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Aphrodite's New Plant: Athena takes a Bath

Sometimes even a goddess needs to relax every once in a while. All those meeting and miracles and whining mortals can really take it out of you if you let it. Make you crazy, mad, stupid. And if there was one thing the goddess of wisdom was never going to let herself become, it's stupid!

So to combat that, Athena always liked to take some time to herself, to relax, away from the distractions of the cosmos. And what better way than a nice warm bath in her private chambers of Olympus? She strode into her chambers to her bathroom, marble white with porcelain floors, wide open windows overlooking the earth below, the sun shining filling the room with a warm glow, the water in the modest rectangle cut into the floor glistening as she knelt beside it. A simple dip of her hand confirmed the sufficient temperature, the bath specially designed to her specifications and built by Hephaestus to always be as hot as she requires it.

Smiling, Athena undid the clasps of her godly outfit and shrugged off her clothing, leaving her graceful beauty to soak in the sun a moment before she stepped into the water. She sank down to her shoulders, reclining into her favourite spot, closed her eyes and let out a long and exhausted breath. She needed this. No plans to make. No treaties to sign. No unnecessary distractions. Just peace. It was rare for the goddess to just turn off her brain, but today she allowed the indulgence of utter, thoughtless, silence.

She got maybe twelve seconds of peace until she heard a certain annoying goddess behind her say "ok, now I truly am jealous!"

Athena scowled in annoyance as she looked up to find Aphrodite strolling into her bathroom, staring god-smacked at the chambers in her utterly revealing dress. "How did you get that oaf of a husband of mine to make this for you?" She asked. "I can barely get him to make me a simple waterbed."

"What do you want Aphrodite" Athena asked curtly, eager to get her out of her chambers to return to her peaceful solitude. As Aphrodite turned around to face her, however, she noted the curious little object nestled in the crook of her arm. She found herself drawn to it, realizing it was merely a plant pot with a small green plant inside. Disappointing.

"I was just wandering through Olympus and thought I'd pop in" Aphrodite said with a smile. Athena went to roll her eyes, but the way she smirked made her pause. Like she was hiding something. "There's something I wanted to give you" Aphrodite continued, holding up the plant in her hands.

Athena narrowed her eyes questioningly. "Since when did you garden?"

"That's a funny story, but first..." Aphrodite walked forward and carefully placed the plant pot on the opposite side of her bath so she was facing it. It sat there silently as the goddess walked around to join her, sitting upon the floor beside her. "What do you think?" She asked warmly, that smile there once again.

"You should really ask Demeter" Athena chided, in no mood for games.

"Just...take a moment" she insisted.

Athena sighed, annoyed and frustrated, but humoured her for a brief moment. Turning all her attention to the plant, she realized it was composed of a large bulb with several bright pink leaves hovering over the soil, and a dozen smooth wavy vines rising out of the centre. It was unusual, but hardly impressive. But once the plant started to move on its own, Athena became more intrigued, leaning forward to examine it as the petals expanded slightly.

Then, without warning, a burst of pollen burst from the petals, blowing in her face by the wind. Athena coughed as they filled her lungs, startling her momentarily. The plant fell still once again. "What was that?" Athena asked.

"I call it a rapevine" Aphrodite told her, voice soothing, like talking to a cat. Athena hated that tone. Aphrodite always used it when seducing the male gods. "I made it myself" she continued, placing her hands on Athena's shoulders, gently massaging them. "Borrowed a few things from Demeter's greenhouse, but I was bored. Needed a project. Then I made this. Isn't it beautiful? So much it can do."

Athena had stopped listening when she realized her body was beginning to heat up. But not from the bath, from something far more alarming. Arousal? What did Aphrodite do to her? "I don't have time for this" she said sharply, rising up to leave.

Aphrodite's hands held her down, and Athena was shocked to discover she couldn't move. Her strength had left her. She could feel it, the tingling in her body, her godly powers were inhibited. How?

"Among others" Aphrodite continued as if unaware of Athena's growing unease, "its pollen can temporarily render gods mortal, so to speak. That was completely an accident, but a welcome one." She smiled as she glanced down at the unsteady goddess caught in her grasp. "It's quite refreshing, you know, being restrained with no way to escape, while those thick vines fuck your brains out. It's truly...intoxicating."

Athena suddenly went pale at her words. Restrained? Fucked? Vines? She gazed worryingly forward, and sure enough she saw the rapevine was moving again, it's vines growing longer and thinker as they left the soil and dipped down into the water, heading in her direction. Oh no!

"At first I wanted to keep it all for myself" Aphrodite said absentmindedly, barely acknowledging the squirming figure being held in the bath as the vines slithered along underwater towards the frantic limbs. "My own personal sex machine. But then I realized I couldn't let it wilt away in my wardrobe. Others should be able to experience the same joy I do. And I have plenty of specimens, with the means to grow more. So I chose to share my beautiful plant."

The first of the vines reached Athena's foot, which she tried to pull away until it wrapped tightly around her ankle, holding it in place so another could begin coiling up her leg slowly.

"I already dropped one off with my children at that quaint little camp of theirs. I knew they'd be very grateful. I check in every once in a while, she how my lovely plant is settling in. I'm pleased to say it's making those heroes very happy. Though, I must admit, I find myself indulging in a little...solo entertainment during those viewing. I know, it's crazy getting off with yourself while watching your kids having sex,'s too hot not to."

Both her legs were trapped now, the goddess inhaling sharply as they wrapped around her thighs and moved closer to her core. A separate appendage wrapped around her waist and held her in position as the vines pried open her thighs to reveal her moist entrance. Athena grit her teeth, trying to ignore how much her groin was aching for the touch of those vines, telling herself it was the pollen affecting her. She's not being turned on by a plant. This is not making her horny!

"So then I realized it'd be a good idea to share this girlfriend with my fellow Olympians. After all, what we do is very stressful. Everyone deserves to relax. So that why I'm here" Aphrodite finally finished, gazing back down to see Athena wriggling against the vines, powerless to stop them as they approached her core. "I figured if anyone needed to relax, it was you Athena. You're so uptight, you just need to let go."

As she said this, her hands moved down off her shoulders to her vulnerable boobs, making Athena gasp sharply, caught off guard by the groping motions of the goddesses fingers as she massaged her mounds expertly. "Stop this" Athena tried to shout, but her voice was catching of the moans she was desperately holding back. Aphrodite smiled, not being fooled for a second, pinching her erect nipples to elicit a squeak. "You won't get away with this" she muttered, glaring at the goddess above her.

"I'm just helping you relax, along with my friend here." She gestured to the rapevine, which was making its move on Athena's pussy, opening her up for a teasing vine to prod at her folds, circling the opening. Athena immediately dropped her hands between her legs, covering herself to protect her womanhood from attack, but the vines took her wrists and pinned them to her sides. She struggled helplessly as the vines travelled up her arms to her shoulders, circling around to wrap around her breasts and begin playing with them. Athena let out a reluctant moan as they toyed with her nipples, the vines returning to her clit down below.

Aphrodite continued to play with the goddess of wisdom, plunging her arm into the water to find Athena's vagina, her fingers stroking between her folds, feeling the soft flesh her plant would soon be exploring. She traced her fingertips up Athena's body, between her supple breasts, stroking her long neck right up to her narrow chin, tilting her head back to look into her grey eyes, finding they glazing over with overwhelming pleasure. She smiled, leaning in to gently kiss the goddess on the lips, distracting her from the waiting onslaught below the waist.

Athena moaned involuntarily into the kiss, her resistance crumbling away to give in to pleasure. Why is this happening? Her head cried. But her body had relinquished control, allow what was about to happen happen. She felt the vines at her entrance as two small appendages pulled her folds apart like a curtain, opening the way for a shockingly thick vine head.

The goddess broke the kiss when it poked her opening. "Wait!" She said urgently, staring down through the water at the massive plant. She wanted to object, say something that would talk her way out of this mad situation. But to her shock, all she could think was it won't fit. The rapevine paid her no heed, moving its vine forward and slipping into the open, wet pussy without any hinderance.

"Interesting" Aphrodite mused as Athena groaned, her eyes rolling back into her skull as she was penetrated. "For a maiden goddess, that entered rather easily." She glanced towards the moaning woman questioningly, breaking into a wide grin as she leant closer, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. "Who's been tending to your womanly desires then?" She whispered in Athena's ear, gently biting the earlobe teasingly.

Athena couldn't answer, but her faced reddened in embarrassment. Not just because of the inclination of her status, but because she was enjoying the experience so much.

Aphrodite pulled Athena's face back to face her. "Well. What do you have to say now?"

The goddess stared wordlessly as the vine thrust into her repeatedly, the vines coiling around her breasts and limbs caressing her skin. After a moment of silence bliss, Athena managed to groan two simple words: "fuck me." Aphrodite smiled, pulling herself into a deep and passionate kiss, exploring her mouth with her slender tongue, muffling the moans that emanated from her throat. All of Athena's resistance was gone. All that remained was the need to climax.

Athena managed to hold on another four minutes before her kiss was broken with a series of gasps and screams. "Oh chaos!" She cried, shaking in the vines grasp, the water around her rippling wildly. "Oh chaos! I'm cumming!" With her own words, the dam broke and the orgasm ripped through her body violently, her hips buckling against the pounding vine. She screamed loudly, nearly deafening the goddess sitting beside her, who leant back to watch the goddess of wisdom completely lose it. It was quite a sight.

Coming down from her high, Athena slumped against the rim of her bath, breathing heavily as the vines grip loosened. She sighed with exhaustion as her gaze lolled upward to see Aphrodite stripping off her clothing and stepping down into the water beside her.

"Well now" she cooed, snuggling beside her to capture her lips once again. "I knew you'd enjoy that." She reached down into the bath and took hold of the vine still situated inside Athena's pussy, removing it to bring up out of the water to examine. Athena saw it glistening with a mix of bath water and her juices, saying nothing as Aphrodite brought it to her mouth, licking up its length and sucking on the tip. "Mm. You taste like olives" she remarked, before lowering it back underwater to place into her own vagina with a sigh. She leant forward to kiss Athena, smiling as she winked at her. "But I prefer to get mine straight from the tap."

With that, she sank down into the bath out of sight. Athena started to get some composure back, just in time to feel Aphrodite's lips on her own. "Oh no" she gasped, the feeling of her tongue pushing inside her stirring her body awake, simultaneously reactivating the dormant vines on her body.

As the sensations began anew, Athena instead chose to sink deeper into her bath, relenting with a deep and relaxing oh yes!

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