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Adventures in Time & Space: The Axos (Doctor Who)

Jo tried to escape, but this Axos creature had her trapped. It’s claws gripped her arms and legs tightly and its tentacles wrapped around her waist and torso so she couldn’t move. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t break free.

It was hard to believe this ship she was inside was a living organism, an alien. Her mind struggled to comprehend it. One hive mind controlling several parts of itself all over the complex, those things in the nuclear facility, the people they talked to, these appendages holding her against the wall of this slimy room…all made of molecules able to harness all forms of energy and mimic matter, create whatever they wanted. Including replicas of other people. Jo tried not to think about another copy of her being made and sent out to do awful things.

Right now she had bigger things to worry about. This thing, Axos, had the Doctor somewhere. “What have you done with him!” She cried desperately.

“The time lord is being questioned” the voice said, reverberating through the walls.

She stiffened when it replied, looking around for anything resembling an eye or whatever it’s using to see her. But then if it’s all one entity, it doesn’t needs eyes to know where she is. “What do you want?” She asked fearfully.

“The Doctor will give us the secret of time travel” Axos explained plainly.

“Then will you let us go?”

It did not answer her question. She felt the arms holding her in place loosen and she tried to slip out. Suddenly the claws clamped tighter around her wrists and she gasped as she was yanked back, a tentacle slithering across her neck. “We have questions for you too” it said, and she felt its gaze upon her suddenly.

“I don’t know anything” she said, watching the claws and tentacles as they drifted closer to her. She tried to pull her knees up, but her ankles were trapped and she couldn’t prevent the tentacles from brushing up her boots to her legs. “Please…I don’t know anything about time travel!” She screamed.

“Your cooperation is needed elsewhere” it explained. “Our investigations into humans has given us insight into your culture. Some elements we have found curious, alien to us. You will help us clarify with information.”

“You want me to teach you about…what?”

“There is a sensation you humans experience. An emotion. A response. A reflex. What you refer to as pleasure. You will explain this to us.”

Jo blinked in surprise. How do I even begin to describe something like that? “I can’t. It’s impossible.”

“Your cooperation is necessary. Simply think of the answer in your mind and we will extrapolate the information.”

“What does that even mean?” She asked.

Suddenly her mind was assaulted by a force more powerful than any she had felt. Stronger than when the Master hypnotized her. She screamed as the Axos invaded her mind telepathically, reading her thoughts and drawing out more as she was made to focus on the concept of pleasure. She gasped as it extracted the information from her, learning what she couldn’t put into words. They learnt about pleasure, and all forms it took. Love, sex, arousal, joy, satisfaction, content, belonging, lust, desire. Jo felt it all as it assaulted her mind, the vivid imagery racing through her head bringing the sensation to her body where its tentacles got to feel the physical responses to the stimulus. Jo suddenly realized it was making her feel pleasure, induced arousal and lust, conjuring emotions of love and joy. It read her mind and the thoughts of what she desired these tentacles to do to her, to make her feel pleasure. She felt them over her body, caressing her, invading her sweater, wrapping around her boobs, coiling up her thighs and under her skirt. Her pussy dripped and she moaned. She tried to fight it, but it was raping her mind and her body and she couldn’t do a thing to stop it.

“You humans seek pleasure from sexual intimacy” Axos observed.

“Yes” she answered, her mind and body buzzing with arousal. She writhed as its tentacles embraced her, not to fight but to encourage now. She was overcome with pleasure and she craved more. Claws spread her legs and she felt one brush her panties where it found her soaking wet. “Are you going to have sex with me now?”

“Is that was you desire?”

Jo swallowed a hesitant gulp before nodding. “Yes.”

“Very well. If it will help our investigation” Axos said.

Jo looked up and watched as a pair of figures emerged from its walls, taking the shape of the golden figures who talked to them before. A male and a female stepped forward. But they looked different. Before they were genderless, though distinct in their appearance. This time their bodies were more defined, drawing on Jo’s thoughts on how humans are perceived. The woman had big breasts and the man had muscles. But they were still different. The man’s groin was smooth, lacking genitalia. The woman, however, had a thick cock hanging between her legs. “Um…that’s not how human look” she stammered.

“We took these forms to assist in our investigation” the male said, stepping forward and dropping to his knees in front of her. Jo’s thighs were spread as he dropped down to look at her pussy. “This was is to perform a sexual act you find arousing.”

Jo wasn’t sure what that meant until he started licking her with his tongue. She moaned as he pulled her underwear aside and inserted his tongue into her vagina. Oral sex was her favorite. And Axos knew what she liked. “Oh god” she whimpered, her hips already buckling up to meet his incredible mouth.

“This form was drawn from your thoughts” the female explained, stepping over her positioning her cock in front of her face. “We found it curious. It does not match any record of human beings on this planet.”

Jo looked up at the futarani shemale and laughed. “I’ve always fantasied about having sex with a woman with a big dick” she confessed.

The woman stared down at her blankly. “Then I will fulfil your…fantasy” she said, taking hold of her blonde hair and guiding her cock into Jo’s waiting mouth.

The human opened wide and accepted the penis down her throat, her mind going blank from the overload of pleasure from the experience. She eagerly sucked the shemale’s cock as it pumped in and out of her mouth, wondering if these creatures could feel anything from her actions.

She had to assume yes as the figure standing over her started to growl and gripped her head tighter, it’s thrusts becoming more forceful. The figure at her cunt increased his ministrations also, his hands gripping her hips while his tongue delve deeper. So deep it felt like it had grown in length and size as it fucked her cunt. Jo’s bpdy trembled as she felt an orgasm ripple through her spine, arching her back and lifting her hips up until she was almost horizontal. The claws continued to restrain her, pinning her hands behind her back. She wished she could reach out and touch these people, particularly the shemale with her big breasts bouncing on her chest. She stared up at them as her head was tilted back, the cock sliding deeper down her throat with each thrust. She breathed through her nose, moaning around the shaft, sucking it hungrily.

Axos monitored its prisoner as it gave her the pleasure she sought, taking the information it was acquiring from her as she made it available to him. It learnt much from this experience, coming to understand why humans craved pleasure so much. It got a similar sensation taking advantage of this young woman. It hoisted her body up to allow its male extension to wrap his arms around her thighs, his tongue exploring the depths of her cunt making her shiver. Tentacles reached under her sweater to molest her breasts, playing with her tits which seemed to increase her arousal. The female felt a strange and enjoyable sensation as her mouth sucked her cock, feeling her tongue darting out seeking her balls, her throat squeezing around her tip in an enjoyable way. Axos sought more and brought a fresh tentacle to violate her further, thrusting it into her third hole which it’s investigation claimed also brought pleasure to humans.

Jo gasped as her ass was penetrated, her eyes rolling into her head as she felt the slimy tentacle burrow deep into her anus and fuck her. The pleasure she was experiencing was overwhelming and she fell into a cycle of escasty as Axos fucked her forcefully. It continued to assault her mind also, seeking as much information on sex and pleasure as she had. She felt memories drawn to the surface alongside fantasies. She got a flash of her first time with a girl in school, being fingered behind the shed. She glimpsed a wet dream she had of Captain Yates bending her over in UNIT HQ. She saw a foggy memory of her giving the Master a blowjob, which she had no recollection of. Axos fed on her thoughts and intensified them, fucking her mind and her body. She gave herself over to it and submitted to Axos, moaning from multiple orgasms as she squirted into her lovers mouth.

The Axos ceased with her when her orgasm passed, removing themselves one by one as she slumped onto the floor again. The claws remained in place, but she was so exhausted she doubted she would be able to stand up, let alone escape. She pouted in disappointment when the female pulled her cock out of her mouth, her head reflexly rolling forward seeking it again. The male stood up, his tongue sliding out of her pussy with a wet slurp. The tentacle in her ass pulled itself free and she grunted from the abrupt absence. “You didn’t finish” she whispered, sad she didn’t get any cum from either of them.

“Our investigations are concluded” Axos said, the golden figures stepping away. “Thank you for your cooperation” the female said before turning away and melting back into the wall with her companion.

Jo lifted her head and looked up at the living room she was still trapped in. “What happens now?”

“That will depend on the time lord. You will wait here” it replied.

She looked down at the claws and tentacles around her. She had a little movement back and used it to pull her knees up, rubbing her thighs together still feeling sensitive and aroused. “I don’t suppose you could set my hands free so I could masturbate, could you?” She mumbled, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

“You humans treat pleasure like an addiction” the Axos observed.

Jo hadn’t thought of it like that, but it sounded right. They all sought pleasure of different kinds. Including sex. She sat against the wall and resigned herself to being a prisoner a little longer. Her clothes were out of sorts and she couldn’t fix them like this.

There was a moment of silence before the tentacles around her slithered closer. “Do you desire further stimulation?” The Axos inquired.

Jo looked at the slimy tentacles hovering around her and felt her loins ache again. She nodded. “Yes” she answered.

So for the next few minutes, Jo was fucked by the Axos as it used its tentacles to caress, massage, and thrust into her mouth, ass and pussy. She put on no resistance, welcoming the pleasure it gave her. It was rough at first, but the it learnt how she liked it and kept a satisfying pace. Jo wasn’t stupid, she knew it was doing this to placate her so she wouldn’t cause trouble or try to escape. After a while, thoughts of escape became the furthest thing from her mind. She started to enjoy having sex with an alien.

Her imprisonment was interrupted when the Axos suddenly stopped. It’s tentacles lost their rhythm and suddenly ceased fucking her all together. Its grip over her loosened to the point Jo could pull her hands free. It took a moment for her to come back to her senses and figure out something was wrong. She looked at the flaccid tentacles curiously as she dragged herself out of its grasp. She had just fixed her underwear and pulled her skirt down when the Doctor emerged at the exit calling for her to escape with him. She managed to chase after him on wobbly legs, pulling her sweater down before she left the room and her temporary jailer/lover behind.

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