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Adventures in Time & Space: The Zero Room (Doctor Who)

“You’re not doing it right” she told him.

“Yes I am” he insisted. “Pass me that hydro spanner.”

Nyssa picked up the tool from the box and passed it to Adric, watching him fit the last panel into the wall. “It won’t work. You’ve calibrated the circuits all wrong” she assured him.

“It will work” he replied, tightening the last bolt before sliding the panel into place. “I’ve followed the blueprints in the database exactly.”

“I still think the blueprints are wrong” she sighed, stepping back so Adric could climbed down the stepladder they were using.

The young man ignored her, walking over to the control panel fitted beside the door. He turned the lever and listened to the soft hum as the power was switched on. The room began to emit a white light and the air took on a new smell. It reminded him of home. “See” he boasted.

Nyssa examined the new Zero Room, reluctantly acknowledging its functionality. “It appears to be working” she admitted. “We won’t know for sure until we close the doors.”

They gathered up the equipment and took it outside, putting it in the corridor before stepping back inside. Before they closed the doors, Tegan arrived. “There you both are. I’ve been looking all over this ship for you. I thought I was getting lost in this maze again.”

“Adric’s been rebuilding the Zero Room, in case the Doctor needs it to help him regenerate again” Nyssa explained, waving the young woman inside.

Tegan joined them as they closed the doors. The room became silent as all signals and noises from outside was shut out. They walked into the middle of the white space and examined the walls. “Feels peaceful” Tegan nodded.

“I told you it would work” Adric said, looking smugly at Nyssa.

Nyssa rolled her eyes, but Tegan turned and saw a glimmer of a smirk behind her expression. The air hostess smirked. She’d been noticing subtle hints in the girls body language directed at the boy since she came on board. There was definitely something there. “Alright, so how does this place work again? When helping keep the Doctor from losing his marbles?”

Adric paced the chamber thoughtfully. “The database said it had many healing properties for Time Lords. But it was also used as a meditation room. A place where one can find inner peace of mind through thought.”

“I think we could all use some piece of mind” Tegan whispered.

“I think Adric means it physically manifests our state of mind to achieve peace” Nyssa said. “Remember how the Doctor could levitate when he concentrated? His mind could affect the state of the room itself.”

Tegan furrowed her brow in confusion. “What does that mean? We could all end up floating in here if we thought about it hard enough?”

The others shrugged. “Maybe. Worth a try, don’t you think?” Adric proposed.

“It would at least confirm if the circuits were arranged correctly” Nyssa teased. The boy scoffed.

Tegan threw her hands up. “Fine, whatever. How does this work?”

“Just close your eyes and concentrate” Adric instructed. “Imagine you are levitate, that you are weightless and lighter than air, and the room will make it so.”

The three of them stood in a circle and closed their eyes, each concentrating on the thought of floating. After a minute, Adric and Nyssa lifted off their feet and found they were indeed levitating. Tegan, however, opened her eyes and found she was still rooted to the spot. “So much for flying” she complained.

“You shouldn’t think of it as flying” Nyssa said as she drifted higher, rotating around in mid air. She held her arms out trying to steady herself, but it proved harder than she thought. “It’s more of a state of mind than an action.”

“Well your state of mind seems to be a little out of control” Tegan observed as Nyssa began tumbling through the air.

Adric drifted more fluidly, catching the young girl as she began to panic. “Just clear your mind of all obstructive thoughts” he suggested, holding her arm tightly so she couldn’t float away. She took a deep breath and tried as they drifted together. He turned to Tegan, who was still pouting on the ground. “And you should try being more open minded. Are all earthlings so literal thinkers?”

“You mean do we all walk around with our head in the clouds? Thankfully not” she rebuffed, crossing her arms. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists, trying to Will herself into the air. “It’s no use” she groaned when her feet remained on the ground.

“Just clear your mind and let your thoughts focus on what brings you peace” Nyssa suggested, getting her levitation under control.

Tegan gave it one last try, closing her eyes and clearing her mind. It was hard to do. She felt silly. She wondered what gave her peace and discovered she hadn’t had much of that lately. She sighed and trying to gather her thoughts. What did she want? What would give her peace of mind?

She heard a gasp and a shriek and opened her eyes, looking up to see Nyssa and Adric floating above her head. Only this time they were naked. “What in the world?” She gasped in shock, until she looked down and discovered her clothes had also vanished. She shrieked and covered herself with her arms. “Where are my clothes?”

“I don’t know” Adric shrugged. “One minute they were there, the next…”

“Well how do we bring them back?” Tegan screamed.

Nyssa was more composed than Tegan, despite also being nude and mortified. She put her mind to task and scanned the room. “Maybe the circuits weren’t as aligned as we thought.”

“Are you saying this is my fault?” Adric asked.

“Is it?” Tegan scowled.


“Maybe. Or maybe not” Nyssa considered. “If this room can physically manifest our state of mind, maybe one of us is imagining us all naked?”

Their eyes turned to Tegan, who shook her head. “Like hell? This isn’t bringing me peace of mind.”

“Maybe it is the circuits” Adric relented, thinking about it. “What if instead of the room changing to what we need it’s creating what we want? What were you thinking about Tegan?”

“I don’t know. Not this” she said. She couldn’t bare to be naked and rushed to the door. “I’m going to get changed.” She froze in front of the exit. “Oh, I can’t go out like this. What if the Doctor sees us?”

The idea made Nyssa turn pale too. “Maybe we can make the room give our clothes back.”

They all closed their eyes and concentrated. But when they opened them again, they were still naked. “Now what? We can’t hide out here forever” Tegan complained.

“Must be a miscalculation somewhere” Adric thought, pondering the problem while he floated around the room.

Nyssa wrapped her arms around herself, now feeling very exposed as she watched the young man levitate around her. She tried not to, but she couldn’t stop staring at his handsome features, and his developing muscles or abdomen. Or the organ floating between his legs. She glanced away every time she caught a glimpse of it, her face becoming flushed, making more of an effort to hide her own developing breasts and womanhood. She drifted through the air aimlessly until she accidentally bumped into Adric. “Sorry” she gasped, instinctively reaching out to grab for him.

He caught her, steadying her before either of them could float off. “Are you okay?” He asked her.

She nodded, gripping his hands tightly, suddenly aware of how close they were and that he could see her naked body. Her cheeks turned rosy red and she stared at his face, watching his eyes glance down to admire her. She swallowed nervously. “I’m sorry” she whispered.

“For what?” He asked.

She averted her eyes awkwardly. “I don’t know” she said, suddenly unsure what to say. She hoped he liked her, that he thought she was pretty. Was she sorry for bumping into him or staring at his penis? Or fantasizing about leaning in and kissing him the way his father used to kiss her mother, and her step mother? Why was she apologizing? Why do I feel so foolish?

She brought her eyes back to his and saw him staring back at her, his gaze mirroring hers. “Nyssa…” he said awkwardly, wetting his lips.

“Adric?” She replied.

“Oh, for pity sake, just kiss each each other already” a frustrated Tegan snapped, pacing by the door.

The two of them turned out her before turning bright red, embarrassment flushing both their faces. They shared an anxious look, which lingered as their eyes darted to each other, the tension between them becoming tangible. Adric was the first to look away, opening his mouth to suggest they try something else. Nyssa didn’t want to lose her chance, so she risked it all and leant in to kiss him. He froze in shock and she tensed in fear. Oh no, please don’t hate me, she pleaded.

His eyes softened and he looked back at her in surprise. “That was…”

“Unexpected?” She guessed.

He nodded.

“Did you like it?” She found herself asking, cringing immediately.

He took a moment to think about it before nodding. “I think I did. Yeah” he replied.

Nyssa’s stomach did backflips as she exhaled. She clutched to his hands tighter, realizing she was gripping them too hard and let him go. She almost floated away again, but he reached out and hooked his arm around her waist, pulling her in closer. Their chests pressed together and they gazed into each other’s eyes, a warming feeling passing between them as they leant in to share another kiss. Nyssa’s arms hooked around his back, clutching his shoulders while his hands stroked along her spine and rubbed the back of her neck, their lips coming together nervously. Their legs kicked gently as they floated through the air, caressing each other until Nyssa was hugging him with her whole body, deepening the kiss, doing the same thing she had seen her father do. Adric reciprocated the kiss just as eagerly, stroking her body tenderly as excitement filled their chests. Their breathing became labored and blood rushed to more sensitive places.

Tegan finally managed to take her mind off the mortifying ordeal she found herself in while she watched the two young people make out in zero gravity. She gave herself a mental cheer for joy, glad they could get on the same page and get their feelings out there. She leant against the wall and observed from a discreet distance, smiling at them, happy to see them enjoying themselves. Watching the naked teenagers snogging got her all hot and bothered, to the point she started touching herself, her fingers rubbing her sensitive clit and nipples. She didn’t realize she was masturbating until she felt her arousal spike and she let out a moan, which alerted Adric and Nyssa to what she was doing. She saw them turn their heads towards her and looked down to see her hand squeezing her breast and her other hand between her legs. She pulled the, both behind her back embarrassed, then became even more mortified as she exposed her hard nipples and moist pussy. She cleared her throat and turned away awkwardly.

“Are you alright Tegan?” Nyssa asked her.

The young woman nodded. “Perfectly fine” she replied, her face bright red, unable to meet their gaze.

Nyssa could see she wasn’t as alright as she claimed. So after a silent discussion with Adric, she carefully parted from him to push herself down to her friend’s level. She was still levitating as her feet touched the ground, so she ended up floating over it as she reached for Tegan. The girl felt Nyssa’s hand brush her shoulder, turning around to see her reaching for help, so she caught her wrist and pulled her down. “What’s wrong?” Nyssa asked once Tegan had a firm grip of her.

Tegan rolled her eyes and sighed, shaking her head in humiliation. “It might be my fault we’re in this mess” she confessed.

“What do you mean?”

She looked around at the three of them, and the white room they were in. “You said this place could…make things like we want them right?”

“In principle” Adric nodded.

Tegan sighed. “Well, I might’ve have had other things on my mind when I was trying to levitate. Things like sex.”


“I didn’t mean to make all our clothes disappear” she said defensively. “I was just thinking about how long it might be before I get home, which got me thinking about how long it’s been since I was home. I started thinking about all the things I was missing and…one of them was how long it had been since I got to have sex, okay? I’m not proud of it, but a woman has needs.”

“I don’t understand” Nyssa said in confusion.

Tegan looked at her, mortified, but tiptoed around it. “One of the reasons I went for this job was because I recently broke up with my boyfriend. He wasn’t exactly Prince Charming. But damn if he wasn’t amazing in the sack. Point is, that was a while ago and…I guess my imagination got away from me. I’m sorry I got us into this mess” she said.

Adric pulled a face and thought about it. “I don’t think it’s your fault” he said. “The Zero Room isn’t working the way it’s supposed to. I might’ve gotten the circuits mixed up.”

“Told you” Nyssa repeated.

“Well can we fix it?” Tegan asked.

“I’d have to go over everything again” Adric explained. “And I’d need to get my feet on the ground first. I can’t seem to stop levitating.”

“Neither can I” Nyssa said, worried.

Tegan kept a tight hold of the girl. The awkwardness about being naked had worn off now. None of them seemed to care that they were all staring at each other. Comfortable silence filled the room. “Well at least something good came out of all this” Tegan laughed.

“What do you mean?” Adric asked.

“You two” she said beaming. “You’re very cute together. Though do me a favor…if you plan to have sex with each other, could you wait until I’m not here. I’m worried I won’t be able to control myself” she muttered self consciously. That comment, however, got an interestingly sheepish reaction from both of them. “Oh, sorry. Am I getting ahead of myself? I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

“It’s not that…” Nyssa said awkwardly, glancing at Adric. “I mean, I do like you Adric. But it wouldn’t be proper to even think about that right now.”

“Proper?” Tegan asked, confused by her choice of word.

“I’ve only just come of age for that sort of thing” she explained. “And on Trakan, I would have to wait until I was married before I would consider doing anything like that.”

Tegan stared at her intently. “Seriously? No sex before marriage? It’s as if you lot live in the dark ages” she scoffed.

“You mean people on Earth don’t do the same?”

Tegan had to curb her outburst before she gave her an honest answer. “Some of us do, but it’s not mandatory. Although some people would argue until they were blue in the face about it. I know my mother would’ve like me to stay a virgin until I married a hot rich man.” Her eyes widened as she stared at Nyssa. “Are you saying you’ve never had sex before?”

Nyssa shook her head.

“Streuth. That doesn’t feel right in my book” she replied. She turned to Adric, asking him “what about you? Are the people where you come from just as medieval?”

“I don’t think so” he shrugged. “I know I’ve had sex before. Or at least, I think I have.”

“You think?”

His face turned an embarrassed pink shade and he shifted awkwardly while he levitated. “There was this girl back home…her name was Daphne. It wasn’t like we were together, it just sort of happened. I think she was bored and she said of was cute.”

Tegan and Nyssa shared a glance and smiled. “Charming” Tegan said. “So what happened?”

“Not much. We started kissing, she let me touch her…” he gestured to the girls, then to his chest so they got the picture. “Then she reached inside my trousers and started rubbing my penis and it all just became a blur. I just remember she gave me a kiss on the cheek when she was done.”

Tegan narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “You don’t remember anything?” He shrugged. “Did she even take her clothes off?”

“Is that something your supposed to do?”

She rolled her eyes. “Jesus Christ. Don’t tell me she got away with only a handjob. It you’re going to put out on the first date, the least you can do is give a guy a blowjob. That’s what my mate Kelly always said.”

“What’s a blowjob?” Nyssa asked.

Tegan opened her mouth, then closed it. She had never had to explain sex to a pair of virgins before. Where do I even start? She looked up at the naked boy floating above them and had an idea, if they were up for it. “I could give you both a practical demonstration. I would need your help though” she told him.

Adric and Nyssa looked at each other, intrigued. “Will it hurt?” He asked.

“Quite the opposite” she promised, letting go of Nyssa so she could walk over and grab Adric by the ankle, pulling him down so his penis was floating in front of her. She held him steady and took a moment to examine his specimen. It wasn’t the biggest she’d ever played with, but she didn’t see any reason to complain as she stroked him with her fingers. “I’ll certainly show you a better time than Daphne clearly did” she said, looking up at the curious boy.

Adric watched her curiously as she stroked his cock, her hand moving up and down his shaft until it was stiff. He felt the blood rush to his groin making his dick throat, moaning when Tegan rubbed his tip. She looked up at him with sultry eyes before planting kisses along his length, teasing him slowly before wrapping her mouth around him. He gasped in surprise. “Oh wow” he whispered.

Poor little guy, Tegan thought. She could feel the tension in his balls when she brought her palm up to fondle them. He had so much pent up stress lately. They all did. Maybe they all needed to let it go tonight. She gave him her best work, sucking his cock like a pro, thanking all the deadbeat boyfreinds she had in her life to train with.

She caught sight of Nyssa out of the corner of her eye, struggling to stay still while watching her intently. She slid her mouth off the boy, patting his leg asking him to stay there while she leapt over to catch the disorientated girl. “Come over here” she said, taking her hand and guiding her to join Adric.

Nyssa had accidentally levitated herself upside down, losing her balance while she was staring at what Tegan was doing with Adric. She caught hold of him when Tegan pulled her over, the two steadying each other until her head was hanging upside down in front of Adric’s penis. Tegan stood next to her, watching the young girl’s eyes become fixed on the object of her desires. “What you were doing…was that..?”

“That’s what we earthling’s call a blowjob” she nodded. “Did you want to try it?”

Her cheeks reddened. “I never done anything like that before” she squeaked.

Tegan chuckled, taking Adric in hand again. “Nothing much too it. Just stroke him like this until his dick is hard, then wrap your lips around his tip and suck on it. Some girls can even fit a guys whole cock in their mouth.” She examined Nyssa’s small mouth and her trembling lips, advising her to “focus on the tip for now. Watch me.”

Nyssa watched Tegan lick Adric’s cock and swirl her tongue around his tip before leaning in to suck on it, bobbing her head up and down while stroking his shaft. She watched Adric respond in pleasure as he looked down to watch them too. Tegan had her hand on his bum and she squeezed it before releasing him with a wet kiss. She turned to Nyssa, offering her the chance to try. The girl licked her lips nervously, taking hold of Adric’s thighs to pul herself into position. Tegan put her hand on her back to steady her so she could take his cock in her hand and stroke him, awkwardly kissing him and feeling an instinctive repulsion.

“Yeah, it’s not a pleasant thing” Tegan confessed, seeing the expression on her face. She petted her head and leant in to whisper in her ear. “If you don’t want to, I don’t think Adric would mind. Most guys would be happy just to stare at our tits” she giggled.

Nyssa swallowed her revulsion. She didn’t not want to try it. She tilted her head so she could look at Adric, who was watching her with an expression of awe. She was willing to try it with him. She wanted it to be him. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, opening her mouth and lunging forward.

Tegan had to quickly reach over and align his cock before the nervous girl poked her eye out, grinning with pride when she took the boy’s cock into her mouth without vomiting (not her proudest first time with a guy). She monitored Nyssa’s awkward attempts to get started, sucking either too hard or too little. She intervened when she got carried away and forgot how to breath through her nose, prying her off to let her catch her breath. “It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of it” she whispered, taking over for a moment to show her how to do it. She never thought she’d find herself mentoring a young woman in the art of blowjobs, but discovered she quite enjoyed taking the young Nyssa under her wing. And Nyssa proved to a dedicated student as she got back on the horse and followed her instructions. And she never pushed herself beyond her means, able to take a few inches into her mouth comfortably.

Adric found himself in heaven having two women suck his cock at the same time. He watched them both use him as a study aid, moaning and gasping as their lips and tongues kissed and licked him. When Nyssa began sucking on him he groaned, his hips jerking so much he had to grab hold of her to steady himself. His hands ended up grasping her bum making her squeak, and he apologized and moved to her hips and thighs. Her legs kicked out either side of him, opening her virgin womanhood in front of him. He smelt an intoxicating aroma from her as her pussy became wet from arousal, the musk filling his nostrils and making him throb even more. He stared at her sex as if hypnotized, his moans becoming labored while his mouth watered.

Tegan looked up and spied Adric eying up Nyssa’s body, a smirk forming on her face. She turned to Nyssa, who was engrossed in sucking his cock. “Would you like Adric to return the favor, Nyssa?” She asked.

Nyssa paused to glance at her, her brow furrowing in curiosity. She nodded her head, mumbling around his dick.

Tegan smiled, letting her continue while grabbing hold of both the young teens and pulling them lower to the ground. Adric’s feet scraped the floor as Tegan brought him down so she could meet his gaze. And more importantly, bring him face to face with Nyssa’s moist pussy. “I’m assuming Daphne didn’t let you see her pussy either” she asked. Adric shook his head. Tegan gently presented Nyssa’s bottom half to the boy, opening her legs while caressing her soft flesh. Nyssa moaned around Adric’s dick feeling the young woman touch her in an intimate manner. Her pussy was wet and glistening. “Why don’t you return the favor?” She suggested.

Adric blinked, staring at Nyssa’s eager pussy. “What do you mean?”

“Do for her what she’s doing for you. It’s only fair, don’t you think?”

He furrowed his brow in uncertainty. “I don’t know how” he said.

Tegan sighed. “Why don’t you start by giving her a kiss.” She looked at the confused look on his face and became exhausted. “Don’t they teach you anything where you come from?” She muttered, circling around to look straight at his face. “Kiss me” she instructed. He hesitated a moment, until she tapped her lips and insisted. He did so, giving her one of the quickest pecks she’d even had. “We’ll be at this all night” she huffed, taking hold of him and bringing her mouth onto his. She gave him a much deeper and intimate kiss which had her tongue exploring his throat, which took him by surprise. When she pulled away, he fixed her gaze on his blinking eyes. “Now you try that. Kiss me exactly like that” she said.

He took a second to reorientate himself before leaning in and attempting to mimic how she made out with him. He admired his effort, even if his tongue work needed a lot of practice.

She let him practice for another minute before gently prying herself away and returning to her original place. “Good. Now do that but with Nyssa here. Kiss her there like you kissed me just now. And remember to lick this spot here” she added, gently caressing the girl’s clit and watching her legs jerk from the stimulation.

Adric was struggling to understand all of this, but he followed Tegan’s instructions carefully. He took hold of Nyssa’s hips with his hands and brought his mouth to her lower lips, closing his eyes and kissing it sensually. His tongue licked at her folds before slipping between them, his mouth moving across her opening as he sucked and licked. He wasn’t sure if he was doing it right, but Nyssa’s hips began to tremble the more he did it.

The girl lost her concentration on his dick after a few minutes, pulling it out of her mouth to catch her breath between moans and gasps. “Oh god” she cried, gripping his thighs tightly.

Tegan crouched down to check on her, a big grin on her lips when she saw her flushed face. “Does that feel good, Nyssa?” She asked Ed.

“Yes” she whimpered, her body coming alive in a new way.

She tried to continue sucking Adric’s cock, but she couldn’t keep focused. So Tegan took over, taking him back into her mouth while he ate out the young Traken girl. He moaned into her pussy, licking at it constantly while he felt Tegan’s mouth suck his penis. He felt two pairs of hands molest his backside and one of them squeeze his balls, gasping as he felt them clench in his palm. “Something’s happening” he said, feeling a tingle growing in his but. “I think I’m…”

“You think you’re going to cum?” Tegan asked, massaging his cock and balls.

“Yes” he gasped.

“Oh! Me too” Nyssa cried, her legs kicking frantically around his head.

Tegan made sure to get both of them riding each other to the climax, guiding Nyssa’s mouth back onto his cock and his onto her pussy. They licked and sucked and moaned until they were shaking uncontrollably. Nyssa was the first to cum, letting him go to scream as she climaxed, her thighs squeezing his head. He gasped as her pussy flooded with juices into her mouth, almost drowning in them. Tegan watched her face contort in pleasure before quickly jerking Adric off so he could ejaculate across the room, his semen sailing past both their faces. Nyssa watched in amazement as Tegan latched her mouth onto his tip to catch the rest of it in her mouth, sucking him dry like the slut she secretly was.

Once they finished cumming, they drifted apart panting heavily. “What was that?” Adric asked in bewilderment.

“That was what we earthlings call an orgasm” Tegan grinned, wiping her mouth licking up the rest of his cum. She looked at them both proudly, asking “how do you both feel?”

“Tired” Adric replied.

“Dizzy” Nyssa said.

Tegan checked on the girl, wondering if that reaction was more to being upside down for so long. Before she helped reorientate her, she scooped up the last of Adric’s cum with her finger and held it to her. She instinctively jerked her face away in revulsion, so Tegan popped it onto her tongue and had a lewd idea. “Close your eyes” she told the girl. When she did, without question, Tegan took hold of her face and leant in to give her a deep sensual kiss like she showed Adric.

The girl stiffened, but then melted into the embrace while the earthling shared her bounty with the girl. She didn’t realize she’d swallowed it until it was gone. “Are all girls like that where you come from?” She asked in amazement.

Tegan’s cheeks turned bright red. “I shouldn’t think so” she replied, helping her flip back the right way and float to the ground. “I know a few girls who are musical sluttier than I am” she confessed. “And I don’t usually make a habit of kissing other girls.”

“You kissed Nyssa” Adric remarked.

Tegan shrugged. “I like Nyssa” she smirked. “And I like you” she added, pecking him on the cheek. She turned to them both like a worried mother hen. “How are you both feeling? The first time can be a little overwhelming.”

“I’m okay” Nyssa said, her voice shaking a little. She looked down at her naked body as if it was glowing. “I feel weird though. Like I’ve got pins and needles in my knees.”

“Just as well you’re levitating” Tegan joked. “The first time I had an orgasm like that, I couldn’t walk for the rest of the night. “What about you Adric?”

“I’ll be alright” he replied.

Tegan looked down, surprised so see his dick was already recovering. “Dang. The ladies will love you” she smiled, petting it affectionately. She felt her own pussy moisten, the urge to try it herself growing in her loins. She saw Nyssa eying him too, starting at his groin but ending on his face. “I think you owe each other a kiss” she teased, stepping back briefly.

Nyssa and Adric shared a moment, coming together to kiss each other on the lips. It was innocent at first. But then their confidence and trust grew and suddenly they were making out passionately. The kiss felt more intimate now, bringing butterflies to their stomachs. Nyssa caught Tegan watching from the side and reached out for her hand. The young woman took it and allowed her to pull her in so she could join in the kiss. “Thank you” she whispered.

Tegan blushed. “It was nothing” she said.

“Where did that come from?” Adric asked, pointing to the middle of the room.

They turned around and found a large ornate bed positioned in the center of the Zero Room. Tegan blinked in astonishment. “That wasn’t me, I swear.”

Nyssa turned an embarressed shade of pink. “I looks just like the one from my bedroom on Trakan” she said. Adric and Tegan looked at her and she looked down nervously. “I didn’t mean to” she whispered.

Tegan’s lips curled into a smile, deducing the girl didn’t want tonight to end yet. She took her hands and squeezed them. Then she looked down at the ground they were all standing on. “You’ve stopped levitating” she noticed.

Adric and Nyssa both looked at their feet planted on the floor. Relief flooded their faces, until Nyssa tried to move and her knees gave out. She colapsed against them both, her legs feeling all wobbly, so they carried her to the bed. “I’m sorry” she apologized, rubbing her knees in embarrassment.

“Don’t worry about it” Tegan laughed, climbing onto the bed with her. “Why don’t you get settled over there so we can finish this properly” she suggested. Nyssa nodded, crawling up to lie down. Tegan turned to Adric, rubbing his groin. “I’m going to need your help to perform, big man” she told him.

He looked down nervously. “I’m not sure if I can” he said.

She titled her head at his soft penis and smirked. “Lucky I know just what’ll get a boy’s motor running. Just let me know the instant it’s nice and hard” she said, kissing him on the lips before turning to attend to Nyssa.

The young woman waited nervously, chewing on her bottom lip while she watched Tegan crawl over to admire her naked body. The sexy earthling caressed her fingers over her chest and neck, bringing goosebumps on her flesh, before leaning down to kiss her cheek. “If I’m making you uncomfortable, let me know” she whispered cautiously.

“You’re not” Nyssa confessed, discovering she really likes it when Tegan touches her. She has only just come of age, so hasn’t had chance to explore her sexuality like this. Of course, members of the same sex fraternizing like this would be frowned upon on Trakan. That didn’t stop the young woman getting butterflies in her stomach when Tegan played with her boobs. She moaned in pleasure, her nipples growing hard and sensitive, gasping when Tegan gave them a teasing lick.

Tegan was having a lot of fun teasing the younger girl, her hands stroking her delicate body until she was trembling with goosebumps. “Spread your legs for me please” she asked, stroking her naval with the back of her hand. Nyssa did so, revealing her wet pussy blossoming like a flower. Tegan admired it for a moment, gently probing it with her fingertips. Nyssa shivered from her touch. “Have you started masturbating yet?” She asked curiously.

“What’s that?”

“The act of self pleasure. Touching yourself, like this” she explained, demonstrating by rubbing her pussy with her hand. Nyssa moaned, clutching her pillow tightly, shaking her head answering no. “Poor thing. You must be so sexually tense. Let me show you how to do it” she offered, holding out her hand.

Nyssa eagerly took it, following Tegan’s directions as she brought her hand to her sex. The earth girl talked her through how to finger herself, using her fingers to stimulate her clit before penetrating her womanhood. Nyssa discovered the joy of masturbation and got engrossed in fingering herself under Tegan’s masterful eye. “Tegan, I…” she whispered, before stopping herself.

“What is it?” Tegan asked.

Her face went red and she looked away nervously. “Nothing” she said.

“Tell me” she said, cupping her cheek and turning her face back.

Nyssa gulped nervously. “I was wondering…I wanted you to…to kiss me. Down there” she said.

Tegan was surprised, but was also proud she was able to ask. She looked at her delicate flower and smiled. “If that’s what you really want?” She asked. She nodded. “Alright then” she agreed, bending down to crawl between her knees.

Nyssa watched her friend bring her lips to her womanhood, overjoyed when they made contact with her. It felt amazing. Just as wonderful as when Adric kissed her and licked her. Only Tegan was better, despite never actually ever doing this with another girl before. The girl from Trakan laid back and swooned as the girl from Earth ate her out, her hands caressing her legs as she made the girl feel good. Nyssa combed her fingers through Tegan’s curly hair and panted, her body coming alive. “Oh wow” she moaned.

Tegan used her tongue to introduce Nyssa to lesbian sex, and loved every minute of it. But then she felt a hand on her bum and she inhaled on reflex. She turned around and found Adric with a hard dick in his hand. She grinned excitedly, replacing her tongue with her fingers to bring Nyssa to a soft climax. “How are you feeling now Adric?” She asked him.

His eyes were transfixed on the two naked girls fucking in front of him, his cock throbbing in his palm.

Tegan smiled, bending over and presenting her own dripping pussy to him. “Time to pop your cherry, big boy. See that hole there?” She asked, spreading her pussy lips with her fingers. He nodded. “I want you to slide that penis as far as you can down there.”


“Yes please” she said, biting her bottom lip.

Adric stared at her ass for a long moment, stroking his erection on the verge of drooling. When he finally crawled forwards across the bed to gingerly put his hands on her, Tegan was dripping with anticipation. She reached between her thighs and guided his penis to her entrance, aligning it perfectly for him to ease himself inside making her purr. He inhaled as her walls enveloped him, amazed when his cock slid all the way in. “This feels amazing” he gasped.

“Yeah it does” she grinned. She loved having a cock inside her once more. It’s been too long. She opened her eyes and looked ahead to see Nyssa craning her neck to look on curiously, an envious glint in her eye as she rubbed herself. “You’ll get a turn next, I promise” she smiled, petting her knee.

Nyssa waited patiently, content to watch Adric as he rocked his hips into Tegan from behind. He groaned in pleasure as he thrusted gently, his hands squeezing his hips until Tegan brought them to her breasts. She bounced on his cock rhythmically, setting the pace until he was able to take over and fuck her harder. She bent over panting, using Nyssa’s lap as a pillow for her head, moaning when she felt her climax approaching. She let out a loud moan and arched her back, her pussy squeezing Adric even tighter when she came. He was forced to stop until she was finished cumming, groaning at how tight she was. Nyssa got very warm watching them, imagining his penis doing the same to her.

She wouldn’t have to wait long. As soon as her orgasm passed, Tegan carefully extracted herself from his cock, much to his disappointment. She turned around and kissed him in gratitude. “That was the best fuck I’ve had in a long while” she said. She turned her attention to Nyssa, who was eager to have her own cherry popped. “I think you two should swap places” she advised, pulling Nyssa to her knees so Adric could lie down in her place.

They both followed her instructions without question, eager to see what would happen next. Nyssa was brought onto Adric’s lap, straddling his waist so his erection was pointing up at her entrance. She froze breifly, hesitant to commit to what would make her a woman. But with Tegan’s encouragement and Adric’s doting eyes, she found her nerve to lower herself onto his penis, with her friends help.

Her virgin pussy wasn’t as loose as Tegan’s Adric noticed, but he was able to get half his length into her before she had to stop. She gasped as her walls stretched to accommodate him, locking her elbows to support her weight. “How does that that feel?” Tegan asked them

“Ow” Nyssa gulped.

“Does it hurt?”

“A little.”

It’ll get easier. Give it a moment” she suggested. Nyssa nodded, exhaling deeply. “Let her take her time and try not to move unless she wants you too” she told Adric.

“I’ll try” he replied, keeping still what he watched the sexy young woman adjust to having him inside of her. He reached up to caress her breast, until Tegan gently slapped his hand away. Nyssa didn’t mind, however, queening his hand against her boob, sinking an inch lower when she lifted her hips and dropped down again. Her eyes widened and she moaned in surprise. “You look beautiful” Adric remarked.

Nyssa laughed. “I’m sure I look like a mess” she argued, brushing her curly hair out of her face.

“You look gorgeous” Tegan assured her, wrapping her arms around her and kissing her cheek.

Nyssa’s body grew accustomed to having a dick inside of her and eventually she was rising and falling on Adric in a steady rhythm. It was not like she was expecting. It was better. She couldn’t fit him all in, however, and she felt disappointment at that. But Adric didn’t complain, cradling her hot body as she bounced on his lap. Tegan was there to observe, fingering herself while Nyssa and Adric shared their first time together. Nyssa was able to bend down and kiss the boy, wrapping each other in their arms while they made love. The kiss grew hot and passionate and their breathing grew labored once again. “You’re amazing” she whispered.

“So are you” he replied, staring into her eyes.

Tegan couldn’t keep herself away any longer. “Room for one more” she asked. The others laughed and nodded. Nyssa sat up so the older woman could crawl over and hover over Adric’s face. “Lets see if those lessons I gave you paid off” she smirked, lowering her pussy onto his mouth. She beamed in delight when he started kissing it like she showed him, his tongue exploring her depths. She looked at Nyssa proudly while she rocked her hips back and forth. “Not bad for your first time with a man, I hope.”

“I love it” she grinned, running her hands possessively over Adric’s chest. She looked up at the woman and smiled. “Thank you for doing this with me. With both of us” she said.

“Yes. Thank you” Adric concurred from below.

Tegan looked at them both, blushing with pride. “It was my pleasure” she said, stroking Nyssa’s cheek and ruffling Adric’s hair. She wiggled her bum in his face until he resumed licking. “Fuck, I feel like I’m going to cum again.”

“Me too” Nyssa panted.

Adric mumbled “me three.”

They all shared an intimate threesome until they all had an orgasm, one after the other. First Tegan, cumming on Adric’s face and stumbling away to rub herself to the finish line. Then Nyssa, who screamed feeling her first toe curling orgasm that had her clenching her lover. Then Adric joined her, her walls milking him dry until he had ejected a mountain of semen into her entrance. Tegan had a moment of clarity and worried about possible complications, vowing to look into it afterwards. Nyssa colapsed onto Adric’s chest, content and happy. She didn’t want to spoil the mood, so she let it go for the moment. They all slumped onto the bed and closed their eyes, basking in the afterglow of sex.

When they opened them again, they found themselves on the floor of the Zero room with their clothes on. Tegan was leaning against the wall and looked around in confusion. “The bed’s gone. And my clothes are back?”

Nyssa stirred awake next to Adric, rubbing her eyes. “We must’ve fallen asleep” she said.

Adric sat up. “The room must’ve fixed itself” he said.

Teagan looked around the white room. “Did we just imagine all of that” she asked, looking at her clothed form.

Nyssa tried to stand up, but her legs gave out and she colapsed against Adric. “I don’t think so” she said. Her legs felt like jelly and she felt something moist under her dress in her underwear.

Tegan slipped a hand under her skirt and felt the dampness of her underwear. And she felt the telltale aching in her loins. They had definitely not imagined having sex. The room just reset everything. “Lets get out of here before we end up naked again” she suggested, climbing to her feet.

The three of them managed to stumble out of the Zero Room, propping Nyssa up until she got feeling back in her feet to walk. They checked the corridors, but the Doctor wasn’t looking for them. There was a chance he hadn’t noticed they were missing. “How long do you think we were in there?” Adric asked.

“It felt like hours” Tegan grumbled.

“I still felt tired. I think I’ll go back to my room” Nyssa said, stifling a yawn.

“Lot more exhausting than you might think” Tegan chuckled. She squeezed Nyssa’s hand again. “Don’t worry. All it takes is practice” she told her.

Nyssa and Adric shared a look, and Tegan got the feeling they’ll be practicing quite a bit over the coming weeks. They both turned to her too, asking “if we ever need help, could we ask you?”

“Whatever you need” she promised, already tingling with excitement.

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