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Adventures in Time & Space: In my Defense (Doctor Who)

The Doctor took his seat as the court reconvened. He was still grieving the death of his friend Peri, wondering what he could’ve done differently. But of the Time Lords hadn’t pulled him out of his time-stream when they did, if they had not interfered, maybe…

No. He had nobody to blame but himself. Of course he couldn’t admit that. Not with the Valyard sneering at him.

“Are you ready to proceed, Doctor?” The Inquisitor asked him.

He looked up and drew a deep breath. “I am, your honor” he replied. Like it or not, he was still on trial for his life. And now it was up to him to build a defense. Fortunately the court was kind enough to give him access to the matrix and share the same privileges as the prosecution. He found an adventure in his future which should help shine a light on his more positive attributes. Even if his defense basically amounted to “I improve.”

He presented his case by bringing everyone’s attention to the screen, where he started narrating the time period and the location, a space shuttle bound for Earth. However, what appeared on screen was startlingly different as the court was suddenly greeted to a image of the Doctor lying on his back with a naked redhead riding him. “Yes Doctor. Faster! Harder” the naked woman cried as her hips bounced on his cock vigorously.

“What is the meaning of this?” The inquisitor asked him.

“I’m terribly sorry Ma’am. I must’ve pressed play at the wrong moment” the Doctor replied red faced, racing to correct the issue.

The Valyard watched the scene play out with amusement. “Another of your companions, Doctor?” He asked.

“No. Well, yes” he replied, looking up at the woman awkwardly. “Her name is Melanie. I meet her some time in my future. I didn’t realize our relationship would be so…”


“Exhausting” he answered, looking at the expression on his face in the monitor.

“Is this relevant to the case, Doctor?” The Inquisitor asked.

“Absolutely not. I just need to set the right time code” he said hurriedly tinkering with his remote device.

“I disagree. I think we should let the recording play, Inquisitor” the Valyard suggested. “Unless, of course, there’s a reason the Doctor wants to hide this moment from the court. Something you are trying to hide, Doctor?”

“I have nothing to hide” he snapped.

“Then play the tape, and let us see this new companion who is so integral to your defense” he said.

The Doctor’s face turned red when he looked at the Inquisitor and found her nodding in agreement. “Very well” he said, allowing the scene to resume so they could return their gazes to the image of the Doctor having sex with his future companion.


Despite the activity, the Doctor wasn’t having as much fun as he would like. They had been at this for almost an hour. “Are you even close to finishing yet?” He asked with a grunt.

Mel rocked her hips back and forth, panting steadily as she rode his lap. “Almost. Just one more minute and then we can both cum” she said, arching her back to run her fingers through her curly hair.

This steamy encounter was not what the Doctor had hoped for when Mel suggested it for their workout. The woman took her exercise seriously, even in the bedroom. So much so she was putting the Doctor through his paces by refusing to let him finish. Which was driving the time lord mad because her fit body was gorgeous and she wrapped around his cock so tight it was milking him harder than ever. This wasn’t exercise, it was torture.

The Doctor groaned, coated in sweat, grabbing Mel by the hips and trusting into her harder. She braced herself against his chest and threw her head back, moaning in pleasure. “I thought sex was supposed to be an enjoyable experience” he muttered.

“I love it” she cried, biting her bottom lip. “It’s much more fun than the exercise bike, don’t you think?”

Right now, I think I’d rather be on the rowing machine, he thought. He never thought he’d reach a point where fucking a beautiful woman wasn’t fun.

“Ten more seconds” Mel said, her sexy body dripping with sweat. Her hips bounced faster and her walls squeezed him tighter, and he felt her nails dig into his skin. She was holding back her orgasm to reach the finish line. The Doctor did the same, out of respect. He wanted to let her finish first, like a gentlemen. Even if he was going to regret it. “Three…two…o-one…YES!” She screamed, her spine arching as she finally came, her orgasm making her body shake and contort.

The Doctor finally ejaculated inside her heavenly box, moaning loudly and sighing in relief as he painted her insides with his seed. Her pussy milked him of every drop, practically crushing his manhood. They came together before finishing in unison, panting heavily. The Doctor colapsed on the bed.

Mel drooped above him, locking her hands against his chest to keep herself upright. Sweat dripped from her nose and her breasts heaved with each breath. She combed her red hair out of her face and gave him a wicked smile. “How did that feel? I bet it felt good” she grinned.

Good wasn’t the word he would use. He was more exhausted than ever. Mel extracted her tight pussy from his bruised cock and it flopped down against his stomach. “Why did I let you talk me into this” he muttered.

“It was either this or the exercise bike” she giggled, stretching her arms and back like a cat. She rubbed her sex and coated her fingers in the cum leaking out of her entrance, licking it up and purring. “There’s no workout quite like it. We should do it again.”

“Maybe another time” he groaned. He felt like he couldn’t move. He was a Time Lord, yet this human was still ready for more?

Mel leaned over him and pecked his cheek. “Alright. I’m going to have a shower, then we can work on that waistline of yours” she said. She climbed off the bed and strode through the TARDIS nude, picking up a towel on the way. “We can get you on the bike if your not up for another round” she called back.

The Doctor watched her leave, finding not even her cut ass enough to excite him now. He lay back and groaned. “That woman will be the death of me” he said, finding the exercise bike more appealing than keeping up with Mel’s insatiable stamina.


The Inquisitor finally turned around in her chair. “I fail to see the relevance in this” she said. A few of her fellow time lords mumbled in agreement.

The Doctor crossed his arms, looking at his opponent. “That’s because there isn’t any” he said again. “What I do, or will do, in my own TARDIS is not anyone’s business.”

“Are you saying you make a habit of having sexual relationships with the people you travel with?” The man inquired.

“The Doctor is not on trial for his indiscretions of that nature” the Inquisitor snapped. “Even if I’m sure there are plenty more material where that came from” she added quietly with rosy cheeks.

“I’m sure there are” the Valyard smirked.

“May I continue with my actual defense, Ma’am?” The a doctor asked politely.

“You May” she agreed. “Just try to avoid any more…inappropriate scenes” she said.

“Of course” he said. But he hadn’t failed to notice how, out of all the Time Lords in this room, she was the most aroused when whiting the scene just now. Particularly whenever Mel’s naked figure was on display. But he wouldn’t stoop so low as to ensure he got a chance to exploit that detail, to run the risk of gaining favor or backfiring on him. So he made a mental note to skip the scene later where Mel shamelessly masturbated in the gym. Much the pity.

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