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Adventures in Time & Space: Plastic Products

They knew they were in trouble the moment the lid of the metal tank began to open. The Doctor called to Liz to activate the machine they built. But when Liz pushed the button, nothing happened. Something was wrong. “It’s not working!” She called back.

“Keep trying!” He shouted, desperately trying to close the tank. It was too late. The monster that was contained within was escaping out of the opening, reaching out for him. Liz looked up in horror as a swarm of tentacles grabbed hold of the man, coiling around him trying to suffocate him. It was hard to believe that thing was made out of plastic.

She raced to get the machine working, checking over all the circuits and hardware. She knew they should’ve ran tests before they took it out, but there hadn’t been time. She checked on the doctor periodically. She wanted to run over and help him, but she knew his best chance was for her to do her job here.

Her work was interrupted when she registered movement behind her. She whirled around hoping it was UNIT here to help. She would welcome their guns to shoot that thing in the tank. Instead she found herself staring at three Autons advancing towards her.

She resisted the urge to scream, backing away cautiously. These Autons looked different from the mannequins attacking the soldiers outside. Their bodies were more anatomically correct. And they weren’t clothed. God knows what they were made for. But then this was a plastics factory. They ship products for all sorts of uses. The three naked figures moved towards her, their expressionless faces staring back at her. She darted for the machine on the ground and they lunged to intercept her. “Doctor!” She cried as their strong hands grabbed her.

The Doctor could only let out a muffled shriek as the monster continued to assault him, its tentacles coiling all around him.

Liz was left to fend of herself as she grappled with the plastic minions, their hands gripping her arms wrestling her to her knees. She tried to fight them off, but they were too strong for her. Two of them gripped her shoulders while the third stepped in front of her, looking down blankly. She looked up in horror as its hand reached out to grab her blonde hair, gripping it tightly making her wince as it pulled at her scalp. It’s fake penis jutted out in front of her face and she tried to turn her face away as it nearly took her eye out.

What is it waiting for? Why not just kill me? She wondered.

She got her answer when it’s hands grabbed her skull and forced her mouth around its stiff cock. She screamed around it, tried to but down on it, but it was made of solid plastic. She couldn’t hurt it. But it could hurt her, in ways she didn’t want to imagine.

A thousand questions raced through her mind as she was made to suck this creature’s cock. Why not just kill me? What is this thing in the tank? If they are part of the same brain, is it controlling these creatures? Why is it making me do this? Where’s the Brigadier? Why isn’t the machine working? If only I could reach it!

Her options were limited as long as these Autons had her restrained. She tried to break free but they kept her still, shoving the thick yellow cock down her throat for her to choke on. She came to a conclusion they weren’t trying to suffocate her, however. They didn’t want her dead. At least not yet. She couldn’t understand why. Maybe the brain controlling them was curious about earth’s females. The thought of being kept like some pet made her angry. She focused that anger and closed her eyes, calling upon skills she hadn’t adopted since medical school to deepthroat the cock and give it a more desirable blowjob. Of course she doubted this thing could feel anything she was doing to it.

Her sudden cooperation seemed to lower the Auton’s guard, however. The grip from the other two loosened and she got a little range of motion back. She used it to slip out of their grasp and yank herself free. She dived for the machine and got her hands on it. And they got their hands on her again. She kicked at them as they pulled at her coat, grabbing her waist and dragging her backwards. She held onto the machine and did her best to try and fix it while being assaulted.

It was tricky and fiddly work trying to re-wire circuits while fending off insistent hands groping her tits or ass. She stiffened, however, when she felt something tear under her skirt. She glanced back and saw one of them on its knees behind her, his penis aimed at something very vulnerable. “Oh god” she gasped, bracing herself as it penetrated her forcefully. She screamed as she was violated, its hands holding her hips tightly slamming itself deep into her. She pushed back tears and focused on her work. Not the first time I’ve done science while being fucked she told herself. A hand grabbed her by the hair and yanked her onto another cock by her face. First time trying to save the world while being raped though her mind added.

She managed to continue making adjustments to the machine while being fucked from behind and sucking another cock. She felt the third Auton repositioning over her ass and predicted which hole he was aiming for. She whimpered and hurried to connect the wire to the socket. If she can do that, she can push the button. She was stuffed violently but she managed to press the trigger, delighted when the light came on. She grabbed the cock in her mouth with her hand and wrestled her mouth away long enough to shout to the Doctor “NOW!”

Moments later the Doctor activated the antennae and the monster attacking him shrieked in pain. Machines exploded around him as it died violently. The Autons throughout the facility came to a shuddering halt, collapsing lifelessly into melted plastic. The three sex dolls assaulting Liz ceased instantly, folding onto the ground in a heap as if switched off. Liz gasped for breath and pulled herself against a wall regaining her breath. She checked herself for injuries but only found some bruising. Nothing was broken, except her dignity. Thankfully nobody from UNIT was around to witness her assault. She poked her head into the workshop where those tentacles can come from and told herself better these things out here than that thing in there.

She fixed her clothes and checked the machine one last time before racing in to find the Doctor. “Are you alright Liz?” He asked her worried.

“Yes. What about you?”

“Oh, I’m quite alright” he replied, his clothes no more worse for wear than hers was. They checked the whole area to make sure the Nestine was dead and that the attack on the Earth was over.

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