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Aphrodite's New Plant: Hestia Hides in Plain Sight

Olympus was forever a bustle of activity. Has been ever since it was built eons ago. When the god weren't ruling the world they were at each other's throats, plotting some war or another, carrying out petty pranks or comebacks, or in Aphrodite's case, sleeping around with other gods and deities. Things were rarely quiet and always busy.

And yet they never see me.

Throughout all the commotion and chaos, there's always one who manages to roam unhindered and at peace. The eldest daughter of Kronos was always the most unassuming of the Olympians, barely taken notice by her siblings as they scurry about their days. Hestia didn't mind when no one paid her any attention. It left her alone to do her own thing in peace. And besides, if she wanted people to see her, they would.

Despite being the eldest goddess among her dysfunctional family, Hestia was always regarded as the youngest, especially by her brothers. In a way, she considers it explains her rather mischievous side as she often scopes out the halls of Olympus by herself, observing the other gods in some of their more private moments. She witnessed a lot over the centuries, keeping nearly all her families secrets in confidence, content knowing thing they weren't aware she knew. Things like Apollo's secret hall of mirrors he uses to ogle at himself, Hermès many stashes, Hera's tricks and devices to keep an eye on her husband.

And, more recently, Aphrodite's latest horticultural creation.

Hestia started investigating the moment she found the goddess stealing Demeter's plants, following her to her bed chambers to witness her first session with the new plant, since christened rapevine. She stood quietly peeking through the doorway, watching as Aphrodite's plant fucked her beyond belief, unseen as she stared in wonder and amazement. "Wow" she muttered under her breath, glancing around to make sure she was alone, before turning back to watch in silence.

After that she kept an ear out for the goddesses sensual activities, finding a strange exhilaration in watching this plant make love to the beautiful goddess. Each time she found her she settled in out of sight, eyes glued to the live show, occasionally finding herself needing to touch her own pleasure centre to share in the experience. Despite being a virgin goddess, Hestia wasn't ignorant of the concept of masturbating, having developed a somewhat "unhealthy" habit to relieve stress over the centuries. In most cases, she even went as far to seek out visual aid to reach climax. (Which wasn't hard, given her brothers love for anything that moves.)

Now she discovered, as bizarre as the sight is, Hestia found it rather alluring watching the goddess get pleasured and fucked by a host of tentacle vines, able to bring herself to climax very easily within minutes of watching them. Then she found the rapevine being passed around, giving her even more opportunities to get herself off. First Demeter, initially in Aphrodite's cabin and later in her greenhouse, then Athena, the hot bathtub sex with Aphrodite nearly making her scream out loud and give away her presence, and she even witnessed Ares getting a subtle pampering in his sleep.

Hestia watched, came, and slipped away before anyone ever realized she was there, content and satisfied. Until now.

She sat beside her hearth in the Hall of the Gods, the massive throne room where the seats of the gods circled the hearth in a wide U, stoking the fire within in blissful silence. She was alone right now, and will be for another few hours. After that they will all be here for the summer solstice, where they convene for their annual meetings. It used to just be 12 gods, but after the last titan war, things changed and they made space for some new voices.

Just a lot more noise, Hestia sighed, tending to her fire. As she stared down into the flames, her mind drifted to the memories of the rapevine fucking the many goddesses and gods over the last few months. She recalled them all in perfect clarity, sending a familiar warmth down between her legs and across her body. She released a slow, shallow breath as she closed her eyes, her thighs rubbing together as her hand carelessly stroke her boobs through her clothing. She pictured the plant in her mind, imagining what it would be like to have those big, green vines wrapping around her, stripping her bare, plunging those huge smooth dicks into her...

Hestia gasped loudly, dropping her poker into the hearth as her eyes shot open, surprised to find her hand under her dress, getting drenched in her fluids leaking out her throbbing entrance. She quickly pulled out, her head spinning on a swivel in fear that someone saw her.

Nothing. She was alone.

She caught her breath and slumped down beside the fire on the floor, staring at her wet, soaking fingers as she held them to her face. I almost came just by thinking about it. She brought them to her lips, smelling her own, cinnamon scent as she open her mouth to quickly lick them clean, moaning quietly as she tasted herself on her tongue. Imagine if it fucked you for real, she thought, the trepidation sending butterflies in her stomach.

What's stopping you? A voice in the back of her head asked.

She opened her eyes slowly, cocking her head to the query. It was the same voice that got her into this; that little part of your brain that tells you to do things you'd never consider. Jump of a bridge. Spy on that person. Watch two people have sex. She liked that voice, made life interesting.

You know where the plants are kept. Why not try it out yourself?

"That's absurd" she muttered, standing up to retrieve the poker from the fire, unconcerned by the heat.

Is it? It looks like fun. You've always wanted to try sex, just never wanted a husband.

It had a point. But then...

No one need know.

"I can't" she said, shaking the idea away. "It's crazy. What if someone.." she trailed off as she found herself in a similar state of trepidation, butterflies swirling in her stomach. What if someone saw? She stalled to a halt as she came to a revelation about herself, one she never registered why she'd almost climaxed earlier, looking around the room for witnesses.

She wanted someone to be watching her, she realized. In fact moment, believing she was exposed, she was turn on.

She whirled around in her mind, her thoughts spinning out of control. She got horny from people watching her? How did I not know this? Though, I've never done it in public, I've always watched. I guess it makes sense when watching other people's a turn on. But I can't just let myself get fucked by a plant and ask someone to watch! That's insane.

Maybe they don't need to see you. You just need to be in a position where they could.

Hestia stood there a long while, the corners of her mouth curling into a wide, mischievous smile as a crazy, insane, bonkers idea formed in her mind. It was stupid and risky and guaranteed to fail and be the worst mistake she'd ever make...but she liked it.

She moved quickly, she only had a few hours to prepare. First, she snuck into Hephaestus's forge to find something she'd need, a special amulet the god of fire made decades ago as a substitute for Athena's cap of invisibility (which she since passed onto her daughter), which was also based of her brothers helm of darkness. The amulet, though completed, never got used and has since been gathering dust in Hephaestus's workshop along with a thousand of his other tinkering and devices. Careful not to trigger any of his homemade booby traps, Hestia searched through all the scrap and machines until she found it. She put it around her neck and turned the dial hidden around the gemstone. Sure enough, looking through a nearby mirror, her reflection disappeared. She turned it a few degrees more, delighted to find the cloaking friend expanding until the desks she was standing beside vanished with her. "You always made the best toys" she giggled, deactivating the device and retracing her steps to exit the forge quietly.

Next, she made her way through the halls towards Aphrodite's room, where she hit her first snag. The goddess was presently inside and in the middle of consorting with her frequent lover Ares. Hestia pulled up short outside her closed door, hearing their raised voices from inside. Damn it! They could be at this all afternoon, she cursed, remembering the many solstice meetings they'd arrived late to due to such distraction. She shrugged of the urge to sneak a peek and instead turned her attention to drawing them out.

Fortunately, Apollo likes to keep his record player on full volume, so all she needed was to switch it on and Ares, the hot head he is, would naturally come running to smash it to pieces. Crossing the corridor to find the archers room vacant, she ran over, hooked up the record and hit play.

Nothing happened.

Hestia examined the device in confusion, finding no fault. But she suddenly felt a buzzing on her skin from where the amulet sat. She looked down and found the devices secondary function set to max; sound cancellation. "Cool" Hestia said aloud, shocked to find her voice non existent. She tapped the gemstone, and immediately cried out as Apollo's horrible taste in music burst through the halls of Olympus. Sprinting back out into the hallway, she waited out of sight as Aphrodite's bedroom door swung open.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO DESTROY THAT FUCKING THING?" The god of war bellowed over the noise, storming out of the room, his gaze burning with fury, the full monty of display as he stomped down the hall towards the source. Hestia took a moment to admire the mans stature, giggling at the sight of his massive horse coco as it swayed through the air.

Seconds later, Aphrodite followed him, draping a sheet across her shoulder, looking mildly flustered and irritated. "DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS NOW?" She shouted after him. "I WAS SO CLOSE TO ENJOYING MYSELF!"

Hestia rolled her eyes as she watched them leave, wondering why the goddess really kept the man as a lover if he's so unsatisfying. If you had what he's got, would you let him go?

Valid point, she shrugged, slipping into Aphrodite's room behind them, emerging into a mess of tattered cushions and cracked furniture, the bed a heap of interrupted intercourse. Hestia cut through the mess, heading directly for the wardrobe, where she kept them hidden. Opening the doors, she found the row of plant pots, each with their own little green and pink dormant rapevine. From the hallway, she heard a deafening crash cutting off the music. "I SWEAR! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THAT ANNOYING LITTLE WELP..!"

Hestia grabbed one of the plants carefully, closing the wardrobe and swiftly leaving the premises before the two lovebirds had time to come back and find her.

After that, it was smooth sailing. She returned to her own room, changed her clothes into a simple long brown sleeveless dress, tied around the waist by a cord. She braided her hair so it fell neatly down her back between her shoulder blades, complimenting her big brown eyes. She forwent underwear, figuring there was no point considering what she planned to do. She checked the settings on the amulet, ensuring it worked as she wanted it to before clasping it around her slim neck, the gemstone settled between her flat breasts, ready and waiting. She stood before the mirror, for once admiring how pretty she looked, before taking a deep excited breath and walking barefoot back to the hall of gods, the dormant plant held tightly in her hands.

She arrived back in the throne room with half an hour to spare, taking into account the early arrivals like Athena. She strolled to her spot at the hearth, placing the plant down next to it as she sat down, her bare feet swinging gracefully inches above the floor as she waited patiently for everyone to arrive. This is the craziest idea you've ever had, her mind whirled, still spinning since she concocted it. If it doesn't work, every one in Olympus will be there to see you losing your virginity to a plant.

"Better a plant than a husband" she countered under her breath. She slowed her breathing as Goosebumps rose on her arms, the nerves starting to kick in. This was going to be her first time, and she wanted it to be memorable, on her terms. And it'll be our little secret. She giggled, a playful grin spreading across her face as she heard the first voices echo towards the hall.

She took a deep breath and tapped the gemstone around her neck, the tell-tale wisp of air telling her the cloaking field was active. She set it to a narrow dome to begin with, enough to render her and the plant beside her invisible and still allow people to walk by without passing through the field and discovering her. In theory. Her first test subject arrived in the form of the goddess of wisdom, followed by her handmaidens. So predictable. They strode in carrying huge piles of documents, which they stacked beside her throne on the left hand side of the hearth. Athena dismissed them as she sat down to prepare for the meeting, going over her countless notes and reports. Ok, time to test this thing.

"Hi Athena" Hestia called, waving from her seat by the fire.

The goddess continued reading her notes.

She cant see me, she thought in relief. The device was working, the field hiding her from view. What caught Hestia off guard was the sound of her own voice. She had set it to mask any sound inside the field but wasn't sure if she'd be able to hear herself this time. Evidently, she could. But she can't. Upping the ante, she raised her voice as loud as she could. "HEY, ATHENA! OVER HERE!"

Nothing. The goddess couldn't hear her.

Its working. She laughed inside her little bubble, hopping excitedly in her seat as she looked down at the little plant beside her, the vines beginning to stir as they sensed her excitement. "Not yet" she cooed, settling down as she petted the plant, a small thin vine reaching up to weave between her fingers. "But soon, when they're all here."

And so they waited as the rest of the pantheon arrived, one by one, entering the hall and taking their seat. For each god, Hestia would greet them, calling their name and waving her arm, occasionally crack a joke or remark, trying to get their attention. None of them heard or saw her, walking past her bubble unaware she was even in the room. She remained seated as she watched them, looking around at the hall at the various faces, her gaze drifting over each of them recalling all the little secrets and skeletons she had stored away in her brain. She smiled as Zeus and Hera walked into the hall, taking their places, the last to arrive.

"If we are all present" Zeus announced, his voice booming across the chamber, "then let this meeting commence."

Now the fun really begins.

Almost immediately, Athena started talking, scrolling through her list of notes. Hestia listened for a minute before shaking her head, gently turning the dial on the amulet to muffle her voice. She'll be there for at least an hour before anyone else has a chance to speak. Now with all the gods present at the meeting, she adjusted the cloaking field, expanding the bubble by a few feet around her. Enough room for it to work it's magic.

Turning her attention to the rapevine, she hopped down to the floor, picked it up and paced it on the ground at her feet before hopping back to her place at the hearth. "Okay then" she said nervously, glancing around at the tired gods as they listened to Athena's opening statement. "How does this work? Do I need to do anything?"

The plant sat still by her feet, the green vines gently waving in the air. Hestia stared at it for a while, before recalling how Aphrodite mentioned it was attracted to arousal. She closed her eyes and concentrated, imagining her most intense fantasies playing out at this moment. It didn't take long, her body warming up as playful, dirty images flashed through her mind, along with a few teasing images she committed to memory. Athena's quite hot actually, she mused, opening her eyes and looking at the goddess, still talking the pantheon to sleep, picturing her in that bathtub being eaten out by Aphrodite.

The rapevine detected her hormones and responded accordingly, it's vines rising up to greet her bare feet as they dangled in the air, stroking her soft flesh as the slowly wrapped around them. Hestia gasped in surprise as the tiny strands tickled under her feet, looking down in wonder as the vines grew in size to coil around her ankles and up her legs, further appendages snaking up the hearth to find her tapping fingers on the marble. "Finally" she said, raising a hand to touch one of the vines, the length wrapping around her forearm to slither towards her shoulder. A second vine mirrored the first with her other arm, the two of them feeling cool and smooth against her skin as they made their made to her collarbone silently. Below, the vines entrenching up her legs slipped under her dress to slide along her thighs towards her.

"Wait" she said suddenly, her breath catching as she processed all the sensations. "It's my first time. Could we...take it slow?" She had no idea if it could understand her, and yet the vines stopped in their tracks. Maybe they can think for themselves. Or at least take commands.

After a brief pause, the rapevine changed its approach, holding back from its initial advances and instead stimulating her innocent body. The vines around her arms began massaging her shoulders, relaxing her as the small vines in the plant pot gently caressed the soles of her feet and her legs. Hestia moaned softly in its grasp, closing her eyes as she lowered her defences. Around her the muffled voices grew even quieter, her mind drifting into blissful silence. When the first vine left her shoulder to snake under her dress to her chest, she didn't object. Rather she let out a groan as it circled her tiny breasts, teasing her hard nipples, careful to avoid the amulet hiding them from their audience.

The plant grew fresh vines that hovered below her, waiting patiently as a new one reached up to point towards her waist at the cord holding her dress. "Yes" she breathed, nodding in acknowledgement at the silent query, grateful to be asked first. It grasped the cord and pulled it loose, the brown fabric falling loose as the waiting vines glided inside, wrapping around her body and stimulating her further, coiling around her waist and stroking her back, her neck, her chest. "Oh wow!" She moaned, her voice rising in pitch as her thighs became wet, rubbing together in earnest. A stray length brushed past her sensitive clit and she jumped into a shriek, the touch sending a jolt of pleasure like lightning.

She snapped her eyes up, suddenly worried the invisible field would fail under all this noise. Around her, gods and goddesses had begun talking amongst themselves, unaware what was transpiring mere feet away from them. Hestia laughed nervously, looking around at the oblivious men and women as the rapevine adjusted its hold on her, gently lifting her off the hearth to suspend her in the air above the plant. She was only a foot from the ground, but it felt like she was floating, her arms and legs dangling and swaying, making her giggle like a child. It shifted her body till she was slanted slightly, pushing her dress off her shoulders and letting it slide down her body to the ground, covering the plant pot while the vines continued to emerge from under the material.

Now naked and trapped by the rapevine, Hestia gave herself over to it, reclining back into the vines as they settled her into a comfortable position, her body on full display to the hall of gods and its inhabitants. She cast her gaze around the bickering gods in their thrones, feeling exposed, venerable, and horny. She was so turned on right now her entrance was dripping with fluids, the heat turning her cheeks red as the vines started pleasuring her anew in front of everyone, her moans echoing in her little bubble. This is heaven.

Outside the bubble, Poseidon and Demeter rose to their feet to shout at each other, joined by Ares and Artemis, the latter trying to quell the fight while the former balled his fists to escalate it. Hestia could hear their booming voices through the field, shaking the small bubble, growing worried as they edged closer to her position, a hair breath away from the invisible barrier. Standing this close she could see the sharp wrinkled on Demeter's face, smell her brothers salty body odour. Too close, she inhaled, referring to both their proximity and the plants intimate progress as it softy probed her sex, making her moan through gritted teeth, conscious of how loud she was getting despite the cloak.

As it toyed with her, a new vine touched her bottom lip, gently sneaking permission to enter her mouth. This is it! The big moment. She nervously glanced at the vine hovering before her face, giving it a quick peck on the tip, before nodding to the vine at her vagina. "Do it" she whispered, her eyes locking to the arguing gods just outside, daring them to find her. "I'm ready."

At her cue, the vine carefully nudged its way between her folds, slowly sliding inside her for the first time. She moaned very loudly, her high pitched voice bouncing all around her as she clung to the vines holding her, her back arching into the plants grip. It wasn't the biggest appendage it could've penetrated her with, so the rapevine indeed was being kind, softly easing her through her first real sexual experience.

As the young goddess cried out, her mouth wide open in shock and alarm, the waiting vine slipped into her mouth, letting her clamp her jaw around it to stifle the sound. It waiting a moment to let her calm down, beginning to suck on the gag as it continued its gentle insertion through her tight walls. Hestia kept her gaze on the gods outside, who'd calmed their quarrel to a heated disagreement. She watched them intently, distracting herself from the discomfort of the invading growth pushing through her, cringing as it reached her virgin barrier. Her body stiffened, bracing itself for what was to happen, her fists clenched in a white knuckle vice.

The rapevine paused only briefly, pulling back, then plunging forward with just enough force to break through her hymen. Hestia screamed into her gag, her body reacting to the sharp pain violently. The plant held her gently, letting her writhe and cry, waiting for her discomfort to pass as it stopped its movements. After a long moment Hestia stopped screaming, hyperventilating from her nose, a tear running down her red cheek as she willed her body to relax. That hurt more than I thought it would. It took her a while to calm down, her body adjusting to the vine now deeper inside her pussy than anything she'd ever tried. The plant removed the length from her mouth, let her breath easier as she opened her eyes, finding the gods retaking their seats. Then didn't hear, or see, she thought with a sigh of relief. Even with the cloaking field up, she doubted Hephaestus's amulet could held the silence had she not been sucking a plant cock at the crucial moment.

Having now gotten past the painful part of the experience, she signalled to the rapevine to have its way, starting her first true evening of passion as she felt her womanhood be truly fucked for the first time in centuries. The vine started slow, just as she wanted, but soon enough it was thrusting faster and harder into her, her moans and shrieks urging for more as the rest of the vines caressed and squeezed her body, heightening her senses until she could think of anything but the pure, undiluted bliss of the moment. "Fuck!" She screamed, cascading into orgasmic heaven as she came, her hips buckling against the vine as it slowed its thrusts to help her ride the climax. "Don't stop" she begged, breathless as she soured through her high. "Fuck me till I pass out. Till I can't even stand."

It was more than happy to oblige, pounding her pussy and teasing her sensitive pleasure points; her nipples, her clit, her spine, her neck, wherever she wanted. It made love to her throughout the entire Solstice meeting, hidden from the pantheon, treating her to the wonders of sex she'd never believed existed. I wish it would never end, her mind and body cried as she collapsed further into her deepest desires with a wide smile on her pretty little face.

Sitting in his respective throne in the hall of gods, Hephaestus was falling asleep listening to all his fellow Olympians continue their meeting, the droning conversation making his bored overworked brain shut down. For the twelve time today he asked himself why he came to these things, wishing to be back in his workshop tinkering.

His mind cycled through all the gadgets and gizmos he could be working on, all the improvements he could be making. But out the corner of his eyes, something flashed briefly that made him recall the amulet he made for Athena all those decades ago, the one that generated an invisibility bubble. He recalled how he made it within days, but never gave it to the goddess due to the glitch he could never quite fix. Nothing serious, a minor fluctuation in the field that rendered the subject visible for a micro second, a flickering anomaly. He tried for a week, coming up a failure each time. So it never got off the shelf in his workshop, neither him or Athena accepting anything less than perfection.

He wondered what triggered the memory until her saw the same flash in his peripheral vision again, his gaze drifting over to a spot beside the hearth in the centre of the room. As he stared, narrowing his gaze, he saw it; a flicker. Something materializing in the air for a split second before vanishing. Being a god, he registered this moment clearly, his intense gaze seeing the image of a large mass of green arms holding a small figure, the naked body of a young teenage girl with braided brown hair, her expression that of joy and lust as the arms played with her tiny boobs while penetrating her small pussy vigorously.

Hephaestus blinked sharply, the image gone as quickly as it arrived. He glanced around at the rest of the hall, wondering if anyone else saw that he saw. No one showed any indications of seeing anything, leading him to conclude his mind was playing tricks on him. It was the only explanation, because for a split second he could've sworn the girl he was seeing was their own goddess of the hearth, Hestia.

He shook the absurdity away, knowing full well she'd never get herself into a predicament like that ever. He didn't see any more flickers like that for the rest of the day, but he never found himself bored any further, spending the rest of the meeting trying to conceal the massive erection now in his lap.

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