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Adventures in Time & Space: Romana's New Experience (Doctor Who)

The resemblance was uncanny. Romana could say it was like looking in a mirror. The irony was this sort of thing wasn’t uncommon. Doppelgängers have always existed. Present a large enough group and random factors will always create order in some way. The odds of stumbling across your own body double were astronomical, however, especially when traveling across time and space. The doctor claimed he’d met one of his a few centuries ago, only his was a tyrant and dictator. At least hers was a princess.

Strella was just as fascinated by the resemblance as she was. The pair had sequester themselves in Count Grendel’s bed chambers while the king organized preparations to leave this place. The Doctor was working on a way to get to K9, who was presently a float in a boat on a moat. It gave the two women a few minutes to get acquainted.

This time, however, Strella wasn’t interested in teaching Romana how to cross stitch. “I hope you don’t mind all this, but it is utterly remarkable” the princess said as she examined Romana.

“No, I agree” Romana nodded, equally fascinated as she admired the young woman in return. They had both gotten naked to see how far the resemblance went, seeking out birthmarks or moles or differences in sizes. They were both fit and healthy and had very soft fair skin. Strella might’ve been a prisoner in the Count’s dungeons, but Grendel made sure she was well cared for. She was an attractive woman too. She carried herself with the poise of nobility as she circled Romana. The Time Lady was no slouch either, and she was older by at least hundred years. She carried out her observations as if it was an experiment, using deductive thinking. “I suppose it’s a result of the right genes coming together in the right way. A random coincidence we just happen to look alike.”

“Forgive me, but it’s had to believe another living person could have the same face I do” Strella said, delicately taking Romana’s jaw to tilt her head from side to side.

She supposed that was fair. Tara was a society that included androids who could pass for human. She’d met a few of them wearing her face. “I’m quite real” she assured the princess.

Strella looked into her eyes and smiled. “Yes, I can tell” she replied.

“You can?”

“For one thing, your skin doesn’t feel fake” she explained, running her fingers over Romana’s flesh. “And you don’t act like an Android” she said, admiring her naked body intently. Her gaze returned to her face and she stepped forward. “But it’s the eyes that give it away. Machines might look like us, but they don’t have a soul. And when I look into your eyes, I can see the spark of life inside them. They are not cold like theirs.”

Romana stared in Strella’s eyes, surprised by her observation. She had a point, it seemed. She could see that spark of life in hers. There is documented evidence of how the eyes change when life is taken from them. You can tell when someone is dead when you look at them. It’s why androids make people uneasy. They look at you and people don’t see anything alive behind their eyes. Looking into Strella’s was an interesting experiment for the Time Lord.

The experiment took an intriguing turn when Strella leaned forward and kissed Romana. “Forgive me” the princess gasped, as if she was surprised by her actions. “I got caught up in the moment.”

“That’s alright” Romana replied. “I was not offended. Just surprised. I thought you and Reynart…”

“Indeed” she nodded. “But it had been a long time trapped in that cell. I guess I was lonely.”

Romana shifted uncomfortably, blushing a little. “Would you like me to go?”

Strella considered it carefully. “No. I would like you to stay. But only if you are comfortable with staying.”

Romana thought about it, looking at the naked princess. She was curious. She had never been with another woman before. She hadn’t technically been with a man, either. Time Lord society on Gallifrey was a rather boring affair in the romance department. Sexual drive had been virtually bred out. Romana herself found Strella attractive, but not arousing. (If she had, she might consider that a psychological case of narcissism.) “I’m comfortable with staying” she smiled. Maybe this would be an interesting experiment, she mused.

Strella was delighted, taking Romana’s hand and guiding her onto the bed. Romana laid down on her back and breathed steadily while Strella examined her more intimately. “I had wondered if Grendel would build those androids to look like me and bring them here into his bed” she muttered, her eyes raking over Romana while her fingers caressed her breasts. “I know he would sometimes taunt me with notions of marrying me and making love to me in this bed. I swore I would never set foot in it.” She laughed at the irony.

Romana felt her hands caress her from neck to knee, moaning softly at her touch. It was a strange sensation feeling pleasure like this. A curious one that left a craving in her belly. She looked up at the woman kneeling over her and reached up to caress her cheek. Strella took her hand and kissed it. “Do you find me attractive?” She asked.

Strella examined her carefully. “I do. Is that strange?”

“Not at all. Being attractive is simply a factor of appearance.”

“What about arousal? Is it strange to feel aroused to someone who looks like you?” She asked.

Romana met her eyes and she saw the distinct look of lust behind them when she touched her. Her hand slipped between her legs and her fingers found her clit. Romana gasped as she rubbed it, moaning softly as a nervous response. “I don’t know” she answered honestly.

“Do you find me attractive?” She asked.

Romana locked eyes with her. “I do.” Strella took that as a good sign as she leaned in to kiss her again. They kissed sensually, which was another experience new to Romana. The Princess seemed to pick up the woman’s inexperience and took control of the kiss, making out with her passionately before kissing down her body. Romana laid back and let the woman dominate her, giving herself over to the new experiences she was receiving. “Is sexual intercourse between the same genders common on Tara?” She inquired curiously.

Strella paused a moment before lowering between her legs, spreading her thighs wide. “Actually, what we are doing is frowned upon. It would be unwise for anyone to know that I would conduct myself in this manner.”

Romana nodded. Close-minded society. Very common. “I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”

Strella looked at her cautiously. “I believe you” she decided, believing she could trust this stranger. She indulged in some frowned-upon behavior and brought her mouth to Romana’s pussy, proceeding to find out with they tasted the same as they looked.

Romana might’ve come from a civilization that was sexually starved and evolved beyond such primal interests, but the pleasure she experienced from behind introduced to sex on Tara blew her mind wide open to new possibilities.

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