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Aphrodite's New Plant: Hera gets Punished

Be warned, CONTENT WARNING: tentacles and rape


Hera slumped back in her throne high in Olympus, shooting away the last of her handmaidens for a bit of peace. As usual, her husband and king Zeus was too busy galivanting around somewhere instead of performing his duties as ruler of the cosmos, leaving her to pick up the slack. This was the first time in days she had even a moment to herself, ordering her servants to leave her and ensure she not be disturbed for anything. She went so far as to threaten disintegration if even a whisper reach her ears.

Now she sat in the empty throne room, breathing in the silence and allowing herself to relax. "Idiots" she sighed, referring to her family of Olympians leaving everything up to her. "This day couldn't get any worse."

A few hours earlier...

Aphrodite had returned to her chambers furious. Hera, the so called queen, had insulted her for the final time. Bad enough she forced her to marry her ugliest son all those Millenia ago, but now she had the gall to suggest she needed a face lift? The nerve.

The goddess of love had stormed back to her chambers, already plotting the perfect revenge for such an insult. That's when it came to her, and she immediately got to work. Within minutes she'd gathered what she needed, strode purposely to the throne room and placed her trap beneath Hera's decorative (if inferior) throne.

Now all she had to do was leave and wait.


Seconds after Hera uttered those words, her chair erupted in a frenzy of activity.

First, before the queen could react, the large cloud of pink dust burst from underneath her, covering her head to toe and filling her startled lungs via gasping breaths. Hera coughed and sputtered, her eyes stinging as she moved to leave her seat quickly.

But at that moment, restraints materialized around her wrists, locking her to the armrests. She pulled at them urgently, horrified to find her strength failing her. More restraints caught her legs and waist, tying her to the chair tightly, immobilizing her.

"What is the meaning of this!" Hera demanded, straining against the bindings. She tried to use her godly powers to escape, only to find none working. She was powerless. "What have you done to me!" She screamed at the empty room. Someone was behind this, she knew it. But she saw no one. She glared back at her restraints, still fighting against them, discovering they were rigid, brown vines, growing tighter the more she fought.

"Release me!" The queen ordered, ignoring the growing discomfort as the vines grew tighter, tight enough to start turning her fingers purple as they cut off circulation. "I demand you to release me at once!" The vines responded by lashing more around her arms and torso, tying her up tighter. Hera cried out in alarm as a particularly aggressive one whipped around her neck and pulled her back, slamming her skull into the headrest violently. The impact about knocked her out, sending stars over her vision as the vines held her in place.

"I swear" Hera growled in a daze, "whatever you are, you will payURK!"

Heras words were cut of and the vine around her throat constricted, squeezing her windpipe and cutting off her airway. She struggled to breath as she strained desperately, the restraints tightening more and more, her face turning blue as it choked her. It's going to kill me, she thought in fear, powerless to fight it as her limbs turned a painful shade of purple, her lungs burning trying to retrieve oxygen.

Then, without a sound, the vines grip lessened ever so slightly, enough for her to suck in the much needed air before she passed out. She gasped in breath after breath, hyperventilating from the panic that had set in. Whatever this is, I can't escape it. And it can hurt me. The fact that she was vulnerable scared her more than the mysterious plant assaulting her. Which was bad, cause it was the plant that she should be afraid of.

As soon as she had recovered enough air to breath normally, the vines attacked her again, their grip tightening as a fresh batch shot out from underneath her seat to tear at her robes. "Stop!" She commanded, however fruitless it was. She had no authority any longer. She screamed as the vines ripped her clothing to shreds, using vines rimmed with sharp rose thorns. Said thorns, whilst tearing at her robes, cut into her flesh whilst doing so, ignoring the cries of pain as they drew blood. Once they were done, Hera was completely naked in her own throne, her body riddled with cuts and scratches. She glared at the vines in fury, which turned quickly to fear as a new, thick, mangled vine rose up before her, aiming itself at her exposed vagina.

"No!" She growled, trying to sound intimidating. "Do you dare!" The vine poised itself as her restraints tightened, prying open her thighs to open a bigger target. "Don't you dare!" She cried, more fearful and desperate now. "NO! DON'T..." she screamed at the vine launched forward, plunging through her tight entrance violently, forcing itself deep into her.

Hera cringed, wailing in pain as she felt it rip through her insides. There was no pleasure in this act. Just intense pain, heightened by the stinging buzz of her hand and feet once again being denied blood flow. "Please" The queen whined, fighting back tears as it began pulling its way back. But sure enough, it started. The vicious pounding of her womanhood, the uneven appendage tearing her tight walls apart, each thrust sending new waves of agony through her.

"No! Stop this! Please!" Hera rarely begged for anything, but she was pleading now. She didn't want this. It hurt, hurt so much. She'd never felt such pain. But the plant ignored her pleas, her screams, her tears, forcing itself into her over and over again. It sent two more to her bleeding chest, wrapping them around her medium sized breasts like rope, binding them tight. Then they squeezed, pulling the as tight as they could, making the goddess scream anew. "Stop!" She pleaded, feeling her breasts about to explode. "It hurts! It hurts!" Her torment got worse when two unique vines approached, each with a Venus flytrap attached to the tip. They latched onto her red nipples, the thin teeth digging into the sensitive numbs, and pulled, making Hera scream.

Finally it got sick of her whining and sent another, similarly uneven vine into her wailing mouth, forcing it down her hoarse throat, making her gag as it silenced her. The experience was unpleasant enough, but the vine around her neck contrasted again, making her throat a tighter fit for it to fuck, also restricting her airway. Hera tried to make a sound, a plea for mercy, but the plant fucked her neck raw, slamming her head hard against the chair with each thrust.

The torment grew worse with each passing second, her lungs burned for air, her skull cracking on the headrest, her limbs loosing all feeling, and her mangled vagina literally leaking blood. And the pain, it was never ending. It was all Hera could feel. Nothing else as her tears flowed freely down her cheeks, her mouth and body abused beyond comprehension. And it still wasn't over.

The vines took to her abused pussy again, two more appendages snaking through to join the first. No! There can't! her thoughts cried as they pushed their way inside her, sending fresh waves of agony through her as the three, massive, mangled vines forced themselves deeper into her abused body, finding her cervix. Without a moments hesitation they ploughed through it into her womb, prying her open with an agonizing, muffled scream. Stop! It's too much! They're too big! They're ripping me open!

She could do nothing but look down at her swollen stomach, the large shapes of her violent intruders pet rude girl through her skin as they writhed and fought each other for territory inside her battered, bruised, painful body, fighting to stay conscious as her skulled back in her chair, praying for the pain to be over soon, even if it means it kills her.

Meanwhile, hiding in the shadows, the goddess of love watched her prized creation inflict her punishment. This wasn't like her other rapevines, this was something special made just for her queen. And she took pride in her work as she watched her suffer.

Aphrodite smiled devilishly as she quietly turned and left the room, leaving her to her fate. "Paybacks a bitch" she whispered, locking the room behind her.

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