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Adventures in Time & Space: The Land of Fiction

Jamie was grateful for the rope that helped him escape the toy soldier, climbing up the cliff face to the tower that waited up there. When he reached the window he looked down where he climbed and exhaled in relief. Now he just needed to find the Doctor and Zoe.

He gathered up the rope in case he would have need of it again. “Ow” a young voice said, startling him.

He spun to the window and found a young woman staring back at him from inside. “Oh, sorry” he said in surprise. He wasn’t expecting anyone to be up here.

“I should hope so” the woman replied. She was wearing a long golden dress which matched her long blonde hair, which hung over her shoulder in thick braids. She nursed her scalp from where he pulled on it. “That does hurt, you know” she said.

Jamie looked at the rope he was holding and realized it was the girls long hair. “Oh, is this…I’m really sorry, I was trying to…” he stammered, the whole situation rather perplexing for him. This whole place had him going mad. “I wasn’t expecting anyone else up here” he said, standing on the window sill. “My name’s Jamie.”

She regarded him a moment before answering. “My name is Rapunzel. Are you a prince?” She asked excitedly.

“Er, no. I’m a McCribbin” he replied.

“Oh” she said, disappointed.

Jamie looked at the sad young woman. She’s very pretty he thought. Rapunzel? Why does that name sound familiar?He put the question aside when he remembered he was standing on a precarious window ledge. “Look, can I come in? Only I can’t go back down there, or the soliders will get me.”

Rapunzel peeked out of the window to look down, but she couldn’t see anything. She looked at the strange young man, who she supposed was quite charming. “Alright” she shrugged, pulling her hair in and stepping aside so he could climb in. He dropped down into her her bedroom and thanked her. “It’s a shame you’re not a prince” she said.

“Oh? Why’s that?” He asked curiously.

“Well I get so lonely up here in this tower” she said, walking over and slumping down on the bed. “But I’m waiting for a Prince to come and rescue me.”

Jaimie looked around the grand bedroom. “This place doesn’t look all bad” he remarked. “And besides, why does it need to be a prince who rescues you?”

She lifted her head and suddenly furrowed her brow. “I…I don’t know” she confessed, looking confused for a moment. “It’s just what I’m supposed to be doing. That’s what the master says.”

Jaimie narrowed his eyes. She was the second person to refer to this master. “Who’s that then?”

She opened her mouth to answer, but then she stopped. She looked as if she couldn’t find the words, the moment briefly distressing her.

He rushed over and joined her on the bed. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked worried.

She stiffened for a moment before coming back to herself. “I’m terribly sorry. My thoughts got away from me for a moment” she said. She focused her gaze on Jaimie, who she now realized was sitting rather close to her. “I’ve been on my own for so long…it’s been a while since I’ve had company.”

“Aye” she said cautiously. Everything here is fiction the Doctor had said. Fictional creatures. Fictional characters. That’s where I heard that name Rapunzel. She’s a story. Thinking of the Doctor reminded him why he was here. “I have to find Zoe and the Doctor” he said, standing up abruptly.

Rapunzel stood up with him. “Oh, do you have to go so soon?” She asked.

He looked at her lonely expression and paused. “well, no, but they’ll be wondering where I am. Hey, why don’t you come with me?”

Her face turned pale at the thought. “Oh, no, I can’t. I’m not allowed.”

“Why not?” He asked. He saw that distressed look cross her face again and he made a guess. “The master says so?”

“I…” she stammered, shaking her head losing herself again. It was like she couldn’t break character or diverge from her story. She had to stay in this tower until she met her prince. She took a deep breath and centered herself, turning back to Jasmine apologetic. “I can’t go with you.”

“Aye, and I can’t stay” he said regrettably.

Her shoulders shagged. “Not even for a little while?” She asked.

He looked around the bedroom and glanced out the window. He seemed safe enough for the moment. And Rapunzel looked like she could use the company. He sighed hesitantly. “Alright. But just for a little while” he said.

Her face lit up excitedly, delighted to have someone to talk to. “It really is a shame you’re not a prince. You’re really sweet” she said, a little color rising in her cheeks.

Jaimie blushed too, joining her on the bed again to keep her company. I’m sure the Doctor and Zoe can manage without me for a short while, he thought.


Zoe struggled to keep her eyes closed like the Doctor said. She could hear the hissing approaching as she tried to edge away, seeking her way through the labyrinth with her toes. “Doctor!” She called, reaching out trying to find him.

The pair got separated not long after that statue came to life. He called her Medusa. Zoe had a vague recollection of the myth Medusa. To her recollection, she was a mythical creature half woman, half snake, with snakes for hair and the ability to turn people to stone when they looked at her in the eye. That’s why the Doctor urged her not to look. But a part of her was compelled to look, convinced she was real. They tried to flee the maze they were in. Now she was lost, and blind, with the monster close behind her. “Doctor!” She called fearfully.

The hissing suddenly came from in front of her and she realized Medusa had trapped her. She tried to retreat but she almost tripped over a rock and stumbled against a wall. The creature closed in and Zoe could hear the snapping of the snakes in her hair as it circled her, trying to look into her eyes. “No! Stay back” she squeaked, screwing her eyes shut.

“Just a peek” Medusa whispered, her fingers extending and brushing under her chin trying to coax her to look.

She pulled away and shook her head. “No” she said. Her mind raced trying to recall how the story went. Medusa, snakes…a Greek myth…Perseus…how did Perseus get away? He…he definitely killed it. But I can’t do that. I don’t…don’t he seduce it? Or did she seduce him? Oh no, that doesn’t sound right…

Unfortunately, what Zoe didn’t understand is in this world, fact and fiction often changes. Because these are works of fiction, one’s imagination can change things. It’s how they were able to make the unicorn disappear. How Medusa was no longer a statue. It even changed Jaimie’s face for a while. And now that Zoe had the idea of Medusa seducing her prey to make them statues stuck in her head, the fiction adapted to match her already misinterpreted memory.

Medusa slithered closer on her snake body, her patient gaze fixed on the young girl as she trembled in fear. “Such a pretty little thing” she hissed in a sultry voice, circling her like the predator she was. Zoe stiffened as her long fingers brushed her cheek, her forked tongue extending to lick behind her ear making her gasp. “You want to look, don’t you. Want to see what I am? Am I not beautiful?” She asked, pressing her naked breasts against her back. Zoe held her breath as Medusa’s sharp nails grazed down her slender neck to reach the zip of her jacket. “I’m sure my beauty surpasses yours, little mortal” she said confidently.

Zoe shivered as she felt the zipper on her clothes pushed down, exposing her pale skin from the space between her breasts to her stomach. She gasped when she felt a hand cup her crotch, the sensation almost making her eyes snap open. “Please, let me go” she begged.

“Of course, my dear. All you have to do is open your eyes” she promised, sliding around positioning herself directly in front of her. She watched Zoe struggle to deny the temptation to peek, to obey, even as she felt that snake body edging to coil around her legs, wrapping up her body slowly. The gorgon watched her shake in fear, but she kept her eyes stubbornly shut. She grinned. “Do not fret, little girl” she hissed, her tongue tickling her cheek as her tail reached up over her shoulders, pinning her arms to her sides, constricting aorund her chest. “We can take our time. We’ll both get what we want in the end.”

Zoe started to panic as the powerful body wrapped around her. She couldn’t move. Her breathing grew difficult as she constricted her chest. Every time she gasped the monster squeezed, drawing her breath out. She feared she might suffocate her, her tail reaching her neck. “D…Doctor!” She called again, praying he would find her.

That was her last chance to call out as Medusa tightened her grip on the girl, her lungs giving out a final gasp as the tail squeezed her neck, cutting of her screams. She was trapped and at the gorgons mercy as she cupped her pretty little face and planted a kiss on her lips, invading her mouth with her tongue. She never took her eyes off her.


The two of them talked for a little bit. It didn’t matter what about, Rapunzel was just happy to talk to somebody. She had been really lonely up here in this tower. Talking soon turned to kissing as she came to the conclusion she didn’t have to wait for her Prince to get laid. Jaimie was a gentlemen, at first, but in the end he was happy to give in to the attractive girl’s advances.

They kissed on her bed, the young Scotsman cautiously exploring her body as she laid back against the pillows, her dress shifting around her knees as she lifted her bare feet off the floor. Her hands explored his chest, fiddling with the buttons of his shirt before slipping up under his quilt with a giggle. “Hey, watch where you put those” he gasped, catching her wrist before her cold fingers could touch something sensitive.

“Sorry. I’ve never seen a man wear a dress before” she laughed.

“It’s not a dress, it’s a Quilt.”

She looked at it curiously, asking him “is that all you’re wearing under there?”

His cheeks turned red as he answered “aye.”

“Well, what happens when it gets cold?”

“Then I warm myself up” he answered with a sly grin. She giggled again, pulling him back into a kiss as he warmed himself with her body. His hand brushed through her hair as he deepened the kiss, until his hand got tangled in it. She laughed as he pulled himself free, shoving the small bundle of  braided locks away. “How are you able to do anything without getting tangled up in that lot?” He asked.

“I don’t get a lot to do up here” she shrugged. She sat up and gave him a playful smile. “Afraid I might tie you up with my hair?” She teased.

He glanced at the long blonde hair and glared at her. “Just you try it” he warned.

She pounced on him, pushing him onto the bed giggling as she mashed her lips against him. She wouldn’t dare try and tie him up. She hoped she could convince him to use her hair to restrain her instead. But that can come later. Right now she wanted to help warm him up by slipping her hands under his quilt and grasping for his manhood. The boy gasped as she found his penis, delighted to find it already erect with arousal. She crawled down and lifted his quilt to reveal it, examining it for a moment before eagerly taking him into her mouth.

Jaimie moaned as Rapunzel sucked his cock, falling back onto the bed resting his palm on her head letting her entertain herself. He couldn’t remember the last time a hot young lass did this with him. He hoped she’d be up for more. All this running around with the Doctor hasn’t left him much time for fun like this.

I sure hope the others are alright.


“Hm, you’re a stubborn one, aren’t you” Medusa whispered, her forked tongue tickling the girl’s ear as she turned her face away. She stroked her cheek with her sharp fingernails as she turned her head back towards her, her eyelids remaining stubbornly shut as the monster forced another kiss upon her.

She squirmed inside the coils of her body, wiggling uncomfortably as the long scaly flesh constricted around her. The young Zoe had been shifted in position, her arms now pinned above her head as she laid flat on her back. The gorgon hovered over her, wrapping up her legs and binding her wrists together, her tail looping around her waist and neck and across her chest. Her jacket had been unzipped by the monster, her fingernail dragging down between her breasts trying to shock the girl into reacting. The same was done with her pants, which sat bunched around her knees trapped by the constricting form. Every time Zoe breathed or tried to scream, Medusa squeezed just enough to make her squeak or gasp. She could suffocate her at any time, but she liked to watch her struggle.

She kissed the girl deeply, exploring her mouth with her tongue, her lips moving sensually as the girl made out with her. “And not a stranger to kissing another woman, I see” Medusa remarked curiously.

If Zoe wasn’t so terrified, she might’ve blushed from embarrassment or humiliation. Instead she whimpered as the creature stroked her flesh, her nails dragging along her soft neck up to her chin threateningly. She resisted the urge to inhale and attempt to call the Doctor, knowing she’d only crush her again until she couldn’t breathe. The gorgon had trained her well. Now all she could do was pray she was rescued.

I know the Doctor said it’s not real, but it’s right there. It’s hard to argue when it’s kissing you or strangling you or molesting you.

The gnarled hand fondled Zoe’s breast, watching her squirm as she groped and pinched her nipple. She lowered down and wrapped her lips around one of them, watching her face intently as she sucked on it, biting only once. She allowed the solitary scream before reaching up and swallowing her whimpers into her mouth. “This can all be over, you know” she said softly, licking her lips and her cheek. “All you have to do is look at me. Wouldn’t that be nice? One peek and I’ll let you go.”

Zoe swallowed a hesitant gulp before fearfully shaking her head. I can’t, or it’ll turn me to stone and I’ll never escape.

Medusa pouted in disappointment. “Never mind. I’ll make you my plaything all the same” she said, reaching down and brushing her nail over her young sex instead. She took perverse delight as Zoe cried from feeling it scrape over her sensitive clit before violating her innocent pussy with her finger.


The blowjob was marvelous to Jaimie, Rapunzel’s mouth sliding up and down his shaft sucking on him. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” He asked in amazement.

She didn’t answer, on account her mouth was full. And it got even fuller as she brought him to climax. He managed to give her a warning before he ejaculated, catching some of it in her mouth and letting the rest spray into her face and over her neck. She giggled as she licked it up and swallowed it. “Sorry, did you say something?” She asked.

“I said…oh, Nevermind” he replied, sitting up and gazing at her in wonder.

She felt his eyes on her as they raked over her skin, lowering down her body and over her chest. She bit her lip anxiously as she nervously rose to her feet. “Promise you won’t laugh” she asked quietly.

“Laugh? At what?” He asked confused.

“At me” she said bashfully. “If I’m not as pretty as you think I am.”

He stared at her baffled, genuinely answering “I think you’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

She blushed at the praised, but still hesitated before slowly removing her dress, pushing it over her shoulders and shimmying it down her hips to fall around her bare feet. She stood before Jaimie in her birthday suit and waited for his appraisal. “Do you still think I’m pretty?” She asked.

Jaimie examined her modest young body, admiring her small boobs and slim hips. He sat up on the bed and pulled her towards him, his hands holding her waist. “You’re beautiful” he said honestly.

She beamed and cupped his face to kiss him, her nerves vanishing as she regained her confidence. “You’re sweet” she said, stroking her hair as he kissed her gorgeous belly and sexy nipples, his hands stroking her hips and back while she cradled him. She felt beautiful in his hands, her body warming to his touch as every kiss and caress made her melt. The only thing that got in the way was her hair, which fell down her slender back and bunched around her feet. But she’d spent so long living with it she was able to climb back onto the bed without getting tangled up in it.

Jaimie lowered her onto her back, admiring her affectionately when she brought her legs up and parted her knees. He wasted no time in dropping between them to kiss between her legs before devouring her pussy. Her head fell back and she moaned in shock. “How’s that then?” He asked smugly.

“Don’t stop now!” She cried, shoving his face back between her legs eager to feel more of that. He held her hips tightly while driving his tongue into her cunt, stirring up her arousal and making her lose her mind with pleasure. “So good” she whimpered, already feeling like she was going to cum.


Pleasure replaced the discomfort around the time that tongue dove into her cunt. Screams turned into moans, even if she couldn’t hear them now that her mouth was occupied. But Medusa could tell the young girl was aroused. She could taste it as her tongue slithered in and out of her. She could smell it in her musk. She could feel it in how the girl sucked on the tip of her tail as it slipped into her mouth and down her throat. She lifted her gaze and admired the half naked girl beneath her, her hands playing with her breasts as she writhed in her embrace. She had stopped squirming ages ago, attempting her fate. Her mind was breaking, one orgasm at a time. The next one would ruin her. She lowered her face down and continued devouring her pussy.

Zoe was struggling to keep focused as pleasure rocked her body. First her fingers made her tremble, then the tail caressing her breasts made her nipples hard, and now that tongue was driving her mad. She had never felt anything like this. Even having this thick tail thrust into her throat like a cock was turning her one. At least it’s stopped crushing me she thought. If I play along, I might be able to escape. I think its grip is loosening.

She tested her restraints periodically, when she wasn’t shivering from the pleasure this creature was inducing. She never thought having sex with a snake woman would be her kind of kink, but apparently it was. She felt her nails pluck her nipples again and she gasped, clenching around that tongue searching for her G-spot again. She moaned as it almost found it, her knees shaking as her hips buckled. A pair of hands gripped her tightly and she felt a face bury itself in between her legs as several squirming snakes slithered over her thighs.

A few moments later the tail extracted itself from her mouth to return to her breast, its slick tip stroking her erect nipple. She panted and moaned and whimpered in pleasure. “Oh god” she muttered, her eyes fluttering open for just a moment. Just enough to see the mop of snakes against her lap, the many eyes looking at her as they brushed her stomach while the monster ate her out. She quickly closed her eyes again as the monster moved to look up, narrowly avoiding a fate worse than death.

“Cunning little thing, aren’t you?” Medusa cursed. She only took her eyes off her for a moment. She removed her tongue from her cunt and heard her pitiful whine of disappointment. She crawled up and brought her tail down to replace it, stuffing its scaly mass inside of her as deep as she could.

Zoe gasped from the penetration and arched her back. She seized her chance to call out for the doctor, only for the snake’s body to shift and coil around her again. She found its powerful form pressing under her chin and behind her head, crushing her from two directions cutting of her scream.

Medusa tutted. “You know what it will take to make this end” she whispered, rising back to her face kissing her lips tenderly, gazing into her closed eyelids. “I don’t want to kill you. Not until I get a look at those pretty little eyes of yours” she hissed.

Zoe screwed her eyes shut and tried to think of another way out of this. Hard to do when she had a thick tail fucking her vagina and pressing against her cervix, driving her insane as pain and pleasure got mixed into a cocktail of euphoria. The body strangling her and cutting of her oxygen was making her lightheaded, delirious and fuzzy. Her logic brain was shutting down, but not from dying. Exhaustion. Medusa was wearing her out. She was winning.

The doctor said I have to believe it’s not real, like the unicorn. But she’s right there. She’s fucking me. She’s…

Zoe knew what she had to do, but she couldn’t make herself say it. All she could think about was how good that tail was inside of her, how soft those lips were, how hot she felt wrapped up in this powerful, crushing embrace.

The orgasm was squeezed out of her and she colapsed onto the floor gasping for air. Medusa took pity and loosened her grip, watching the girl pant heavily as she rocked tiredly within her body, practically curling up seeking sleep. She took hold of her face and gently shook her, keeping her awake. “Now now dear, no time to rest yet. We’ve still got a long day together. Don’t you want to look at me, after all I’ve done for you? Don’t you want to see how beautiful I am?” She asked, kissing her lips softly, coaxing her eyelids open.

Zoe could feel herself stirring awake, exhaustion causing her to lose her wits as her eyes began to open. She was so tired. Her orgasm left her fuzzy and warm. She swallowed a shallow moan and clung onto the last piece of logic she had left in her sleepy mind to say out loud “I can’t. Because you can’t be real. You’re just a story.”


If she is fake, then why does she feel real? Jaimie wondered as he entered her from above.

Rapunzel moaned as the young man penetrated her pussy with his penis, her legs wrapping around his waist as she reclined on the bed gazing up at him. She hooked her arms behind his back and embraced him as he rocked gently against her, making love to her passionately. He was so gentle and caring, making sure she was enjoying it as much as he was as their eyes locked and their lips met. She couldn’t recall a time another man made her feel this good.

They fucked each other for several minutes, losing themselves to pleasure until the mutual climax approached. Jaimie moaned as she tightened around him, wanting to make it last as long as possible. She clung to his shoulders as she came, trembling against him as he filled her pussy with his cum. He kept himself propped up on his elbows, worried about crushing her beneath his weight while she colapsed into the bed. Once the orgasm was over he rolled onto his side to catch his breath, laying next to her staring at the ceiling. “That was something” he marveled.

“Yes, it was” she agreed, her chest rising and falling in soft pants. She looked over at him affectionately, sitting up and running her fingers over his care chest. “It’s a shame you’re not a prince” she said wistfully.

He looked back and sighed, kissing her hand affectionately. “I really should get going” he said after a moment, realizing how much time he’d spent with her.

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” She asked.

“I wish I could” he apologized, climbing off the bed and picking up his clothes. “I have to find my friends. They’ll be looking for me and they could be in danger” he explained as he got dressed.

She sat on the bed and watched him pouting. “Then I suppose you better leave. I do hope you find them” she said.

He looked back at her, feeling guilty for seeing her so sad. “You could come with me” he offered.

She shook her head. “I can’t leave this tower. I have to wait.”

“for your Prince?” He asked. She nodded. “Aye, I hope you find him” he said, hoping she’ll be alright. He looked down as he buttoned up his shirt. “Maybe we’ll get a chance to see each other again” he said optimistically.

When he looked back up, however, she had gone. So had her room. The whole tower changed and he now found himself standing by the same window only looking at an empty space. His blinked in confusion and looked around, discovering he was in a laboratory of some sort. “Rapunzel?” He called, wondering where she couldn’t disappeared to. He searched the room but neither she nor the bed they had had sex in was anywhere to be seen. They couldn’t have just vanished. Unless she was never here he thought. He sighed in frustration. This place is really starting to annoy me.

He explored the new room curiously, wondering if any of it could help him find the Doctor and Zoe. A string of tapping drew him to a strange contraption under a glass dome where a strip of paper was being fed out onto the ground with writing on it. Jaimie picked up the strip and read the words aloud as they were being typed:

“Zoe opened her eyes as awareness came back to her. It was like she was waking up from a dream, or a nightmare. The creature Medusa was gone, having reverted back to a statue thanks to the words the girl had uttered renouncing its existence. She blinked awake and lifted her head, relieved to see she was free of its grasp at last. She sat up on the ground and stared at her clothes, bunched around her knees and exposing her chest. She still felt the tingles of the orgasm that had made her so sleepy. She wondered briefly it she had imagined the monster and lost herself in a fantasy.

The Doctor’s voice echoed through the labyrinth calling for her. She gasped in joy as she called back to him. Picking herself up she fixed her clothes in a hurry. He eyes fell on the statue of Medusa for a moment, a cold shudder running up her spine as she quickly turned away before it could come to life again. The sooner they escaped this maze and found Jaimie, the better, she thought.”

Jaimie furrowed his brow baffled as he reread the sentence again. Is this what’s actually happening to Zoe? He shook his head dismissing the notion. “Who would write such unrealistic nonsense?” He laughed, tossing the outlandish story aside and resuming his search of the Doctor.

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