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Aphrodite's New Plant: Annabeth goes Snooping

Annabeth always had a nose for trouble. It's what makes her different to the rest of the camp, she always goes looking for it. Or it always finds me, she'd argue. Either way, that's why the daughter of Athena is presently sneaking into cabin 10 while everyone is having dinner at the open auditorium. No one around to get in her way.

Annabeth was considered the smartest girl in the camp, having led the demigods in numerous battles against the titans and giants. So she knew when something was amiss. Campers sneaking away at odd hours, skipping classes or training, even lunch or the nightly singalong. Annabeth started paying attention and noticed a pattern; they were all Aphrodite's kids and they always snuck away back to their cabin, locking the doors behind them each time. Occasionally she'd get a chance to stake out the cabin during these suspicious exits, waiting out of sight for them to leave the cabin, noting how they changed clothes, something coming out with tangled hair or sweaty skin, something no child of Aphrodite would be caught dead looking like in public. One of the more surprising stakeouts saw two girls enter the cabin, then while Annabeth watched, two more campers, a girl and a boy, would knock quietly on the door and wait eagerly for the door to open to let them slip inside. In that brief moment, Annabeth heard some peculiar noises from inside the cabin. She wasn't sure, but she swore she heard the campers screaming, moaning, and laughing all at once. What the hell is going on in there?

It was after that night she started volunteering for cabin inspection duty, figuring it was the best way to get eyes inside the cabin without breaking any rules or drawing suspicion. But each time she came up empty, finding the place consistently spotless. In fact, too spotless, even for the cabin 10. After her third strike during inspection, she found herself kicking a dresser in frustration.

"You okay Annabeth?" Her inspection buddy asked.

She shook her head, straightening the items on the dresser out. She hated being wrong, if she was wrong. Her grey eyes scanned the items; magazines, hair brush, makeup kit, water bottle and a potted plant. Nothing out of the ordinary. "We're done here" she said, turning to leave.

As her buddy exited the cabin, Annabeth cast one final glance around the room in defeat, before suddenly gasping as she came to a stop. Something just pinched my butt!

Annabeth whirled around immediately, but found nothing, no one. She was sure something touched her. She scanned the cabin, narrowing her eyes looking for any inconsistency. There, out the corner of her eye, she saw it. The plant moved. Her gaze locked onto the plant, only to find it silent and still.

What the hell? She was sure she saw it. She wanted to go back and investigate, but she was being called away. She memorized the look of the plant and started research immediately, only to find no such plant has ever existed. She couldn't find anything about it anywhere. She was seeking answers and ended up with more questions. That's when she came to the realization she had only one course of action.

Which brought her here, sneaking into cabin 10 while everyone was distracted, hoping to figure out what's going on. She entered, locked the door behind her, and headed straight for the plant. What are you? She asked herself, drawing up to the small green thing with its wavy vines and pink petal base. She had defiantly never seen anything like it.

She knelt down to get a closer look, her blonde her hair drifting over her face before she tied it back into a ponytail. She hated it when it got in her face like that, always distracted her. She refocused her attention on the plant before her brain reminded her, you tied it back before you left your cabin. So how did it come undone?

The question didn't strike her until her hand was gently examining the vines, finding one of them longer than the rest, spilling over the pot and across the dresser. Her eyes followed it until she found it lifting into the air, hovering next to her head silently.

"What the hell?" Annabeth gasped, her back straightening as she realized she wasn't imagining things. The plant was alive. She made to back away, but found her hand was caught by another vine wrapping around her wrist, holding her tightly. Annabeth cursed in Greek, trying to pry her hand free. When that failed she reached down and drew her trusty dagger, aiming to slice off her restraint.

The plant moved faster, however, growing another vine to swat the dagger out of her hand before grabbing her other wrist. Within seconds both of Annabeth's hands were yanked forward, tied up by a single thick, sturdy vine and suddenly pulled over her head. She cried out in alarm as she was lifted into the air, her legs flailing around wildly as she dangled from the ceiling, defenceless and at the plants mercy.

She stared forward at the plant as it slowly grew bigger before her, understanding her mistake in coming here. "Ok" Annabeth stammered, working her clever brain to find a way out of this predicament. "You're alive. You clearly know how to defend yourself. Don't suppose you can talk." She was met with only silence. Dang it, she thought, realized she couldn't talk her way out like she usually does. Ok, just focus. It has you caught. The question now is what is it most likely to do with you now?

She didn't have to wait long for that to be answered as it quickly made its intentions quite clear. It's vines surged forward and began undressing her in a hurry, much to Annabeth's utter shock. It caught her flailing legs to pry her shoes off her feet, leaving her grey socks on as they moved up to the waistband of her jeans, ignoring the zip and instead attempting to pull them down urgently. "Hey!" Annabeth cried as she fought them, squirming her hips desperately. While that was happening, another pair lifted her orange camp half-blood T-shirt up to her shoulders, quickly realizing they couldn't remove it without releasing her hands. Changing their minds, they let it drop back into place and instead snaking under it. "Stop! What are you.." Annabeth argued, trying not to let her breath hitch from the contact with her skin. The vines withered under the fabric for a moment before pulling at it outwards. Annabeth heard the tell-tale ripping noises and screamed as her T-shirt was torn apart, revealing her toned torso and modest rack held within a blue lace bra. That was my favourite shirt, she pouted.

Down at her hips the vines finally got a grip on her jeans and managed to pull them down to her thighs, the action stretching Annabeth until her arms nearly came out of their sockets. Annabeth looked down, and then screamed again. Her jeans had not only revealed her body below the waist, it had also dragged her grey panties down with them, exposing her big round butt and neatly trimmed pussy. She cheeks flushed red, despite the fact nobody was in the cabin to see her.

Why not, Annabeth realized her mistake, something she should've done from the start. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" She screamed out at the top of her lungs, hoping someone would hear her. Yes, if they came now they'd see quite the display. But it was better than being molested by this plant, or whatever it had planned to do with her. She screamed again, until her brain once again reminded her, the assholes who live here soundproofed the walls. A stampeding elephant could run amok in here and no one would hear a peep.

Annabeth slumped in defeat. She wasn't getting help from outside, she was on her own in here with his thing. She grunted as the plant finished pulled her jeans down her legs, letting them land in a crumpled heap on the floor below her, along with the panties and tattered remains of her shirt. With a swift yank, her bra broke in two and drifted down to join them, leaving Annabeth hanging in the middle of the cabin, dressed in nothing but her socks, her boobs falling across her rib cage like two balloons.

Now Annabeth was embarrassed. She hated her boobs. Percy would always comment how big and squishy there were and spend at least half an hour playing with them before he'd even consider having sex with her. It frustrated her as she always had to intervene in order to get things moving. Why did she have to be this well endowed?

But that was the least of her worries, her mind racing with the possibilities of what this plant could have planted with her. She was ashamed to admit she had a pretty good idea. She'd watched plenty of Japanese porn, some of which included situations like this. Annabeth wasn't ready to star in her own porn film. She wasn't kinky like that, she had a boyfriend, she was in a relationship! She couldn't do this, she couldn't cheat on Percy like this.

The plant cared not for her fears, it's vines returning to her body in slow, predatory motions. Three long, smooth appendages slithered across the floor underneath her before shooting up to grasp her dangling feet. She cried out in alarm, not bothering to scream into an empty room as the began coiling up her legs slowly, binding them together as the vines wrapped her up like a gift. When they passed her waist, Annabeth forced herself to stay silent as they crossed her ticklish stomach, winding up to settle beneath her breasts, which rose and fell with her deep breaths, keeping her emotions in check. Upstairs, her mind was firing on all cylinders.

Think! You can do this. There's always a way out. Use your brain. Ignore the vines touching you. Pay no heed to how they're...touching your boobs. Focus. They have you suspended in the air, no possible way to break free. I'm not strong enough to OH! Oh my! It's wrapped around my left breast, tightlEEE...oh my. Why does that feel good? It nothing like how Percy touches me. Stop! Stay focused. Breathe. Think. Walls are thick, door's locked. Why did I have to lock the door? Oh, right, so I wouldn't get distract...oh gods! That's so nice. The way it's teasing my nipple, it's so...Damnit! Get a hold of yourself! You're not getting turned on by a plant. Think of about Percy. Oh god, don't think about Percy! Not like that, it'll only make things...better! So good! So...NO! Ignore it! Ignore the vines on your body. Ignore the...where's that one going? Across my back, coiling up my right arm...oh, the other one, sliding between my breasts to my neck. It's wrapping it going to choke me? Oh god, it's going to, it just...oh! Tickling my ear. Oh gods, tickles, ha ha...STOP! Stop getting distracted! You need to get out of here! What are your options? Maybe one of the Aphrodite kids will come back for some...oh gods, is this what they've been doing? Sneaking off to fuck a...oh my...ok, I guess I can see why they'd want to...damnit, I can''s too good...forgive me Percy...ohmft!

Annabeth had effective lose all train of thought once the vine dived into her throat, having slipped down her left arm while she was distracted. After the sensual experience the vine at her breasts had granted her she was willingly open to be sucking the fresh contender, forgetting her urge to flee in terror. The vine was gentle, letting the young blonde twirl her tongue around her intruders tip as it explored inside her mouth. She lost her logical wits as she opened her mouth wider, inviting it to go deeper down her throat, sucking it contently as the vines binding her legs shifted.

The binding loosened, allowing one of her legs to be lifted away from the other, revealing her dripping wet entrance to the plant. Annabeth glanced down, her cheeks reddening. She hadn't realized how hot she was all of a sudden. I never thought I'd be into this kind of thing. What if someone sees...

She forgot those fears as the vines approached her pussy, rubbing her clit as they teased her entrance. She moaned into the vine in her mouth, rocking her hips into their touch. I'm so horny right now, I need something inside me. I wish Percy was here. I wish I had his big, stiff cock inside me.

Annabeth got her wish (the first one) as one of the thick, green vines pushed through her throbbing wet lips and slid deep into her core, making her groan in glee as it began thrusting inside her. Her body swung up and down into it, her moans muffled by the vine fucking her throat, going only deep enough not to trigger Annabeth's hindering gag reflex. But it was wonderful, sucking the thick green cock while riding the other. She came without warning, her juices leaking over the vines below her. Oh my god! I've never cum that quickly before. What is this thing? Wait! It's leaving my pussy. No! Come back! So empty. I need more! Please.

Annabeth's pleas were silenced by the vine as it's twin pulled out of her entrance, slick with her juices. Fortunately, another was fast to take its place, sliding in without hesitation, earning a gratified sigh. The previous owner, meanwhile, had bigger plans, manoeuvring itself towards her round butt and exposed back door.

She felt it before it touched her, feeling the wetness from her cum trailing between her cheeks as the plant circled her anus. Annabeth widened her eyes. She'd never had anything back there, ever. She once told Percy if he so much as suggested sticking his cock in her ass he'd be sticking it back on with thread. But now this plant wanted to claim her virgin hole...and she let it. She relaxed herself as the vine, sufficiently lubricated by her own juices, slid slowly into her ass and up her rectum, causing her eyes to roll back as she bite down on the vine in her mouth, groaning loudly. The penetration was unholy, but soon the initial pain passed, and now it was fucking her in all three holes and she was loving it.

Oh's so good. Fuck me! Fuck me raw!

The vines pounded into her for half an hour, making her cum three more times before it too fired it's load into her. Annabeth cried out in surprise when the vines shot into her mouth, pussy and ass, sap bursting out her holes as she struggled to hold it in, gagging on the stuff while her walls constricted. The vines left her, spraying the remaining sap all over her body, smothering her. Once they were finished, the other vines caressed her skin as the retreated, bar the one hold her wrists above her head, leaving her hanging in a dripping, soaking mess.

Annabeth hung there silently, her breathing heavy, her head rolled forward as her sticky blonde her clung to her face. Sap and cum ran down her legs, pooling on the ground below her. The plant fell still, watching her silently. After a few minutes she found the strength to lift her head, revealing a smile on her lips, looking up at the plant.

So this is what Piper and her friends have been keeping from me, the young woman thought, licking her lips. They shouldn't have been so selfish. It deserves to be shared.

She stared at the vines, locking then with her most seductive smirk. "Ready for round two?"

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