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Adventures in Time & Space: Romana Impregnated 2 (Doctor Who)

The diverse plant life of Tigella would be fascinating to the Time Lady if she didn’t have to force her way through it to find the Doctor. He had gone ahead and she had lost him and K9 after noticing some curious burn patterns that clearly weren’t natural. She weaved into a clearing with large plants that had bell flowers suspended above her head. She cast a weary eye over them while she stepped cautiously over roots, weaving between the six foot tall pods tracking the burn marks. She had a sense of foreboding while she trekked through the forest, getting the feeling the plant life weren’t as docile as she hit.

Her suspicions proved true when one of the roots lodged out and wrapped around her ankle, tripping her over sending her crashing into the dirt. She cried out in surprise as more vines slithered up to coil around her arms and legs, dragging her down to the floor preventing her from climbing to her feet. She struggled to turn around, pulling at the roots trying to tear herself free. She followed them to the nearest pod which looked over her, the bellflower sweeping over in her direction. She dug at the vines with her nails, prying them off her wrists and wrestling with the roots gripping her ankles. More shot from the ground to wrap around her waist and shoulders, pulling her back down where more roots crawled across her chest and neck. Her wrists were yanked away, pinned to the soil, the roots tightening around her. She began to breathe more frantically. She was trapped.

Being a Time Lord, however, she was stronger than the average humanoid. She closed her eyes and concentrated, consolidating her energy to pull one of her arms free, taking it step by step. She got a hand out of the vines grasp and quickly yanked the vine around her neck off before doing the same with her other hand. That’s when the bellflower over her head shook and pollen fell over her face. She didn’t see it until it was on her, coughing as she inhaled it, feeling more seeping into her pores. She shook it off and resumed her efforts to escape. But then her head began to swim and she felt lightheaded and woozy, her muscles becoming weak. “What have you…the pollen…drugged” she realized, struggling to keep her eyes open before she slumped onto her back. The vines regained their hold on her arms, holding her firmly as she began to drift on the verge of consciousness.

Romana has had the displeasure of being drugged before. She had also encountered plants that could trigger similar effects with their poisons and sap. This was the first time she had seen pollen be the means of incapacitating victims, or found it to be so fast acting. She was feeling tired in moments, her struggle to escape becoming harder as she grew weaker. She fought to keep her eyes open, worried if she closed them she might drift into unconsciousness. The flower above continued to sprinkle pollen onto her face, keeping her dosed and docile. “Doc…Doctor! K9!” She called, hoping they could hear her while she could still shout.

She looked up at the plant, putting her mind to task trying to figure out what its intention was. Not all plants would eat people. And if it hadn’t killed her already, it must have a purpose for her. She felt the vines tug at her clothes while the pod opened up, more bell flowers growing out of the pod to hover over her. She stiffened and shook her head, trying to shake the pollen from her face before her skin absorbed it. She tugged on her restraints, but she couldn’t move.

She watched as two more flowers lowered towards her, their blossoms smaller as they opened up to reveal tiny stems curling out from the petals. They drifted down her neck, seeking out the pollen lingering on her skin, tickling her flesh. She moaned spontaneously as they followed the scent to her chest, where her red/white dress had been pried open so pollen could be drizzled over her breasts. The flowers hovered over her boobs, their stems feeling her out bringing goosebumps out on her flesh.

Romana panted heavily, growing very warm as the pollen continued through her system. She had a feeling it had more properties than just making her drowsy. Her nipples had hardened and grew sensitive when those plants reached them and circled them sensually. “Oh my” she gasped, arousal shooting into her loins. She moaned and panted, her breasts heaving as the tiny feelers wrapped around her sensitive nipples. She tugged on the vines, which continued to wrap around her. Two had now encircled her breasts and were holding them steady for the flowers to play with. “Okay…so…first you restrain me…then you drug me…if you’re preparing my body for…something…what would the next step be?” She wondered.

She got her answer when the feelers took hold of her nipples, probing them eagerly until several thin vines (as small as a strand of hair) pierced her. She gasped then she felt a sharp prick in both her nipples, then screamed when they made and opening for a larger feeler to penetrate her breasts. She stared in amazement as the flowers slid down and suctioned her breasts with their petals, the fleers securing themselves to her while its stem penetrated her nipple. She winced as she felt her boobs were violated, feeling something get injected into her body. She tried to fight it off, to pry them loose, but her wrists were bound to the ground and she couldn’t reach the pod with her feet. Pollen drifted over her head again and she shook her head to stay awake. But then her body became warm and exhausted and she deduced it was injecting the pollen directly into her bloodstream, her body absorbing them directly through her breasts. And once she was dozed, she was unable to fight back as the plants continued to suck and squeeze her mounds, the stem thrusting inside of them. She moaned deliriously, feeling her energy being sapped steadily, almost as if they were sucking her strength out of her tits, milking her. “K9! Doctor!” she called again, her eyelids growing heavy.

She was beginning to lose consciousness now as she was laid out on the ground. The roots pinning her down loosened her grip, but she didn’t have the strength to escape and simply writhed on the floor, moaning deliriously. What small part of her mind that was clinging to sanity watched as a new flower rose from the blossoming pod. It was different to the others, it’s petals shorter with vines extending from the bud. The stem was thicker and heavier, dragging her lower to the ground where it slithered up toward she’d body. She managed to lift her head to look at it, her mind swimming as the pollen took affect. She looked at her feet, calling upon them to kick the flower away. But they slipped uselessly against the dirt instead, her muscles heavy and drained. She slumped back and sighed. “What do you want from me?” She asked sluggishly, no longer able to keep her eyes open. She was vaguely aware of the vines coiling around her legs and tearing her trousers open. “Preparing my body…for what? For what purpose?”

She felt the vines spread her thighs apart, giving it access to her womanhood as roots tugged her clothes and tore the seams apart. Once more she regretted leaving the ship without underwear. She felt the vines feel out her sex, stroking her folds which were glistening with fluids, a reaction brought on my the pollen. She coughed as more drifted into her lungs, whimpering as the flowers sucking her nipples steadied their ministrations. She felt the newcomer brush her legs and attach itself to her groin, vines looping around her thighs and waist securing it tightly. Her hips jerked up reflexly when she felt more feelers caress her clit, feeling a suction around it as the plant attached itself to her body.

She waited to see what it would do next, gasping when she felt something penetrate her vagina. It was thicker than a vine, with a different texture to them too. It was cylindrical with ridges. And it wasn’t gentle as it spread her walls apart to force its way inside. She moaned as she was invaded, clenching her fists and digging her heels in, her fighting instincts waking up. Another dose of pollen tempered that fight, but she was able to open her eyes and get a look at the plant violating her pussy. It wiggled against it, pushing deeper past her defenses until it reached her final one. She felt it push against her Serbia and the pain woke her up. “Fuck” she gasped when it tried to force its way in, shoving so hard she slid across the dirt. “Fuck! No. Stop! Won’t fit” she cried, her eyes welling up from the discomfort.

Roots emerged from the ground to restrain her again, holding her ankles and wrists and hips firmly while the flower adjusted its position. She lifted her head and watched it rear up, preparing to batter her entrance to her womb. She held her breath, preparing for a painful assault. But then the flowers on her breasts injected another substance into her nipples and she narrowed her eyes. Suddenly she inhaled as her body spasmed, electricity shooting up her spine causing it to arch. Her body pushed against the flower and the tube pushed back, her cervix opening just enough to give it enough give to force it open and penetrate her uterus. She screamed in pain and pleasure as her eyes rolled into her head, her mind racing, her body buzzing.

The plant just induced an orgasm to get entry into her womb. Why?

Romana had to take a minute to recover before she could answer that. She laid spread out on the ground panting heavily, her face breaking into a sweat. She hoped it would flush the pollen from her system, yet the vines remained in place. She conserved her strength, monitoring the plant instead, trying to determine what the purpose of this tube inside her was. It sat lodged in her cervix, feeding into her womb. Why would a plant want to go in there? An idea suddenly came to her and she lifted her head again, attempting to sit up. She saw the shapes moving up the stem towards her and her breath hitch. “Oh no! Not again” she whispered.

This flower attached to her pussy was an ovipositor. It’s purpose was the deliver seed pods into a host body. And she was to be the incubator for its offspring.

The bell flowers continued to sap the strength from the time lady, leaving her vulnerable to its assault as the plant began depositing its seeds into her uterus. She felt each round pod as it entered her body, stretching her walls before being forced through her cervix. She discovered they were bigger than she thought, too big to fit through her opening deep inside. Which meant the plant had to force it in, which was a painful process. Her body fought it, the impulse to push the invaders out compelling her to fight. But the plant proved clever as vines hooked under her knees and hoisted her legs up, bending her at an awkward angle until gravity was assisting the seeds on their insertion. It would clench and thrust, and Romana would scream as the seed was pushed inside her womb, where it settled. It would wait a few seconds to adjust before the next one lined up, and Romana would wince and then scream as it too was inserted. And from this angle, she got the watch each seed slid down her body and plop into her belly, which expanded with each new addition. She was wide awake now. The constant agony of being violated wouldn’t let her close her eyes or pass out. She almost put herself into a coma just to stop the pain, let herself wake up when it was all over. She couldn’t think straight. And when she had a moment to breathe, all she could ponder was how the seeds might grow. Some incubators become the fertile soil to sprout from. They could consume her and them burst from her corpse. Her hearts were racing. She had to get out. She wanted to get out. But she couldn’t. She was trapped.

She busied her frantic mind with counting. Counting the seconds between seed deposits. Counting how many pods the plant put inside of her. Counting the minutes she lay suspended like this, how many plants were around her. How many of them might intend to breed her next once this one was done. How much her body might be able to take. How many beats per minute each of her hearts was beating. How many times she screamed before the pain became numb.

Eventually, the plant reached the end of its birthing process. She knew it was finished because it’s final act was the flood her uterus with fluid to fertilize the seeds. Her belly became bloated and she moaned in discomfort. Her open relief was when the ovipositor yanked itself free and her cervix clamped shut around her new occupants. The vines dropped her legs and she flopped onto the ground gasping. The bell flowers detached from her breasts along with the flower around her sex, the vines slinking away. It let her go. It was done with her. The flowers wilted away and the pod closed up, the plant becoming inert. It had served its purpose.

Romana lay there in the dirt for a few moments, catching her breath, groaning in pain, shivering from the cold and damp. Her belly felt heavy and she couldn’t move. Her breasts hurt, her nipples leaking substance she knew wasn’t hers. She had tears streaked across her cheeks and sweat across her brow. The drug from the pollen had worn off, her body excreting it through her sweat.

She exhaled slowly, gathering her strength. “I’m not going this again” she muttered. Last time she carried a pod of seeds in her stomach, which was very uncomfortable. This time it was in her womb and it was much worse. There was more and they were larger. And her uterus felt like it had been filled to capacity. Worse still, the eight pushed down on her bladder and she felt a constant need to pee. Why do women put themselves through this? She managed to push herself up on shaky arms. The effort to sit up made her dizzy and she was already exhausted. She tried to stand up, but her legs wouldn’t hold her. She rolled onto her hands and knees and tried to crawl. Every movement was uncomfortable as her belly dragged her down. She colapsed onto her side panting, tired, weak. She wasn’t going to make it to the TARDIS in this state. “I’m going to have to extract them here” she muttered, grimacing at the thought. “I’m not going to enjoy this, am I?”

She took a minute to steel herself before struggling to her knees again, cradling her belly, she shuffled along to the nearest tree she could reach, steadying herself against it. She rolled onto her back to sit against it, awkwardly removing her trousers and boots so she was naked from the waist down. She spread her legs and pressed her back against the trunk, digging her heels in and bracing herself. She looked around, wishing she wasn’t on her own. I wish the Doctor was here to hold my hand, she thought, reaching between her legs to finger herself.

She knew an orgasm would open the way, and induce the right kind of reaction she needed. Once she got herself into the right state of mind, inducing labor should be easy. It would also be painful, excruciatingly so. She swallowed a gulp and got on with it before she could change her mind. She made herself climax, and then leapfrogged to the painful part.

The scream she let out was the loudest thing this forest had heard in years. She wailed and bellowed as fluids flooded from her uterus, her womb breached as she induced labor. The seed pods shifted inside of her, following her body’s natural urges to expel them through her vagina. Romana felt an urge to push, so she did. She pushed as hard as she could and the seeds were forced out one at a time. They stretched her walls to the limit before rolling out onto the ground into a puddle of junk. She gasped after each exit, unable to let herself breath before pushing again. And again. She force herself to keep pushing, not to stop, not even when her body cramped and begged her to. She wailed and cried, her voice breaking into sobs after a few minutes. She could keep this up, but she had no choice. She could still feel more inside her, refusing to come out. She dragged herself up the tree, climbing to her knees, leaning against the trunk spreading her legs wide, her body covered in sweat, her hair clinging to her sticky face. She used gravity to help her and she pushed again, straining her body to the limit, desperate to get these things out of her. Even if it killed her.

After another five minutes, the last seed pod landed between her knees with a wet thud. Romana finally allowed herself a moment to breathe, her body slumping against the tree shaking constantly. She panted heavily, struggling to catch her breath, her body screaming at her to rest. She looked down at the seeds she expelled, confident that was the last of them. Her legs were dripping with junk, her top was drenched and her hair was sticky. She was a mess. She felt dirty and horrible. She ran her hand over her belly, grateful to find it flat again. She heaved some more and let out a strangled whimper. “Never…again…" she whispered.

The first chance she got, she pushed herself to her feet and gathered her clothes, retreating into the forest before any more plants could think about impregnating her again. She was half delirious when she eventually found the ship that had been leaving those burn marks, or encountered the mercenaries who threatened the kill her. But by then she had her wits about her again, and managed to turn her latest horrific experience to her advantage as she lured the pirates into the same pod of plants in the hopes they met a similarly sticky fate while she escaped by the skin of her teeth.

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