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Aphrodite's New Plant: Iris takes a Call

The messenger goddess of rainbows liked to distract herself with the latest and most intriguing new fad sweeping the globe on occasion. It's not something she makes a habit of, alternating between sending iris messages between parties both Devine or otherwise and franchising her latest pet project the R.O.F.L (Rainbow Organic Foods And Lifestyles) can be all-consuming. But every once in a while she takes the time to herself to explore what the cosmos has to offer. And it's latest craze sparked her interest from the get go.

She sensed the delivery at her door moments before the knock met her ears, striding over to open it eagerly. The tall muscular figure of Hermès greeted her with his trademark sly smile. "Evening milady" he greeted, giving her an exaggerated bow. Iris rolled her eyes, mildly amused at his overzealous curtesy. "I come baring gifts of great fortune!"

"You didn't open it did you?" She asked him curtly, reaching for her package in his hands.

"Of course not!" He replied, snatching the parcel away from her. "I'm a reliable delivery man. Why would you say such a thing?"

"Oh I don't know" she said leaning against the frame, crossing her arms as she cocked her head. "Maybe because of the last time you hand delivered my mail and had eaten all of my gingerbread cookies. Or that time when you "broke" the box of glass vial I ordered."

"What can I say, I'm a changed man" he protested.

She stared at him intently, glancing over to eye her parcel once more. "Well?"

He held the box out to her, put his hand over his heart. "I swear, I didn't open the package you asked Aphrodite to send you in private without any of the other Olympians knowing." Her eyes went wide in alarm, then darkened in frustration. "The label was on the box" he defended himself quickly.

She snatched the box away, examining the packaging for any tampering. "Fine, I believe you."

"Good, cause us messenger gods need to stick together." He gave her a confident smile as he leant against the doorframe, hand on his hip as he scanned the interior of her store. "Speaking of which" he said lowering his voice, "maybe you could invite me in? It has been a while since we...compared notes."

Iris smiled back at him, contemplating his offer of collaboration. It had been a while since the pair of them got together to enjoy an evening alone. The fond memories of his skilled hands and wicked tongue made her shiver with excitement. "Another time maybe" she suggested sadly, tapping her fingers on his broad chest imagining the fun they could have. "Tonight I have other matters to attend to."

Hermes was clearly disappointed, but nodded. "If you change your mind, you know how to find me" he told her, bidding her goodnight before speeding off on his winged shoes.

Iris watched him disappear over the horizon like a bullet, smiling warmly before closing the door to return to her new package. A brief peek inside confirmed it was what she'd ordered and immediately retired to her bedroom to examine it more thoroughly. She told her assistant to cover any calls for her and locked her bedroom door, sitting on her bed to open the package before her, a broad grin stretching over her face.

It didn't take much convincing to talk Aphrodite into sending her one of her special sex plants she called a rapevine. The goddess practically insisted she take a cutting before agreeing to grow it up for her first. In return Iris had agreed to think about joining her on a girls night out, just the two of them (which coming from Aphrodite translating into a steamy night of passion). Iris decided to let her stew for a little while before taking her up on the offer. Right now she had a new plant to indulge in.

She pulled the plant pot holding the green and pink specimen from the box, examining it slowly with her warm brown eyes. " does it work?" She asked it, giving it a curious prod with her finger. It remained unresponsive. "Is there a song? A command?" She placed the plant on the floor at her feet, watching it intently as she proclaimed in a stern voice "I am Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, and I demand that you fuck me!"

The plant ignored her.

The goddess huffed in disappointment, until she remembered what Aphrodite told her when she was explaining the plant to her. "It'll only touch you when you want to be touched. It has to sense you, so you kind of need to be horny for it to work." She shrugged as she began to undress herself. That shouldn't be too hard, she thought as dirty images already flooded her mind. Images of what she wanted the plant to do to her, how she liked to be held, be pounded, how rough she liked it. By the time she'd pulled the last of her underwear over her feet she was soaking wet between her legs.

She lay down on her bed and spread herself wide to give herself greater access to her clit as she proceeded to rub it, fondling her boobs between gasps and moans to stimulate her body. It only took just under thirty seconds to get herself super horny. "Oh fuck me" she moaned silently as she fingered herself, waiting for something to come from the plant to embrace her. To her dismay, it refused to cooperate until she'd brought herself to climax in her hand. Only then did she see the thick vine rising up over the side of the bed out the corner of her eye.

"Finally!" She said rolling over onto her stomach, taking the length in her hand to stroke it as it hovered in front of her face. It was a big vine, big enough to fill her palm as she gave it a vigorous hand job, licking her lips eager to taste it on her tongue. Leaning forward she kissed the tip of the vine, where she felt it pulse between her fingers, throbbing in her hand. She ran her tongue over the head, teasing it, pulling back to lick up the shaft slowly. It tasted delicious.

"Now for the fun part" she said coyly, settling into a comfortable position on her front, resting on her elbows with her feet crossed in the air like a teenager, before bringing the green cock closer so she could Part her lips wide and talked the head into her mouth.

Sucking on the vine wasn't as different to sucking a regular cock as Iris was expecting. Aside from the sweet taste of sap leaking over her tongue and the surreal pulsing quivering through her throat, it felt like every other blowjob the goddess had given people in the past. She may not have been an expert like other goddess' out there, but she was good enough.

Her fingers danced around the length of the vine as she bobbed her head up and down, breathing steadily through her noses to keep her mouth locked around the plunging member as it slid down her throat back and forth. The plant remained in place, letting her pleasure it, knowing that having its length in her mouth was bringing her equal pleasure. Enough to make her spontaneously giggle every so often, sending vibrations through the vine.

Eventually the plant would get bored of the one hole being filled and sent out a handful of its vines under her bed, snaking them over the opposite end where her feet swung joyfully on bent knees. The lead vine slithered over the mattress to seek out the space between her thighs, rubbing the wet folds of her core gently.

Iris felt the touch to her lower half knowing full well what it was. She pulled the vine out of her mouth with a pop before looking back at the probing vine, a small smile forming on her lips. "You waiting for an invitation love?" She asked it, wiggling her butt to the vine suggestively before returning her attention to the thick cock in front of her face, acting like she cared little for the new contender. She licked the vine ravenously while she ignored the other vines as they probed her thighs and bum, refusing to acknowledge them even when two of the tendrils squeezed her cheeks, spreading them to reveal her tight round back door to the eager plant.

Meanwhile the vine in her hands throbbed for attention, rising up to brush her lips begging to re-enter. Iris toyed with the plant by keeping it out, grinning mockingly as she felt its impatience, watching more vines coil around her hands and shoulders. "I'm sorry lovely" she said apologetically, "but if you want me, you'll have to waAH!"

Even though she was secretly bracing herself for it, the rainbow goddess wasn't prepared for the penetration of her ass as the vine rammed itself into her backside, forcing itself deep inside her without any lubrication. She opened her mouth to scream, but at that moment the plant lashed a series of vines around her neck, shoulders and head and yanked her down onto the waiting cock, silencing her cries as she choked on the thick member lodged in her throat.

Despite the painful inferno in her ass and burning sensation in her throat, held tightly in place by rough vines, some constricting blood flow or her limited airway, Iris drenched the bedsheets beneath her hips when she orgasmed.

The vines thrust into her over and over, fucking her through her climax as her muffled screams pierced the air. Her fingers and toes curled as she was pounded into the bed, her holes on fire from the plants relentless assault. Every inch the vine burrowed into her ass brought fresh waves of agonizing pleasure, drilling into her body harder than any mortal or god ever has before.

For something that hurts so bad, it feels so good!

Iris was forced to ride the green plant cocks as they spit-roasted her, fucking her ass and mouth violently ignoring her cries and muffled wails. Cum and saliva coated the vines leaking out of the edges of her abused entrances, soon to be joined by sap as the vines ejaculated inside her without warning. The substance filled her throat and prostate so much she was bursting at the seems, choking on the volume as it started filling her lungs stopping her from breathing. The plant finally let go of her and she coughed up bile and sap to gasp in air and cum fountained from her red sore bum hole.

"Oh fuck me..." iris stuttered between coughs, collapsing against the mattress exhausted. Her body ached and her butt burned. But she realized the plant wasn't finished with her when it's vines coiled around her ankles and pulled them over her head, lifting her body up to arch her back like a contortionist till her boobs were hanging from her chest and her dripping pussy was on display in the air for all to see.

It has be dead to rights. I've never felt so vulnerable. What will it do to me next?

In answer, vines coiled around her waist and thighs, holding her steady so two fresh new tendrils could slit her into her holes, easily sliding into her body thanks to the lubricated entryways. Iris sighed as they began to pump steadily into her, too drained to stop them as the plant wrapped around her tits tightly, squeezing them together to push another vine through the tight crevice between them. The goddess wasn't accustomed to receiving tit-fucks, but feeling the plant fuck her chest in such a way was enjoyable.

"Oh yes" she moaned, her cheek pressed against the bed with her lower half hovering in the air as the vines pummelled her holes. "Fuck me right there! Oh...if only you'd use one of those big...Oh fuck yes!" The goddess screamed as the vines in her arse and pussy expanded, growing in size till they were almost four inches thick, stretching her wide open and creating a noticeable bulge in her stomach.

Iris's word became a garbled slew of moans and incoherent nonsense thereafter, too engulfed with the pleasure of the rapevine as it continued to fuck her raw until she exploded with cum, only to fuck her even harder all through the evening.

Fleecy was sitting on the sofa when she got the request for an iris message. Iris was still occupied in her room so it was left to her to fulfil the request. The short and muscular cloud nymph snapped her fingers in one hand, finding the caller in Olympus, then snapped her other hand to find the recipient. Curious, she mused to herself as she tapped her fingertips together to create a rainbow between her hands, connecting the two individuals so they could talk.

Fleecy sat there holding the call dressed in her yellow T-shirt, cargo shorts and lace up boots, humming mildly as she waited patiently. Her white hair danced with her tune as she bobbed her head, keeping herself busy. She tried not to think about what the call might be about, she'd gotten into trouble for being nosy before. If she wanted to, she could listen in, but she shouldn't.

What if this takes hours, like when Athena was talking to Hephaestus about that thing with the labyrinth?

The nymph looked between her hands. The caller was a goddess from Olympus, the hearth one she thinks, and she was calling someone with the hunters of Artemis. An odd call in her opinion.

Growing bored, Fleecy carefully put her ear to the rainbow, trying to pick out the words being spoken. Please don't be like one of Aphrodite's sex messages.

"...I tried to reach the others,'s too late. It's growing. There needs to be a way to stop it. You have to find the other...

"Fleecy?" A voice startled the nymph, nearly breaking the connection between the callers.

"I wasn't eavesdropping! I swear!" She replied, sitting up straight as the figure appears by her side where the lights suddenly go out. "Um, did you just..."

The figure stood before Fleecy, illuminated by the glow of the rainbow as the face of Iris appeared into view, smiling down at the cloud nymph. She glanced down at the message being transmitted and suggested seductively "Why don't you put those hands to better use?"

Before Fleecy could say anything the goddess leant forward and kissed the young girl on the lips, her hands stroking her thighs pressing her into the sofa. The girls weatherly eyes widened with shock, nearly losing the rainbow transmission pre-emptively. It only held as hold as she was concentrating, and Iris's advances were making it very difficult to concentrate.

"Wait!" Fleecy cried out, pulling her mouth away to talk as the older woman continued to kiss her, her hands now undoing her shorts. "Should we be doing this? I mean, you always tell me there have to be boundaries between...oh!" Fleecy felt something slip under her shirt and caress her breasts, yet Iris's hands were around her hips as she pulled her shorts down her legs. "I don't...I'm not sure this is a good idea."

"Don't talk" the goddess told her, her head disappearing lower down the nymph's quivering form as more unseen feelers touched the girls skin, stimulating her body and lowering her defences. "Just relax, and let me take care of you."

Fleecy bit her bottom lip as she felt a pair of strong, expert lips find her clit, her fortitude failing as the goddess devoured her, the rainbow in her hands flickering. "Oh shit..." the young girl helplessly replied before being yanked down the sofa by her ankles by two powerful hands, the iris message she was sending irreparably lost.

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