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Aphrodite's New Plant: Aphrodite's First Day

"At last" the goddess said triumphantly, taking a step back to admire her handy work.

Aphrodite spent the last hour or so cultivating and growing the new specimen before her, a luscious green plant in a sleek brown plant pot on her dresser. Shed made it by combining an assortment of plants of varying species she "borrowed" from Demeter's garden to create a bulb of pink leaves and green vines that wave softly in the breeze. At the moment it stood at only a foot tall, but that has potential to change.

See, apart from the simple design, Aphrodite had given this plant a couple of unique characteristics not unlike herself. And now she was going to test it for the first time.

(Well, first time with this plant. The previous attempts didn't have quite the effect she was looking for.)

With a wave of her hand, the goddesses clothes vanished, leaving her perfectly smooth skin exposed to the open air, her thick red hair falling down her back to her hips, hovering over her big round ass like a curtain. She combed her fingers through it, moving her hand over the front of her slim body, across her plump breasts and down to her waiting pussy, framed by a neatly trimmed mop of red hair.

Gods she was beautiful, she thought to herself.

The plant before her remained motionless, save for the gentle wave in the breeze from her window. As she expected. She'd designed the plant not to react to anything other than a specific stimulus, which she was easily about to initiate. Arousal.

The idea came to her in a dream (if God's indeed dream). One of her overly extreme sexual fantasies, of her in a Forrest experiencing the ultimate pleasure by many, many dicks. Of course, such a fantasy wasn't beyond her reach being the goddess of beauty and sex, but the idea lingered long enough to jar her attention away from her godly duties (disappointing the horny couple who was servicing her at the time). Also, Demeter really pissed her off recently by comparing her to a grape fruit. So she decided to find out if she could grow the perfect plant to fulfil her sexual needs, whilst also giving the middle finger to Demeter by growing something more beautiful than she can. And so here she is, praying for this beautiful specimen to fuck her brains out as opposed to its previous brethren who tried to take her head off.

(There was that point when Ares arrived for an impromptu massage and almost lost his genitals, which Aphrodite had to admit was kind of funny.)

As she stands before the plant in her oversized luxury bedroom in Olympus, Aphrodite began to stroke the sensitive parts of her soft delicate skin, avoiding the obvious points of contact for now. You must build up to these things, she thought, being an expert in the field.

She ran her fingertips over her hips, her stomach, her neck, everywhere she liked to be touched, the familiar heat starting to build inside herself. As it drew hotter, her hands turned their attention to her chest, circling the large mounds of her breasts carefully, letting out a soft moan as the heat intensified between her thighs. She closed her eyes as her fingers gently touched her nipples, feeling them harden against them, her breath beginning to get heavy. She felt a telltale wetness fall slowly down her leg. She was officially horny.

She sneaked a peek to her new plant, but disappointed to find it still motionless. Damn! Oh well, best not waste the evening.

She closed her eyes again and returned to her ministrations, not one to let anything get in the way of an orgasm. She continued to play with her boobs a moment before letting her right hand fall to the swollen clit of her pussy, gasping as her hand made contact with the sensitive nub. She began rubbing circles around it as she moaned in heaving breaths, getting lost in the pleasure of the moment.

She nearly didn't notice the feeling of movement until it was right on top of her.

She sensed something in proximity a second before she felt it, but was too preoccupied to react, or even care. But then something cold and smooth touched her dripping pussy from beneath her, and she nearly screamed the room down. The sensation was shocking, but not unwelcome. Her eyes snapped open with glee, knowing what it was. Both her hands were busy pleasuring her body, meaning this new interloper was what she'd been hoping for.

Looking down she found a long, thick vine hovering underneath her, it's smooth green texture slowly brushing the entrance to her pussy. Her eyes followed it back to the pot on her dresser to find the rest of the vines had come to life, growing in size and overflowing from the soil as even more, slight thinner vines grow along side them. The plant lay atop the dresser, many of the vines hovering in the air, all pointing and waving in her direction, edging closer at a snails pace.

"Yes" she smiled. It worked.

The vine between her legs suddenly shifted, laying it's whole body upon her skin, brushing between her wet lower lips as the tip probed it's way up between her ass cheeks. It even poked at the entrance to her back door as it nestled underneath her.

"Yes!" She gasped, jolting to her toes as she began humping the vine, enjoying the much needed friction against her pussy. The vine rubbed against her, seemingly enjoying the motion her hands stroked it, one hand resting on her butt as the other continued to play with her clit.

This is what she wanted.

She stood there humping the vine for many minutes, not carting how much noise she was starting to make or who walked in. All she cared about was the pleasure shooting through her core with each thrust, begging more more.

Her pleas were answered when the rest of the plant closed in on her naked, sweating body. Vines that had been hovering in the air, watching her patiently, moved slowly forward until they touched her sensitive skin, eliciting even more moans from her mouth. She looked down as many encircled her body, not to bind her but to carefully caress her, relaxing into their hold. One encircled her waist to follow the curve of her spine, making her back arch to its surprisingly warm contact. Another followed the curve of her right breast, cradling it gently as it lightly squeezed, making her bite her lower lip. She followed with interest a third toy with her left breast until a thinner version coiled around her nipple to pinch it, making her squeal in delight. Meanwhile further down, many thick, bulbous vines curved across her hips to stroke her bum cheeks, playing with them as they slowly pulled her hips forward in opposition to the vine rubbing her pussy, increasing the friction by like ten.

Aphrodite let herself get lost in the pleasures this plant was bestowing upon her, grinding on the vine with careless abandon as her wailing moans carried down the halls of Olympus. After an eternity of waiting, however, she couldn't push herself over the edge. She needed to climax or she felt like she'd explode. A failing of hers. Despite being the goddess of sex, she needed something inside her.

"Please" she found herself saying aloud, something she'll never admit to doing. "Please fuck me! I need it inside me."

She doubted the plant could understand a word she said, but somehow it must've understood her need. The vine rubbing her pussy started to pull back, moving slowly across her entrance like the tease it was before leaving her. She meowed in disappointment and stared at the vine pleadingly.

In response, it shifted its position until it was rubbing her clit with its tip, circling the sensitive nub while she silently gasped, her jaw slack as her hips quivered expectantly.

"Please" she repeated quietly.

The vine pulled away again, inched below her, pointed straight at her entrance, and finally slid past the soaking wet folds into her core. Aphrodite came the second she felt her womanhood get penetrated, her wordless orgasm shooting through her like a bolt of lightning. It was the longest, hottest climax she'd ever produced, making her legs buckle as she sank to her knees, driving the vine inside her deeper as she collapsed, held up only by the plant now.

The goddess knelt there before her dresser, the vines falling still as she panted heavily, her chest heaving as fluids dripping onto the floor between her legs. She sigh in content.

This is what she wanted. Her experiment worked.

She felt one of the thin vines cup her chin and lift her head, allowing her to gaze at her new plant with renowned affection. It seemed to have more to give.

Best not let the evening go to waste.

"Fuck me" she challenged it. "Give me your best shot."

This time, it didn't hesitate. It immediately started to thrust the vine between her legs deep into her vagina, pulling out to the tip and plunging as deep as it could go. And it could go deep!

"Fuck!" Aphrodite gasped as it pounded her, harder than she'd ever expected it could. The vine across her skin came to life in new ways, squeezing and caressing her body, hips, breasts, nipples, whatever was in reach. The ones coiling around her breasts were especially rough, kneading them together to accommodate another thick vine rubbing between them, giving her a very sensual titfuck.

She let them have her every which way, conserving her energy to begin bouncing on the vine fucking her core, enjoying each moment. She got so engrossed she forgot what her hands were doing, only to find two rogue vines had coiled around her wrists to keep them away from her body, holding them in the air either side to leave at the plants mercy.

"I love this plant" she muttered under her breath between squeals and moans, before looking up to see a particular thick vine hovering in front of her face. The two stared at each other for a quiet moment, until it shifted to edge towards her gasping, vulnerable mouth.

It isn't... the goddess thought, before witnessing it shoot forward to plunge into her throat before she could seal her lips. It is!

She gulped in the last free air until the vine forced its way down her throat, making her choke momentarily until her godly powers shifted to halt her need to breath, allowing her to deep-throat the intruder with greater ease. When it finally drew to a halt it drew the majority of the way out, before plunging back down, getting into a rhythm parallel to its brother downstairs.

Being spit roasted vertically was something entirely new to Aphrodite, even as an immortal. So it came as no surprise when she climaxed for the second time that evening, her muscles spasming against the vines as they continually fucked her. She could no longer concentrate, the pleasure overwhelming even her, closing her eyes as the vines coiled and squeezed and pounded her, using her body as the plaything she was. (Don't get her wrong. She could break free at any moment. She just didn't want to.)

The session lasted at least another hour, her cries and moans muffled by the vine in her mouth, her juices flowing freely down the vine in her pussy. After an unspecified point the thrusts became more rapid, fucking her harder than before, before finally, her plant climaxed.

Aphrodite didn't even know if it could orgasm, and yet, at the peak of the experience, the vines in her pussy and mouth exploded as hot sticky sap shot from the tips into her vagina and down her throat. The sensation was a surprise, overwhelming and electrifying, causing her toes to curl and eyes to roll back into her skull as she unleashed her latest, explosive orgasm alongside it. The sap filled her up, making her stomach bulge as it filled her womb and stomach.

So much...

When it finally ceased, the vines pulled away, retreating from her holes and skin to retract back to the plant pot on the dresser, shrinking away. The goddess coughed up sap as her mouth was released, her head falling forward as more fell to the floor after leaking out of her pussy entrance.

She knelt there on the floor for a long while, recovering from the crazy, yet astonishing night of blissful sex she ever experienced. She lifted her head to gaze longingly at the plant, now motionless and small on the dresser, imagining more nights, more days, like this one.

"I'll need to think of a name for you my sweet" she smiled.

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