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Adventures in Time & Space: The Master & The Rani (Doctor Who)

The TARDIS remained stuck at the edge of the universe lost in the past, where there was next to nothing for billions of miles or thousands of years. Nothing except the two Time Lords stuck on the Rani’s ship. And their hatred for one another grew with each passing moment.

Despise wasn’t the correct word to describe their loathing. The Rani found the Master egotistical, irritating and arrogant. The Master found the Rani equally irritating, arrogant, and precocious. On paper, it has been said the two should get on well, because they are so alike in their ideals. In reality, neither one can stand the other. So much so they refused to cooperate in trying to fix the TARDIS and get them out of this hellscape of space, getting in each other’s way until they made things worse.

The only time both Time Lords stopped bickering was when they were fucking. And they would only do it when they were bored, or angry, or needed to vent some frustration. So sex became a daily commodity for the normally asexual beings. (though the Rani had boasted to have more sexual experience, particularly with her experiments, which led to the Master wanting to show her up and stroke his ego. Which led to this arrangement in the end.)

There was nothing romantic or pleasurable about the sessions when they happened. One or both would initiate it, usually with a growl or a scowl or just pouncing on the other. Then it was rough and hard and violent, like two lions wrestling across the spaceship. They both found the other distasteful, but if they wanted to release some sexual frustration the only other option was the adolescent T-Rex in an adjacent room, and the Rani wasn’t quite desperate enough to attempt mating with the dinosaur yet. So she reluctantly engaged the Master to wrestle for dominance in her own ship.

Because that’s what it always was between them. A battle. His will versus hers. A fight to see who would come out on top. It became a means to stop an argument. Whomever won decided their next course of action, or at least shut the other up for the next few hours. Though the sex often made things difficult since it could cause just as much damage as a regular fight. They were never gentle. There was always rough handling, sometimes bruises, almost always restraints of some kind. Force was a common feature, in one way or another. From the outside, it could look more like they were fighting rather than fucking (which was close to the truth often).

It wasn’t always just the two of them that got damaged in these skirmishes. Collateral was to be expected when you lunge at each other in the laboratory, or workshop, or bend your opponent over to pound then against the console. Sparks would fly and equipment would be smashed, buttons pressed in the heat of battle causing all manner of malfunctions. This would lead to more frustrations, which they would take out on each other, the cycle escalating until they were battered and panting on the floor with either a Victor or a pair of losers.

The sex itself wasn’t particularly pleasant either. The Master found it repugnant at the best of times, and the Rani only ever treated it as a pass time with her minions. And she missed her minions whenever she was forced to demean herself to the Master’s whims. On her planet she was a queen and they would worship her, with their mouths and their cocks and the occasional tentacle. She had a few on rotation when she needed these distractions. The Master, in comparison, was an absolute bore. It could take hours before she would feel aroused enough to have an orgasm, and only once she gets the upper hand and dominates her opponent. But he was not an easy adversary. He would dominate her at every opportunity, bending her over to fuck her from behind, make her kneel to suck his cock, pull her legs apart to pillage her cunt. She would retaliate in kind, mounting his lap and slamming down onto his prick, choking him as hard as he would strangle her, shove him against the wall to crush his balls between her fingers. She even tried to fuck him from behind using a toy she had picked up on an alien world, but he destroyed it with his compressor weapon. That was a disappointing afternoon. So she spanked him instead.

They would fuck, fight, fuck some more, screaming and bickering all the while until exhaustion forced one of both of them to concede, but with the promise of a rematch. The only time either of them felt any pleasure was when their rage fueled minds made them hallucinate that they were fucking the man they blamed for sending them here. And oh, how they both got aroused at the thought of fucking the Doctor into submission.

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