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Aphrodite's New Plant: Jason gets some Exercise

The punching bag rattled on its hook as the fisted beat it ferociously, knuckles striking with furious precision as the blonde demigod pounded it. His sky blue gaze was focused as his feet planted themselves in the floor, his hands flying like bullets to hit the target in rapid succession. When there were no more monsters to fight and kill, the training tent at camp Jupiter was the next best thing to work out stress.

Only Jason wasn't stressed, he was furious. Angry.

With each strike he vented the thoughts and feelings that vexed him, the memories that mocked him, expelling all the rage he had buried inside. He was dressed in his black and grey training gear, baggy jogging bottoms and trainers with a dark purple vest. His fists were protected by fingerless gloves, but still his knuckled ached from the force his put into his punches. He had so many mental targets to hit, this was going to take all day.

How could this have happened to me!

The memories he need to quell were recent, and all involved him being...weak. Not weak, controlled. Dominated. Humiliated. He punched the image of Hazel as she taunted him while riding his dick. He pounded Frank as he violated him against his will. He punished Nico for thinking he could claim the son of Jupiter for himself. He struck Leo for taking passion of what wasn't his. And piper... oh, she had so much to pay for.

You couldn't just wait a little while for him to return before looking somewhere else for sex? You had to sleep with someone else? Another girl? Two girls? A plant? A plant that forced itself on me!

He pounded the bag harder, the rage igniting an inferno that gave him strength.

You don't want me anymore? Fine! What do I care? I save the world from Gia! I killed Kronos second in command with my bare hands! I'm the hero of Camp Jupiter! I don't need a slut like you McLean!

He screamed in rage as the bag went flying, a powerful punch snapping it from its harness and sending it across the training room. He heaved with swallow breaths, his brow sweating as he glared into space.

"Bad day?"

He turned around to see a striking young woman standing by the entrance with her arms crossed, watching him in amusement. She wore a more tight fitting training outfit, black leggings and a dark grey sports vest that covered her modesty but displayed her toned and powerful figure beautifully. Her feet bore matching grey trainers and her glossy black hair was tied back in a single braid across her shoulder. The familiar SPQR brand was prominent on her forearm with the four bar lines and crossed sword and torch, the symbol of her mother. Bellona was a Fierce warrior, and her daughter Reyna was just as formidable.

"I'm not in the mood Reyna" Jason huffed, composing himself to regain his breath. He'd been training for the past three hours, ever since he came back to camp following that joke of a reunion turned sex party. He'd been so frustrated at how Hazel and Frank had humiliated him he need to de-stress. But it wasn't working.

"You want to discuss it?" The leader of the camp asked him. When he glanced at her she got her answer. "Of course not. It's not our way, is it? We're centurions, praetors, romans. No weakness. No...feelings. And yet they vex you anyway." She stepped up to him and looked at him with her blazing black eyes. "You sure you don't need someone to "talk" to?" She asked him.

He couldn't help but smile as she stared him down. He sometimes forgot they lead the legion side by side once upon a time. They were good partners, great leaders. They worked well together, and came to understand how the other fought and thought. She knew him better than most people.

Better than his ex.

"Let me guess" Reyna continued, studying him carefully. "Girl trouble? What's miss McLean down to annoy you now?"

"Nothing" he said callously, blowing her off. She didn't bat an eye, keeping her gaze on him as he paced over to the fallen punching bag.

"It's clearly not nothing. What's wrong? Not the doting girlfriend you were hoping for?"

"She's not my girlfriend anymore" he told her, attaching the bag to continue punching it. "We broke up about a month ago."

This got a reaction from the praetor, her eyes widening briefly before hiding a small smirk from her expression. "Really? What happened? She let you go?"

"Actually, I broke things off."

She appeared on the opposite side of the bag, holding it in place as he pounded it. "You did? You finally get bored of her?"

"It was a strategy" he explained, focusing on the fists. "We'd been arguing more frequently lately, over stupid unimportant things. How we spent our day, what we were wearing, blah blah blah. Even the sex..." he paused in order to vent that particular aggression, the force jarring Reyna's shoulder. "I started getting the impression she wanted out of our relationship."

"So you just broke up with her?" She asked, already shaking her head at the stupidity of that plan.

"It was a calculated risk. I knew she still loved me, that I was the one she wanted to be with, so I wanted to remind her off that. I figured after a week or so I would go back and offer an opportunity to "sort things out" and she'd leap back into my arms, realizing we were meant to be together. Assuming she didn't come crawling begging for me to take her back."

"So you broke up with your girlfriend to prove you are the only man who could satisfy her emotionally and physically, and now you're surprised when your brilliant plan backfired?" She couldn't help but laugh, which irritated Jason even further. "You are an incredible leader with a keen mind Jason, but sometimes you think like any other dull male. Did you really think someone like Piper would just wait for you?"

When she puts it like that, Jason thought as his punches slowed, the rage passing after letting it all out. He'd forgotten how he and Reyna used to talk, help resolve each other's problems. Whatever ensured the legions efficiency. A distracted or emotional leader couldn't serve Rome at his best.

"Honestly" Reyna said calmly, walking around to stand before the demigod, her gaze only a few inches below his, "I'm surprised it took you this long to cut her loose. Don't get me wrong, I've come to respect Piper as a comrade, but she was never meant for you. You are a hero of Rome, a leader of the twelfth legion, the son of Jupiter." She stepped closer, placing a hand on his chest as she looked deep into his eyes. "You could do so much better. You deserve better."

He stood there silently while Reyna stared at him, feeling a strange, yet comforting fire igniting between the two of them. He always admired the way she carried herself, that confidence, even when she was hiding a fear for the future of her people. She could mask even the most fearsome dread behind an expression of control, of determination, inspire loyalty in her comrades where others would falter. They served together proudly for a long time, that connection still there even now. Jason looked back at those memories and wondered, if given the chance, whether their partnership could've evolved to something more than partners.

In fact, why hadn't it? He often got the sense Reyna herself wanted thing to develop between them, so why had things been different? Maybe it was because they needed to be something other for Rome, to lead by example. Maybe. But Jason wasn't a predator anymore. And technically, he was on hiatus from the legion. An independent single demigod. No rules would be broken. And Reyna is right here, right now.

The two demigods stood there, staring each other down, that connection burning stronger the longer they left the moment linger. The moment passed when Reyna stepped away, turning her back on Jason as she left him standing there. For a moment he thought he'd misread the signals, made an incorrect assumption, but then she turned back, her black eyes trained back on him. "Fancy a round where the punching bag hits back?" She asked him, flexing her limbs.

He raised an eyebrow before giving her an amused smile, stepping towards her and shifting into position. She mirrored his stance, bending her knees and holding her arms in front of her. She gave him a smile. He accepted the challenge.

The two fighters sparred for the next hour or so, circling each other like two lions during a face off. They'd strike out, grapple, wrestle each other into pinning the other to the ground, where they'd either break free or tap out. When they tapped the opponent would release them, pull them back to their feet and go another round. This sort of sparring was common place for Roman demigods, pitting their wits and skill against each other. Jason and Reyna used to spend hours everyday training in such a manner on their way to becoming praetors, and even found time to spar once at the top. Jason might have the strength and power of his father behind him, but Reyna was the daughter of Bellona, and had the speed and skill to match. This left thing on pretty even ground as they would pin one another one by one, both players on equal footing.

"Your losing your touch" Reyna commented after catching Jason in a particularly aggressive choke hold. He'd reluctantly tapped out when he realized she'd positioned her body in such a way he couldn't pry her off his back without a third arm.

"You're overcompensating" he countered, noticing how she pushing for the kill too early. I can use that. "Again." They lined up, braced, then Reyna charged toward him to slip under his guard and grab his legs, intending to throw him to the ground and lock her knees around his torso. The problem was he was ready for it, expecting the move and lowered his body. When she collided he thrust up, hooking his palms underneath her to flip her over his head onto her back. She landed with a loud thumb, the wind being knocked out of her as he rolled on top of her, pinning her arms down and straddling her waist. He legs kicked out but he kept his weight forward to she couldn't strike him, struggling against his strong arms. "Told you" He gloated, staring down at her smugly as he lowered his face to hers. "Overcompensating."

"Overconfident" she whispered smiling. Before he could react her head shot forward, catching him in a kiss. He froze temporarily before pushing back, deepening the kiss as his grip loosened. She sighed into his mouth as his hips lifted of her to gain more leverage, giving her the opening she hoped for. With one swift motion she pulled her legs up to her chest and catapulted the surprised blonde off of her, swinging onto her feet in the same beat.

She laughed triumphantly as he pushed himself back up to turn back to her. "Never let your guard down, remember?" She gloated, flashing him a teasing smile. When she turned to get back into position his hand shot out to catch her wrist, pulling her back towards him and spinning her around so he could grab her by the head and dive into another kiss.

This time it was Reyna's turn to freeze, quickly shoving the boy away. He looked at her with surprise, cocking an eyebrow as she stared at him. The last kiss was just a strategy to win her the round, he realized this. But that one wasn't. That kiss was something more...intimate.

Jason waited patiently for Reyna to respond, which she did by diving forward and locking her lips around his once more, their tongues shooting into each other mouths fighting for dominance while their hands groped for whatever was in reach. The two leaders tangled in their passionate embrace fighting for territory over each other, moans of contentment escaping their interlocking mouths.

Jason relished the eagerness of his partner, listening to her soft sighs and grunts as he dug his tongue down her throat, groping her skin and chest roughly. It hadn't been long since he was intimate with someone, but it was preferred to be a willing participant than what he became against Frank and his harlot girlfriend. And Reyna was not like his previous lovers. Where he'd push, she'd push back even harder. When he dug his fingers into her waist, she pulled at his hair tightly, shoving her tongue into his mouth when he grunted, always pressing the advantage. It was refreshing to be fought against. Piper had her moments, but Reyna...I should've done this a long time ago.

He decide to break the kiss by yanking on her braid, causing her to wince as her head pulled back, releasing his lips so he could slip under her chin to kiss her neck, moving along her collarbone with his mouth as he sucked her skin. He could feel her body trembling in his hands as he pleasured her. "How long have you waited for this?" He asked her, mildly curious.

"Too long" she admitted between raspy breaths, biting her lip as he felt her up, breathed in her scent, tasted her skin.

He grinned proudly as he kissed her shoulder. His instincts were on point for once. She did want him. Maybe always had. "You can relax. You belong to me now" he whispered encouragingly before baring his teeth, biting down in the crook of her neck, marking her as she gasped in shock.

The moment his teeth left their imprint on her skin her fingers clawed at his hair, pulling him back to look her in the eye. She glared at him with a fierce expression. "I don't belong to anyone" she hissed, conviction in her tone. He saw that determined glint in her eye and smiled. She had no intention of being claimed, not even by the man she secretly desired.

I'm going to enjoy breaking her in.

He let her take the lead as she plunged back into the kiss, holding his neck firmly as she dominated the embrace, establishing her control. He allowed it for a moment before taking it back, pulling her in tight so their body's squashed together, forcing her mouth apart to reclaim her throat. But this time she fought back harder, showing him this wasn't going to be an easy battle to win.

The passion heated up as Reyna tore Jason's vest in two, exposing his muscled chest as he tossed the tattered remains to the ground. She caressed his toned torso with her fingers momentarily before shifting her attention to his broad neck, kissing it quickly as he wrapped his arms around her. He grunted when he felt her bite into his tough skin, a little payback for his mark from earlier. They locked gazes briefly, the message loud and clear.

Jason made the next move, hoisting his opponent off her feet and flinging the pair of them into the nearest wall. Her back slammed against the surface with a thud as her legs wrapped around his waist, the air knocked from her lungs as he kissed her roughly. She inhaled through her nose rapidly as he pulled at her vest, dragging it down over her shoulders to her elbows to uncover her heaving bust, her pretty little boobs waiting to be sucked on. He dove right in clamping his mouth around her right nipple, earning a groan as he sucked hard, the nub becoming erect in his mouth. Her arms pulled themselves free of the clothing as they gripped onto her lovers shoulders, clinging onto him as he toyed with her chest, moving to the other breast where he pinched the sensitive nub between his teeth, making her cry out.

She squeezed her legs tighter, trying to make him ease off her breasts and turn his attention back to her lips. When he refused to comply, she jabbed him firmly at the back of the neck, the strike causing him to cry out in frustration as he instinctively let her go. She grabbed his face and pulled him in, her lips smashing into his. She will not be defied.

He chose to make a new play, his hands slipping down her waist and over the curve of her arse. He grinned as he felt her heart race faster when his nails dug into the fabric of her leggings, grabbing a tight handful. With a strong pull he tore a hole in the fabric, a rip big enough to expose her two most vulnerable, most intimate entrances. She quivered as his fingertips teased the openings slowly, feeling his dick harden inside his joggers in eager anticipation. He curiously prodded her back door, and was rewarded with a whimper.

Now I have your attention.

He had, but Reyna had other ideas. Breaking the kiss she feigned hesitation as he stared at her, glowering arrogantly as he edged his finger into her tight ring. Any other day she'd have allowed her butt to be penetrated, but right now she needed a different kind of pleasure. She planted her palms on the wall behind her and with one quick shove she jerked her hips forward, pushing against his body until he toppled backwards, landing on his arse. He managed to curse once before she fell on top of him, trapping his right arm under her knee and pinning his other with her own.

She leant down, pecked him on the lips mockingly, before ramming her exposed pussy into his face. "This what you wanted?" She asked him as she ground her lower lips into his, using her free hand to grab his head and force him to taste her. "Eat up then. Mommy needs some tongue."

For a moment she didn't think he'd do anything but growl. But soon enough he was lapping away at her, eating her out like a starving man. She sighed as he explored her with his mouth, sucking at her clit and licking her folds, humping his face hard the whole time. Jason might be an ass sometimes, but he certainly knew what a woman needed.

She bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood as she clawed at his blonde tatted hair, smushing his face between her legs to egg him on, to go deeper, harder. "Yes! That's right! Lick that pussy!" She growled, rocking her hips against his head between groans and sighs. "You're my bitch now" she said to him with a strong level of superiority. She had him at her mercy, and he was here to serve her needs.

I'm nobody's bitch! He wanted to scream, but his words were lost inside Reyna's sweet moist entrance. So instead he played the slave, sucking her clit and fucking her pussy with his tongue, burying his face between her thighs to push as far in as he could. He knew what he was doing, he had plenty of practice with his ex.

"Oh fuck!" Reyna moaned, her face losing its edge as she suddenly found herself in doubt. She wasn't expecting such a pleasurable display from her captive, such a powerful onslaught. Her stomach churned as she felt her core heat up, the feeling of an immanent orgasm approaching. He was too good, she wasn't ready for it. "Fuck! Where did you learn to...oh FUCK!" She cried as her back arched in escasty, her hands instinctively reaching to touch her body, her hands groped her boobs to heighten her climax. She screamed in delight as Jason brought her to orgasm, her hands flying to her head as if it was going to explode...

...leaving him free to push himself off his back, throwing her onto hers while she was stunned from her intense climax. Her shoulders struck the floor, the force nearly breaking her neck as she cried out. He pulled himself up to sit upright and hoisted her hips back to his chest, wrapping his arms around her thighs so they were pinned against her body, leaving her quivering pussy and arse wide open for him. He licked his lips slowly, licking up the taste she left behind before running his tongue all the way along her underside, the motion sending shivers down her spine.

"That was a delicious pussy" he told her, kissing her lips as he gazed down at the trapped young woman. "But I'd rather taste something more...dirty" he chuckled before moving down and kissing her sweet pucker. She gasped as he ignored foreplay and plunged his tongue into her tight ring, swirling around inside until she was moaning uncontrollably.

He orally fucked her anal passage thoroughly, cleaning her out till she was spotless, by which time she was a shivering wreck. To stir things up, he slipped two fingers into her pussy and pistons them inside her wet entrance, sending tiny electrical shocks out of his fingertips. That got her screaming, begging him to stop before she orgasmed again. He ignored her pleas, eating out her ass and stimulating her pussy, pinching her clit with those same sparkly fingertips that made her nearly black out. He kept it up until she slumped wearing in his arms, her eyes rolling into her skull, then he released her, stepping away to look down at her limp, shivering figure.

That's how I like my women.

He left Reyna there for a few minutes, just standing over her watching silently. When he was ready, he knelt down and slapped her across the face, waking her up from her semiconscious nap. "You ready for more?" He asked her, not waiting for an answer as he rose back up and pulled the waistband of his jogging bottoms down to release his dick from captivity. It sprung up into his palm, where he rubbed like like stroking a pet.

Oh, I have big plans for this.

Reyna, now alert and recovered, stared up at his large prick and smiled. "You just going to stand there?" She asked him, rising up to her knees. "Or should I just...get on with it?"

Jason was surprised as the sass she was able to deliver after the state he'd just left her in, but before he could respond she hand her fingers around him balls in a tight grip. He cried out in alarm as she held him, glaring down at her in shock. She smirked, pleased by his overconfidence. Never underestimate her! Scolded himself as she took hold of his shaft, licking up his length to kiss the tip.

"You are a lot bigger than I had pictured" she admitted as she stroked him, fondling his crown Jewels in her palm. Jason watched in awe as she teased his rod before she wrapped her lips around him, sighing along his shaft and sending vibrations up his spine. Her mouth slid down his dick to the base, held it, then booted up and down. Christ she gave good head.

Reyna's blowjob was hard and fast, eager to break him in a hurry. Under normal circumstances Jason would deny himself such release for as long as possible, but her mouth felt so good around his penis. He allowed himself to relax as Reyna took the reigns, controlling the pace and sucking him dry as he finally came, his cum shooting into her throat where she drank it like a champion. She released him with a loud pop, gazing up at him with those intense black eyes. "Enjoy that?"

"Very" he sighed, dropping down to his knees to kiss her passionately, tasting each other's cum on their lips. She fell into his arms, melding with his body. The fight was over, but the sex wasn't.

Within seconds Jason had spun her around so her back was to him, his arm around her waist and other hand around her neck where he controlled her, grinding his sick between her thighs rubbing it against her dripping clit. "Why didn't we do this ages ago?" He asked her, biting at her earlobe.

"We had a duty to Rome" she replied, soaking his cock with her juices, knowing what he wanted to do with her. She wanted it too. "It wouldn't have bee appropriate."

"And now?" He whispered, his cock sliding along her pussy to press against her butt, the head sufficiently lubed up with her juices. "There's nothing stopping us now."

"No there isn't" she agreed, bracing herself for his penetration. He pushed hard into her, his dick forcing her ring open as he entered her back door. She opened her mouth to scream but his hand clamped over it, muffling her voice as she fucked her in the back. The intrusion hurt only for a moment, soon to be overtaken by absolute pleasure, whereupon he let her go to freely moan and squeal as he pressed her neck down, bending her over against the floor to pound her doggy style, getting more force behind his thrusts.

Reyna planted her hands on the floor and pushed back against him, her ass burning from the friction of his large member thrusting in and out of her body. Her moans echoed around the room when he grabbed her braided hair to pull her back, her breasts swaying under her chest as her body rocked forward. "You like that?" Jason growled, pulling her hair hard enough to feel like her neck would snap.

"Yes!" She cried, her fingernails digging into the mat beneath her. "That's it! Fuck my ass Jason! Fuck me harder!"

He grinned as he let her hair go, instead grabbing at her elbows to pull them behind her back. She arched her back painfully as he increased his thrusts, his hips slapping her backside like a battering ram as his dick pistons deep inside her rectum. Reyna's gasped and moan, her voice starting to waver as her heart pounded against her rib cage, her skin sweating buckets. He was just as pumped, his own breathing laboured as he put all his power into his thrusts. He didn't want her to be able to walk after this.

After a while Reyna's arms ached from where Jason was restraining her, a jet of cum flowing between her legs as she came, the orgasm almost knocking the wind out of her. Jason ploughed through it mercilessly until her got bored of staring at her back, flipping her over so he could pull out of her ass and penetrate her soaking vagina. He got on top of her and dove between her thighs in one powerful motion, his cock sliding easily through her walls and smashing into her cervix, the impact sending stars across Reyna's vision as she screamed. He didn't watch for her as he resumed pounding, grunting from the exertion as he towered over her. "I'm going to fuck your brains out" he told her menacingly.

"You'll have to do better than that" Reyna goaded, shooting up to kiss his face and move down his jaw, wrapping her arms around his muscular back to pull herself in. He took the challenge by shifting up a gear, his bottom halve moving faster as he fucked her harder, his cock buried so deep the head could be seen trying to poke its way out her stomach. She held on tighter as she rode it out, her nails clawing at his back leaving long red scratches along his skin. He growled as he grit his teeth, promising to punish her later. She responded by biting into his neck to stop herself moaning.

They fucked each other like that for ten more minutes before the climax initiated, and as luck would have it it was Jason who came first. He groaned uncontrollably as he hilted his dick inside his lover, the head finally breaking through her cervix to expel its load into her fertile womb. As an added bonus, his body involuntarily fired an electrical shock through his dick, which sent off Reyna's orgasm as she convulsed wildly, her walls clamping around him as her limbs jerked. Turns out being mildly electrocuted doubles the intensity of a girls climax, the hit nearly rendering her unconscious.

When the shared experience was over they both lay there on the floor heaving, the air stifling as the two fighters struggled to get enough air into their aching lungs. Reyna's body fell limp from exhaustion as Jason pulled himself out of her, resting on her elbows to avoid crushing her under his weight. He stared down at her beautiful face, glistening with sweat, her cheeks wet with tears neither had realized she'd expelled. "Holy shit" she breathed, wiping her face as she composed herself. "I never imagine you could do that" she said looking up at him, giving him a pleased smile.

Neither did I, he mused to himself, saying nothing as he gently kissed her. All the rage he'd been working through about Piper and their breakup were gone. Now he could just enjoy having a beautiful woman in his arms again. "You were something else Reyna" he told her, stroking her hair as he leant lower to kiss her again.

She sighed in content as she kissed him back, gazing up at him with admiration. "Like I deserve better."

They lay there in each other's embrace for a short while, enjoying the moment. Soon enough though Jason's touches became more insistent, his breath growing stronger as his strength recovered. He was ready to go again and was eager to get started.

Reyna reacted by shoving him off of her, toppling him to his side as she sat up. Her strength had recovered also and she didn't fancy another go in the middle of the training room in case they were interrupted. Jason stared at her as she pulled her sports bra back on and rose to her feet to find something to cover her torn leggings up with. "What? You not interested anymore?" He asked her, slight irritation edging into his voice.

She barely glanced back at him as she wrapped a spare towel around her waist, hiding her dignity from any unwanted onlooker. "I'd rather found somewhere more...comfortable" she told him, striding towards the exit purposely. She paused at the threshold to look back and find him still slumped on the floor with a bewildered look on his face. "Well?" She called back, cocking a suggestive smirk. "Are you coming, or not?"

Jason wasn't foolish enough to ignore an invitation like that. He scrambled to his feet, pulling up his pants as he raced out the exit to catch up with the strong willed Praetor.

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