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Adventures in Time & Space: Romana gets Impregnated (Doctor Who)

When the Doctor said he couldn’t move, Romana thought he was being dramatic. But then she felt something coiling around her legs and when she looked down she discovered she couldn’t move either. The vines slithered around her body and proceeded to drag her down to the floor, mirroring the Doctor who was dealing with much the same. He told her not to wriggle, otherwise the plant that was ensnaring them would realize they were food. However, Romana ended up being dragged in the opposite direction of the man eating flytrap, instead being dragged by her ankles deeper into the jungle of Eden. She ignored the Doctor’s suggestion and wrestled with the vines holding her, tugging on those binding her legs together. It was no use, they were as strong as steel.

More wound around her hips and waist as she was pulled into a clearing, where a small pit waited for her. The vines dragged her closer and she deduced this was where the main body of the plant was. Burrowed underground camouflaged waiting for unsuspecting prey to fall in. And if they didn’t, it’s vines would drag them into its trap.

She had no intention of being eaten by a plant, so she reached out and grabbed the first sturdy root she could find. The vines tugged on her body but she held firm to the root, straining with all her might. She called for the Doctor, hoping he managed to escape his man eater so he could help her.

Things took a strange turn when more vines coiled around Romana, who had gotten a firm ice grip on the root so she couldn’t get pulled in. The plant’s tugs got less enthusiastic as a thick root slithered towards her and circled up her dress. She gasped when she felt it push between her thighs, probing her underwear before slipping further up over her belly. She looked down curiously as she felt it crawl her her body, looping behind her back and sneaking between her breasts before emerging from the collar of her clothing. She examined the bulb attached to the end of the vine, which hovered in front of her face for a moment while sensory follicles brushed her cheeks. After they stroked her nose and lips the bulb opened up like a flower blooming, only the petals were small and green and a translucent tube extended from the center along with several tiny stems. She wondered what it’s purpose was.

Then it lunged forward and latched onto her face. She screamed in alarm as the stems hooked around her neck and head, pulling the plant closer. She realized screaming was a mistake as the tube was inserted into her open mouth and extended down her throat. She gagged as it pushed deeper into her mouth, unable to fight it and keep her hands on the root keeping her out of the plant’s grasp. More vines coiled around her, tightening their grip on her. She couldn’t move. She was powerless to stop it as the thick vine pulsed. She felt the bulges traveling along it’s length as it passed between her thighs and brushed her skin, witnessing the vine swell as it delivered it’s packages. Several of them were pushed up the length and into her mouth to be forced down her throat. She choked on the first one before the tube constricted and made her swallow. The tube ran all the way to her stomach, where the mysterious bulges were deposited.

She gripped the root tight and calmed her racing hearts as she reluctantly accepted the deliveries being forced upon her. She didn’t have a clue what they were, but she could make some assumptions. The behavior of this plant, how it stopped tugging at her once this stem had attached itself. She had read about characteristics like this before, both from plants and alien species. The tube was part of an ovipositor, and the bulges she was swallowing must be eggs, or seeds in this cast. She never thought she would end up on the receiving end of a species that impregnated its hosts. She studied the process of her impregnating carefully, if only to keep her mind busy and not panic over the act itself. The tube extracted itself from her throat after seventeen seeds had been deposited, the plant releasing her aching jaw and retracted back to it’s source. She coughed a few times to clear her throat before glancing down to see her belly had expanded an inch. Not enough to be noticeable unless you were looking for it. It was an odd sensation being pregnant. That must be why it probed my underwear first, she thought. It couldn’t get access to my womb so it went for the next available orifice, my mouth. She waited a few moments to see what happened next. Sure enough, the vines began tugging on her again. The next step of the process must be to keep her in it’s cocoon until the seeds have gestated. Whether she will survive the birthing process or be consumed for food and fertilizer was anyone’s guess. She held firm, still having no intention of being dragged underground.

Luckily for her, she was rescued by the Doctor who had escaped his carnivorous plant to get her away from hers. Once she was free of the vines they slinked back into their pit. She asked the Doctor what his plant had intended for him, and he confirmed it wanted to eat him. Before she could explain hers had just impregnated her, they were attacked by Mandrals and forced to flee. Soon after they met a survivor in this projection who saved them from the creatures and they were thrown headlong back into the mess that started them on this adventure.

She spent the next few hours saving the ship and stopping a smuggling operation carrying her new pot of seeds in her belly. Being pregnant didn’t hinder her abilities, though it made her uncomfortable from time to time. She was sure to get them extracted once the ordeal was over, and was able to plant them on the real Eden when they returned the Mandrals. In the end, she found the whole experience rather fascinating, though she wasn’t eager to go through another pregnancy anytime soon.

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