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Adventures in Time/Space: Vicky and the Tentacle Monsters

Vicky ducked back down the stone steps leading underground, her heart racing in a panic. She had found the TARDIS at last, parked on the surface of this desert planet where they left it. Unfortunately the Daleks had found it first. They now guarded it while they tried to get in.

The young woman stayed out of sight and retreated back down into the caverns below the surface. She had to find the Doctor and Barbara. Ian was hurt and needed help. She didn’t want to leave him but she dare not move him after the head injury he sustained. She peered back into the dark tunnels she came from, anxious about stumbling around this maze further. She was frightened, but she had no choice.

She went to explore the next tunnel when something grabbed her ankle. She screamed and fell to the ground as it wrapped around her leg and pulled. She twisted around and saw one of those things, those creatures that Ian and her saw in the cavern. She screamed louder, trying to pull her foot free of its slimy tentacle. It tugged her closer, more catching her other foot immobilizing her. She kicked and squirmed, trying to drag herself away, but it just dragged her back and soon she was trapped in its grasp. She wailed as it’s tentacles slithered up her legs, it’s huge body lifting up allowing her to glimpse the gaping maw waiting to eat her up. She screamed, fighting against it. She was frightened.

That fear increased when she felt those tentacles tug at her clothes, invading her skirt and hiking up her thighs. She gasped as they reached her hips, two coiling around her waist under her shirt. They brushed the underside of her bra and she whimpered. Two coiled up her legs, making it impossible to kick anymore. She was trapped. She froze when another brushed against her underwear, her eyes widened as it slipped through her panties and found her young womanhood. Either by mistake, luck, or perverse design, it’s tentacle invaded her pussy and she screamed again.

With great reluctance, Vicky stopped struggling when she realized it wasn’t dragging her into its maw. In a horrifying manner, it didn’t intend to eat her as long as its tentacles were violating her. She dug her nails into the dirt and rock as she allowed the monster to rape her, it’s slimy things thrusting in and out of her cunt while she laid on her stomach trapped. She whimpered hoarsely, looking up at the stairs leading to the surface. Maybe if she screamed the Daleks would hear her and they would exterminate this monster before they killed her next. She entertained a foolish thought that if she let this creature have its way with her, it might give her a chance to escape. More likely it would rape her and then eat her. She didn’t have any other choice right now, so she closed her eyes tried to think of anything else.

Oddly, she suddenly remembered this wasn’t the first time she’d experienced something like this. Of course last time was quite different. She wasn’t particularly in a position to fight back at the time either. A horrid thing called the Animus, an alien creature that dominated a planet full of giant insects telepathically. They tried to fight it, her and the Doctor, but when they were brought to it’s lair at the center of its web it overpowered them both. She struggled as hard as she could, but it’s power overwhelmed her mind.

She collapsed on the floor and was slowly taken over by its spidery tentacles. She could feel them all over her, wrapping around her body. Disgusting things. She tried to resist but she was too weak. Too weak to stop them from invading her clothes, molesting her, violating her. She could feel it in her head, raping her mind and body. She turned her head and found the Doctor was also tangling in tentacles, the old man unconscious. She could feel it happening, the life draining out of her. The Animus was killing her and the Doctor, either with its telepathic abilities messing with her head or the tentacles violating her body. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t fight back. She couldn’t stop it. Thankfully Ian and Barbara was able to kill the monster and save them.

She put the traumatic ordeal out of her mind. She had almost forgotten about it until this moment. She wasn’t weak this time however. She wasn’t trapped by some telepathic force. She turned to look at the monster assaulting her and grit her teeth. It continued to invade her body, but she ignored the pain and discomfort to grab a rock and hit the tentacles grabbing her. It shrieked in pain, but after a few blows it loosened its grip enough for her to kick herself free and scramble out of its grasp. She ran for it as fast as she could, saving her tears for after she found the others and got to safety.

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