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Adventures in Time & Space: Finetown Dining (Doctor Who)

Finetown was meant to be the perfect party playground. And as long as you had your dot and bubble, it was.

Those bubbles, however, made it the perfect place for these genetic engineered mantraps to hunt and feed. These slimy, hungry slugs roamed the streets patiently, watching their prey live or their blissful privileged lives, waiting for their moment to devour them. But part of their conditioning when they were created means they cannot simply eat them all at once. The system had to work in logical order, so the residents were targeted one by one. Alphabetically, of course. When the names were given, the Mantraps were sent, the nearest creature advancing on their unsuspecting meal eagerly.

None of the victims ever saw them coming, too absorbed in their own little bubble and self-important hollow lives, staring at the screens floating around their heads blinding them to the real world. They were so reliant on the dot most couldn’t even walk straight without the directions they gave them. To them, the world outside their bubble didn’t matter or exist. It made them easy pickings for the mantraps, who snuck up on them and devoured them whole.

Getting caught and eaten wasn’t the only horrors that awaited them. The when the sentient software that operated the dot created them, it designed them in a way that would make their deaths agonizing and horrifying in a way that would keep the victims aware of what was happening. It the mantraps wouldn’t just grab them with its claws, it would rape them with its tentacles too. Each victim they claimed would be swallowed and violated in ways that would make them scream in terror and beg for their rich mummies and daddies. Men and women, boys and girls, it didn’t matter or care. They were assaulted and killed in brutal efficiency.

The attack took place over the span of a week. That’s how long it took to work its way down their list of names. Thousands of people living in Finetown. The first hundred died within twenty four hours, picked off one at a time. At first the dot was cautious about the residents noticing the disappearances from their social pages as it monitored the mantrap’s sweep from building to building, slithering up to their prey in their rooms to kill them in private, stalking them down side streets or behind hedges, out of sight and out of mind. Girls screamed when the slimy tentacles wrapped around them, the claws closing around them, their latest fashion trend torn apart so slimy appendages could stuff themselves into their holes and coil around their necks and breasts, their wails of fear silenced when a tendril would shove into their throat to shut them up. The boys screamed too, just as loudly as the girls, when their arseholes were penetrated or their cocks were squeezed, their balls crushed, their throats gagged. Some didn’t even realize what was happening. More than a few residents were caught while asleep at night, the slugs slipping into their rooms and lurking at the end of the bed. Their tentacles would reach out to molest their sleeping forms, sometimes eliciting pleasurable moans as their victims mistook their intentions. One girl in particular got very aroused by the tentacle gang bang, encouraging them to fuck her while she had her wet dream. This girl got what she wanted, tentacles fucking her pussy and ass and mouth and breasts while she was dragged feet first into the maw of her dream monster. She had several orgasms both outside and inside the mantrap’s stomach before the dot crossed her name off and moved onto the next.

But when the dot realized the murders could be committed in broad daylight in front of oblivious witnesses, it dropped subtly and set the mantraps to their targets when the name was marked. Dots directed residents straight into their maws to find themselves swallowing tentacles while being swallowed into hungry gullets, their bodies sliding into uncomfortable spaces to suffocate or drown. Others were caught at work, assaulted while their colleagues sat mere feet away from them, too ignorant to help or even notice while their friends were raped and eaten. Whenever a target not marked for death approached a feeding mantrap, the dot would simply direct them around the scene. They never stopped to question it.

After a few days, some of the residents started to notice something was wrong. Their friends stopped coming online and they began to grow worried. But not worried enough to stop using the dot, which continued to track and mark them for death. The monsters grew bolder as the program chose to accelerate the program. There was someone outside the city trying to break in, interfering with the system. It locked these invaders out but couldn’t risk it threatening their task. Mantraps were sent to kill, not worried about the victims suffering anymore. If they died quickly, all the better. If they were just eaten, perfect. If they were seen, it won’t matter. There wasn’t enough of them left to stop what was happening now. The mantraps would devour their prey, violate them at their pleasure, let them die screaming or in silence. As long as they were all dead, the Dot didn’t care. If if the mantraps couldn’t eat their targets, the floating machines would have to do it themselves.

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