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Adventures in Time & Space: Plant Food (Doctor Who)

They quickly realized there was no escape as the vines surrounded them. Sarah, Hargreaves and Scorby were swarmed by Harrison Chase’s plants while the man sat cross-legged on the floor of his arboretum. “Do not resist” he said to them. “Your time is over. Now is the time for the true dominant species of this planet to retake their place.”

Nobody was really interested in listening to the ramblings of a madman. Not while the plants were attacking them. Sarah Jean was wrapped up in vines and dragged to the floor, struggling to move as they coiled around her arms and legs and waist. Foliage covered her, obscuring her view of the others as they were pulled to the ground too. They all shouted and screamed, but soon their voices became muffled as the vines started to strangle them. Sarah gasped when she felt them wrap around her neck, clawing at them with her nails trying to get them off. They constructed tightly, around her throat and her chest, making it hard to breathe.

She was pinned to the floor as more vines wrapped around her, coiling up her body wherever they could. They invaded her clothes, tore at the fabric, scratching her skin with leaves and bark. They felt like snakes all over her, slithering and crawling over her skin, circling around her thighs and breasts and neck. She struggled fiercely, doing her best to escape and call for help, but she was trapped.

She tried shouting for Scorby, but it sounded like he was struggling just as much. She turned her head but couldn’t catch sight of him through the plants. She twisted the other way and found Hargreaves. She shivered when she saw his frozen face staring back through the leaves.

The vines escalated their assault. They tightened their grip, squeezing the life out of her slowly. Her throat was so constricted now she couldn’t speak. She tried to pull at the vines, but more wrapped around her wrists and yanked her hands away. Same for her ankles, leaving her spread eagled and immobilized. She felt vines around her chest, inside and outside her clothes, squeezing her boobs and her rib cage, looping around her stomach, crushing her evenly. She gasped frantically, trying to get as much air into her lungs as she could. It didn’t leave her much energy to do anything when those vines started invading other places. Such as her underwear, or her vagina, or her anus. They penetrated her so forcefully her gasp released the breath she was holding.

The vines were quick to steal her opportunity to inhale again. Nor did they waste their opportunity to violate her body. They didn’t pull out, only push in. There was no thrusting, or anything that might give the impression this act of rape would bring pleasure. The plants forced its way into her ass and pussy, seeking to fill her womb and stomach. She groaned in discomfort and pain as the vines grew thicker, stretching her walls. Smaller vines began to encircle her hips. One found her urethra, causing her to moan as it penetrated that too.

She squirmed in her restricted capacity, her eyes seeking out Mr Chase as if he could make them stop. He remained seated, watching them coldly. His eyes were unfocused, like he didn’t see them. The vines coiled around him too, in a more sensual manner. He had no fear from the plants. In fact he seemed to be enjoying the stimulation they granted him. Sarah peered through the foliage and glimpsed the man’s trousers were open and vines had coiled around his stiff erection, fucking his urethra while he watched them be strangled and raped to death.

She stared at him in horror until a vine crawled down her throat, invading her mouth and cutting off what little access to air she had left. She whimpered as it forced her jaw open, choking her, tiny vines slithering into her nostrils next and circling her ears. Her body began to jerk as her brain started losing oxygen, her vision becoming hazy. She was dying. She was going to die strangled to death by a vegetable while a madman masturbated to their demise.

Good thing the Doctor arrived in time with military grade weed killer to destroy the plants before she fell unconscious then. Though Chase wasn’t too happy about being interrupted before he could reach his climax.

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