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Aphrodite's New Plant: Demeter pays a Visit

After the rousing success of her latest experiment last evening, Aphrodite couldn't wait to test out the full range of possibilities her plant opened up. Just thinking about it got her so hot and bothered she couldn't concentrate.

Right now she lay on her bed in a bright pink nightie, her beautiful skin glistening in the sunlight from her oversized window atop Olympus, her boobs rolling under her translucent fabric as she stretched out across the mattress, her mind lost in the sea of possibility.

Imagine, she thought excitedly.

Across the room her new plant of vines sat on the dresser silently, currently docile.

But not for long.

As the goddess swooned in her fantasy, the plant came to life as a handful of vines began to elongate and reach towards her, drawn to her intoxicating arousal like before. This time she sensed the movement and sat up on her elbows to watch it approach her, a big grin on her face.

"I've been waiting for you" she said seductively, reaching out a foot to welcome them.

One of the vines met her toes in greeting, lightly ticking them as it coiled up her leg to her knee, the texture smooth and cold. The goddess giggled as a thinner vine approached from the larger one to encircle her big toe, snaking under her foot to play with her sensitive skin. Aphrodite laughed, watching in fascination at the foreplay.

Another vine came into view, and her eyes followed it as it reached down to take hold of her other leg, wrapping around it like the first. She tried to playfully pull away, but the vine held her tight, instead pulling her towards the plant.

"Oh my" Aphrodite said in surprise, allowing it to bring her across the bed, her nightie riding up her body until her lower regions were exposed. Then the vines abruptly stopped, instead moving her feet to spread her legs apart, leaving her wet entrance open for a third vine to approach.

"Oh my" the goddess sigh as the vine stroked her lips, falling back onto her back as the vine played with her pussy. It toyed with just long enough to get her horny before penetrating her pussy, sliding easily inside and making her moan loudly. "Fuck me" she moaned as it began thrusting into her, relaxing with her hands in her hair, her feet tickled and caressed, as the plant had its way, content to lie here and be fucked forever.

Just then, the doors to her bedroom slammed open.

"You've crosses a line now you complete whore!" The grizzled mature woman barked as she stormed into Aphrodite's chambers, her sharp features angled into a furious expression. She wore a dark blue gardening apron and yellow gloves (which clashed with her grey hair), waving a trowel in the air like a flag.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes as she hoisted herself to her elbows, the vine pumping inside her continuing unconcerned. "What have I done now, Demeter?" She asked exasperated.

The older goddess planted herself in front of Aphrodite's bed (no pun intended), glaring at her with absolute hatred. "You stole from my garden! You stole my plants!"

"Oh, that? That was, like, a week ago. I just assumed you didn't notice."

"Well, I noticed. Now you'll return them, or I swear to Zeus, there will be hell to pay!"

Aphrodite sighed in contempt and annoyance. This is beneath me, she thought. "I'm afraid I can't return them" she told her. "They've already served their purpose. Now, if you don't mind, I'm in the middle of something."

Demeter huffed at her indignantly, until her gaze caught sight of the scene she'd failed to take notice of. She noted the perverse position Aphrodite's body was in, and her gaze focused on her displayed pussy, still being penetrated by the vine that continued to fuck it despite the argument interrupting Aphrodite's pleasure.

"What is this?" Demeter recoiled in disgust. "Are you...are you masturbating? During our discussion!"

"For your information, you barged in on me!" Aphrodite fired back, huffing as she dropped her head back to the mattress. "Now if you'll excuse me, I was having a delightful evening. And you're ruining the mood."

While Aphrodite tried to settle back into a relaxing state, Demeter examined the vines more closely, recognizing many of the characteristics and traits from the plants that were stolen. "You...made this? From my plants!" She stared in horror at the revelation. "You perverted them!"

"I experimented and perfected the perfect plant for my specific needs" Aphrodite answered nonchalantly. Like she needed to explain herself.

"This is..." Demeter continued to stare. "Why would you..?" She followed the vines towards their source, turning around to face a plant unlike any she'd seen before. At she was shocked to find it ready to greet her.

As it turns out, while Demeter was scolding Aphrodite with her back to the dresser, the plant was reacting the the heated confrontation in a startling way. It's vines grew and rose to hover three feet over the goddess so by the time she turn around, it towered over her like a predator. But it had other tricks. Tricks even it's creator hadn't foreseen.

At the base of the plant in the soil. A small bulb of pink petals rose up and opened as Demeter stared at the towering vines startled. Instinctively, she raised her hands to defend herself, preparing to blast it to ashes when the flower jettisoned a plume of pink dust into the goddesses face. She coughed and sputtered as she blasted the plant to pieces.

Except nothing happened.

Demeter paused in confusion as the plant remained unharmed. "What was that?" She asked herself, finding herself feeling physically weaker, almost powerless. The sensation was unsettling.

Suddenly, the vines attacked, wrapping around her limbs and torso. When she tried to fight them off, she discovered her strength was severely depleted, unable to fight back. "What is this! LET GO OF ME!" Demeter cried in alarm as Aphrodite sat up astonished fascination.

Well that's new, Aphrodite thought as she watched the vines bind Demeter tightly, her arms locked to her sides as she was forced to her knees in front of the plant.

"Get off me!" She screamed, glaring at the plant as a fresh vine sprouted from the soil, horrified to see it expand into a thick cucumber approximately 3 inches wide and 9 inches long, pointing straight at her face. The agricultural goddess gasped at it, then struggled fruitlessly as the vines pulled her closer towards it, vines wrapping around her throat and head to pull her towards the green, cock-like vine.

(Fruitlessly; that's two)

"No! NO!" Demeter screamed. "Don't you dare! Aphrodite! Don't you dare..." her sentence was cut off when the vines shoved her head forward to violently force the vine into her mouth, pulling her forward until her nose dug into the soil, the vine pushing hard at the back of her throat making her choke. She finally managed to adjust, never having anything so big in her mouth like this before, before the vines moved her head to pull the vine slowly out to the tip, suddenly shoving it back in. "Mmphfft!" Demeter tried to cry out, but she was helpless as the plant built up a rhythm of pushing and pulling her head to fuck the vine mercilessly.

Aphrodite watched it all unfold, staring in bewilderment and amusement as Demeter gave the plant head.

Suck on that!

"That's what you get for calling me a whoOW WOW!" Aphrodite screamed as the vine in her pussy suddenly reengaged, pushing its way up her walls to her cervix, pressing hard against the opening to her womb. The motion caught her off guard, the painful intrusion turning her on all over again. "Fuck me!" She groan as it thrust against it hard, shooting sparks through her spine. Who knew the plant could do it rough.

More vines floated around Demeter as she continued to give oral to the vine, approaching the beautiful goddess lying on the bed. One wrapped around her waist to lift her hips a few inches off the mattress, forcing her to fall back onto the bed as a second touched her clit, extending waves of pleasure. Aphrodite moaned as the vines fucked her, thinking it couldn't get any better.

Then the third vine shot into her ass without warning, and the goddess screamed, clutching the bedsheets as it burrowed deep into her sphincter while the vine in her pussy finally pushed its way through her cervix into her womb. The combined experience was overwhelming, leading to a painful orgasm that left Aphrodite wanting more. Sure enough, the two vines started fucking her, relentlessly and mercilessly, sending shockwaves through every bone in her body.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." Aphrodite chanted with each thrust, like a mantra, her hair and body a mess of sweat and juices, surrendering to the punishing pleasure of the plant. A few feet ahead of her, Demeter had resigned herself to her fate as she sucked the vine in her mouth, the vines speeding up their movements. After a few minutes the vines in Demeter's mouth and Aphrodite's holes expanded to twice their size, making both gods scream even louder (though Demeter's were muffled for obvious reasons).

The vines fucked them like this for several more minutes until the vines spasmed and began pumping its cum-like sap through the vines into the goddesses holes. Demeter witnessed the bulges of sap enter her lips and felt them run across her throat to spurt into her stomach, triggering an orgasm she'll never admit to that made her eyes roll back into her skull. Aphrodite got double the treatment, the vines shooting it's sap up her but into her intestines and a second load into her womb, so much so that her belly began to swell until she appeared pregnant. The ordeal triggered another toe curling orgasm that left her clinging to the mattress until the vines finally left her body, leaving her exhausted on the bed.

The vines also released Demeter, letting her slip off the vine to cough up sap as she collapsed to the floor, while the plant shrank back to its original state, small and harmless.

The bedroom was quiet for a moment, the only sound the laboured breathing of two well used Greek gods. Demeter rose unsteadily to her feet, wiping away the sap dripping from her chin as she stared at the plant. She waved her hand and was relieved to find her godly powers restored, incinerating the plant instantly.

"Why did you have to go and do that?" Aphrodite whined, too exhausted to get up.

Demeter didn't look at her, seething with hatred and self-loathing. "I don't have the strength to..." she growled. "If I ever see you and that...rapevine again, I swear on the Styx..." she left the threat hanging, shuffling out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

Aphrodite let her go, content to lie in her own cum a while longer, patting her sap-filling belly she felt leaking through her holes. She'd never felt so full. She mused over her plant and the name Demeter had called it.

Rapevine. I like it.

She smiled as her eyelids drew heavy, drifting into slumber, dreaming about the two extra rapevines she'd grown from a cutting of the original, hidden away in her chambers.

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