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Adventures in Time & Space: The Masked Ball (Doctor Who)

It was 1925 at the Cranliegh estate. The Cranleigh’s were hosting their masked ball following a huge victory at the cricket game. Everyone was given a costume to wear, including the new arrivals The Doctor, Tegan, Adric and Nyssa.

Nyssa’s, however, was special. She was wearing the same costume as Lord Charles’s Fiancé, Ann Talbot. It turned out Ann and Nyssa were the spitting image of each other, which baffled them both. So Ann devised a game for them to play during the ball. They would be coy about who was who, letting the guests and their friends guess. Nyssa wasn’t too sure at first, but she started to get into it just as much as Ann.

The two girls mingled and danced with their friends and guests, able to fool almost everyone there. Adric kept trying to guess which one Nyssa was, but both girls were making it difficult. The Doctor finally arrived in costume and was quickly introduced to the game when he asked which one was Ann. “Guess” they both said in unison. He smiled behind his mask and chose a girl to dance with, leaving the other to mingle with Adric.

Adric filled his second plate with food while he watched the Doctor dance flawlessly with one of the girls in the blue dress and mask. He’d given up trying to tell them apart. It was clear they could both dance. “Is that your second plate?” The other twin asked, joining him back the table staring at his plate.

“I skipped breakfast” he said defensively. He saw the look she gave him and scoffed to continue eating. Definitely Nyssa, he thought.

The girl next to him looked up and watched her doppelgänger lean in and whisper something to the Doctor, a nervous smile on her lips. “I wonder what she’s up to?” She pondered.

Adric followed her gaze and saw the other twin slip her hand into his and lead him into the house. He narrowed his eyes curiously as the Doctor glanced back before following. “That’s odd” he noted.

“Maybe she wants to steal a kiss from your friend” the girl he believed to be Nyssa shrugged.

Adric looked on and considered it. She certainly had that nervous expression. “Lets find out” he suggested.

Nyssa smirked, agreeing to follow them with the young man. They snuck into the house and followed the sound of hushed voices until they rounded a corner. They stayed out of sight as the other girl brought him to a secluded corridor, looking around nervously making sure they were alone. Then she stepped up to the a doctor and said something, her cheeks blushing before she reached up on her toes to kiss him. He was surprised at first. But then he brought her into his arms and made out with her, pressing her against a door until her hand managed to open it.

The pair stared in amazement, rushing forward when the door slammed shut to listen in. They heard panting and moaning right by the door. They must be kissing right next to it. Adric blinked. “I thought Ann was engaged to that Lord Charles” he asked.

The girl with him lifted an eyebrow. “What makes you so sure that’s Ann? I could be Ann” she pointed Ann.

He fixed his gaze on her. “You’re not. You’re Nyssa. You wouldn’t do anything like that with the Doctor” he said confidently.

Nyssa laughed. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. Besides, he’s not your type.”

She furrowed her brow. “He’s not? He’s charming and handsome and…” she stalled and looked at him coyly. “But then he isn’t you, isn’t he.”

“Of course not. Not that the two of us are…are we a couple?” He asked suddenly, sincerely.

Nyssa shrugged. “We have kissed, haven’t we?” She asked. He nodded. “And we’ve had sex, right?” She asked with a coy smile.

“I guess so” he shrugged.

Nyssa grinned, taking his hand and pulling him away from the door. “So if I’m Nyssa, you won’t object to me doing this” she said, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

He didn’t object at all. In fact he kissed her back, deeply, wrapping his arms around her small frame and holding her close. She purred into the kiss and weaved her hands through his hair, pressing herself against him. It was hot and steamy until Adric pulled away to glance at the closed down. “Won’t the Doctor get in trouble if Lord Cranleigh catches him with Ann?”

Nyssa pulled his attention back to her. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. And I won’t tell him if you won’t” she said.

She peeked over her shoulder at the door behind them, opening it suggesting they hide out in there. Adric followed the playful girl into the nearby bedroom, watching as she closed the door before pouncing on him, making out with him while they stumbled onto the bed.

They didn’t bother getting undressed, in too much of a hurry to take their costumes off. Nyssa was able to get his dick out of his pants and mounted the young man, lifting her skirt up so she could pull her undergarments aside and slide down onto him. She gasped in pleasure and he sighed as her tight young woman’s enveloped him. “Still think I’m Nyssa?” She asked coyly.

Adric responded with a kiss, wrapping his arms around her rocking her against him. “I’m sure” he grinned, taking off her mask revealing her beautiful face.

She smiled back, kissing him hotly before pushing him onto his back so she could ride him more eagerly. They raced to a quick climax, eager to return to the party before anyone noticed they were gone. Adric gripped her hips and thrust into her over and over, grunting when her walls clamped down and they came together. Nyssa heaved from her orgasm, a big smile on her face. “I’m glad I met you Adric” she purred, stroking his face affectionately.

They were interrupted by Tegan, who burst through the door to find them in bed together. “There you are. I was starting to think you got lost” she said, walking into the bedroom. She cast her eye over the pair of them, raising an eyebrow. “Having fun I see” she teased.

“Nyssa and I were just…” Adric tried to explain, before his face turned red.

Tegan examined the girl for a few seconds before breaking into a smirk. “Very funny. Where is Nyssa?” She asked.

“With the Doctor” the girl in the blue dress told her.

“Tegan, this is Nyssa” Adric explained.

Tegan looked at her again before turning to Adric. “No it isn’t” she laughed, brushing the girls hair aside so she could hook a finger under the strap of her dress and pull it over her shoulder. “Cute mole” she remarked.

Adric sat up and saw the mole on the girl’s left shoulder. “But Nyssa doesn’t have a mole there” he gasped.

“No she doesn’t” Ann agreed, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

The boy’s face turned red and the girls starting howling with laughter. Ann comforted the humiliated boy, kissing him tenderly. “Come on. We’d better get miss Talbot to her fiancé before he notices she’s missing” Tegan suggested.

Adric rushed out of the room, followed by his chuckling adulteress. Out in the corridor he paused, turning back to the first door realizing “if you’re Ann, then that means…”

“I guess you don’t know your friend as well as you think” Ann whispered, pulling him away to let her twin have her fun.


Nyssa couldn’t believe she was getting away with this.

It was a spur of the moment decision while they were dancing. The Doctor thought she was Ann, so she seized an opportunity to pretend. She brought him into the house and made a pass at him. Then a move. Then she kissed him, out of curiosity more than anything. She didn’t think he would reciprocate it. And once he did, her heart was racing and she was seizing the moment to fuck him. He was charming and handsome after all. She didn’t care that he was older (much older). She wanted him like any other woman would. And it was amazing.

The Doctor had her pinned against the door, his body crushing her against it, his hips rocking thrusting him into her pussy. Her legs had been hoisted up by his arms and she was clinging to his shoulders. His mouth was on her neck. She was panting heavily. She had already cum once and he continued to fuck her. She begged him not to stop. Her mask lay on the ground. Her hair was tangled around her sweating face. Their lips met again and she kissed him passionately. She was so hot she could burst into flames. “Oh Doctor” she whimpered. Electricity shot up her spine when she felt his seed fill her, their bodies melding into one, her orgasm making her whole body tremble. She moaned in his ear, clutching him tightly until they both finished.

After he gently lowered her feet back onto the ground, he stepped back to catch his breath. Nyssa panted heavily, brushing her hair out of her face. “That was…” she couldn’t find the words.

The doctor looked at the young woman and smiled. “I hope that was much to your satisfaction…Nyssa” he said quietly.

The girl froze, staring up at the tall man. She opened her mouth to try and insist she was Ann, but she wavered under his intense gaze. Her eyes lowered and she blushed bright red. “Doctor, I’m…”

The Doctor took pity on the embarrassed young woman as she pushed her dress down her legs uncomfortably. He stroked her cheek affectionately before leaning in to whisper “lets keep this between us, shall we? The other don’t need to know what happened here, do they?”

She couldn’t bring herself to look at him when she nodded, mortified her little ruse didn’t fool him. She cleaned up her costume and retrieved her mask, following the Doctor out to rejoin the others at the party.

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