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After the Yule Ball

The Patil twins both pouted as they sat on the sidelines with their dates as the rest of the school had fun on the dance floor. The Yule Ball was the event of the year but they were finding it a big disappointment thanks to the boys who invited them. They should’ve expected it, since they were last minute considerations. Ron Weasley asked Padma almost by accident and Harry Potter seemed to ask out Parvati of desperation. Still, at least they didn’t have to come solo and they got at least one dance out of the evening. It was just a shame their mood following this put a dampener on the night. They had to watch as Harry became distracted by the impending doom of his participation in the Triwizard Tournament and Ron seemed to obsess over Hermione who was having a much happier time. Parvati even tried to spur some attention by accepting a dance with someone else. Padma simply gave up on her date.

It all led to the girls sucking out of the evening when it started winding down, looking to slip away and complain about it in private. Unfortunately Harry caught them leaving and found the energy to race in an apologize. “I’m sorry this wasn’t the night you were hoping for” he told Parvati, and Padma, feeling rather guilty.

The twins stood side by side, their dresses matching perfectly as they shared a glance. Parvati sighed, stepping forward to say “it’s fine. We know you weren’t really excited about this thing, not with everything around that Goblet and the tournament. You’ve had a lot on your mind” she acknowledged.

Ron came strolling up the hall, prompting Padma to grumble “some don’t have that excuse” as he came to join them.

“Hey, I was trying my best” he said, until Harry elbowed him in the ribs. The boys were as far apart from looking alike as you could get. Ron had ginger hair, Harry wore glasses. Harry’s dress robes were standard and black, Ron’s were traditional brown and look like they came out of an age before the internet. Padma practically vomited when she saw him wearing, mortified she would be seen beside him. Luckily Parvati convinced her to keep that thought to herself. Taking the cue from the glare his best friend gave him, Ron uncomfortably turned to his date and apologized for being a sour puss. “Not a fan of dancing” he muttered.

“I noticed” she replied. Parvati shot her a look, encouraging her to be nice. She sighed. “At least you actually asked us to the dance. We were worried we were getting overlooked. Or worse.”

“She was convinced his brothers were going to ask us to go, like some double twin date stuff” Parvati told them. Ron stifled a chuckle. It sounded like the sort of thing Fred and George would try. “Thanks for invited us to the dance. We should be getting off now” she said.

“Please, just…let us make it up to you” Harry offered, still feeling bad about how their night was spoiled.

“How?” Padma asked, crossing her arms.

“I don’t know. Just…let us make it right” he said. He looked at Ron for support, who begrudgingly nodded willing to make it up to them.

The twins looked at each other. It was getting late and the Ball was over. “We should really be getting to bed” Padma said.

But Parvati wasn’t ready to turn in just yet. “I suppose they owe us a date. Or a dance?”

“I’m not dancing” Ron said instantly.

Harry thought about possible alternatives, even considering rescheduling another double date. But another idea struck him. “How about we show you a place, someplace private that you’ll find interesting” he said. It piqued the girls interest, their eyebrows raising as Harry offered Parvati his hand. She took it, letting him lead her through the corridors with Padma and Ron following behind them.


They were indeed impressed with what they had to show them. And it was a step in the right direction in making it up to them. The second step was taking them to a sofa on the third level to make out.

Both the boys were surprised the girls were this quick to forgive, but the truth was part of the reason the sisters were looking forward to the ball was the opportunity to hook up with boys afterward. It’s why Padma agreed to go to the Ball with Ron to begin with. She figured he couldn’t be any worse than the likes of Draco Malfoy. Parvati was thrilled to get the offer from Harry, happy to take a chance getting to sleep with the boy who lived. So when the guys brought them to this private clubhouse where they had the place to themselves, both sisters agreed they could forgive their dates for the lousy date and cease their opportunity to make use of the space. It didn’t take much convincing from Ron or Harry to go along with this. They were in the moment the girls sat down with them and shuffled up to lock them into a kiss as their hands suggestively rubbed their groins.

The two pairs of students made out on the sofa, each of them steadily kissing their partner building up the anticipation for what was surly to come. Ron and Harry were practically drooling as they nervously wrapped their arms around the Indian girls, each running their hands over their bodies slowly. Ron’s palm found Padma’s boob, among the girl gasp as she resisted swatting it away, a part of her uncomfortable kissing a boy with her sister sitting next to her. Parvati wasn’t as restrained as her sister, gleefully making out with Harry helping his hands fondle her body. She glanced over her shoulder to check on her sister and saw how tense she was. “You should try to relax Pad” she suggested, stroking Harry’s hair as he kissed her neck.

Padma huffed, doing her best as Ron stared at her as she pressed up against him. “I’m doing my best” she muttered, grabbing his face as kissing him deeply to make a point.

“Do you two do this often?” Ron asked once he got a chance to breathe.

“What? The double date thing? Unfortunately” she replied.

“We’re like a package deal” Parvati smiled, running her hands over Harry’s chest as she kissed him, explaining “we’ve never done the double date up to sex though. Yet.”

“Ever!” Her sister corrected insistently. "Parv’s been trying to get me into a threesome for ages” she complained.

“A foursome will do” she said, biting her bottom lip as she climbed down from the sofa to kneel before Harry. He sat up as her hands reached into his dress robes and began undoing them to get into his pants. “And I know just how to get it started” she said playfully.

Harry’s eyes widened as her hand found his erection through the clothing, gasping in shock as she pulled it out. “Parvati, are you sure you want this?” He asked.

“I’ve wanted this for a long while Harry” she told him, pumping his cock licking her lips. “Now just relax. You’re supposed to be making it up to me remember.”

Padma looked over and witnessed her sister running her tongue over Harry’s cock rolling her eyes saying “you’re such a slut Parvati” before seeing Ron’s gaze drift down her own body suggestively. “I suppose you expect me to suck your cock too” she asked him.

“Honestly…I’m still amazed you’re willing to kiss me” he confessed.

She looked at him softly stroking his cheek. “You are quite handsome, when you’re not being a jerk” she told him. He averted his gaze apologetically, yet she pecked his cheek and sighed. “This is the only time I’m doing this in the same room as my sister” she said, crawling down to the floor to mirror her twin. “This isn’t becoming a thing we do together” she told Parvati.

“Bloody hot though” Ron muttered, sitting back getting to watch both Patil girls side by side with his best friend as they fished their cocks out to give them blowjobs. Padma found it difficult however, his dress robes a tangle of fabric. He helped get his cock out, leading to her grabbing it and massaging it nervously. It was evident she wasn’t as experienced in giving handjobs as her sister was. But she was determined to keep up with her sister, wrapping her mouth around his cock to suck on it. Ron moaned loudly, disbelief all over his face as he leaned back.

Parvati watched her in amusement, a smile on her lips as she did the same with Harry’s cock. The boy moaned. He couldn’t believe she was sucking his cock either. It felt like he was in heaven, or close to it. He stared down at her as she looked up at him, her eyes dancing mischievously as she bobbed her head up and down. “So good” he muttered, slumping back in the sofa putting his hand through her dark hair. Parvati smiled, glad to see he was enjoying himself. It made her impatient as arousal spurred her to release his cock and climb back onto the sofa. “If you think that’s good, this will blow your mind” she told him, pulling her pink and orange dress up her knees so she could straddle his lap. He held her hips as she reached under and pulled her panties aside, opening herself up to guide his penis into her pussy. She was right. The moment she slide onto him the boys mind was indeed blown.

Padma looked over and saw her sister bouncing on Harry’s lap, her expression indicating what they were doing. She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a slut” she said, continuing to pump Ron’s penis. She felt his hand on her head and slapped it away. She didn’t need the boy guiding her. But seeing Parvati riding her date, seeing Ron watching them, she knew she wouldn’t live it down if her sister upstaged her. Of course she was put into Gryffindor she thought, wiping her mouth rising to her feet. Ron turned back and looked up at her, nervous excitement on his face as she leaned over him. “I suppose you want me to do you to?”

“I… I wouldn’t say no” he said.

She looked at his cock, pursing her lips with indecision. “Come on Pad” Parvati cooed, flashing an encouraging smile at her as she wrapped her hands around Harry’s neck. “Don’t be a prude. We’ve come this far.”

Padma grumbled, gritting her teeth and pulling her dress up. “Fine, whatever. Just don’t tell anybody I was willing to fuck a Weasley” she said, pushing her knickers down and climbing onto his lap.

“Cheers” Ron muttered, trying not to take offense as Padma climbed onto him.

She unceremoniously mounted him, finding his erection and sitting on it. The moment he penetrated her, however, her eyes widened and she gasped. “Merlin’s Beard!” She moaned, his cock filling her tight entrance.

“You okay Pad?” Parvati asked, seeing her sister’s demeanor change.

“Forget what I said” she moaned, her hips already rocking against his groin riding him. “Never mind, I forgive you” she stammered, staring at Ron who was moaning too. “So big, so good…oh fuck! Fuck me!”

The others stared at her as she began bouncing on Ron more enthusiastically, her hands clutching the sofa while Ron clung to her dress, both of them moaning with pleasure. Parvati and Harry slowed their movements a moment to watch, amused smiles on their faces as they watched them. “And she calls me the slut” Parvati whispered.

“You sound jealous” Harry remarked with a smirk. “Like you want to see what all the fuss is about.”

Parvati turned her gaze back to him, a smile on her face as she replied “why would I be jealous? I’m happy with the cock I have right now” Harry grinned, running his hands up her back as she kissed him.

They made out passionately, fucking each other on the sofa alongside the others. Padma and Ron made put too, the girl kissing him deeply enjoying the way his cock stretched her out. They went at it for a short while until Harry paused from kissing Parvati’s neck to mention “you know there’s a bed upstairs we could use.”

“Really?” Parvati said with a smile.

“We’re not sharing a bed to do this” Padma interrupted before her sister could get ideas.

“Yeah, that would be…be weird” Ron agreed between groans, his palms finding Padma’s but as she ground against him, her body milking him tightly. “So tight…” he mumbled.

Parvati sighed. She was just getting excited about the idea of the four of them on the same bed tangled up with each other. “Okay, how about this” she suggested playfully to her twin. “First one to get their date to cum gets to use the bed while the loser stays down here.”

Padma looked at her skeptically. “Why wait on the boys?”

“Because I already came twice” she replied, still feeling the buzz of the mini orgasm that rocked her as she rode Harry’s dick. And judging by the way her walls were massaging his shaft she was gearing up for a third climax.

Harry shrugged. “Some fair enough” he said.

Ron grunted as Padma’s walls massaged him. “Fuck…except I…I don’t know how…oh fuck Padma, you’re so tight…I can’t…I fuck!” He groaned, suddenly grabbing Padma by the hips and slamming her down onto him. The dark skinned girl gasped as his cock penetrated her, her eyes widening and mouth falling open as he ejaculated into her pussy. She climaxed in response, moaning loudly as their bodies tingled with lust. Moments later the buzz passed and both of them collapsed panting in each others arms.

Parvati and Harry blinked in surprise, stifling chuckles as Padma came round from her momentary daze. “Merlin’s beard” she muttered in amazement. She caught her sister’s eye and blushed with embarrassment.

Ron groaned, equally embarrassed at how quickly he came. “Sorry” he apologized, feeling his semen ooze out of her cunt when she lifted her hips off him. “I’m really sorry” he said again.

Padma, however, broke into a grin and kissed him. “Don’t be. You just won us the bed” she said. She jumped off his lap and grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him to his feet sticking her tongue at her sister. “Come on Ron, let’s take this upstairs” she said. Ron followed behind her, eagerly watching her race up the stairs.

“Have fun sis” Parvati called, only slightly annoyed she would have to stay downstairs.

She and Harry watched them race off before bursting into giggles as they embraced. “Is she going to be okay? I mean, both of you okay? If we…” Harry asked, suddenly thinking about how they were having sex without protection.

Parvati saw his question as adorable and sweet, politely informing him “all the female students are given the option to have a private class with Madam Pomfrey at the start of their third year on contraception. There’s a potion that prevents pregnancy for a whole month. Don’t worry about it” she assured him. Harry’s gaze glanced back at the upper floors where they could glimpse the others giggling and kissing. Parvati follows his gaze and asked “are you jealous of Ron right now?”

He turned back and grinned. “Why would I be? I’m happy with the gorgeous girl I’ve got.”

She grinned back, liking the use of gorgeous as they leaned in and kissed. Now they were alone, she could show him a little party trick she’d been saving. “Pass me my wand Harry” she asked. He reached over to the table they put them on, handing hers and watching patiently as she straightened her back and pointed it at her clasp. She uttered a short phrase and he got to watch as her dress magically unraveled from her olive skinned body. It was a sight to see as her nakedness was revealed, even her underwear vanishing before his eyes. Before he knew it, Parvati Patil was completely nude on his lap with only her jewelry and a smile. “What do you think? We’ve been practicing that all week.”

“That was incredible” he replied, marveling at her beauty.

Parvati savored the look of adoration Harry complimented her with, his eyes soaking in her body greedily as his hands risked touching her. She encouraged him to explore, leading his palms to find her breasts earning a moan of approval from her. He leaned in and devoured her boobs with his mouth, his lips wrapping around her nipple while his hands fondled them. She cradled his head, letting him have his way with her, enjoying every minute and hoping her sister was having just as much fun with her man.


Now that she didn’t have her sister watching her, Padma was much more comfortable getting it on with the Weasley boy as she brought him up to the third level where the large bed was situated. As soon as she saw it she was thankful for the boy for asking her to be his date. She turned around and kissed him, dragging him over to the bed eager to get to business. “I hope you are able to go for longer than before” she said to him.

Ron groaned. He had a feeling she wasn’t going to live that down. All the more reason to set things right as he embraced the girl and started making out with her more aggressively. He would not let her leave this room with the only story being how he came too quickly. He tore his way out of the hideous dress robes he was wearing and helped Padma out of her dress, not giving her a chance to show him the spell she’d been practicing as it fell to the floor at their feet. Padma didn’t really care, happy to get undressed with the scrawny young man if it meant she could get more of that glorious cock inside her. To think a Weasley was hiding such an amazing package. Shows looks aren’t everything.

Ron finished getting Padma out of her clothes and marveled at her olive skin and beautiful figure. She was slim and curvy in all the right places, her breasts developing perfectly with dark nipples on display. He reached out and groped them, earning a shocked gasp from their owner when he squeezed. “Slow down” she giggled, taking hold of his penis and guiding him to the bed. “We’ve got all night” she purred.

Ron was too impatient however, now he hand his hands on her attractive body. He dove at her and lifted her onto the bed, throwing her onto the mattress by the hips listening to her squeal. He jumped after her, climbing between her legs as he kissed her passionately, his eager erection brushing her entrance. “I can’t wait all night” he muttered, aligning his cock at her moist entrance and pushing inside her.

Padma moaned as he filled her again, all hesitation evaporating as he began thrusting inside her cunt. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist to embrace him, pulling him closer clinging to his shoulders. He made not have the body of a god, but they way he moved made up for it and gave the Ravenclaw student a hell of a rollercoaster to ride. *** Parvati helped Harry out of his clothes, licking her lips as she got a look at his toned physique. All that Quidditch training had paid off it seemed, giving him a body to drool over. She unashamedly ran her hands over his chest and shoulders, admiring the feeling of his developing muscles and abs before reaching down to stroke his cock. She purred his his ear as she kissed his neck. “This definitely makes up for your mood at the ball” she whispered. “That good, but I’m not finished making it up to you” he told her, wrapping his arms around her slim waist and guiding the giddy young woman back to the sofa where she flopped down. She stared up at him feeling butterflies of excitement in her belly as he leaned down and kissed her passionately. She found he was a surprisingly good kisser when he was trying to be charming, her body melting to his touch as he caressed her dark flesh. She sighed softly, closing her eyes as his lips made their way down her neck and over her nipples, her back arching to present herself to him. It felt good when his hands played with her breasts. Harry took his time fondling her, dropping to his knees as her thighs opened up expectantly. But it wasn’t his cock she felt stroke her lower lips, it was his fingers probing her labia. She opened her eyes and gasped as they circled her clit, her belly fluttering as his mouth moved down her stomach towards her nether region. “What are you doing?” She asked, looking down to see him lowering down between her thighs. “Making it up to you” he replied, kissing her thighs before licking his tongue at her entrance. She gasped sharply, biting her bottom lip as the boy started pleasuring her orally. She wouldn’t have expected this kind of treatment from him. In truth she was a little disappointed. She wanted his dick back where his tongue was currently occupying. “Is this how you treat all your girlfriends Harry Potter?” She asked curiously. “Are you saying you want to be my girlfriend?” He asked playfully. Parvati cringed. She was sure going to regret insinuating that. But then again, if he is this attention of a lover, she could do a lot worse. “I was hoping for…never mind, keep doing that. That feels really, really good” she panted, reclining on the sofa weaving her fingers through his hair pulling his face deeper, riding his tongue enjoying it. She had to pause briefly when his glasses dug into her flesh, reaching down to pluck them off his nose and playfully putting them on herself. The blurry lens highlighted how much he needed them. Fortunately her eyes were closed as she threw her head back and moaned. Harry ate the Gryffindor out and enjoyed doing so. She tasted sweet and Devine, her flowing juices addictive as he lapped at her folds with his tongue and sucked on her clit. He felt her thighs tremble as his hands stroked them, her fingers curling into his hair alternating between pushing him down or pulling his closer. He looked up at her boobs as they thrust upwards, her body convulsing as she was sent over the edge into an orgasm that made her cry out. Harry drank up the juices she leaked out, riding her through the climax until she was gasping and moaning in delirious pleasure. Then he dislodged himself from her thighs and climbed up to greet her beautiful face and retrieve his glasses from the bridge of her nose. “Am I forgiven?” He asked. “More than forgiven” she nodded, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately. She could taste herself on his tongue and it was delicious. What was more delicious was the sensation of his cock brushing against her folds, his erection ready to enter her. She bit her bottom lip and opened her legs for him. “What are you waiting for?” She asked. “Just admiring the view” he replied, peppering her cheeks with kisses as he caressed her body, easing himself into her sex. Parvati trembled under the torment of his teasing, panting in anticipation as he slipped inside agonizingly slowly. “Are you always such a tease?” She asked. “I just want to make sure you feel as good as possible. I don’t want to rush things” he told her. Parvati chuckled softly. “Oh, Padma would love you” she muttered. Harry lifted his face to raise a curious eyebrow. “She likes to take things slow with her boyfriends too” she explained. She then grabbed Harry by the ass and pulled his hips forward, shoving his penis as deep as she could inside her. “I’m not as patient as my sister, or as timid” she told him sternly. “Gryffindors dare right? So fuck me. Don’t be afraid to fuck me as hard as you want. I can take it.” Harry didn’t doubt it, the fire in her eyes igniting the lust in his loins as he thrust forward, shoving his cock down to the hilt inside her welcoming pussy. Parvati moaned as she was pinned to the sofa, wrapping her arms around his back holding onto him as he began thrusting into her, his hips pounding between her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their lips met and they made out desperately, daringly making love and seeing in this sofa could handle it. “I didn’t know you like it rough” he whispered to her between thrusts. Parvati grinned. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” *** It turned out Parvati wasn’t the only person in the clubhouse who preferred being straight to the point, as her twin sister was learning as she was rolled onto all fours on the bed, her lover mounting her from behind to thrust into her more aggressively. Padma tried to ask him to slow down, but Ron was in the zone and was unwilling to stop for anything. Lucky for him he was good at what he was doing, so Padma hung on and rode that incredible cock for all it was worth. She clung to the bed sheets while his hands held her hips, her ass bouncing off his pelvis when he slammed into her even harder. “Oh fuck, your pussy is so tight” Ron groaned, still unable to comprehend he was balls deep in such a gorgeous young woman. He wouldn’t settled for any girl at the Ball, but he lucked out when he ended up asking Padma. It almost made him want to apologize for treating her like garbage. Padma forgot all about the ball. In fact she forgot almost everything including her own name. He was fucking her so hard she was sure her brains would be next. She lost count of how many times she orgasmed in the last couple of minutes, pleasure buzzing through her body as he continued to pound her from behind. His hands pressed against her back as she slumped forward, her arms giving way under the strain pressing her face into the mattress. She used the covers to muffle the moans as he leaned over and thrust deeper into her pussy making her leak everywhere. “So good” she panted, whimpering from another powerful climax that made her clench around him. Ron loved it when she came. The way her pussy squeezed him made a wonderful experience even better. He finally slowed down just to enjoy how her walls wrapped around his cock, looking down at her tantalizing ass in his palms. They looked so good. He played with her flesh, spreading her cheeks admiring her puckered hole while she caught her breath, reaching underneath to fondle his balls. “I bet you’d feel so good in here” he whispered, licking his thumb and teasing her back door. Padma inhaled as she felt his probe her anus and quickly slapped his hand away. “No! Put anything in there and you’ll lose it” she snapped. She looked over her shoulder and saw his shocked and rather guilty face. “Sorry, it’s just…my sister’s the anal freak, not me.” Ron shrugged. “Fair enough. Your pussy is just as good. Are you ready?” He asked her. “Any chance we could slow down a minute? It’s starting to get really sensitive down there” she asked hesitantly. “I’m sorry, but I’m getting so close and I really want to finish inside you” he moaned, already moving his hips to continue fucking her. Padma resigned to continue, moaning as he took hold of her elbows and pulled them back for leverage, arching her spine increasing his pace. He pounded her faster and harder, grunting heavily as he built up a lot of steam pounding the girl until finally his balls clenched in time with her walls and he sent his release inside her pussy dumping his cum inside her. Padma screamed as he unloaded inside her, her body convulsing in a powerful orgasm that almost made her black out as she felt his seed spill into her womb, testing the contraceptive the twin was on as she slumped in his grasp breathless. Her body was so sensitive now but damn if it didn’t feel worth it. *** Parvati got to introduce Harry to one of her favorite things in the bedroom, or sitting room in this case, as she spun the boy onto the sofa and mounted him in a reverse cowgirl. But rather than let him enter her cunt again she angled his dick towards her other entrance, primed and ready to take his cock, lubricated with her fluids, inside her anus. She sank down slowly, moaning in delight as her ass swallowed his cock inch by inch. “Oh, that’s the stuff” she sighed, enjoying how it felt to have his cock in her ass. Harry moaned too, his hands caressing her hips. “You feel so tight” he marveled. Parvati looked at him over her shoulder as she ground her hips against him. “Is this your first time in a girls ass?” “Maybe” he admitted, admiring said ass as it lifted up his shaft and slide back down. He reached up to palm Parvati’s breasts as she leaned back against his chest, playing with her nipples as he kissed her shoulder. “This is why I love coming to Hogwarts. You get to try new things” he said. Parvati grinned. “And new people” she added with a smirk. The two Gryffindors partook in anal sex on the sofa, their naked bodies pressed together as their hands held onto each other, their hips collided with every thrust. Their moans filled the air as they fucked each other, Parvati’s anus milking his cock every time it slid upwards. As a reward, Harry would squeeze and massage her breasts and pinch her dark nipples. And when they got too sensitive to continue he wrapped his arms around her body, adjusting his heels to increase the pace he moved his hips. Parvati encouraged him to move faster, riding his cock as hard as she could clinging to his thighs. She gasped when one of his hands slipped between her thighs to finger her pussy, stimulating her clit making her squeal. She was approaching her final climax, and so was Harry. She could feel it when his penis pulsed. “Do it! Cum in me! Make me cum with you” she begged. “Oh fuck!” Harry groaned, unable to hold it in any longer as he slammed his cock deep into her ass, squeezing her tightly as he ejaculated inside her. Parvati moaned loudly, convulsing against him as she climaxed alongside him, squirting against his hand as she milked his cock of all its sperm. She rode through her orgasm to its completion before collapsing against Harry’s chest, trembling breathlessly. He slumped back too, his arms wrapped around her as his cock deflated and slipped out of her, cum dripping from her holes onto the sofa. They sat there for a minute, both panting for breath as they recovered from the shared experience. When feeling came back to her limps Parvati slid off Harry’s lap and twisted around to stroke his cheek. He held her against him, cradling her radiating body kissing her softly. “So, am I forgiven for ruining our date?” He asked her. She giggled. “I’d say you just made this date the best one ever” she replied, kissing him back. They made out with each other for a long while, long enough for both their bodies to recover ready for a second round. “Just give me a moment to clean up” Parvati requested, climbing out of his arms to rise to her feet. She gave him a brief kiss, promising to come back as she strode up to the steps leading to the second level. Harry watched her butt sway with each step, the girl making sure he was watching her. She climbed upstairs and found the basin in the corner she noticed on her initial tour, using it to freshen up. She doubted tonight would be the start of anything, but it was a wonderful night nonetheless. The sound of footsteps behind her drew her attention to the naked figure stumbling down the stairs to join her. “You okay Pad?” Parvati asked her sister as she walked uncomfortably over. “I’m fine” she said, washing herself in the same basin. She was aching from the activity upstairs, which she was still removing from. “I take it you and Ron are having fun” Parvati smiled. Padma groaned. “Why do all the best ones have to be attached to the…” she stopped herself before she said something unfair. Ron hadn’t been a jerk to her at all, quite the opposite. Just not what she hoped for. “He likes it rough. You’d love him. I had to keep him from touching my butt too.” Parvati laughed. “If it’s any consolation, Harry would be much more to your liking” she told her. “He’s very gentle.” “You saying you’d be willing to trade” Padma joked, making the twins giggle. Parvati, however, got a mischievous grin. Minutes later, Harry looked up from the sofa to see the stunning young Indian woman walk over to join him. He smiled appreciatively as she took a seat beside him and immediately planted a deep kiss on his lips. “Sorry I took so long” she said apologetically. “That’s alright. Ready for another round?” He asked her. She nodded, giddy with excitement as the boy who lived put his arms around her and lowered her onto her back making out with her. He could feel her trembling as his hands caressed her, feeling up her soft flesh exploring her intimately. He looked down at her fondly as he admired her, examining her closely as she bit her bottom lip. “You okay?” He asked her. She nodded. “Just a little sensitive” she replied meekly, her eyes darting down as his fingers brushed against her folds. She hummed as he touched her clit, her hips moving up against his palm. “Oh wow, that feels nice.” “I could put my dick inside and make you feel even better” he offered. Her cheeks blushed as she nervously requested “could you just start with your hand, for a while.” Harry chuckled, leaning down to whisper in her ear “whatever you want…Padma.” Padma’s eyes widened as she locked eyes with Harry. She opened her mouth ready to apologize, ready to explain it was her sister’s idea, but he silenced her with a affectionate kiss on the lips. She melted into his arms as he willingly made love to her for the rest of the night, taking it as slow and gently as she wanted. Parvati, meanwhile, got to Ron’s glorious cock all night taking great delight in how big it was. She came to the conclusion the twins each got asked out by the wrong guy, not that she didn’t appreciate her romp with Harry. Maybe some day she could convince the four of them to have an orgy and fool around together. For tonight she was happy to compare notes as she tried out Harry’s best friend. The best part about it, Ron never once realized Padma had swapped places with her twin sister.

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