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Adventures in Time & Space: The Vapors (Doctor Who)

The fumes filled her airways as Sarah Jane was forced to breath them in. The scent of the increase, or steam, or whatever concoction they had her inhale was rather unusual. She might’ve said it smelt like lavender if it didn’t also have a spicy texture to it. The priests held her head over the bowl until they were sure she had inhaled enough of it.

Sarah resisted as hard as she could, but then the vapors took affect. Her head began to swim and she became drowsy, lightheaded, dizzy and sleepy. Her resistance dissolved and she slumped into the priests arms as they carried her to their alter, the robed aliens chanting and praising their god preparing her for sacrifice.

Sarah struggled to concentrate after a while. Whatever was in that gas pacified her like a drug. Her vision became blurry and she started to see things. Things that didn’t make sense. She felt her body get tussled about between the priests, who’s voice became muffled and jumbled. She was losing grip on her senses and she felt like she was falling. Falling into a fog or an ocean, unable to swim. All control over herself vanished. She felt hands wrestle her forwards, her legs sluggish. She felt something solid beneath her feet. Then nothing at all, like she was being carried. She felt hands all over her, a breeze against her skin, and her heavy eyelids fell closed.

The next thing she knew, she was swept up in a sea of flesh and cloth. She opened her eyes and glimpsed figures in the fog, her vision hazy as she tried to make sense of it all. She found herself surrounded as the priests watched her, their robes open, their bodies on display. It looked like some kind of ritual. It was hard to see what they were doing. She could feel what they were doing to her though. She felt naked, the coldness creeping over her exposed skin like ice. She felt hands all over her, dragging her clothes off, pulling her onto an alter to be sacrifice. But not in the way she had expected. She was brought on top of one of the priests and she felt his hands palm her breasts. She tried to move, but her body felt heavy and limp. She was drugged. They drugged her so they could perform their ritual. Their ritual involved her riding the priest on the altar while another thrust into her from behind. More hovered around her, watching and waiting. Her head rolled back as she was fucked, her hands brought to their cocks to be pleasured. Hands molested her tits and ass and body. Her body was being sacrificed for their pleasure. She was to be the subject of a gang bang, she realized.

Whatever gas she had inhaled made it impossible for her to fight back and escape. She was passed from one priest to the next, forced to have sex with them on the alter. She couldn’t keep her head straight as she was tossed around. Noise rang in her ears and she couldn’t be certain if she was moaning or screaming. The priests were chanting, that much she was sure. The chanting was endless, constant, praising their gods and offering her as sacrifice. She felt numb as they raped her. It was almost peaceful, if not for the visions of them assaulting her over and over, cumming over her body painting her with their semen.

Suddenly she heard the Doctor. He sounded far away, like he was at the other end of a tunnel. Her eyes fluttered open as she felt herself jostled violently. Her vision swam and for a moment she saw him trying to grab her. Then her mind went fuzzy and when she looked up again he was standing there, smiling at her. “Doctor…” she muttered, her words slurred. She wanted him to take her away from here. To take her home.

His hand reached down to stroke her cheek. Then his fingers weaved through her hair and she was guided down to his lap where his own penis was waiting for her. Her mouth opened obediently and she sucked it without complaint. Two more priests pounded her holes while she gave the Doctor a blowjob, closing her eyes and giving in to the numb pleasure of the vision. If she was to be sacrifice, at least the Doctor was with her.

“Sarah. Sarah, wake up” a voice called.

Sarah groaned sluggishly as feeling came back to her body. She opened her eyes and found herself in a cell in the cave. She was fully clothed and unharmed. The Doctor was there with her, along with some other humans and two Daleks. The priests were gathered outside the cell. She had no recollection of being put in here. The woman who woke her explained she’d been in a drugged haze and the Doctor had tried to save her from being sacrificed. Sarah’s mind came back to her and her memories returned. She realized what she had experienced had been a drug induced hallucination. They hadn’t raped her or harmed her in any way. It was almost a relief.

Unfortunately, the priests still intended to sacrifice her, this time with the Doctor. And she wasn’t keen on inhaling any more of those vapors again.

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