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Adventures in Time & Space: Sarah's Android (Doctor Who)

The pain finally passed and Sarah slumped against the metal table, panting for breath. The machines closed down and shut off, leaving her on the verge of consciousness. She opened her heavy eyelids and glimpsed Harry standing over her, examining her briefly before turning to a figure monitoring the experiment nearby. “The scans are complete” he told them.

“Has the human girl’s brain patterns and body imprint been copied?” They asked.

“Yes. It’s ready to be uploaded to the Android now.”

“Excellent. I shall conduct one more test before we send it out into the training area” they replied.

Sarah struggled to make sense of what was being said, her mind hanging onto consciousness by a thread. She turned her head to catch sight of one of those robots standing nearby, staring at her with a blank face. Her eyelids fell closed and she moaned, her head pounding from whatever the machine did to her.

When she opened them again, the robot was gone. In its place stood a person, a young woman dressed identically to her. The same pink jumpsuit. The same crocks. Same socks, same scarf, same hair even. It walked forward and stood over Sarah Jane Smith, her face coming into view. She gasped in disbelief when she saw she was staring at herself. They had turned the Android into her. “How?”

“Your mind and your memories have been uploaded into my memory banks” her duplicate explained coldly. “Your thoughts and feelings and intelligence have been copied. I am exactly like you.”

Oh god. It even sounds like me, Sarah realized.

“You have her memories. But we must make sure you can pass for this human” the mysterious figure explained from across the room. Sarah turned her head but couldn’t catch sight of who was speaking. The Android turned towards him obediently. She closed her eyes and Sarah watched them twitch momentarily. “I have programmed your parameters. Fulfill the test” they ordered.

The Android opened her eyes and turned back to Sarah, stepping forward. “What are you going to do with me?” Sarah asked nervously.

The Android leant over and stared into her eyes. “I must make sure I understand you inside and out. That I know what makes you you. That I can act like you.”

“And how do you plan to test that?”

“By demonstrating I know what you like” it replied, it’s hand reaching out to her. Sarah flinched but was unable to move while her wrists and ankles were clamped to the table. It’s fingers caressed her cheek and neck. The machine felt very lifelike. She felt real skin and nails on her fingers dragging along her jaw. “I’m not going to hurt you. In fact, I’m going to do quite the opposite” it told her, her fingers moving down her front. “I’m going to prove I understand you by making you cum” it explained.

Sarah stared at it. “How is that going to prove anything?”

“It proves I understand you. Your thoughts and desires, your deepest secrets. For example, I know this is your favorite spot” it whispered, reaching up to caress the side of her neck just below her ear. She gasped at the gentle touch and moaned softly. “You like it when men kiss you there because it gives you goosebumps” the Android explained. It leaned down and planted a delicate kiss in that spot, which made Sarah whimper. It’s eye caught hers. “I know you’ve had female lovers before, but you’ll never talk about them” it told her.

She stared back in shock. “How can you know that” she whispered nervously.

“I have your memories. I remember them too. I remember your first kiss in school, the boy in your class, your third boyfriend. I remember when you lost your virginity while you were studying to be a journalist. I remember the first time you experimented with a girl. She was your flatmate. Your best friend. You were drunk the first time. The second, you joked about writing an article about how erotic the experience was. You still masturbate to the memory of that kiss.”

Sarah knew it wasn’t lying the moment it kissed her, mimicking the same motions she shared with her flatmate that afternoon. The kiss that turned her legs to jelly and melted her preconceptions about same-sex relationships. She would never admit this to anyone, but she entertained the possibility of being gay that night. A few experiments later and she confirmed she wasn’t, just bi-curious. But that didn’t make the act of kissing another woman any more arousing for her. Even if she was kissing herself.

The Android pulled away and left Sarah gasping for breath. “I know everything about you, including how to bring you pleasure in the best way.” It reached down and began undressing her, embarking to demonstrate to her and her creators.

Sarah started to panic as she unbuttoned her top. She became consciously aware of the stranger and Harry watching them from across the room. “Wait!” She begged, struggling against the restraints as her bra came into view. “Wait! If you know what I like, what I’m thinking, then you must know I’m terrified of being naked in front of people. That I don’t like the idea of…of having sex in public.”

Her Android paused just as she was about to remove her top. She glanced at her exposed midriff, tilting her head for a moment of indecision, before swiftly covering her back up again. “That’s true” she acknowledged. Her eyes flickered, showing a conflict in her programming, turning to the others expressing “it would be counterproductive to continue the test in this manner.”

“The human’s comfort is not my concern, nor should it be yours” the alien snapped. “Continue the test!”

The Android turned back to Sarah and gave her an apologetic shrug. “I’m sorry” she whispered, and Sarah was surprised to sense genuine empathy from the robot as she resumed her task.

It’s hands returned to her body, slowly peeling open her top to gain access to her chest. Sarah trembled, feeling very uncomfortable knowing they were being watched. But the Android was kind enough not to undress her further, instead slipping her fingers under her clothes to tease and caress her. She laid back and sighed as they sought out small places around her breasts which made her feel good, applying just the right amount of pressure in just the right places to convince her this machine could read her thoughts. It touched her in exactly the right order, teasing her way up to her breasts and slipping underneath her bra to cup her mounds. She moaned when her fingers circled her nipples, playing with them like they were toys. She watched the Android lean closer, her lips hovering over her skin blowing cool air onto her flesh bringing out goosebumps. She kissed that spot on her neck first, then moved down to her cleavage to run her tongue between her breasts just how Sarah wanted her to. She didn’t once need to say anything. The Android knew when and how to move her pleasure forward. Before she knew it, her hand was easing past her waistband to seek out her sex underneath her underwear. She found a moist pussy waiting for her.

“I know what you’re thinking” the Android said, watching Sarah intently while it rubbed between her legs. “You’re trying to convince yourself you can escape. More importantly, you’re telling yourself this doesn’t mean anything. No matter how aroused you are, you’re not interested in women.”

“I’m not” she panted.

“But you are. Not in a sexual way, just out of curiosity. Always have been. That’s why you slept with your roommate. It’s why you find what’s happening very arousing. You find this experience fascinating, though you’ll never admit it.”

Sarah averted her eyes, her cheeks turning bright red. The Android wearing her face leaned down and kissed her neck, coaxing her lower lips open with her fingers. Sarah closed her eyes and moaned, pleasure filling her core as the robot left a hickey over her favorite sensitive spot.

“I know you’d much rather I was a man” the Android continued. “You like to be on top, riding their stiff cocks like you’re a jockey. Being on top makes you feel powerful. You are in control. You can set the pace, the speed, and you decide when you get off. Usually when you’ve had at least three orgasms. You don’t like blowjobs because it feels demeaning. But you love it when they eat you out, running their tongues over your pussy like this.” She licked her tongue over her neck to demonstrate, which made Sarah moan again. Two of her fingers pinched her nipple, causing her to shiver. “You love to look down on them while they shove their faces between your thighs. Because you feel powerful, in control. That’s what you like. To be in charge. But when you’ve had your fun, you let them take charge. Giving them some rope, you tell yourself. Keep them happy and coming back for more. You let them fuck you how they want, within reason. There’s no chance you let them near your butt. But you let them be on top, to ride you, to fuck you from behind, to kiss your tits. You like it when they kiss your tits, don’t you?”

“Yes” Sarah whispered as the Android pulled her bra down to kiss one of her nipples. Her whole body was tingling and she couldn’t help it. This machine really knew how to push all her buttons.

It kept its eyes on her while her fingers slowly plunged into her womanhood, knowing this was the optimal time to strike. “Your favorite part about sex, though, is this. Having your pussy penetrated by someone’s hand. Either yours or another’s, it doesn’t matter. To you, it feels better than any tongue or cock. Fingers move in a way a penis can’t, reach places they won’t, no matter how hard they try. Especially when they find the one spot no man can ever seem to find.”

“Oh god!” Sarah gasped, her palms sweating as the android’s fingers curled up against the walls of her pussy. It found that one spot and exploited it, sending lightning bolts of pleasure up Sarah Jane’s spine. She clenched her jaw trying to suppress the moan, but she couldn’t stop her walls from clenching those incredible fingers.

The Android saw her head turn to look at her, her eyes glancing down to her clothed groin. The Android looked down at itself before smirking. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering, if I’m just a robot, could they add other attachments like a penis. They could, if they chose to” she answered. “I could be given a penis. I could use it to fuck you and your wet pussy on this very table. You could ride it until you came three times, squeezing my breasts while you did so.” She shifted her body so Sarah’s trapped hand could touch her crotch. Her fingers reached out, attempting to caress it. “Unfortunately, the Kraals wanted us to mimic humans perfectly, to the smallest detail. So my pussy is modeled exactly like yours” she said, running her fingers through Sarah’s folds.

“Really?” Sarah muttered, her bi-curious nature slipping through the cracks.

The Android shrugged. “Almost. It looks the same on the surface level. But we weren’t designed for sexual intercourse. I don’t think it would function the same as yours. I have your memories and the ability to mimic your emotions. But I can’t feel any pain or pleasure like you do.”

“That’s awful” she said.

The Android pursed her lips. It is, it thought. It returned its attention to Sarah’s pleasure. At least I can make her feel good. She curled her fingers again, rubbing against Sarah’s g-spot while using two of the three fingers to flex her elastic walls. She watched the human writhe and hold her breath. “I know what you’re doing” she whispered. “You’re trying to buy time. You think by withholding the orgasm I’ll fail my test and be forced to stay here rather than be sent out to find the Doctor. It won’t work. I’ve got you on the edge of your limit. You can’t hold it in much longer. You want to cum, don’t you? You want to cum all over my hand. You like it when I rub my thumb against your clit, don’t you?”

“I know what you’re doing” she said defiantly between whimpers. “I believe you when you say you know what I’m thinking. You know I get really hot when people talk dirty to me while I’m masturbating. Or being fucked.”

“Then you understand I know everything about you” the Android said, pushing her further towards the peak of her endurance. Sarah stifled a moan as those fingers twisted and made her hips quake. Her legs were shaking, trembling uncontrollably. The pleasure she was holding back was starting to hurt. “I know your deepest, dirtiest fantasies. Your dark little secrets. We both know there’s one thing that will tip you over the edge. That one naughty dream that you think about whenever you want to get one off in a hurry.”

Sarah’s heart raced as she looked at the Android. “Please…” she begged, shaking her head.

Her duplicate leaned in, kissing her delicately on the lips, then along her jaw to the soft spot on her neck. Then her mouth pressed against her ear. Her fingers pressed against her g-spot again, holding it, holding Sarah on the edge of oblivion.

Once the Android started whispering in her ear, there was no stopping the flood. Sarah’s resolve broke like a dam, her mouth falling open as her lover conjured images that sent her into a mind numbing, toe curling orgasm. Her back arched from the table and she gushed into her hand, drenching her underwear and staining her pants with cum. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she shook violently. The Android didn’t stop whispering her descriptive answer until she was finished. Only then did she retreat back to watch the young woman collapse against the table, completely spent. She extracted her hand and examined the fluids coating her fingers, offering them to the delirious woman who sucked them like a toddler. She admired her pretty little face, now coated with sweat, sharing a final kiss with her before fixing her clothing out of curtesy.

“An excellent demonstration” the alien declared when the Android finally stepped away to await further orders. “You’ve done very well. Now come. You will receive your instructions.”

The Android Sarah hesitated to look down at the exhausted girl on the table. “What about her?” She asked.

“She will be disposed off when we’ve determined she has no further value” he replied curtly.

The Android found it felt nothing towards Sarah Jane Smith, so it turned away and followed obediently. Sarah’s eyes followed it until it walked out of sight, before finally succumbing to exhaustion and passing out again. As soon as she woke up and had feeling in her legs again, she had to get out and warn the Doctor.

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