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Adventures in Time & Space: The Sontarun Experiment (Doctor Who)

Sarah was left tied to the rock as Styre left his device running, returning to his ship to continue his intelligence gathering. She struggled against the restraints as the device strapped to her head messed with her mind, making her hallucinate to test her fear responses. She saw several horrifying things, trying to convince herself they weren’t real even as they crawled all over her. She thrashed about as much as she could, trying to dislodge the headband the Sontarun forced upon her.

Her thrashing succeeded in damaging the circuitry when she tried smashing it against the rock. She abandoned that pursuit quickly, managing to mostly head butt the surface instead. Her efforts scrambled the signals the device was sending, however, and suddenly her hallucinations changed.

She looked down and found herself naked now, sitting against the rock as Harry found her once more, this time passing through the force field guarding her. But instead of rescuing her, or untying her, he kissed her. She felt his lips on her mouth as though they were real. She kissed him back, trembling when she felt his hands touch her breasts, then her stomach, then her legs. He dropped down to his knees and kissed her nipples, sucking them gently before dipping lower to kiss her nether regions. She moaned as he licked her clit, spreading her legs open for him to devour her pussy. She forgot why she was naked and tied up, pleasure taking over her senses as she encouraged him to fuck her.

He wasn’t the only one to approach her for sex. The Doctor was there too. He appeared over her, his scarf draped over his shoulders. He also wore a big smile and not much else. She wasn’t very surprised when his cock appeared in front of her face, nor when it rubbed across her lips seeking entry. She opened her mouth and tilted her head back, willingly accepting the cock into her mouth. She also accepted Harry Sullivan’s cock when it sought entry into her cunt. The man spread her legs open and thrust into her pussy, making love to her with all the care of a navy officer. The Doctor, meanwhile, was much less restrained as he skull fucked her, gripping her head tight driving his dick down her throat. She sucked it hard, doing her best to keep the back of her skull from banging against the rocks.

She knew she was hallucinating. She must be. Neither Harry or the Doctor would dare lay a finger on her like this. She imagined she was, in reality, still fully clothed and making a right fool of herself. I must get a hold of myself, she thought. She tried to snap herself back to her senses, digging her nails into her palms and screwing her eyes shut. The image of the Doctor shoving his cock into her mouth persisted when she shook her head, as did the sensation of being fucked by Harry. These hallucinations were vivid.

Something changed, however. Something in the circuit of her headband. Another fault or the attempt to correct another. Either way, the image of the Doctor and Harry vanished and was replaced with something starkly different.

Sarah blinked and suddenly she found herself staring into the eyes of a python. She inhaled sharply, it’s beady eyes staring at her intently from between her breasts. It’s forked tongue darted out with a hiss. It’s body coiled around the young woman, wrapped around her legs and torso almost enveloping her. Sarah yanked on the bindings of her wrists, unable to escape or move. She looked down and saw her legs were trapped, pinned together tightly. Its tail wound around her chest, looping around her neck and under her armpits. It’s head sat comfortably between her breasts, staring up at her. This time she had her yellow rain-mack on, not that it was doing her any favors. Every so often it’s tongue would flick her nipples and she’d shiver. She felt it’s body rub against her clit as it shifted between her thighs.

Her eyes darted around looking for help, but she was alone with this snake. She opened her mouth to scream, but every gasp or breath she took was stolen by the snake constricting around her. It’s powerful body squeezed her, from her ankles to her neck. Her eyes widened in panic. She read about pythons, how they suffocate their prey before swallowing them whole. She got an awful vision of this snake’s jaw unhinging and gulping her up into its mouth. Would it swallow me head first or would it start at my feet, she wondered. Her airway tightened as the snake pulled tighter around her throat. At this rate I’ll be dead from strangulation before I have to worry about being digested.

She struggled against her restraints and the snake, struggling to breathe as it crushed her slowly. She kept closing her eyes, telling herself it wasn’t real. She was hallucinating, she had to be. Her heart was pounding faster and faster. People can die of fright, can’t they? They get so scared they have a heart attack. Sarah was definitely terrified now. The snake felt and looked so real it was impossible to convince her body otherwise. She tried to force the image of the Doctor back. Of Harry fucking her like a gentlemen. She’d even fantasise about sucking Styre’s cock if it kept her from freaking out by being suffocated.

The pressure around her body suddenly eased off and she gasped in releif. But then she found her throat occupied as something slimy forced its way into her mouth. She gagged around it and opened her eyes to find her body wrapped up in tentacles now. Yellow ugly slimy tentacles coiled around her arms and legs and breasts. She squirmed as two more penetrated her holes and began fucking her. She moaned in disgust, unable to fight back. The tentacles held her tightly, squeezing her periodically, including around the neck. Their strength wasn’t like the snakes, however, so she didn’t feel the need to panic. She could breath, at least.

But then she felt something around her feet and she looked down in horror as the slimy, misshapen creature where these tentacles spawned from began enveloping her legs. She struggled harder, but her feet were trapped inside the alien’s maw as it sucked her in, its tentacles wrapping around her legs dragging it further up. Suddenly those fears about being swallowed up were coming to life as the creature reached her knees. She kicked as much as she could, but her feet were held still like she was sinking into treacle. It’s body flexed and expanded around her. It’s tentacles continued to assault her too, pumping more of its slime into her body. She was forced to swallow it down where it filled her stomach. When it’s mouth reached her hips, she was dragged inside and felt it’s tentacled merge with its form. The two in her ass and pussy expanded and begin filling her insides with it. Her legs moved sluggishly, unable to break out of its form.

Sarah looked around once more seeking help, screaming around the tentacle in her mouth. She bit down trying to get rid of it, but her forced itself deeper into her throat. She couldn’t escape. She was frightened. Her heart was racing. Her head was pounding. No about of wishing it away or pretending it wasn’t real would save her now. She wailed in terror as the maw reached her breasts, more of her slowly sinking into its mouth to be swallowed up.

“Sarah! Whatever it is you are seeing is not real!” The Doctor called.

Sarah opened her eyes, unable to see him. But deep down she knew he was there. Somewhere he was out there, fighting to get to her. She was here, lying fully clothed, tied up and writhing from a hallucination and probably screaming her head off. She looked down at the creature now coming to her armpits, it’s tentacles coiled up her arms and around her neck, still pumping it’s slimy down her throat. She closed her eyes and whimpered, begging him to save her from this nightmare.

The last thing remembered was sinking down into the alien’s gullet into total darkness. She wasn’t sure if she had been eaten or finally succumbed to that heart attack. Or maybe the Doctor finally reached her and his efforts to remove the device on her head sent her into a state of shock that made her black out into unconciousness.

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