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Adventures in Time & Space: Morgaine & Merlin (Doctor Who) [1/3]

The Lady Morgaine gazed into her crystal ball, observing the battlefield of this world and it’s champions. She saw Merlin, exactly as she remembered him. Stout, arrogant and dressed in garments not befitting a knight of her realm.

And yet, when she looked upon him, her nemesis, it was not just pure unadulterated hate she felt. Beneath that was something else. Something she reserved only for Arthur. Like the former king, they were lovers once. When they first met, Merlin was a charming man. He charmed his way into her court, and then into her bedchamber. She would not say she was besotted with him. But the man fascinated her. His magic was different to hers, yet he was capable of miracles also. He served Arthur well in their world. He served her well too, when it suited him.

The red haired lady turned her gaze away from her crystal ball to close her eyes, her mind wandering back to those times where war wasn’t a constant. When she and Arthur had a mutually beneficial alliance, forged with Merlin’s aid. She and Arthur had a bond, a friendship, which turned to courtship. They walked in the meadows and made love under the moonlight. And when the king wasn’t available to satisfy her, Merlin always seemed to be around. She invited the man into her bed on many occasions, where he would dazzle her with his magical tongue between her legs. The Lady Morgaine was a proud woman, but even she could be brought to screaming fits of pleasure by the magic of Merlin.

Oh, but she would have her wicked way with him also. In her bed, she was the dominant force and she liked to remind her lovers of that when they came to her court. She would ride their manhoods long into the night, drawing out her pleasure while holding theirs to her whim. She liked to torment men till they begged her for release, enthralled by her power. She had dominated many men in her bed, but few could match her might. Arthur was amongst those few. Merlin was another. And she enjoyed their company more because of it. They gave her a challenge. Their challenge excited her, made her moist and tingle. The orgasms she shared with them were special.

Which was why it stung her so when Merlin betrayed her and Arthur became her enemy. With Arthur, she longed to see the man face to face again, to spar with him one last time either on the battlefield or in her bed. But Merlin, she will see that trickster dead.

But first, she needed Excalibur. So she turned her attention to Merlin’s young assistant, huddled in a alone and unprotected. He picked up her crystal ball and summoned the image of this girl, her and her friend cowering inside a circle drawn of chalk. She cast her spell and demonstrated the power she wields. First she cast a clock of darkness around them, seeking to smother them in black. But Merlin’s tricks had returned. The chalk circle formed a barrier she could not penetrated.

Very well. If I cannot get to them, they shall come to me, she thought. She cast another spell, manipulating their minds to drive them out of their circle and into her waiting arms.

She started with aggression, nudging them to provoke conflict and infighting. But if that doesn’t work, there are other emotions she can toy with.

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