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Aphrodite's New Plant: Hestia's First Time

Hestia found the note left for her in her favourite spot beside the hearth in the centre of Olympus, a message from Hephaestus asking her to meet him in his workshop.

She found the note surprising, not many of the Olympians liked to converse with her unless it was something important. Not that she minded, she rather enjoyed the peace and quiet and free reign of the mountain. And it want like she was a hermit, she'd hung out with many of her fellow Olympians over the centuries including social events, she just prefers to be left to her own devices. Besides, she liked the Smith god. So thinking nothing of the invitation she skipped down the halls of Olympus towards his workshop, pausing briefly to listen to the sounds of Aphrodite in her private quarters riding a very aggressive god of war before screaming in frustration at his inevitable premature finale. Hestia couldn't help but shake her head as she passed the door.

Hephaestus was alone at his workstation when Hestia arrived, peering inside the large three floors of space occupied by weapons, armour, vehicles of hundreds of time periods, machines big and small in various shapes. She looked up at the massive mechanical t-Rex large enough to reach the ceiling three floors up, its eyes glaring down at them menacingly with razor sharp teeth. Hestia found it fascinating, wondering when and why the smith decided to build it. Her soft brown eyes drifted down to the bottom level where the large man himself was crouched over with his back to her tinkering with something delicate in his massive hands. He wore a black blacksmiths apron across his chest with matching soot stained trousers and big work boots, his bare scarred skin on display without his shirt. Hestia smiled watching him work effortlessly. Anywhere else he'd was a shy, self conscious kindhearted guy but in here, in his element, he held the confidence of Zeus. The goddess often wished he'd find a way to take that confidence with him everywhere, it suited him.

She adjusted the shawl she wore over her brown hair matching her plain brown dress as she stepped into the blistering workshop, her delicate knuckles rapping on the massive iron door ass he entered. The god heard her knocking over the sounds of his furnaces and machinery, glancing back to watch the young goddess walk barefoot over the messy foot. Compared to him she was tiny, though she wasn't currently running around in her usual 8-9 year old form instead opting to present herself more like a teenager to shake things up a bit. She's not as ADHD as her brothers but even she can grow bored of repetitiveness sometimes. She still retained the same charm and beauty everyone remembered her for though as she smiled up at the blacksmith. "I got your note" she said carefully stepping over a loose wire, her eyes following it to the massive arm that looked like it came from Voltron.

"Thanks for coming" he replied placing his gizmo on the table so he could turn around in his seat and face her. He fixed his fierce brown eyes on her, his beard crackling with flames and embers as he spoke. "We are friends, right?"

"I should think, yes" Hestia nodded.

"We talk, hang out, trust each other, that sort of thing?"

"Well, we haven't hung out in a while and the last time we really talked was…" she thought for a moment unable to find the answer. She shook her head and asked him "did you leave me the note just so we'd have an excuse to socialize? Because if you wanted my company you could've just asked."

Hephaestus nodded, his lumpy misshapen shoulders shrugging as he replied "I suppose. I always did enjoy your presence when I was working. But maybe next time you visit when I'm not here you could at least close the door on your way out?" He turned away to return to his current project, leaving Hestia to stand awkwardly in the workshop shuffling her feet. While she was embarrassed at being caught out, he held out his hand and told her "by the way, I'd very much like that cloaking device you borrowed back."

Hestia stared at the calloused hand waiting patiently for her to reach into her dress and bring out the amulet and place it in his palm. "How'd you know it was me?" She asked him red faced.

He brought the amulet up to examine it more closely, his eyes narrowing turning a few of the dials. "I remember everything I forge in here, and I thought I saw a familiar shimmer in the hall of the gods a few days ago. Never could fix that little glitch that deactivates the invisibility field for a split second while active."

Hestia's face paled when she heard about the glitch, her eyes worryingly wide as she recalled why she'd borrowed the amulet in the first place. She looked up and found the god looking back at her with a coy expression. "You saw?" She gasped under her breath, his silent gaze and raised eyebrow answering clearly. "Oh chaos" she breathed, blushing so hard her face turned into a tomato, her arms wrapping around herself suddenly feeling exposed.

The smith god chuckled as the goddess spun away in embarrassment, his voice calming and gentle as he soothed her. "If it helps, I'm pretty sure nobody else saw anything. Everyone was probably asleep from listening to Athena's opening speech. And it's not like you haven't seen us at our most compromised moments." The statement didn't help, it just made Hestia's face redder. Hephaestus leant back in his seat looking at the young goddess with a curious smile. "Have to say, I never pegged you for a kinky kind of girl."

"I'm not" she said impulsively, cringing at the thought of everyone actually watching her. The excitement of nearly getting caught made her horny, but the idea of actually being caught in the act of losing her virginity to a plant made her queasy. She turned back to face the patient god, hiding her shame behind her shawl as she explained "I don't know what I was thinking. I just had an idea that I… it not like I enjoy being so public or anything, and it was my… what I mean is…"

"It was your first time?" Hephaestus asked. Her red face blushed in response, leading to him shaking his head. "So… the virgin goddess loses her virginity. How was it?"

She shrugged. "Compared to what?"

"Touché" he chuckled. His expression softened as he leant forward. "Really though? That was a big step you had to take. Are you okay?"

Hestia smiled appreciating the concern, glad she finally had someone to talk about her experience with. "I was…different. Exciting. But… it wasn't what I thought it would be like."

"It never is the first time round" he mumbled.

"It was painful, at first" she continued, "but then it was so good. Like nothing I'd ever felt before. Nothing I'd done before, watched or…" she blushed again quickly stopping herself before she confessed her guilty past time watching others make love. "But… It wasn't want I'd hope it would be."

Hephaestus narrowed his eyes intrigued. "What was you hoping for?"

"I don't know. Fireworks. That sense of pure joy when you share an experience like that. When the plant was finished with me it just dropped me on the ground and left, and it was just…over. It felt like something was missing."

"Maybe you were missing everything." Hestia looked up at him questioning his answer. He looked back like it was obvious. "It sounds like you wanted the same thing everyone else gets when they have sex."

"Which is?"

"A partner."

"I had a partner" Hestia reminded him. "I had multiple tentacles to fuck me with. And believe me, what it could do with my body was…"

"Yeah, yeah, you have a kink for tentacle sex now. Awesome. But most of us don't have that stupid plant don't need it. We have a real flesh and blood lover, a real person to make love to and share the pleasure and fall asleep beside. I'm glad you got to experience sex for the first time, but if you really want to feel the real thing you need to do it with somebody else that isn't from the garden."

Hestia blinked, thinking over Hephaestus' words realizing he had a point. Maybe I am missing the important parts because I haven't really had sex with anyone else. "You're right" she nodded. "So what do I do?"

He shrugged splaying his hands. "Go out there and fuck somebody." The both laughed shaking their heads. Out loud it sounded absurd, but bottom line Hestia knew that's exactly what she needed to do. And the reality was she could literally ask anybody and they'd jump and the chance to bed her, people who'd been trying for decades to wed her.

She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the blacksmiths uneven shoulders hugging him tight. "Thanks Hephaestus. I'm glad we talked."

"Me too" he replied hugging her back, careful not to crush her in his muscular arms. Even sitting down she had to stand on her toes to reach him. He smiled happily as he told the charming goddess "don't be a stranger for so long next time heh? I'm always here for you, whatever you need."

Hestia's eyes opened, still wrapped in the gentle embrace. "For anything?"

"Sure. Whatever you need."

She carefully pulled away to stand in front of the lumpy misshapen god, her gentle face looking up at him with a nervous expression. "There is something…" she said quietly, her voice suddenly weak and uncertain. He waited for her to finish, but he saw the look in her eyes and realized what she had in mind. She hoped he wouldn't freak out, but if she was going to experience what real sex was like then she wanted it to be with someone she trusted, not someone who'd just be willing to sleep with her.

"Are you sure?" He asked uncertainly, glancing down at his hideous physique.

She cupped his cheek with her small hand, smiling softly as she nodded fixing her charming gaze on him. He wasn't ugly in her eyes and to prove it she gave him a peck on the lips. The god smiled gazing back brushing a strand of hair out of her face. She felt butterflies in her stomach as he leant down and kissed the young goddess tenderly, the flickering flames in his beard tickling her skin as she kissed him back.

The kiss was tender and sweet but quickly turned deep and passionate as Hephaestus wrapped his large arms around Hestia's slender form while she hooked hers around his thick neck. The two gods shared a long intimate moment lost in each other's embrace, their mouths melting into one another as their tongues entwined. At some point Hestia lost her shawl letting her long brown hair fall over her shoulders, Hephaestus stroking their soft texture gently as his black sooty apron disappeared exposing his broad scarred chest. The young teenage girl ran her delicate fingers over his scars and muscles, following every line slowly as they drifted further down his torso. She broke the kiss with the smith to look down at his toned skin, breathing slowly as she took in the imposing hunk holding her. She could sense his nerves through his body and gently kissed his neck to calm him, nuzzling into his collarbone like a kitten while her hands found the bulge in his trousers.

The blacksmith gasped as he felt her grasp his crotch, looking down to find her unbuckling his trousers. "Hestia" he said abruptly, grabbing her small hands in his large palms to stop her. She looked up startled, afraid she'd done something wrong. He fixed a concerned but sympathetic gaze on her, "You don't have to do this. We don't have to do anything."

"It's okay" she replied confidently, her eyes glistening fondly. "I want to. I want you to be my first. Please?"

He held her gaze for a long moment, considering the implications and consequences if they followed through with this. Ultimately he decided he couldn't refuse her, he was too fond of her to let her down. Bringing her hands up he kissed them gently, making her giggle as she watched him release her arms and unzip his trousers for her before guiding her trembling hands inside his crotch.

Hestia had seen so many gods naked in her travels, bore witness to so many sexual scenes, but she'd never had a chance until now to truly feel the real thing up close. Hephaestus was a hulking man and his penis certainly match his physique as her fingers wrapped around the huge shaft. Why would Aphrodite want to go elsewhere for this? Hestia wondered stroking the gods erection, the cock bigger than her hand and nearly a foot long. Bigger than anything she'd seen before. She suddenly paled as she reconsidered what she was doing, calculating the odds she'd be able to take such a growth inside her. Her pussy dripped with anticipation eager to try.

"You okay?" Hephaestus asked lifting her chin with his finger.

She gulped as she looked up from the cock in her hand to the kind god towering over her. "I…it so big…I don't…" her mouth felt dry as she hit her bottom lip, finally nodding. "I'm ready" she said nervously.

"You sure?" He asked.

She let go of his penis to take his face in her hands and pull him down into a kiss, sealing the deal. He took hold of her waist and hoisted her up onto his lap, her bare feet quickly finding purchase on his chair by his thighs as they angled her over the hard erection pointing up at her. They both stared down at the waiting cock as Hestia's leaking flooding dripped over the tip, indicating she wasn't wearing underwear underneath her plain dress. She blushed but the god didn't feel a need to comment. Another kind look checked to see if she was sure, another nod confirmed she was ready. So with the gods hands wrapped around his hips and her small arms clinging to his strong shoulders, Hestia was lowered onto Hephaestus, massive cock.

Hestia realized she might've made a mistake the moment his tip opened up her entrance, stretching her pussy wide beyond her comfort level almost immediately. Her face cringed from the pain as he penetrated her, her hands clawing at his skin the further the tip entered. Hephaestus saw the silent cries from the goddess and immediately stopped, holding her still as she quietly wept. "I'm sorry" he apologized intending to lift her off him before he hurt her any further.

"No" she gasped shaking her head. "I'm okay. I just… I just need a second." Luckily being a goddess Hestia could alter her body to accommodate the girth, but she'd never had to do such a thing for such a purpose she she was inexperienced in how much to change. Opting simply to adjust to his size she waited for the pain to pass and signalled him to continue. He carefully lowered her down his length, watching her like a hawk as she gasped and cringe and groaned from the increasing levels of discomfort, attempting to adjust accordingly with each passing painful movement. By the time her hips found the base of his dick her cheeks were wet with tears, her chest heaving gasping for air, her body shaking as her skin glistened with sweat. Her thighs straddled the huge god like a horse, her tiny form clinging to the man's chest for support. She felt the gods cock twitch inside her, so deep she could feel it pulsing through her womb.

She looked up at the worried blacksmith as he wiped her face, his kind eyes examining her intently. She stared back breathless, unable to talk or think clearly. She just felt full, a little toy doll for this large man to play with. Butterflies fluttered in her swollen stomach, the bulge of his cock visible through her skin.

Without a spoken word the goddess clung to the man's shoulders and pulled herself up to kiss the man, her body sliding up his cock to reach him before dropping back down onto his lap. She moaned from the friction, pleasure igniting inside her. Her eyes caught his attention, ready for more of that she just felt. He nodded silently, holding her waist gently as he helped her bounce on his cock, slowly and gently until she was able to bear a more faster pace, her moans and grunts filling the workshop as she rode the large man like a hobby horse. After a while she was laughing, pleasure engulfing her mind as she and the fire god made love, his groans mixing with hers as they fell into a powerful rhythm that rose into a crescendo of cries as Hestia experienced her first of many orgasms that day, her eyes blazing orange with pleasure.

Many hours later after swapping different positions and techniques, the two gods lay on the floor of Hephaestus' workshop drenched in sweat and cum, completely exhausted from the experimental activities. The blacksmith lay on his back staring up at his many creations as the goddess huddled against his chest on top of him, her dress discarded a few feet away along with his clothes leaving both Olympians naked with only a wolf skin rug to cover them. The massive god lay silently letting the young exhausted and spent goddess sleep, her soft snoring drifting into the silence as she dreamt of all the new experiences she'd shared with him, the joyful memories bringing a smile to the slumbering girl's lips.

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