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Aphrodite's New Plant: Artemis goes Hunting

The campsite was quiet as the goddess stalked silently through the clearing, stepping over the bodies strewn around her careful not to disturb her hunters, all unconscious at her feet and scattered across the ground. Artemis surveyed the carnage with her calculating silver-grey eyes, her small hands tightening on her bow as she observed her packs condition, fearful and furious.

She returned to the camp to find all of her followers passed out on the ground, either completely or partially stripped naked as their clothes and weapons were scattered around the camp. She knelt beside a few of them, enough to observe they were alive and physically unharmed. Almost unharmed. Closer inspection revealed all of her hunters had been attacked in a different manner. Violated. She stared in horror and disbelief as the slumbering girl's around her, some laying side by side in embrace, were all covering in a sticky substance, mixed with sweat. She found their bodies quivering as this same substance leaked from their bodies, their orifices, pussies and arseholes, all showing signs of aggressive activity.

What could've done this? Who would dare violate my hunters in this way?

Artemis scanned the camp and surrounding area for anything that could point to the perpetrator, cold fury burning through her eyes as she lowered down to check for tracks. Nothing. Whatever assaulted her pack left no trace, save for the substance filling their holes and covering the ground.

Her highly tuned hearing picked up the snap of a twig behind her and her reflexes snapped to attention immediately, her body spinning around, drawing a single silver pointed arrow from her quiver, drawing the bow and releasing it the second her body lined up with the target. Her arrow pierced the air at lightning speed, only to be stopped abruptly by the equally fast reflexes of her opponent.

"Jesus Christ" the young man said startled, holding the silver point an inch from his face. "You nearly took my eye out sis."

"You should know better than to sneak up on my like that" Artemis replied, turning her back on her twin brother.

Apollo released a tentative breath as he dropped the arrow from his hands. He was dressed in his favourite white trousers and black shoes, shirtless leaving his bow and quiver strapped across his broad chest. He brought up his hands to check his blonde hair, neatly gelled back to complete his perfect handsome appearance. "The true image of beauty" he'd claim. Artemis, however, could just as easily topple his podium. Even in her favoured teenage form she was considered a natural beauty that could rival even Aphrodite. The difference was she wasn't as egotistical about her appearance as Apollo was. Yes, her shoulder length raven black hair was gracefully flowing to highlight her silver-grey eyes and perfect features, her tall, slim body perfectly shaped with a form-fitting outfit to show how stunning she was, but her choice of appearance was more practical. Tight grey leggings with silver leather boots, a light grey sleeveless tunic with her white quiver strapped comfortably across her back, a dark belt holster for her hunting knives and lures, a sleek hood resting around her shoulders. The only item of clothing considered cosmetic was the small silver moon pendant around her neckline, nestled in the centre of her average sized chest.

Apollo stepped out of the bushes into the clearing to join his sister as she continued to survey the camp, whistling as he took in the sight of so many naked young women. It's like I died and went to Elysium, he thought, knowing better than to make a comment like that in front of Artemis. "Something clearly got to them" he said, cocking his head at the sight of two particular hunters cuddling each other. "Looks like quite the party..."

"What are you even doing here Apollo?" Artemis suddenly turned on him, stepping up to the god of music. Even standing before the twenty year old form, her 15 year old frame still managed to put him on edge. "Did you have something to do with this? Because i swear, if you hurt my hunters in any way..."

"Chill, ok!" Apollo stammered, holding up his hands defensively. "I didn't do anything. I got here just after you did" he lied, the memory of him furiously beating his dick still fresh in his mind.

Artemis glared into his blue innocent eyes coldly, deciding to believe him and stepping back. Apollo released another breath, glancing behind her to the campfire a few feet away. "Do you know anything about what happened here?" She asked him suspiciously.

He shrugged, looking around at the carnage. "Can I make an observation?" He asked. When she looked back questioningly, he added "before you decide to take my head off again. What makes you think any of these girls were hurt?"

"Seriously?" She said, pointing to the strewn bodies leaking fluids. "Look at them! They've clearly been attacked. Assaulted. Violated."

"Actually, they seem pretty satisfied" Apollo commented, drawing a horrified look from his sister. "Oh come on, don't be like that. Look, they are all alive, still breathing, no signs of being physically injured. This isn't a bloodbath where something tore though and attacked the camp. This...this is more Friday night at the hammer smith. This is the after party."

"I don't believe this" Artemis huffed, turning away in disgust.

"Your hunters haven't been attacked, they've been having a good time. And who can blame them. An eternity without men is one thing. An eternity without sex?" Artemis looked back with a cold glare. "Come on, can you honestly tell me you've never even masturbated to feel the thrill of a guilty pleasure? Indulged in a sneaky quickie?"

"Never" She said immediately, not the least bit ashamed of admitting it to her brother.

Wow, he thought. No wonder you're so uptight. He watched her as she knelt down beside the sleeping body of her lieutenant, now only a meter away from the campfire where a conspicuous plant pot is sitting. I guess you'll need what tonight has in store more than I thought.

Unaware of the devilish plotting of her sibling, Artemis checked over Tahlia's body, thankful she is still alive, if unconscious. What did this to you? She rose back to her feet, her silent fury for whatever attack them bubbling away under her skin, tempered by her self control only barely. She was going to find the creature that violated her pack, and she was going to tear it apart.

"Seriously though" Apollo asked, drawing her attention back towards his annoying face and away from the quivering small plant that took notice of the heat coming from her body. "You've never even...toyed with yourself?"

"Are you seriously trying to have this conversation right now?" She asked him incredulously.

"It's just a question. Jesus, I know of at least three maiden goddesses who've at least indulged in a little solo action. Just because no sex doesn't have to mean no pleasure."

"I take my vows seriously, and I trust my followers to do the same. I'm not a horny jackrabbit like you trying to fuck everything that moves."

"That's not fair" he shot back defensively. "We both know that's dad's department."

"You know what I mean" she sighed, frustrated at falling into the same argument she's had countless times with him.

"Ok" Apollo said quickly, his eyes carefully tracking the emergence of the green vines slowly rising up behind the oblivious young goddess, determined to keep her attention on him. Even if it meant getting punched in the face again. "So just to be clear, if had the chance to experience the beautiful feeling of getting fucked, you wouldn't take it?"

"No" She cried.

"Not even if it allowed you to keep your vows?"

"No! How would that even work? I'm a maiden goddess for a reason!"

"You don't need to have sex with someone to get fucked. Just...experience it, like your hunters did last night."

Apollo froze at that moment, and Artemis narrowed her eyes on him. They both saw the slip up. "You do know what did this, Don't you?" She growled angrily.

He carefully took a deep breath, measuring his response as he glanced behind her, grateful to see the plants arms reaching towards her, drawn to her fierce personality. "I might know where it is" he told her, slowly stepping back out of her reach.

She locked him with a dead stare, her fingers clutching her bow as her legs planted themselves into the ground. She was seconds away from burying another arrow into his forehead. "Where is it?" She hissed, failing to notice the thin green vine coiling around her ankle.

Apollo slowly raised a shaking hand, pointing it over her tense shoulder. "It's behind you" he whispered, a small smirk forming at the corners of his mouth.

Artemis stared at him doubtfully, until she picked out the faint rustling sound coming from behind her. Once she heard it, she mentally kicked herself for failing to notice sooner. As a result, she reacted too late as the vines lashed around her hands at the exact moment a plume of pink dust coated her body. She inhaled sharply at the surprise attack, breathing in the pollen and immediately feeling the effects. Damnit, that was sloppy! Too sloppy, like a amateur.

She shook away the dizziness brought on by the dust and pulled at her restraints. As she expected, they held, the pollen sapping her godly strength. She remembered the feeling well, not the first time she's had her powers dampened on the hunt. But she'd be damned if she was going to give in without a fight, kicking at the plant as it's vines grabbed her legs, wrapping her up tightly and twisting her hand to make her release her weapon.

Standing guiltily in front of her was Apollo, his hands sprayed out apologetically. "Sorry sis."

"You bastard!" She shouted at him, her body lunging forward to throttle him. The vines strained against her, holding her in place as they proceeded to disarm her, her knives and quiver falling to the floor. "What is this thing? What did you do to my pack?"

"Again, I had nothing to do with what happened here" he repeated, slightly insulted he had to repeat himself. "As for this thing...I have no idea. Your hunters were messing with it when I came across them, and enjoying it no less. I figured if they were open to letting it have their way you might be persuaded to try it."

"What?!" She cried, staring at her brother as the vines suddenly started to coil around her limbs and waist, hooking under her outfit in search of a means to remove it. "You're insane! You going to just let it rape me?"

"No! That's why I stayed here" he told her, eyes glued to the plant as it began to undress her against her will. "Look, despite what's just transpired and what your thinking in that head of yours right now, I'm not some sicko looking to get off watching his favourite sister get fucked by a plant. I're always so..."

"Obedient? Reliable? Responsible?"

"Uptight. You never learnt to relax. I just thought if you...enjoyed yourself in a way literally everyone else does, including your own followers, you'd be a little less..." he stalled, looking for a better word than "bitch." He came up empty.

"So what?" She scowled, struggling against the binding appendages as they pulled off her leggings and boots, prying open her tunic to reveal the white bra and underwear underneath. "You thought you'd trick me into falling into this things trap, and somehow I'd enjoy having it force itself on me?"

Apollo shrugged slightly as he carefully watched his sister, averting his gaze from her more intimate parts as he cautiously evaluated her treatment, his hand slowly drawing his own bow as he watched the vines like a hawk. "I'm hopeful you'll be more open to the idea now it's here. But if not, then I won't let it hurt you. I'll free you the second it appears anything but comfortable."

"And I'm supposed to trust your judgement?" Artemis spat at him. He fixed her gaze with a serious glare, indicating he had her back. Even now, wishing she could bury his skull in the dirt with her boot, she recognized the protective brother watching over her. She still trusted him.

That arrogant, pompous, self centred stupid lunatic. As if I'd be receptive to anything like this.

Artemis stopped struggling against the restraints, recognizing a hopeless situation when she saw one, instead evaluating her options as the plant finished removing her outfit leaving her tied up in her underwear. I could scream for help, but all my followers are passed out. I could call for Zeus. Like hades, having dad see me like this is the last thing I need. Maybe if I appeared to be getting raped, convince my brother to free me. No, he'd know if I'm faking it. Shit, I can't see a clean way out. The option I have is...

Artemis closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath as she reluctantly committed to her only course of action. Go along and hope there's an opportunity to break free. The plan meant submitting to what the plant had intended for her. She opened her eyes, cast a hateful glance at her evil twin brother, and braced herself as the vines folded over her pale skin to begin pleasuring her, immediately regretting her decision.

They didn't waste time as they massaged her limbs, coiling around her breasts to gently squeeze them as they lifted her bra up to free them into the open air. The goddess stifled a gasp as she was groped, startled by how...pleasant it felt. Her body grew warmer as it played with her nipples, tugging them until they were hard as she tried to hide how red her face was getting. Shit, that actually feels nice. Further down a thick appendage stroked her backside as a mirroring one drifted over her crotch, her hips sensing the presence as it almost made contact with her damp pussy. Shit, that feels really good. Artemis grit her teeth until the vine at her behind fought her off guard, suddenly slapping her ass and forced her to release the moan she was holding back.

It was like a switch had been flicked. As soon as the sound left her lips she couldn't stop. Keens and moans tumbled out her mouth as her body was, her body was begging to be touched. To be felt up. To be fucked. Chaos, Apollo was right. I needed this. Damnit, I need this.

Apollo watched carefully as his sisters bra was discarded, listening to her mewls and groans as the plant caressed her skin and limbs. His grip loosened as he saw how her face had softened, her fighting spirit replaced by something he'd never seen on her before. Lust. "Enjoying yourself?" He asked, the jest purposeful to measure how into it she was.

She glanced down at him, momentarily forgetting he was there, her cheeks flushing red. She opened her mouth to shout at him but her words were downed out by the wild keen as an impatient vine slipped into her panties to touch her clit. "Fuck!" She cried, her body tensing as she experience her first ever orgasm, her core exploding as she ejaculated all over the vine beneath her, drenching her underwear. "Fuck...fuck"

Apollo smiled, proud of his twin sister. He lowered his guard and turned to walk away. "I'll give you some privacy. Just holler if you need any..." He was stopped by another vine from the plant which shot out to grab his hand, pulling back to the campfire. He stared uncertainly at it as more approached and began to undress him. Unlike his sister, the god of music didn't resist, breaking into a grin. "I guess I could give this a try myself."

Artemis stared at the god in bewilderment, unable to believe what she was witnessing. She watched her brother allow the plant to wrap their vines around him, lifting him into the air alongside her, removing his weapons and clothing without a word of protest. When the waistband of his pants were pulled down she immediately turned her head away before she could glimpse the sight of his massive penis springing up to greet them. "You are disgusting" she told him, unwilling to look back at him.

He smiled, respectfully averting his own gaze from her naked body, the sight of her panties falling to the ground caught in the corner of his eye. "We're in this together now" he laughed, relaxing into the vines as they massaged his muscles, the arms holding his arms and thighs and waist, coiling around his abs and stroking his member slowly. "You know" he sighed, closing his eyes, "I feel this deserves a haiku." He took Artemis' groan as a confirmation, so began. "There was a young goddess and hunter, who finally found a beast that could fu..mfph!"

Artemis risked a glance over to see the vine mercifully silence the singing god by plunging its length down his throat, his words now just a garbled noise as he was forced to suck on it. "Ha ha ha" Artemis laughed, for once believing there is justice in the universe. Though she still hated the predicament she'd found herself in, she relented her struggle and relaxed slightly, a way of thanks to the plant for shutting him up.

The vines holding her hefted her higher into the air, positioning her body she she lay facing the sky briefly. Long enough for two new appendages to rise above her to show how they differed from the others. Hovering over her busty chest, the two vines blossomed into a pair of big pink flowers, the petals lined with thin hairs that reminded Artemis of a Venus flytrap. They lowered down to her and patched themselves onto her boobs, hooking onto the skin before the blossoms roughly massaged her. She didn't feel any pain, more a tingle as the flowers latched onto her, but she felt the sudden tightness as they began sucking her nipples harshly. "Holy shit" she muttered under her breath, her erect nipples aching as they rolled her mounds. Who knew having her breast sucked would be such a turn on, her pussy leaking more fluids down her thighs.

Between her legs the vine rubbed her folds gently, passing over her entrance but never venturing in. Equally, a thin vine coated itself in her juices as teased the rim of her asshole, prodding the tight ring occasionally to me her squeak.

The young goddess had never experienced anything like what her body was going through. She felt hot, her breath laboured, her skin sweating as she struggled to control her emotions, her responses. By the time the vine slithered between her breasts to nudge between her panting lips she barely had the focus to stop it, letting it into her mouth as it twirled around her tongue, slipping down to the back of her throat where she began to lick and suck it contented, her muffled sighs heightening her senses.

Oh my god, it's so good. This is amazing. How could I have been so stubborn?

The vines shifted her body again, angling her into a sitting position with the vines teasing her dripping entrance below her. She flicked as she felt her back press against something behind her, glancing back to see in surprise her brother had been pushed against her, back to back as the plant pleasured them equally. More smooth arms came to wrap around their bodies, pinning their arms to their sides as they were pressed together, their shoulders touching as a tender vine looped around their necks, holding their heads in place for a synchronized deepthroating. She heard Apollo moan around the vine in his mouth, the sound sending her emotions wild, triggering another orgasm.

I'm getting off on listening to my brother? Chaos, kill me now!

Behind her, Apollo was more than enjoying himself. He'd already ejaculated into the camp fire when the vine massaging his cock finished pumping him, milking his jizz till it could splurge no more. It made no difference cause the moment it looped around his balls tightly he was rock hard again, ready for a blossoming vine to reach down and encase his dick into a tight, squishy cylinder. It felt like having a small, tight pussy wrap around him and suck his cock, his throat groaned around the vine fucking his face. He wanted to thrust his hips into it, to really fuck this plant with all his godly might, but he had been dosed by the pink pollen it used on his sister while she was being titfucked, rendering him just as helpless. He didn't mind. It made things more kinky and interesting.

With the twins back to back, they could feel each other shuddering as the plant toyed and pleasured them, the pair of gods melting into the vines grasp as they moved into position to penetrate their vulnerable holes. Artemis senses it and tensed, the first indicators of real fear Apollo could sense. He shook his head urgently until the vine in his mouth fell away, letting him speak. "Be gentle" he told the plant, having absolutely no idea if it could understand him. "It's her first time."

The maiden goddess flushed red again, silently glad her brother was here while still wishing he wasn't. The vines approached her womanhood, sensing her apprehension and easing into her slowly, the tip slipping inside her first letting her get used to it. She bite down on the vine in her mouth, tensing at the intrusion. It took its time, not forcing its way in, not moving too fast, just enough to let her adjust. When it reached her barrier it paused, gave her a moment to brace herself, before pushing itself through her hymen. The goddess screamed behind her gag, the pain intense and unnerving. She felt her brothers hand reach back to hers, which she grasped in a death grip as the vines stopped, waiting for her to calm down, regain composure. She breathed rapidly through her nose, finally experiencing the true feeling of having a dick inside her. After a few more minutes she gave a quick nod, indicating she was okay.

The plant took the cue, slowly thrusting the vine in and out of her, her first sexual experience. Once she could handle it she started moaning, trying to rock her hips against the vine, sucking the appendage in her mouth more aggressively as they started milking her boobs once more. Apollo smiled behind her, thankful she was ok as the plant fucked him even faster, relaxing his colon in preparation for the vine waiting at his ass. It shot inside him like a rocket, the anal intrusion something he was more than familiar with. A thin, smaller vine did the same with Artemis' own butt, making her moan into her gag.

The twins bounced and swayed in the air for almost half an hour, riding the vines as they were fucked endlessly. Artemis climaxed three more times, Apollo managing two more orgasm, their cum either dripping to the floor or being drunk by the blossoms. The next was a shared but final climax, the two siblings screaming around their gags as the plant suddenly ejaculated into them, sap filling their holes as more vines fired across their bodies, soaking their perfect hair and flush skin. Apollo's eyes rolled into his skull as Artemis' toes curled, riding out the orgasm like riding a comet, crashing back to earth in a sweaty, steaming, satisfied heap as the vines lowered them to the ground.

They slumped against each other as their limbs were released, the vines shrinking back to the plant pot they came from, leaving the godly twins heaving and spluttering in the middle of the campsite, sap and cum covering their bodies. Apollo's deflating cock spurted a final drop of seamen as it slumped into his lap. Artemis sighed as sap poured from her aching pussy. They both sat in silence, coming down the the blissful orgasmic high simultaneously.

After a while Artemis elbowed her brother in the ribs. "Jerk" she mumbled.

"Ow!" He cried, too exhausted to defend himself. He just sighed as he leant on her shoulders, the only thing holding him up. "Love you too sis."

Artemis' fell back against his shoulder, her eyes growing heavy as she took one more look around her pack. Her silver eyes scanned the sleeping, naked hunters strewn around them, smiling at the way they nestled together, arms and legs tangled protectively. As she drifted off to sleep, she understood two important things;

She and Apollo were to never speak of this moment ever!

She and her followers had much to discuss when she woke up.

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