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Adventures in Time & Space: Inside the Circle (Doctor Who) [2/3]

Shou Yuing and Ace huddled together inside the circle, once more sitting back to back to watch the darkness surrounding them. After the tense stand-off between them due to hearing voices inside their heads, the girls were on high alert for more tricks or illusions.

But the experience had unsettled them. Especially Ace who was clutching the sword Excalibur tightly. She watched the darkness intently, her heart racing. She heard Shou whisper “I’m scared” behind her.

“Was that you?” She asked quietly.

Shou nodded, glancing over her shoulder. “I don’t like this” she told her. “How long until the Doctor returns?”

“He’ll be here” Ace promised. She had complete faith in the Doctor. She just hoped he got here before whatever was out there revealed itself.

She looked down at the circle made of chalk the Doctor got them to make. He said they’ll be safe inside here. That’s why those voices made them think they were saying things about each other, to provoke them into fighting and stepping out of the circle. It almost worked. Stay strong, Ace told herself, holding the sword tightly, wondering if she might have to use it.

I think you look really sexy.

“What?” She asked, turning her head again. “Did you say something?”

“No. I thought you did” Shou replied nervously.

The girls glanced at each other and then turned back to the darkness. “You let me know if you hear anything, okay?" She said anxiously.

"I hear…did you say something about me being attractive?” Shou asked.

“Huh? No” she replied.

I’m so into you Ace, a voice whispered. The voice sounded like Shou Yuing.

Ace shook her head. “Did you just say you were into me?” She asked.

“Oh Ace. I didn’t realize you felt that way” Shou muttered.

“what way?” Ace asked.

Isn’t it getting hot in here Ace?

Ace looked around. The air was becoming a little stifling. “Yeah. It is” she admitted.

“Oh, I wish I could just get away from here too” Shou pined, her body shifting against her back.

Ace glanced over her shoulder and saw the young woman was squeezing a hand against her breast, her knees rubbing together. Ace turned away, suddenly aware of how warm her own body was getting.

I bet you look so sexy without those clothes on.

“Oh yes” Ace smirked, dirty thoughts springing into her mind as she clutched the scabbard tighter, rubbing it against her groin. She bit her bottom lip, focusing on the feeling of her new friend pressed against her back. “I think you’re sexy too” she told her.

“You think so?” She replied.

“Yeah” she breathed.

Shou let out a moan, a long sultry moan. “Why do I feel so aroused around you?”

Because I love you and want to fuck you, a voice in Ace’s head whispered. She couldn’t tell if it belonged to Shou or herself.

Ace’s heart beat faster, her breathing getting heavier as her body tingled with arousal. A hot flush came out of nowhere and suddenly the girl was in need to touch herself. She plunged a hand down between her legs and moaned as her palm rubbed her groin. Her chest heaved and she moaned even louder. Behind her Shou shuddered, her back pressing against hers. She felt her head fall back against her shoulder, her black ponytail falling over her body. Ace closed her eyes and inhaled the smell of her shampoo, the scent intoxicating her causing her spine to arch, her head rolling back. “Is this real?” She asked.

“Is what real?” Shou asked.

Their heads turned and their cheeks rubbed together. Both girls purred and nuzzled each other’s faces. Ace glanced over and saw Shou was groping her chest, her red top unbuttoned, her hand plunged into her grey shorts fingering herself. Just a glimpse got Ace wet and she unzipped her pants to do the same. As soon as her fingers stroked her clit she was screaming.

I don’t want to wait. Fuck me! Now!

“Did you say that?” Ace asked.

“No. Did you?” Shou panted.

Ace shook her head. “I didn’t. But I want to.”

“Do what?”

“Fuck you” she confessed.

Shou twisted around, looking into Ace’s eyes. Her pupils dilated with lust. “So do I” she said.

Suddenly, whether under a spell or not, the two girls threw themselves at each other. Their lips connected and they started making out aggressively. Their moans got heavier until they twisted their bodies around to rise to their knees, the sword falling to the floor beside them. Their hands flew over each other, ravishing their bodies through the clothes while their groins rubbed together urgently.

“Oh, I am so hot right now” Shou gasped, ripping her red blouse open to reveal her perky young breasts. Ace stared at them, making short work of the bra containing them and diving in to kiss them. The Asian girl moaned and tugged at her black top, pulling it over her head revealing the green vest which she swiftly yanked down to her waist. Ace’s boobs came out and she blushed momentarily from the realization she wasn’t wearing a bra of her own. “Oh my god, I love them” Shou giggled, lunging down to play with them like a child.

Ace stumbled back with a gasp, slipping down towards the edge of the chalk line. She didn’t notice, only focused on the sexy young woman sucking her nipples. She moaned, biting her bottom lip, sitting down and pulling her up onto her lap. Her hands slipped into her back pockets and Shou whimpered, wrapping her arms around her neck, kissing her deeply while she squeezed her ass. Their bodies came together and began grinding, humping wildly, Shou lifted Ace’s knee and hooked her leg underneath, scissoring her through the trousers they were too impatient to remove. Both girls moaned lustfully, humping like rabbits, mashing their lips together. The arousal was electric. The passion was fiery and hot. The girls were horny.

“I want you so bad” Ace whispered, squeezing her ass tighter, one hand pressing against Shou’s sweaty back. Shou responded by tugging on her ponytail, exposing her neck to attack, her lips sucking on her flesh like a piranha. Ace could feel herself slipping back, losing herself to the passion, to the affection, to the lust and the…

Her hand brushed the edge of the circle and she felt a tingle run up her arm. Her eyes snapped open and glanced over her shoulder. Darkness pressed at her back. “Oh shit!” She gasped, throwing herself forward.

Shou was lost in her lust, her hips grating against Ace’s groin. “Oh fuck. I’m cumming!” She cried, arching her back suddenly as an orgasm overcame her.

Ace whirled around and caught the girl before she tumbled backwards outside the circle. She yanked her back and clung to the girl while she trembled in climax, hugging her close looking out at the closing darkness. Whatever had come over her was gone now. She was thinking clearly. That’s twice now, she thought. She looked down and quickly scooped up Excalibur before her foot accidentally kicked it away.

Shou pulled away from Ace’s chest, black hair falling over her face. She looked up, her eyes clear, turning red with embarrassment. “Was that real?” She asked.

“I don’t know” Ace whispered uncertainly.

“Fools” a voice hissed, drawing the girl’s attention up to see a powerful figure standing over them outside the circle. Morgaine looked down at them with her crystal ball in hand. “Merlin should’ve known better than to choose such weaklings for his champions” she said icily.


Many, many hours later, after the day is saved and Morgaine was defeated, Shou and Ace are sitting in a bar, the only bar in this neck of the woods, with Brigadier Winifred Bambera and Doris Lethbridge Stuart on a girls night out.

The two youngest members sat together quietly. Now that things had quieted down, their relationship had become awkward. Neither could quite look the other in the eye. Conversation was sparse unless someone else started it. Eventually, Ace was the one to say it. “It felt real, what happened in that circle.”

Shou looked at her, saw the sincerity, and sighed. “I feel the same” she said.

“They why didn’t you say anything?” Ace asked.

“Because I was worried you would laugh at me.”

“I would never laugh at you.”

“Maybe I was a little embarressed” Shou confessed, blushing in her cheeks. “I mean, the way I pounced on you like that…I didn’t even know I liked girls.”

Ace looked at her drink nervously, biting her bottom lip. The other women were at the bar, ordering some more drinks. They wouldn’t have long to talk in private. “Do you regret what we did?” She asked her.

Shou shrugged. “I’m not sure if we were under a spell, like last time” she said.

Ace nodded. She had been wondering that herself. So she risked it all and leaned in to kiss the girl. Shou froze for a moment before pulling back, stunned into silence. “Did that make you feel anything?” She asked hopefully.

Shou was silent for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, it did” she whispered. “It made me feel….like I want to kiss you again” she replied, grabbing Ace’s head and pulling her into a kiss.

The girls kissed and instantly felt the passion from before return. This was no spell. They were into each other. But this time they didn’t have a shroud of darkness to hide in. They reluctantly stopped the kiss to resume sitting together, this time with eager grins on their faces.

“So…what happens now?” Shou asked.

Ace shrugged. “Either we sit here and wait for our new friends” she said, looking across the room. She shuffled closer and snuck her hand under the table to stroke her thigh. Shou inhaled and looked at her curiously. “Or we pop to the toilet and fuck in one of the stalls” she suggested.

Shou stifled a laugh, covering her mouth to hide the grin and the blush. She looked around the room, making sure nobody could see them. She reached down and grasped Ace’s hand. “This time I want to see you cum” she whispered.

The girls raced to the nearest girl’s toilets and found it was empty. All the better to begin making out while stumbling into an empty stall and locking the door. Shou was eager to get Ace out of her pants this time and the young woman found herself pinned against the toilet stall door with a set of fingers thrusting into her from behind while a horny Asian girl fucked her into a rapid orgasm. Ace came with a smile, knowing she would get to return the favor soon enough.

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