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Adventures in Time & Space: Goblins at Christmas (Doctor Who)

WARNING: contains heavy Non-con elements


Ruby knew this was a bad idea the instant she looked down. The city passed below her as she clung to the rope ladder tightly. Why did she jump on this thing? She hung on for a moment to summon all the courage she could muster. They had Lulubelle. She had to get her back. They had just gotten this baby and her adopted mother would be heartbroken in anything happened to her. The one day I get put in charge and she’s kidnapped by gremlins, she thought. Though, considering the luck she’d been having over the last few days, maybe she shouldn’t be so surprised.

She looked up at the cloud this ladder was hanging from, steeling her nerves as she carefully pulled herself up one rung at a time. The wind whipped around her as she climbed into the sky. Where was this thing going? She got her answer when the ladder started to ascend and carried her higher into the sky. She clung on for dear life as she rose over the clouds and found the large wooden ship flying above her. She stared at it in disbelief as it soured over London, somehow passing unseen above the people below. Why can’t anyone see this thing?

The ladder pulled her up into its underbelly, where she was brought before a pack of a dozen surprised little creatures. She turned her head and looked at the small grey skinned monsters with sharp teeth, huge round eyes and pointy ears. She had called them gremlins, thought they might be aliens. But now she could see them more closely and they looked more like those goblin creatures her mom read to her in those children’s books. “Um…hi?” She said nervously in greeting.

The goblins stared back at her. She gulped. Maybe I should’ve thought this plan through, she thought to herself.


Ruby was tied up and thrown onto a conveyer belt, which carried her through the wooden ship into a large room were dozens, maybe a hundred, of these goblins were waiting for her. She looked around in shock and terror, struck dumb trying to get her head around how these creatures could even exist. She was on a ship flying above her hometown. How come nobody else could see them? And what did these creatures want with the baby that had been put into their care?

Speaking of the baby, Ruby looked around frantically but couldn’t see Lulubelle anywhere. “What have you done with her!” She cried. The goblins jabbered in a language she couldn’t comprehend. She had no idea what they were saying. But from the looks on their faces, it wasn’t just the baby she should worry about. She tugged at the ropes tied around her wrists and ankles, wrestling to get free while she was brought down the conveyor belt deeper into the dining room. She looked up when music started playing, finding a band situated above her on a wooden stage. A blonde haired goblin stepped forward and started to sing. In English, which baffled Ruby. So can they speak English or not? “Hello? Can you understand me? What have you done with the baby?”

She didn’t get an answer to her question. But she did get a flurry of cheers from the audience who all watched her hungrily as she rolled along. She flinched when she felt several hands reach out to grab at her, their fingers feeling up her legs and hips, tugging on her leather jacket and jeans. Some seemed to get a little too handsy as they reached for her shirt, so she swatted them away with her hands or feet. “Get off me! I’m warning you” she shouted.

Ruby was suddenly yanked onto her back and pinned down as the goblins pulled at her. Her heart started to race when her hands were pulled above her head, tried by a length of robe to the conveyor which finally stopped near the edge of the platform in front of a large curtain. She tried to break free but, despite their size, these creatures were incredibly strong. And there was a lot of them. They surrounded her, a few of them advancing to reach out and grope her. She squirmed against their grip but she couldn’t move. When a couple climbed up onto the platform, she began to panic. “Whatever you want with me, just…don’t hurt Lulubelle. Please.” One of the goblins climbed on top of her, its feet either side of her waist so it stood over her. She stared up at him as he looked at her hungrily, his big eyes examining her while he licked his lips. She gulped nervously, recalling the reason why they were called goblins.

Because they like to gobble you up.

But then her eyes found he wasn’t wearing any trousers, and was in fact rubbing a rather imposing penis for his size. Her eyes widened. “Oh no! Don’t you dare” she snapped. His intent appeared to be shared with the pack as suddenly, after a swift bark of orders from somewhere and a change in song, the goblins began to tug at Ruby’s clothing. She fought back as much as she was able, screaming and shouting at them while they pulled her jacket open, pulling her shirt over her head, prying her skirt down her legs and ripping at her stockings. She squirmed as a dozen hands molested her, coping a feel of as much flesh as they could while they clumsily undressed her. “Stop it!” She cried, her arms getting tangled in her top leaving her chest exposed. The goblin standing over her got hard as he admired her young bust. Nineteen years old and she had developed a modest set of tits behind her plain red bra. He knelt down and straddled her to fondle them. She she tried to throw him off, but she could get enough traction in her feet to fling her hips up. Not with more of those little guys holding her down. She stared at the wide eyed pointy eared creature, who drooled over her boobs.

His cock rested between them, throbbing and leaking cum. “I swear, if you even think about…” Her threat was interrupted when her bra sprung open, as if by magic. The strap broke and it fell away from her body, revealing her breasts to the whole ship. God damn it! More bad luck? I really am cursed, she thought.

She dropped her head back in defeat, unable to stop the goblins from grabbing her breasts and fondling them. Nor could she stop the goblin on top of her from rubbing his dick between them, helping himself to some of her cleavage. She felt more prodding her, turning her head from side to side to see others had gotten their dicks out, fawning over her rubbing against her armpits or thighs. She recoiled in horror and disgust when she felt their tongues licking her, or when she glimpsed others in the crowd get horny and begin rubbing each other. There were female goblins amongst the crowd, who pounced on their fellow males and began fucking in public.

Ruby stared as the crowd devolved into a perverted orgy, with her as the center piece to masturbate over. She gasped when her hands were tugged towards genitals, to be used as toys for their pleasure. She curled her fingers, either to pull them away or crush whomever was foolish enough to let her get her hands on them. She heard a goblin grunt in pain when her palm squeezed something small and round. The ropes around her wrists drew tighter and she soon got pins and needles in her fingertips as it cut her circulation until they were numb.

She gasped when activity shifted to between her legs next. “Hey! What are you doing?” She cried, trying to see past the goblin sitting on her chest rutting between her boobs. She glimpsed another goblin climbing over her thighs to push her knees open. She kicked at him, which was difficult with her feet tied up. Her bound ankles also left little room for the goblin to work with, so he snapped his fingers and suddenly her legs were free as the ropes fell away. But not for long as hands swarmed them to hold her down before she could use them to boot him off. She squirmed as they grabbed her feet, yanking away her skirt and pulling her boots off. One of her feet was pulled over the edge of the conveyor so a female goblin could rub her toes against her pussy. Ruby felt it leak over her foot and gagged. She glimpsed another male and female playing with her numb fingers. They were using her like a sex doll. “This can’t get any worse” she muttered.

It could and did as her legs were pried open by the goblin between her thighs. She felt his nails against her flesh as he tore a hole in her stockings before pulling her underwear to the side. Her eyes widened as she felt a hot breath against her womanhood. “No! Don’t…” she screamed. Too late for the mouth that latched onto her pussy to shove its tongue into her slit. The creature munched and sucked on her cunt lapping her folds greedily, ignoring the screams of protest from Ruby who writhed in his grasp.

Her wails were lost to the music from the band, who continued to perform to this bizarre orgy. The goblins seemed to celebrate Ruby’s torment as she was used and abused, groped and molested and fucked. She had a tongue in her cunt and a cock grinding between her tits. She had body parts being used as toys, tied up or held down. She stopped begging or screaming when her throat became sore, focusing on panting or moaning while her mind went into overdrive trying to find a way out of this. It was like she was living a horror movie. A slutty, b-movie porn parody where the monsters have sex with her before they eat her. Her eyes darted around the lusty faces staring at her while they masturbated, their hungry eyes raking over her half naked body.

The goblin on her chest squeezed her boobs roughly and thrust his cock between them, sandwiching it between her pale mounds. She witnessed it unleash a bellowing howl before it ejaculated all over her face. She recoiled in disgust, turning her head away trying to avoid getting sprayed in her eye. It’s semen got stuck in her blonde hair and dripped over her cheek and neck. It pumped some more, coating her chest and chin. It panted in satisfaction and smeared the rest over her nipples before climbing off her stomach.

The moment it left, more surged forward to grab at her breasts. Two raced to latch their mouths around her nipples first. She winced in pain as their sharp teeth bit into them while they sucked on them, others licking up the cum dripping over her breasts. “Ow!” She cried, unable to shake them off. She lifted her head and saw the Goblin between her legs finally emerge, licking his lips. “Okay, you’ve had your fun. Now let me go!” She shouted.

They obviously hadn’t had their fun yet as the Goblin rose from his knees to stand up, rubbing a fat erection while his friends opened her legs up wider. She stiffened when he rubbed his head against her moist lips, teasing her opening. She shook her head, attempting to slam her legs shut, refusing to let him enter her. The goblin laughed and forced his cock into her cunt, penetrating her with a sigh as he sank down to the base. She screamed from the penetration, gasping in shock as he thrust all the way in. It hurt at first. But then her body adjusted and soon she was suppressing moans as the monster raped her. It clung to her hips and thrust into her faster and harder, panting rapidly. It might be small, but it’s dick felt huge inside of her, stretching her walls. “Stop it! Let me go! Ah! I swear…you’ll pay for this!” She cried, glaring at the lot of them as they cheered and jerked off when they weren’t molesting her.

Another goblin climbed on top of her to take the place of the first guy. This one was stouter and had an eyepatch. His cock was also shorter in length, but seemed thicker. And she could smell it from a distance. I bet these guys don’t wash. They’re like mini disgusting pirates.She glanced up at the ship she was in. Of course. Of all the ships I had to climb aboard, it had to be a pirate ship. Full of thieves and rapists. “Is this what you do? Kidnap people to rape and plunder” she asked defiantly. They didn’t seem to be paying attention to her jibes. The one in front of her admired her breasts appreciatively. “I suppose you expect me to give you a titfuck too, huh?” She spat. He licked his lips and crawled forward, stepping over her chest and instead bringing his cock to her face. She felt a new wave of bile rise in her throat as his dirty cock approached her blabbering mouth. “Oh no! Absolutely not! You keep that filthy thing away from me!” She snapped, turning her head away as it rubbed against her lips. She clenched her jaw and refused to open her mouth as it pressed against her cheek, her nose twisting from the reek of his odor. There was a brief stint of laughter from nearby as the goblin attempted to gain entry. But it got its way when an overzealous goblin bit too hard on her nipple causing her to scream. As soon as her mouth was open, it grabbed her hair and shoved its cock into her throat. She gagged and choked, screaming around the shaft which filled her throat and rubbed against her tongue. She felt sick and wanted to vomit. She went to bit down. But then she had the horrible image of her swallowing its disgusting cock. Not wanting to risk it, she reluctantly submitted to riding it out. She refused to suck. Thought it didn’t seem to matter as it planted its feet on her shoulders and thrust down into her throat, gripping her scalp tightly to skull fuck her. Her eyes watered from the smelly musk.

Why couldn’t they just eat me and get it over with?

The band ramped up their song of choice as Ruby was assaulted by the goblins, her cries muffled by the cock stuffing her mouth while being rammed down her throat. The one in her cunt pummeled her harder, its owner laughing hysterically as it enjoyed the way her walls enveloped him. She could feel hands and cocks rubbing her all over, lips sucking on her nipples and toes and fingers until she was whimpering. She shut herself off and rode it out, praying for it to be over quick.

Fortunately the little guys had the stamina to match their size, so it wasn’t long until their dicks were exploding and showering her with cum. She gagged as her throat was filled with semen, filling up her airway until the cock slipped from her mouth to paint her face and hair with it. More coated her tits and stomach while the onlookers climaxed like dominoes. She moaned when she felt her pussy get a cream-pie, the sensation reluctantly triggering an orgasm of her own, causing her to gush over the goblin’s cock. She felt more fluids stain her legs and hands until she was allowed to collapse and catch her breath. Even the song came to a climactic end.

“Okay…you’ve had your fun…you horrid…monsters…” she panted, reluctantly swallowing the sperm in her mouth and grimacing from the vile taste. She lifted her head to see the goblins backing away, recovering from their group climax. She tugged on her restraints and found the ropes around her wrist had loosened (thanks to the lubrication on her fingers), pulling one of her hands out of her top and jacket to get circulation back. She sat up groaning, pulling her feet towards her. “Now…where is Lulubelle!” She shouted.

The goblins didn’t take as long to recover as she hoped they would. So while she was debating how many of them she might be able to fight through to find the baby, she was taken by surprise when the ropes lassoed around her as if by magic, or by the skilled pirates surrounding her. She tried to escape but she found herself tied up once again, this time almost completely naked and on her knees with her hands bound behind her back. They pulled the knots tight as she was yanked up by a rope around her neck, her legs bound together by the thighs, knees and ankles. She wasn’t wiggling her way out of this knot.

The band kicked into a new track and the goblins started dancing again, bouncing around her as she was carried by the conveyor once more. She inhaled nervously when she was brought closer to the stage, which folded out a platform allowing its blonde haired lead singer to step down and approach the blonde haired young woman. She fixed her large round eyes on Ruby, her dress swaying with her hips while she carried a microphone with her. “My oh my, we have such a treat” she sang, brushing her grey fingers along Ruby’s cheek. “Such a pretty little thing, almost too good to eat. With your pale skin and gorgeous hair, Sharing you around, it’s only fair” she said in song.

Ruby turned her cheek away nervously, feeling the ship full of goblins staring at her hungrily. Hands caressed her legs as a few climbed up, eager to take their turn. She looked over her shoulder to see one of them had climbed behind her and was playing with her feet. With them tied together, she had limited ability to stop him rubbing his dick between her soles to give himself a foot job.

“But we can’t let the boys have all of you” the female goblin sang, drawing Ruby’s attention back to see her lift her skirt up to show off her dripping pussy. “Not when this horny singer is in need of fucking too.”

Ruby’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the stout creature standing over her. Her heart was racing. This is absurd. Driven by a crazy impulse, figuring it might buy her time to think of a way out, she started singing back. “Okay, um…hello up there…nice to meet you. You are looking rather pretty too. But I’m not the kind of girl who swings that way, And I certainly have no intention to stay. I’m only here for Lulubelle. So you dirty fucking perverts can GO TO HE…mphft!”

Ruby never reached her chorus as the goblin singer hooked her hand behind her head and pulled her against her moist pussy, grinding her cunt against her mouth. She hummed in delight, putting a foot on Ruby’s shoulder to steady herself while she continued to sing into her microphone. The crowd cheered as she continued her performance with Ruby eating her out.

Ruby had never touched another girls pussy before, let alone licked one. She froze when her lips pressed against the singer’s. She didn’t know what to do. She tried to pull away but the goblin’s grip on her hair tugged her back, the ropes keeping her in position. She became even more immobile when another goblin leapt behind her and began humping her from behind, his thick cock thrusting between her thighs while he buried his face in her ass. She whined in protest when she felt his tongue lick as her bumhole, tongue fucking her back door while squeezing her cheeks. Her cheeks turned rosy red when it started to feel nice. So nice she began licking her lips and the singer’s in turn. The skirt bunched around her nose when she looked up at the female goblin, who stared down serenading her efforts to the chorus of her fans. She accepted her assignment and submitted to the performance, doing her best to give the singer a pussy licking good time.

She was thankful when the singer orgasmed at the end of her song. She leaked her cum into Ruby’s mouth, rubbing it onto her nose and chin before removing her hand and foot to let her go. She turned away panting, moaning as she came from the stimulation in her ass where the goblin was burying his face between her cheeks. She felt the stickiness of cum across her feet as the other one blew his load over the back of her legs. He must’ve gotten the other goblin too because he abruptly left her thighs to shout at him. She felt the singer’s hands cup her cheeks and looked up to be greeted by a pleasant smile, staring numbly as the goblin pulled her closer and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. She never thought her first lesbian encounter would be with a two foot tall goblin.

She didn’t get a chance to catch her breath before the ropes were pulling her back across the conveyor belt and yanking her into the air. She hung suspended over the crowd by a few inches, her knees bent and her back arched. Her hair fell over her face and she panted nervously. The singer climbed back onto the stage and started a new song, spurring the crowd into another orgy. She looked down to find one of the goblins jumping onto the platform to climb up onto her back, shuffling down to her thighs so he could smack her ass. “Ow! Quit it!” She cried, craning her neck to look over her shoulder. She saw the monster cock he was stroking, which he rubbed between her cheeks in anticipation, eying her lubricated hole. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “No! Please don’t. I’ve never had anything in my bum before. I couldn’t even bring myself to stick my fucking dildo in there” she pleaded. The goblin wasn’t interested in her sob story. All it cared about was getting his dick inside her hole and tapping that ass. He lined himself up and thrust down into her arsehole. She screamed, trying to force him out. But the more she clenched her butt, the further it sank into her anus. He moaned in pleasure as he was swallowed up by her virgin hole, slapping her cheeks in delight while she wailed in protest. The crowd cheered to his successful penetration.

He wasn’t the only one seeking to fuck their guest of honor. Another goblin climbed up and stood in front of her terrified face. This one had an eyepatch and wore a vest. He was an inch taller, broader, carrying a lot more muscle. She looked at him and gulped, envisioning this one being part of a goblin biker gang or something more menacing. He stepped forward and presenting his cock, which was thick and throbbing, dripping with cum. She clamped her jaw shut and shook her head, refusing to let him near her when he grabbed her by the hair. She turned her face away, hissing when his cock slapped her cheek a few times, rubbing against her lips which she kept pressed together. She saw his remaining eye narrow and he snarled in frustration. She tensed up, bracing for a possible slap across the face to make her cooperate. Instead he grabbed the rope around her neck and pulled on it. It tightened around her throat until she gasped, briefly forgetting how to breathe. When her mouth opened, it released the rope and grabbed her head, slamming his cock into her throat. She gagged and choked, but couldn’t move as she was spit-roasted between the two goblins and fucked in front of an audience to cheers and applause. Tears fell down her cheeks and she stopped resisting. Anything to make it end sooner.

The party kicked into a new gear as Ruby was passed around, goblins climbing up to take their turns raping her. She remained suspended in the air, but routinely changed position with a few tugs of the pulleys above. Once her spit-roast was finished, she was flipped upside down to get another cock in her mouth while two goblins ate out her pussy and ass. Her breasts were massaged from behind and she had her nipples sucked. She got more female attention as another female climbed up to finger her from behind. She shared a forced kiss with another while her male friend motarboated her tits. Her legs were pulled apart to be spread so goblins could fuck her pussy, and her ass, sometimes simultaneously. Her hands were brought out to give handjobs. Her fingers and toes were sucked. Goblins used her pale skin as a canvas for their cum  when they ejaculated all over her constantly. By the end of the next song she was dripping with sweat and cum, her chest heaving, her body aching, her willpower dissolving. She was getting exhausted but she refused to let herself fall asleep. She had a job to do. She couldn’t go home without Lulubelle.

Her saving grace was the goblins didn’t have the stamina she had. It seemed humans could outlast their kind by miles. She watched the orgy slow down after several rounds, many of the crowd growing tired and mostly watching rather than participating now. She was left to catch her breath at last, hanging by her wrists and knees suspended over their heads. She whipped her cum stained blonde hair out of her face and looked around the room. “Had enough?” She asked, regaining some of her composure. “Now will you let me go?” The start of the latest song indicted not quite. She rolled her eyes as she was brought around to face the large curtain that had been waiting at the end of the conveyor belt. She hung there, watching a young goblin in a hamster wheel begin turning some gears to pull the curtain back, revealing the ship’s owner to the excited audience.

Ruby’s eyes widened when she was presented to the fabled Goblin King; a grotesque monster that dwarfed his subjects, bloated and fat and grey. She stared at its large eyes and massive jaw, sharp teeth lining its drooling lips. A thick tongue came out and licked across them as the overweight creature gazed at the young woman. What the fuck? Ruby gulped, instantly shaking her head as the pulleys began carrying her closer to the Goblin King. “No way. I am not having sex with that thing” she said. She examined its bulbous body, its small arms resting over its swollen stomach either side, it’s lower half seemingly consumed by fat. Even if she did entertain the disgusting notion, she couldn’t see any feasible way it could fuck her anyway. I don’t want to know what that thing’s dick looks like, she thought.

She wriggled against the ropes tied around her, attempting to break free while she was brought closer. It hummed in anticipation as her naked body was presented to it, dripping with semen and cum. She recoiled when it’s breath hit her and she gagged. Bad breath didn’t even come close to describing the stench. The pulleys rolled and suddenly she was flung forward, suspended inches from the king’s face at a forty-five degree angle. Her face was close enough she could almost reach out and kiss him. Not that she would ever want to. He leaned forward to get a taste of her, however, it’s tongue rolling out to lick across her cheek. She screwed her eyes shut and grimaced as it’s slimy tongue dragged across half her face, scooping up a good dollop of cum plastered over it, leaving her hair a mess. She felt like she wanted to vomit when it did so again, this time licking up her torso from her stomach to her neck, getting as much cum as it could. After two more licks she was sticky with saliva, which felt more gross than the cum. It belted a laugh in approval before nodding to its subjects. They cheered as she was hoisted back into a reclined posture, her legs lifted by the knees and spread before the king. She trembled when she saw his eyes fall on her young pussy, licking his lips once more. “Please, just let me go” she begged, tugging on the robes binding her wrists trying to drag herself away. “You don’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this anymoAAHHH!”

The goblin king’s mouth clamped around her groin and began sucking, and Ruby was not ready for the assault that awaited her. His sharp teeth grazed her flesh while his tongue lapped at her groin, circling around her pussy and ass. She screamed and thrashed about as much as she could, her heels kicking at his slimy skin. She got her foot to push against his shoulder, but she couldn’t pry herself out of his mouth as he suctioned her midsection. He hooked his tongue under her ass, slathered it along her stomach, lapped at her holes until it finally wormed its way into her pussy. She moaned as it filled her insides, her back arching.

After the last half hour of being fucked and abused, withholding orgasm after orgasm, the Goblin King’s tongue was too much for her. She couldn’t hold back any longer. The pain and pleasure spiked and her eyes rolled into her skull, her body flailing against her restraints as she climaxed. She squirted into the goblin’s mouth like a geyser, her scream mixing with the crescendo of the band at the peak of the song they were playing. The crowd cheered, sharing a climax amongst each other. Ruby jerked in her rope harness, her body trembling as the tongue lapped up her cum, drinking it all down.

When he had quenched his thrust, he let her go and allowed her to hang there, spent and delirious, quivering from the aftershocks. She dripped with cum and saliva onto the wooden floor, her head drooping from her shoulders. It took her a while to regain enough willpower to open her eyes again. She groaned as her body ached, rope burns forming around her wrists and knees where she was suspended. She lifted her head and examined the excited audience surrounding her. “Okay…you win…do what you want with me” she muttered, slumping back again exhausted.

The drum beat stirred her awake and she turned her head as the singer started a brand new song. The lyrics caught her attention and she twisted around to see the conveyor belt had started rolling again. A new victim was being paraded through the ship before the crowd. Ruby’s heart stopped when she saw Lulubelle in a basket carried upon it. Adrenaline woke her up and she sprang into alertness as she watched the goblins cheer and dance to the chorus. They were going to eat her.

“No! No, leave her alone!” She screamed, pulling herself up on the ropes fighting against the pulleys. She swung lazily, unable to make herself move. She was trapped up here while the baby was slowly advancing towards the Goblin King. She stared in horror as they began seasoning her, screaming frantically. “LEAVE HER ALONE!”

The pulleys suddenly groaned and she was tipped to another forty-grave degree angle, this time with her feet brought together. She looked down when she felt a moist tongue lick at the soles of her feet, her eyes widening when she realized it wasn’t just Lulubelle on the menu today. The Goblin King was eying up her tender body as the main course. She squirmed and wriggled and tugged at the ropes, fighting desperately to break free, but the ropes wouldn’t budge as the monster licked at her toes and heels, its jaw opening, beckoning her closer. The pulleys began lowering her, lowering her into its mouth where it began to suckle on her legs inch by inch. Either she was about to be swallowed whole (quite possible given the size of this beast) or she was about to lose the use of her feet to those jagged teeth. She screamed in terror, her heart racing as she realized she and Lulubelle were going to be eaten alive.

Suddenly the ceiling gave way and a figure fell from above and landed on the conveyor belt. Everything in the ship froze, the song and crowd falling silent as a tall black man looked up, looking rather embarrassed and nervous. The goblin king turned his attention to the newcomer, forgetting all about the young woman’s feet leaving them dripping with drool.

Ruby stared at the man too, caught by surprise when she recognized him as the man from the club. Health and safety, gin and tonic decision. He looked at the basket in front of him, carefully picking it up and bringing it around to place behind him, putting himself between her and the Goblin King. Then he turned and saw Ruby hanging next to him. “Hi” he said, giving her a warm smile.

“Hi” she replied, a little shell shocked. “Where did you come from?” She asked, looking up at the roof.

He glanced up too before answering vaguely. “It’s a long story” he said, turning his attention back to the goblins. They both looked around and saw the inquisitive and increasingly hostile looks they were getting. Ruby took the opportunity to check on the baby. The man followed her gaze and ensured she was away from the goblin king and his subjects. “Don’t worry” he whispered, fixing his leather jacket confidently. “I’ll get us out of this.”


It turned out the stranger was true to his word. Minutes later, the three of them had escaped the goblin’s ship and was absailing back to the ground using the Doctor’s Mavity gloves. Ruby clung to his jacket, one hand holding onto the basket carrying Lulubelle, the Doctor’s arm around her waist. They touched down onto the roof and sprinted back towards her house, slipping through the window she had chased the goblins though.

Only when Lulubelle was tucked safe in her crib once more did Ruby let herself exhale and take stock of the situation. “Who are you?” She asked in a whisper, not wanting to disturb her adopted grandmother or the sleeping baby.

“I’m the Doctor” he answered, closing the window while watching the sky. The goblins didn’t seem to be chasing them. He turned back to Ruby. “Are you alright?”

“No, I’m not alright” she hissed, her heart still pounding in her ribcage. “This has been the worst week ever. I’ve had nothing but bad luck. My one chance of finding out about my birth parents fell through. The baby I was told to look after was kidnapped. I’ve been gang raped and almost eaten by monsters in a flying pirate ship. I’m scared and angry and…” her cheeks suddenly flushed bright red when she looked down and realized she was still naked. “And I’ve just realized I don’t have any clothes on” she finished, too mortified to even attempt to cover herself now.

The Doctor, thankfully, didn’t make a big deal about it, keeping his eyes firmly anywhere else rather than on her. He gave her a thoughtful look before propositioning “how about I watch the baby while you get dressed?”

She stared at him, hesitating for a moment. She didn’t know this man. Why would she leave him in charge of the baby? Against her better judgement, however, she nodded, walking briskly towards her room to find some clothes and a shower and maybe a hole she could curl up in to escape this humiliating situation.

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