daughter of Pluto passionately, the daughter of Aphrodite got impatient and pulled him away to lock her lips around his, her taste completely different to Hazel. Leo got lost in her scent as he reached up to stroke her back, feeling her skin on his finger tips. Determined not to be left out, Hazel started to nibble on his ear, her hand stroking his waist just above his groin like a tease. His body was sending all manner of signals confirming he was indeed enjoying this game.

Leo got distracted when he heard Annabeth whine from the side-lines, pulling away from his lovers briefly to look at her. Usually the girls who weren't chosen just vanished, but remembered he recently added some code letting them stay and watch...or more. "Why don't you entertain each other if you're that desperate" Piper suggested, glancing back at her disheartened friend.

Annabeth opened her mouth to say something until Calypso interrupted proclaiming "that's not a bad idea", grabbing her by the cheek and pulling her into a deep kiss. Before Leo's eyes the two girls were making out with each other so furiously he could hear the wanton moans under their breath, even after Annabeth dove on top of the sorceress to make love to her.

"Oh gods, that's so hot" piper moaned breathlessly as she watched them. Leo was watching them intently, his cock throbbing as their hands roamed all over each other. Suddenly Piper grabbed his left hand and looked him dead in the eye. "It's so hot, it making me..." she pulled his hand down towards her and immediately shoved it into her panties, right between her thighs. Leo gasped in awe the moment he felt her wetness touch his skin, hearing her long sigh of relief when he touched her. "There. Right there. I needed that."

"You are such a slut" Hazel rolled her eyes as the brunette started grinding against Leo's palm, her nails digging into his shoulders to hold on as he rubbed her moist cunt in his hand furiously. She left him to finger her pussy as she slowly kissed her way down his torso, circling around until she was kneeling between his legs, staring up at his average but impressive erection. "Leave me to do all the hard work" she muttered as she stroked his manhood, making the young boy gasp as he felt the sensors along his cock. It always caught him off guard.

To anyone watching from the real world, Leo was sitting in a dark room wearing oversized goggles writhing around naked touching and kissing nothing but air. Unbeknownst to him, something was drawn to his heightened state of arousal, rising up from beneath the chair to look over him with many feelers, paying close attention to the specific points the sensors were feeding his "touches" to. After a minute of studying the patterns they joined them, following the sensations and bending seamlessly like ghosts as they began to pleasure the boy. His body registered their affection even if his mind was occupied with fantasy.

Leo moaned into the mouth of Piper as Hazel slowly licked around the tip of his cock, her tongue moist against his sensitive skin making it throb with desire. She ducked down the length to take his ball-sack into her mouth, swirling them around inside her mouth. Leo groaned loudly, breaking away from the kiss leaving the daughter of Aphrodite to latch onto his neck, trailing across his collarbone while she toyed with his chest. Unbeknownst to him was everything he was feeling right now was being shadowed by the smooth green vines circling him, each touch a very real sensation he was feeling, including one fondling his balls as a blossomed appendage hovered over his throbbing dick.

Hazel released his balls to lick up his shaft torturously slowly, a vine tracing her tongues path as if the vines could tell what the simulation was doing. Further evidence of this came when Hazel opened her mouth to take in his cock and the blossoming flower slipped over it like a flesh light, mirroring his lovers motions to suck the mechanics dick expertly. "Oh fuck" Leo moaned, holding onto piper tighter as Hazel blew him, his hips jerking into her mouth, his free hand reaching down to get tangled in her curly hair, small vine weaving through his fingers. "Shit, Hazel. Where did you...fuck!"

The African American mumbled a replied, her cheeks swelling as she bobbed atop his dick pumping it like a trumpet. Piper continued her assault on his body, grinding herself into his hips getting turned on by his erotic noises. "You sound so sexy" she whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe. "You're going to make me cum. You want me to cum captain?"

Leo lost all control, his cock exploding inside Hazels mouth as piper cried out in orgasm, the protectors triggering the feeling of wetness burst across his thigh as the vines pulled of his prick. "That was so hot" Hazel cooed seductively, swallowing his cum as she rose up to position her breasts around Leo's still erect cock. "Your dick is so amazing. And your cum tastes so good. I want more."

"I want some too" Piper pleaded, mewling like a cat against Leo's torso.

"I think I've got more to spare" he said confidently, rising up to his rise, pulling piper up with him before gently shoving her to her knees. "Let me fuck both your tits" he told them, presenting his dick to them.

They obliged immediately, squashing their boobs around his member until he was snuggly positioned in the middle to thrust between them, the tip poking out the top as they giggled excitedly. Outside his game he rocked on the balls of his feet, humping empty space until the vines coiled around his body to jerk him off, adding to his fantasy, his dick hardening. In the game the two girls began making out, encouraged by Leo when he pushed their heads together, holding them in place to watch the sloppy kiss. He smirked, glancing up to find the two other girls still engaged with each other, Calypso now on top of a naked Annabeth with three fingers pumping out of her snatch.

I am truly in heaven, he thought as he climaxed all over the VR room and his two lovers.

"My turn!" Piper exclaimed after licking up the cum from Hazels face, standing up to kiss her captain once more before pushing him back into his chair. Leo fell back but this time didn't touch the seat, the vines suspending him in the air a foot above the chair, arms coiled across his limbs and stroking his body. He was too lost in his game to notice feeling that shouldn't exist, focused on the sight on the naked brunette hopping onto his waist to position her wet pussy over his dick. "I want you to fuck me Leo" she told him, her multi-coloured eyes gazing down into his. "Fuck me as hard as you can."

"You are so hot" he whispered to her as she sank down to the base of his cock, the vines enveloping him once more. He was now fucking one of his hottest friends and was loving every sound and squeal of delight that came out of her mouth. He gazed up at her bouncing breasts, wanting to reach up and tough them but couldn't move his arms as his feet circled in the air. He was in the grasp of these vines and he didn't even know it.

"Room for one more?" Hazel asked as she appeared above him upside down, leaning over his face to pull him into a passionate kiss as Piper bounced on top of him, her cries echoing across the ship. Leo moaned into the kiss until a vine slipped past his lips, his Brian believing it to be Hazels inhumanly long tongue throat fucking him. He sucked it without question, keening in escasty as a few more appendages roamed his body. When one found the tight ring of his asshole he convinced himself one of the girls was fingering him, despite seeing all four hands occupied elsewhere. He was just enjoying the joys of virtual sex he didn't care enough to ask questions.

He only has an hour. I sure as hell better make the most of it.

"This is so much cooler than watching internet porn! I'm so turned on right now!"

"It's even hotter if you don't watch and just listen" Piper suggested, casting a wary glance through the doorway before returning to her place with her back to the wall, her legs spread slightly as she absently rubbed between her thighs through her jeans.

Hazel followed her lead and sank down to sit on the floor on the opposite side of the open door, leaning back to listen to Leo's muffled moans and cries as the rapevine they'd planted beneath his chair several minutes ago did its work on the horny teen. The two girls had come to visit him with the plant hoping for some three on tentacle action when they saw him sneak into his VR room, where it was her bright idea to slip in while he was in the game and smuggle the plant beneath his seat and see what would happen. It didn't take long for the fucking to start, and it was hotter than she'd imagined.

"Oh fuck, you're right" she exclaimed, her hand slipping down her pants to quell the embers burning within. "And here I thought feeling his dick was the best thing I could hope for."

"I still can't believe you talked me into this" Piper huffed, breathless from listening to her friend get pleasured by her favourite fuck toy. "I still think we should've waited and asked if he wanted to try it." She glanced back inside, a sense of guilty pride filling her as she saw how much he was clearly enjoying himself.

"If it helps, think of it as poetic justice" she suggested with a smirk. "You know he has both of us in that sex game of his? Along with Annabeth and god knows who else. We're just letting real life take over."

Piper slumped back, unconvinced. It was an open secret about Leo's "special" program, but so far only Hazels been sneaky enough to get a glimpse at it. "So.." she sighed, wrapping her arms around her knees as she sat their in cabin nine a few feet away from Leo being plant fucked. "We just going to wait here? It could be a while."

Hazel shrugged, looking back inside before glancing across to piper. "Maybe we can something to pass the time."

Now it was piper's turn to shrug, gazing back at her. "Any suggestions?"

She stared back at her with affection, a smile tugging at her mouth as her eyes drifted over Pipers beautiful figure. "I have a few ideas" she said casually, biting her lower lip suggestively.

Piper raised an eyebrow as she stared back, her lips pulling into a teasing smile as the two of them sat there, the only thing between them was a doorway and a wall of sexual anticipation.

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