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Adventures in Time & Space: The American vs The Scotsman (Doctor Who)

They waited for the Doctor, who claimed he was attempting to communicate with himself over the astral plane. Peri, for one, couldn’t understand a bit of it. Her new friend Jaime wasn’t any better. “Have you ever seen him do anything like this?” He asked the American woman.

“Nope” she replied, looking just as clueless. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact there’s two of him at the same time.”

“You’re telling me” the Scotsman agreed. “I mean, the Doctor…my Doctor…he doesn’t look anything like your Doctor. So how can they be the same person?”

Peri chuckled. Fortunately, that was something she was familiar with. “He’s a time lord. They have the ability to regenerate” she explained.


“It’s like, when they die, their bodies change. Their face, their personality, everything about them is different. I’ve seen it happen.”

“Oh, aye. I had some friends who used to travel with the Doctor. They told me he did it once. Used to be an older fella with white hair.”

“The first time I met the Doctor, he was younger and more charming” she sighed. “Not sure what to make of this version of him” she admitted, looking at the unconscious man.

Jaime looked down at the man in the multicolored coat with curly hair. “How long did he say he’d be like this?”

“He said it could be hours” she replied. She sat back and grumbled. “So we could be stuck here for a while.”

“At least there’s nobody to bother us” Jaime sighed in relief.

Peri nodded. Although that also meant there was no one else to talk to. Nothing to do. Nothing to eat or drink. She cast her eye over the young man in the boiler suit. “How do you reckon we should pass the time then? Charades?” She joked.

“What’s charades?” He asked.

She narrowed her eyes. “You’ve never played charades?”

“Is that one of those modern games Polly told me about?”

“Modern?” Peri laughed. Then she applied some Critical thinking and kicked herself. “Where are you from?” She asked him.

“Scotland” he replied plainly.

“What year?” She asked.

“Oh…er, 17…90 I think the Doctor said [fact check this]

Peri nodded. “Right. So you’re from my past” she realized.

“Which means you’re from my future” he deduced, thinking along with her. “This time travel stuff is confusing.”

“Tell me about it” she laughed. She brushed her hair behind her ear and turned to the young man from her past. “So, how would people from where you come from pass the time in a situation like this?” She asked

Jaimie shrugged. “Hard to say. Depends who you’re passing the time with. If it was my family, we probably end up in a fight over something or nothing” he laughed.

“Sounds like me and my family” she laughed.

“If I was with a lass…I’d probably try my luck” he said, looking at her breifly.

Peri noticed when he glanced at her cleavage. Most men do. She was flattered. At least he was interested. And good looking. “Would you try that with any lass, or just girls from your time period?” She asked coyly.

He smirked. “I’ve been known to spread the McCraggin charm” he replied. “Oh, but I’ve also been known to get into trouble because of that.”

“Too many girls turn you down?”

“Too many slaps across the face” he said.

She winced in sympathy. She bit her bottom lip, admiring that handsome face converted in muck. “Well I promise not to slap you if you wanted to try it on” she said softly.

He smiled, shuffling closer and putting his hand on her knee. She turned in her seat, giving him a better look at her cleavage. “So, what about where you’re from? How would lasses like you pass the time?”

“Oh, you know…this and that. Depends on who we’re spending it with” she replied.

“Oh right” he nodded, leaning closer while she leant in to meet him. Before they could pass the time together, he pulled away hesitantly. “Wait, before I don’t something I’ll regret…”

“Regret?” She asked.

He stepped back and looked her dead in the eye. “You’re not already promised to someone, are you?” He asked flat out.

She blinked in confusion. “Promised to…you mean a boyfriend? Why should that matter?”

“Well, I did get into trouble the last time me and a lass…you know…”

She stared at him momentarily and burst out laughed. “No, I am not promised to anyone. No boyfriend. No husband. If you really must know, I’ve sworn off dating. So if you’re worried about getting into anything serious, you have nothing to worry about.”

Jaimie nodded. “Oh, right. So you’re a…a free spirit, as Polly would say.”

“Polly? One of your friends?”

“Yeah. We used to…Nevermind” he stammered. “I’m sorry. I just had to ask. Victoria got a little…she wasn’t happen when I presumed if she was…”

Peri stared at the young man in astonishment. Serves her right for expecting him to be of a one track mind. “Who’s Victoria?”

“A friend. She travels with us” he answered.

“And are you two…promised to each other?” She asked.

“Me and Victoria?” Jaimie laughed. “God no! I’m a free spirit too. I can’t be tied down. I’m in my prime!”

Peri grinned. “So were two free spirits looking for nothing more than something casual to pass the time?” She said.

“Aye” he said.

She grinned broadly and climbed onto his lap. “Then I don’t see any reason why we can pass the time together” she said, grabbing his face and planting a kiss on him.

Jaimie smiled, embracing the sexy woman and kissing her hungrily. He had to admit, following them around earlier had stirred up some lustful desires. Lucky he wasn’t in the right frame of mind when he grabbed her before, otherwise he might’ve hurt her in other ways.

Before he could lose himself in her gorgeous chest, he glanced to the Doctor. “What if he wakes up?” He asked.

Peri looked over at the unconscious man. “A few hours he said” she muttered. “Which means he could be out of it all day. I wouldn’t worry about him.”

“Good” he smirked. “Because we McCraggins are know for getting it up for many nights.”

She titled her head back and laughed. “Are you trying to tell me you can fuck me all night?”

“And a few more nights” he said.

She gave him a clear indication of doubt. “I’ve heard that before. I wouldn’t be surprised if I outlast you in the stamina department.”

“Oh? Been known to keep up with the likes of us, have we?”

“I’ll have you know I can keep up with any man” she said proud. “In fact, I bet I could hold an orgasm longer than you can, and get you to bust those cocky little balls of yours first.”

Jaimie was starting to like this lass. “That there’s fighting talk. You want to place a wager?”

Peri grinned.


Moments later, the pair of them were naked and straddling each other on the floor. Jaimie was caked in dirt and grime, but Peri didn’t hold it against him while she held her breath against the smell of his unwashed privates. Compared to him, her white skin was pristine. “I hope you’re familiar with this sex position” she said as she adjusted herself on top of him.

“Oh aye” he nodded, very familiar which the inverted way she was lying on top of him with her face at his broach and her sex in his face. He got himself comfortable and spread her moist lips with his fingers. She shivered and wrapped her hand around his cock, making him grunt. “So if one of us gets the other to cum first, what do they win?” He asked.

Peri hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I suppose we’ll have to decide when one of us wins” she said, immediately jumping onto his cock and taking it into her mouth.

Jaimie moaned when he felt her lips around him. “Oi! No fair!” He complained, quickly retaliating by driving his tongue into her pussy.

The two raced to get the other off while also resisting the moves they were getting in return. Peri got over her instinctive repulsion of having a filthy cock in her mouth quickly and gave Jaimie a vigorous blowjob, using her hands to knead his balls. She found her concentration faltering, however, when she discovered her primitive barbarian wasn’t as clueless in the art of treating a girl well as she anticipated. In fact his pussy eating skills might put those of some ex-boyfriends she could bring to mind to shame. His hands squeezed her bum while his tongue licked circles around her folds, and soon her knees were trembling as she suppressed some very natural reactions. “Oh fuck” she mumbled around his cock.

Jaimie was struggling to hold back the urge to grab this pretty woman by the head and skull fuck her with his meat rod. Her mouth was like heaven after so much time running around this abandoned station. He distracted himself with the delicious cunt dripping with arousal in front of him and not on the ache building up his his balls, which she so deftly played with.

One thing was certain: this race was going to be a close one.

So close, in fact, that holding back the climax was beginning to put a strain on both the competitors. Peri’s brow sweated as she sucked and rubbed Jaimie’s engorged length furiously. She had to pull him out of her mouth before she accidentally bit it off to clench her teeth. “Fuck, I’m so close” she whispered.

Jaimie groaned, grinding his finger into her from behind while holding his breath. “Fuck me, I feel like I’m going to burst” he growled in a heavy Scottish accent.

Peri glanced over her shoulder. “Then hurry up so I can win” she begged.

He laughed. “Not a chance” he replied.

The two rubbed and squeezed and pleasured each other furiously, trying to get the other to cum first.

Suddenly, the Doctor sat up and proclaimed “bells!”

The interruption startled both of them as they screamed in unison, releasing the tension they were holding resulting in both parties getting plastered by cum from two sources. Peri froze with her mouth open as semen drenched her hair while Jaimie wiped his soaking face behind her.

The Doctor stood up, looking very proud of himself. “I know it sounds impossible, but I’d know those bells anywhere” he said. He looked around and found Peri and Jaimie lying on the floor naked. “What are you two doing down there?”

They both flushed bright red. “We were just…” Peri stammered, but the a doctor was already moving. “We’ll come on, we don’t have a single moment to waste” he cried, not even noticing they were covered in each other’s cum.

The two humans climbed off each other and sat up, watching the Doctor race off for his TARDIS. “I guess some things don’t change” Jaimie laughed. Peri blushed, feeling very embarrassed. The young man looked at her and taped her chin. “Call it a draw?” he suggested.

“We’ll have to finish this contest another time” she sighed, collecting her clothes. “The one time he finishes what he was doing in minutes” she whined.

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