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Adventures in Time & Space: Second Sight (Doctor Who)

Gwyneth can never truly control when her sight would give her visions. Sometimes it came on command, like when Mr Sneed ordered her to find the deceased Mrs Peace. Usually, however, she would get imprints and know things she shouldn’t.

For example, this woman standing before her, she knew her father had passed away when she was a baby. She knew she wasn’t from Cardiff, or from this time. She was from a world in their future, where everything was different. She saw buildings made of metal, towering over the city, carriages that aren’t pulled by horses, metal beasts that can fly. She saw people, people like her, wearing clothing that would make her Sunday school teacher feint, showing off their skin shamelessly, using funny words she couldn’t understand. She saw Rose, her past, her future, how far she had flown, higher than the sky. The things she’s seen. The things she will see. The things she’ll do. The visions terrified Gwyneth. But they also fascinated her. Enamored her. Captivated her.

Before she knew what she was doing, Gwyneth was reached forward and kissing Rose on the mouth. The blonde woman gasped in shock, pushing her away on reflex. That snapped the serpent girl out of her trance and she darted back in horror. “I’m sorry miss. I don’t know what came over me” she squeaked.

“are you alright?” Rose asked, recovering from her chock quicker than Gwyneth could. She knew why. One of those visions she saw showed her such an unholy action such as kissing another of the same sex wasn’t shunned like it should be. Rose stepped forward cautiously, more freaked by the fact she could see her true story rather than the kiss. “What was that? The…what you were saying, about where I came from. Where I’m going?”

“I don’t know” she stammered, her heart racing. “My mother calls it the sight. I’ve had it since I was a child. Sometimes I know things. Little things. But recently it’s gotten stronger. Who are you?” She asked, staring at her, frightened.

Rose might’ve been wearing a blue and black dress with her hair done up, but they both know this wasn’t what she usually wear. Merely what is appropriate for the time period she was visiting. Rose chose not to lie, but was kind enough not to explain everything either. “I’m…not from around here” she confirmed. “I’m just passing through. Are you sure you’re alright” she asked, seeing the girl’s face was all pale.

“Please don’t tell anyone what I did?” She begged, ashamed and humiliated by her unholy actions. “If Mr Sneed found out, I’d be thrown out on my ear.”

“I won’t, I promise” she said quickly, rushing forward to take her arms. Gwyneth tensed breifly before exhaling. She believed her, trusted her. Rose met her nervous gaze. “Would he really throw you out for kissing someone?” She asked in disbelief.

“Not just someone, miss” she cried, glancing at the doorway, afraid they might be overheard. She looked at Rose, embarressed, ashamed. “It ain’t proper. It ain’t right, kissing another woman like that.”

Rose looked at her, a suspicion forming in her mind. She opened her mouth to ask, but then remembered where and when they were and figured it was safer not to ask. But she wanted her to know it was alright, so she walked over and closed the door, making sure they were alone. Then she walked back to the girl and looked into her eyes. “It may not be proper…but there’s nothing wrong about it either” she told her, taking her face in her hands and planting another kiss on her lips.

Gwyneth inhaled and pulled away, stumbling against the sink. She stared at Rose, her cheeks red, mortified. But as their eyes met she saw glimpses of her future, the future where such things weren’t condemned or punished. Where people like were were allowed to feel alive and free. She knew she would never get to experience that life. But maybe, just this once…

The servant girl pushed herself forward and latched onto Rose’s lips, kissing her back desperately. Rose caught her in her arms and they made out, passionately and vigorously. At any moment they could be found, could be seen. Better make the most of it then, Rose thought, sweeping Gwyneth around and off her feet.

Rose wasn’t queer, she didn’t lean in that direction. But that wasn’t to say she hadn’t experimented with some mates to make sure. She knew what she was doing as she lifted Gwyneth onto the table, pressing her hand against her back to pull her in closer, kissing her lips sensually until they parted open so her tongue could slip inside. She realized she was the most experienced lesbian in this kiss and would need to guide the young woman through the motions.

Gwyneth, for her part, was practically frozen with fear and anxiety. She followed the other woman’s wordless instructions and let her have her way, gripping the edge of the table until her knuckles were white. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage feeling like it would burst, but she also had butterflies in her stomach from every kiss she received. She sat as still as a statue, her feet dangling off the floor, her eyes watching the beautiful blonde who stood before her confidently. The girl melted into her embrace when her arms wrapped around her, her face falling into her bussom to curl up against her warmth.

Rose sighed and patted her head, the dress coming down to reveal her breasts. Gwyneth got to glimpse a part of the woman that should be covered up. Her eyes widened and she felt Rose’s hand on the back of her neck. “It’s okay” she whispered in her ear, her voice soothing and gentle. Gwyneth bit her bottom lip, hesitantly bringing her hand up to touch that which is untouchable. Her breath escaped her lungs when her fingers caressed the woman’s breast and Rose breathed heavily. She was patient with the inexperienced girl, who admired the boobs in fascination, first with her hands and then with her mouth. Rose gasped when those lips found her nipple and she grinned. She may not be gay, but she can appreciate a woman who makes her feel good.

She wanted to do the same for Gwyneth. She lifted her face and kissed her once more, moving her hands to her uniform. The girl shivered when she felt her palms press against her chest. She had too many layers to unravel to unveil her unmentionables, and she dare not get undressed in this house while Mr Sneed was present. However Rose was able to find a vulnerability in her dress, her hand brushing her knee and slowly reaching up her thigh. Gwyneth inhaled sharply, leaning back and gripping the table once more while Rose leaned closer and kissed along her neck and jaw. “Oh miss, we mustn’t” she trembled.

Rose looked up at the servant girl. “Do you want me to stop? If you want to stop, you can tell me to. We don’t have to do this” she told her.

Gwyneth met her gaze, looking terrified and aroused. She looked down at her hand on her knee, pressing her lips together. She shook her head. “I don’t” she squeaked.

Rose nodded, immediately backing off.

Gwyneth suddenly surged forward and kissed her deeply. “I don’t want to stop” she finished, looking at her with determination.

Rose smiled, stroking her cheek and then kissing her back. She resumed what she was doing, moving her hand up her skirt towards another unmentionable part of the woman’s body. Somewhere she knew her Sunday school teacher would forbid the girl from playing with.

While the two of them made out, the lamps above their heads flickered until wisps of gas emerged from the pipes. These wisps floated above their heads and circled them, sentient and alive. The Gelth observed Gwyneth as she was introduced to experiences she dare not fathom before now.

She gasped when Rose’s fingers teased her womanhood, which remained hidden beneath her underclothes. Yet she could not stop the blush as the blonde felt a dampness forming between her legs. Rose stroked her gently, hooking an arm under her arching spine when she leaned back, her palms pressed against the table. Her lips kissed her neck, thrilling her young body. Gwyneth closed her eyes, rolled her head back, and moaned.

She sensed the watchful eyes of the Gelth, who she called her angels. She had seen them in her dreams, heard their cries for help. She looked up and saw then, floating over her head, watching her. She opened her mouth, breathing heavily. Not out of fear, but excitement. They swooped down to join her, to touch her, to penetrate her, to kiss her. She felt them all around her, their voices in her head, their touch passing through her body. She shivered as she felt them pass through the clothing, caressing her breasts, her legs, her arms, her neck. She closed her eyes, sighing in pleasure. They were all over her, inside of her, part of her. They made love to her in an intimate yet alien way. “Yes” she moaned, welcoming them, embracing them as they joined her, kissing them back with her lips and her mind, body and soul.

Rose couldn’t perceive what Gwyneth was experiencing. But when she looked up, she glimpsed the shape of what she might describe as a ghost kissing Gwyneth on the lips. She blinked in confusion, the image disappearing just as fast. But the smell of gas filled the room and made her lightheaded. She stumbled against the table to be caught by the servant girl, who lifted her face to kiss her in return. She continued to rub her groin, listening to the girl’s moans as they grew louder. “Does that feel good?” She asked.

“Yes. It feels amazing” she replied, her eyes rolling into her head.

Rose wasn’t sure how she was able to give her such a reaction, but she was too dizzy to think clearly. She started hallucinating figures around them, teasing them and swimming around their bodies. She looked down and saw something blue and ghostlike float up her dress before feeling something cold between her legs. She gasped, letting out a moan of pleasure as her clit was caressed by her underwear. A shiver passed through her body up her spine and she moaned alongside Gwyneth, kissing her passionately. “Are you close?”

“Close to what?” She asked.


“I don’t know” she said anxiously. “I feel…there’s something coming. It’s in my stomach, growing…rising…oh lord! Miss, is this…ah! Ah!”

Rose knew an orgasm when she saw it, and Gwyneth was about to experience her first ever. She clamped her lips over hers and muffled her scream as she trembled against the table, her knees knocking together, her thighs locking around her hand. She cupped her wet crotch and carried her through the climax, hugging her tightly while the Gelth amplified her pleasure before leaving her body to slip back into the pipes.

Gwyneth slumped in Rose’s arms, panting heavily flushed with embarrassment. “Forgive miss. I don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t worry about it” she laughed, stroking the tears from her cheeks and kissing her on the lips. “First time I came, I scared my boyfriend. And my mum. She said I screamed the whole house down. She thought I was being murdered.”

Gwyneth smiled, relieved it was over. It was an overwhelming and powerful experience. She climbed off the table and brushed herself down. “Thank you. For showing me, Miss” she replied quietly.

“Well, I’d be happy to teach you some more. But we’d have to get our kit off for that” she said jokingly.

Gwyneth decided she’d had enough excitement for one night. She looked up at the lamps, thanking her angels for the love and experience they showed her also.

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