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Adventures in Time & Space: Warzone

It was kind of the soliders to give them something to drink while they waited in the dark alcove under the trench, sitting on the rotting bench by a wall of compressed dirt. It was hard to enjoy the foul tasting coffee with the ground shaking from an explosion over their heads every couple of seconds. The two of them jumped every-time there was an explosion, shuffling closer together when dirt crumbled over their heads leaving them paranoid the makeshift roof might collapse. “How much longer are they going to keep us here?” Jamie asked.

“I don’t know” Zoe answered, glancing at the German soldiers worriedly. She gasped as another explosion rang over their heads, curling up against the highlander for safety. Apart from the Doctor, it was had to trust any of the men in this war wouldn’t turn on them like the British did. She caught Jamie’s eye when her leg hooked over his knee, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of red. “I don’t think I like this place” she whispered.

“Me neither” he replied, watching the only exit to this alcove. There was a guard on the entrance, but he was turned away leaving them to themselves. Not that there was much to do in this cramped space, or anywhere to go. The walls shook and dirt fell over their hair, and Jamie put his arm comfortingly around Zoe. “Let’s hope the Doctor can talk some sense into their Captain” he whispered.

Zoe huddled close to him. He stiffened when his quilt rode up his lap and her hand brushed underneath it. “sorry” she whispered when she felt his manhood on the back of her hand, quickly pulling it away.

Jaimie looked down at his lap, and at how close Zoe was sitting with him. “That’s alright” he said quietly. He never found Zoe’s touch unpleasant. “You know…since we don’t have anything better to do…”

“Jaimie McCribben, how can you possibility think of that at a time like this?” She whispered indignantly.

Any rebuff Jaimie might’ve made was silenced by another explosion shaking the alcove. She jumped into his arms. The bombs sounded closer. He waited for the dirt to stop raining over their heads before saying in a shushed whisper “I’m not suggesting we strip off or anything. But maybe we could take our minds off it, until the Doctor gets back” he suggested.

Zoe looked at him and sighed. She was getting worried and could use the distraction. She glanced at the door, the guard still looking the other way. “Okay, fine” she whispered, adjusting her position so she could slip her hand under his quilt and hide what she was doing from the guard. “Keep an eye on the door” she asked. He nodded, keeping one eye out for guards while she sought out his penis and wrapped her hand around it.

“Do you want me to do you too?” He asked while she stroked him.

She glanced down at her lap, working out how they might do this without getting caught in her head. The alcove shook from another small explosion, which drew the soldiers attention up the trench. Zoe used the diversion to shuffle up onto Jaimie’s lap, unzipping the waistband of her trousers and shuffling them halfway down her thighs. The lad helped her sit on his knee, her legs swung over his lap, holding her steady while she fixed her coat so it obscured her bottom half from the entrance. She hooked an arm over his shoulders and he hooked an arm around her waist. That gave them each a hand free to lift the quilt up or coax her underwear to the side. It was an awkward position but they were both able to give each other a handjob.

“Does that feel okay?” He asked quietly as he rubbed between her legs.

“It’s not exactly the most romantic time for it” she muttered, awkwardly stroking his cock. Another explosion shook them and they shifted uncomfortably against each other. Neither of them stopped. Jaimie was right, it was something to do. Something to take their minds off where they were.

After a few minutes a large explosion boomed over their heads and Zoe gasped in alarm as soil coated them both. “Ouch!” Jaimie hissed when she clutched him too tight.

“Oh, I’m sorry” she whispered, kissing him apologetically while nursing him better with her fingers. Jaimie forgave her, kissing her back affectionately. Zoe deepened the kiss, finding it more distracting than the handjob.

The made out silently, pausing occasionally so Jaimie could check there wouldn’t be disturbed. After a while Zoe felt his erection ready for action and did some more calculations in her head. She locked eyes with Jaimie and conveyed her intentions with them. “Help me up” she whispered, hooking her arms around his neck.

He hooked his arm under her knees and assisted in lifting her onto his lap, where she positioned his dick against her entrance. “Are you sure?” He asked, but she quickly shushed him with a peck on the lips. She nodded and he lowered her down onto his erection. She inhaled and held her breath to suppress a moan, biting her bottom lip as he filled her slowly. Once she was down, she gently began shifting her hips on his lap, rolling them in circles. It wasn’t vigorous, or energetic, or even very stimulating. But it was intimate and comfortable. And it gave them something to do.

They gently fucked like this for the next few minutes, staring into each other’s eyes while they embraced, occasionally trading kisses. They stopped when a guard turned around and stepped into the alcove. “You two, come with us” he said in German, brandishing his gun. Fortunately, Zoe’s coat was hiding their sitting position. To the soldier, she was simply sitting on his lap cowering from the explosions.

She looked at Jaimie fearfully, worried he might see when they get up. He nodded, and helped her off his lap, keeping her coat around her body and manuvring her so the guard couldn’t see. He shuffled upright and let his quilt fall over his privates out of sight, then he circled around and confronted the guard. “Now listen here! We have you taken the Doctor?” He said, speaking loudly drawing the man’s attention while he stepped between him and Zoe, who kept her back to them so she could hurriedly fix her underwear and pull her pants back up.

Jaimie shielded her while keeping the guards attention, and weapon, pointed at him until she turned around and put her hand on his arm. “Just do as he says” she suggested, looking up at him with a look of concern. But as their eyes locked they shared a moment of relief and affection, glad they didn’t get caught. They followed the German as he lead them to the Doctor, and Zoe slipped her hand into Jaimie’s giving it a grateful squeeze for keeping her calm for the last few minutes.

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