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Adventures in Time & Space: Drunken Girl's Night

“Okay, what’s should we play next?”

“Play? We’re not kids anymore” Amy scoffed, chugging down another gulp of the bottle in her hands.

Mel shrugged. “Could’ve fool me with how childish you act” she joked.

“Oh, I’m childish?” She asked, her upper body swaying as she sat on the edge of her bed. The poor redhead never could hold her liquor.

They’d been hanging out all night, partying at bars and drinking at each. At first it was innocent, two best friends having a girls night out. But then boys started offering to buy them drinks and Melanie couldn’t resist stringing a few of them along to get free alcohol. Amy reluctantly went with it, keeping up with the darker skinned girl as much as she could. But in this race Mel would always have the advantage. She was the wild one, the party animal, dragging her friend from one bar to the next. She’d flirt her way to the bar, dance to the loud music, even occasionally give some of the lucky boys a few minutes of heaven before ducking out to find the redhead looking for her begging her to call it a night. They returned to Amy’s house with a vodka bottle in hand and just flopped down onto the mattress totally drunk.

“One of these days, you are going to loosen up” Mel told her, her voice slightly slurring. But she had more of a tolerance so she needed to take two more gulps of the bottle to bring the buzz back. “We should be out there having fun.”

“We were out there” she reminded her, completely intoxicated and fumbling over her words. “You…you were having fun. And don’t think I didn’t see you giving that…bartender a hand-job in the girls toilets. I’m surprised you didn’t just suck him off to right there.”

“I’m disappointed you didn’t join us” Mel replied. “He wanted your number too. I have his on me…somewhere.” She stripped off her jacket and shirt, leaving her in her sports bra peering down at her flesh. She found his phone number scribbled across her left breast in marker. “There! We could call him.”

“No! No, we are not…fuck, Mel” she sighed, crawling over to try and wipe the marker off before she had ideas. Mel broke into giggles when Amy rubbed her skin, her hand pressing against her tit. Amy blushed but was too drunk to care, licking her thumb and erasing the number. “And you call me childish” she said.

Mel finished laughing, reclining against the headboard as Amy sat next to her, passing the bottle between them. “So, what should we play?” Mel asked again.

“I don’t know. Spin the bottle?” Amy suggested, analysing the liquid left. They had a few more sips to go before it was empty.

“Nah, no fun with only two people. We just end up kissing each other” she replied. She pondered it a moment taking another swig before shouting “I know. Truth or dare!”

“seriously?” Amy asked looking at her. Met with a nod, she shrugged and replied “Truth.”

“Have you ever had sex?” Mel asked.

“Wow! That’s where you want to start?” Amy laughed. “Duh, of course I have. First time was that guy from down the street. The house party, remember?”

“Oh yeah” Mel smiled recalling the evening. “What happened to him?”

“I think he moved back to wales after he broke up with his girlfriend.”

“Was that the same girlfriend he cheated on with you?” She asked.

“Yes. Though I didn’t know we were cheating at the time” Amy groaned.

Mel turned her head and looked at the red haired Scottish girl. “You ever think about going away?” She asked.

Amy pondered the question before dodging it and telling her “it’s my turn. Truth or dare.”

“Dare” she said immediately.

Amy took another sip of the vodka as she came up with a dare for her to complete. “I dare you to…down the rest of this in one go” she said, passing her the bottle.

Mel looked at the remaining drink and scoffed. “Too easy” she said, tipping the bottle and swallowing a dozen shots full of vodka at once. Though she successfully completed the dare, she was retching for over a minute at the taste while the alcohol made her lightheaded. Amy laughed, taking the empty bottle and tossing it onto the floor next to her. “Right, truth or dare” Mel coughed.

“Truth” Amy replied.

“Are you still waiting for the doctor to come back?” She asked her.

The question surprised the redhead, making her inhale sharply as glance at her best friend. Mel knew all about her raggedy man who fell out of the sky when she was a child, her doctor. Everyone else believed he was imaginary, but Mel thought he was just as real. And the truth was Amy was convinced he’d come back for her. He said minute minutes. It had been years since then. “I don’t want to answer that” she told her, sitting up and turning away.

“If you don’t answer, you’ll have to do a dare” Mel warned her, but she understood if Amy wasn’t ready to talk about it.

“Fine. Give me a dare” she snapped, indicating that was the case.

Mel sighed, thinking about something to give her. “I dare you to strip naked” she suggested. It was part manipulation. She knew Amy would never willingly submit to something so humiliating. But just to show how determined against answering her question she was, Amy stumbled to her feet and awkwardly removed every article of clothing she had on. Mel watched in amazement as her best friend flopped back onto the bed completely naked, fixing her glare on the girl. “Wow, I didn’t think you’d actually…”

“Truth or dare” she said bluntly.

Mel shrugged. “Truth” she replied.

“How many guys have you had sex with tonight?” Amy found herself asking.

Mel tilted her head in thought. “Define the term “had sex”” she queried.

Amy rolled her eyes. “Fucked. In any sense.”

Mel nodded, counting on her fingers as she listed them off. “Well, there was the guy who bought us drinks at the first bar, the other guy I let finger me under the table, the guy you saw me with, that one in the closet before we left, those two guys on the dance floor…”

“Wait, on the dance floor?” Amy asked.

“It was crowded. I don’t even remember undoing my trousers. “Anyway, them and then the bouncer to get us into the club…”


“Hey, you asked for truth” she replied.

“Well I changed my mind” she groaned, shaking her head in disgust. “You are such a slut.”

“Hey, at least I know how to have fun” she laughed. “Now truth or dare.”

“Dare” she said, unwilling to trust her with truth.

Mel crossed her legs and tapped her chin, wanting to make this dare a good one. She grinned when the perfect dare came to her. “I dare you to kiss me” she said.

Amy blinked in shock. “What? You can’t be…” but Mel’s grin became wider. “Fuck, you are an absolute slut” she said.

“That’s my dare. And you have to make it last for at least ten seconds. What are you going to do?” Mel asked.

Amy sighed in drunken annoyance, reluctantly adjusting in her seat until she was sitting directly in front of the girl. They stared at each other a long moment, one daring her with a smile while the other looked back with contempt. “Seriously?” Amy checked, as if hoping Mel was kidding. “Fine” she groaned, taking a deep breath and immediately feeling tipsy again. She wished they’d saved some of the vodka now, but she seemed to be drunk enough to grab Mel’s face in her hands and throw her face at her. Their lips met and she held it there counting to ten in her head, quickly letting go when it was done.

Mel found it underwhelming, but she couldn’t deny Amy had fulfilled the dare. “That was nice” she said.

“Fuck you” Amy replied in mild drunken disgust. “Your turn. Truth or dare.”

“Truth” she said.

“Were you just waiting for an excuse to make out with me?” Amy asked curiously. She noticed a pattern with her dares. First she got her naked, and now she asked for a kiss. If Amy was sober, she’d be wondering if Mel secretly fancied her. Drunk Amy just assumed she was messing with her.

“Maybe” Mel admitted, her eyes glancing down Amy’s nakedness. “I’ll admit I was curious. Truth or dare.”

“Truth” she sighed.

“Have you ever kissed another girl before now?” She asked.

Amy laughed. “No, you were my first” she said.

“Oh, your first” she smiled, liking the sound of that. “So have you ever thought about experimenting as a lesbian?”

“Not that I’m obliged to answer because it’s your turn” Amy point out, “no, it’s never crossed my mind. Why? Have you?”


“Hmm” she hummed, fixing her wavering gaze on her. The alcohol was starting to get to her head now, making things fuzzy. “Truth or…or dare.”

“Dare” she said, also starting to feel the effects of the drink clouding her brain.

Later Amy would blame the drink for starting what came next. Starting with her suggesting “take off your clothes. I want to see who’s sexier.”

“Oh, I like that dare” Mel replied, rising to her knees and peeling her clothing off her dark skinned body. Within moments she was just as naked as Amy, the two girls sitting on the bed totally nude looking at each other. They both judged the other and Mel was the one to say “yup, you are definitely sexier.”

“Damn straight” Amy agreed, making them both giggle. “What man wouldn’t fuck me?”

“Or woman” Mel noted. She caught Amy’s stare and told her “seriously, you’d make a fantastic lesbian.”

“And you’d make a fantastic slut” she fired back. “Why haven’t you ever fucked a girl?”

Mel paused before answering “maybe I wanted to wait for the right girl. Truth or dare.”

“Dare” Amy replied.

Mel fixed her eyes on the drunken redhead, crawling over and leaning closer so she could whisper in a slurred voice “I dare you to become a lesbian. I dare you, Amy Pond, to have sex with a girl. I dare you to fuck me.”

Amy stared back at her best friend, who was now so close their breath could be felt on their skin. She realized Mel was propositioning her, something she would’ve have rejected in a heartbeat if asked at any other time. But in her intoxicated state, where her inhibitions were clouded and decision making askew, she ending up considering the dare carefully. And she came to the conclusion that Mel was hot and her best friend and that it wouldn’t hurt for two friends to fool around and try new things. That’s what friends are for, right?

“That’s what you want?” She asked. Mel nodded. “Okay then” Amy said, sitting up and leaning in to join Mel’s lips with hers. “I’ll fuck you.”

This kiss lasted longer than ten seconds, and it ended with the two girls tangled together with Amy’s back against the mattress and Mel on top of her. Things got passionate as Mel ran her hands over Amy’s sexy body, their kiss deepening until their tongues were invading each other’s mouths. She could feel her erect nipples rubbing against Amy’s breasts, which made them even harder as her pussy got wet and moist. When she broke the kiss Amy was breathless and panting, staring at Mel in a mix of awe and affection. “You’re a really good kisser” the dark girl told her, her hand caressing her white skin reaching down to grab her thigh.

Amy’s hands were also caressing Mel’s body, cupping her mounds squeezing them as she stared at her best friends face. “Wow, so are you” she muttered, her breasts heaving with pointed nipples. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Like what?” Mel asked, her fingers finding Amy’s pussy stroking her folds delicately.

Amy inhaled when she felt her hand at her entrance, her legs opening wider instinctively. “Made out with a girl. Made lo…sex! Sex with another girl” she gasped, Mel’s fingers finding her sensitive clit.

Mel smiled watching the redhead tremble, eagerly dipping her finger into her entrance to feel her silky walls and moist dampness. “Neither have I” she replied, lowering her head down to kiss the girls nipples. Amy moaned arching her back, clutching the bedsheets overcome with a new sensation of pleasure. They would both agree later having lesbian sex was so much different to regular sex. Mel sucked on Amy’s nipples the whole while she thrusted her finger into her snatch, only letting go when she added a second finger making the redhead whimper. “Does mommy want to cum?” She whispered.

“What?” Amy asked, barely hearing her friend before her body clenched around her hand to climax. He let out a strangled moan as she came, clutching the bedsheets releasing fluids onto Mel’s fingers.

Mel watched her orgasm before quickly dropping to the mattress between her legs to run her tongue along her lower lips, compelled to taste her fresh juices for herself. Amy moaned even more when she felt her tongue lapping up her cunt, her head spinning as she finally came down from her orgasm gasping for breath. Mel rose up to her knees moments later, sucking her fingers clean with cum smeared across her cheeks. She was already drunk, but Amy’s cum was taking her buzz to a new level. “Oh my, you taste great.”

“I should hope so after what you did” Amy slurred, blinking rapidly. “Fuck” she panted, looking up at Mel pulling her down to kiss her. She got high off the same taste on her tongue, rolling Mel onto her back to make out with her. “Did you say something, before you made me cum?” She asked.

Mel’s cheeks went red, remembering what she let slip. “I didn’t say anything” she lied.

“Yes you did” Amy insisted. “I heard the word “mommy”. Did you just call me mommy?”

“Forget about it” Mel deflected, kissing Amy on the lips. “I’m drunk. You’re drunk. We’re both drunk.”

“Yes we are” she agreed. “But I don’t have a rope play fetish” she laughed. “Do you call the guys you fuck daddy?”

“Only if I’m fucking Rory” Mel muttered under her breath. When Amy raised an eyebrow Mel deflected asking “didn’t you call a few of your lovers Doctor?”

“Shut up Melody” Amy scolded, angrily sucking on the girls tits while she giggled.

“I guess we both have our kinks” she said, stroking the girls red hair affectionately watching her.

Drunk Amy was certainly confident Amy. She could already see her prying her legs open. She gave her nipples a break to look at the young woman and her sexy body, resting her chin between her breasts. “I have to admit, the idea is kind of hot.”

“What? Giving me a Bow tie and playing Doctor?” Mel joked.

“Your kink” she said.

“I know it’s weird” Mel went to explain, but Amy brushed off the defence saying “I don’t mind. Sounds like fun. Now lay still. Mommy wants to lick some pussy” she said, diving between Mel’s legs to try and return the favour.

The moment Amy referred to herself and mommy, Mel’s cunt got so wet her fingers slid effortlessly inside along with her tongue. She got hot and steamy when she got going too, moaning softly falling from her elbows to her back. Amy wasn’t a natural, but Mel didn’t care. She was between her thighs, licking her pussy, fucking her like she wanted her too. Her hands came to her head, holding the back of her skull keeping her in place as she inserted a second finger curling upwards. “Just like that” she said, moaning uncontrollably when her mouth found and sucked her clit. “Fuck, yes mommy. Fuck your daughter! Fuck me!”

Shit, this is so weird Amy thought, followed immediately by and so hot. She couldn’t explain why this was turning her on, but she encouraged it. “Cum for mommy dear” she said, rubbing Mel’s clit roughly as she drilled three fingers into her soaking cunt. A few minutes later and she did, the girl screaming as she came into Amy’s mouth and over her face, drenching her hands. “Good girl” she smiled, oddly proud of her.

She crawled up to make out with her a moment, sharing her taste on her tongue before collapsing beside her. Mel rolled with her so they could kiss on the bed, their bodies rubbing together sticky with cum. “That was so hot” Mel whispered.

“You are such a slut” Amy replied.

“You’re a slut now too” Mel grinned, making them both laugh. After a few moments of kissing Mel looked at Amy seductively. “So if we’re both sluts now, does that mean you’re ready to go again?”

Amy cast her eyes down along their naked bodies and how they were rubbing together, the ache returning to her loins. “I am if you are” she replied.

Mel grinned, hooking her palm behind Amy’s head to pull her into a kiss. “If you want, I can play Doctor for you” she whispered in her ear as she kissed along her neck.

“No, that kink only works with boys” she mumbled back, embracing the girl as she let her kiss and grope her. Not that she cared. She was just horny enough to continue fucking her best friend and drunk enough to continue fulfilling her kink. “Now give mommy a kiss and I’ll have sex with you.”

Mel accepted the offer, kissing the redhead until they found themselves sitting on the bed scissoring each other with their thighs. Both girls were moaning as their pussies rubbed together, their clits grinding against flesh making them both sensitive and dripping wet. “Oh, fuck yes! Keep going mommy” Mel moaned, wrapping her arm around one of Amy’s legs grinding between her thighs.

Amy did the same, clutching Mel’s thigh along with the bedsheets grinding against her. She had no idea if they were doing it right but she was sure this was how those actresses on the videos did it. It’s seemed to be working judging by how quickly the pressure was building in her gut. “Fuck, I’m so close” she moaned, her back arching.

“So am I” Mel echoed, her toes curling into the mattress feeling the same pressure as their clits pressed together. “I’m going to cum.”

“Hold on Mel” Amy said, reaching out to grab her friends hand and interface her fingers with hers. “We can cum together” she said, resisting her own climax a moment longer. “On the count of three” she whined, seeing Mel nod frantically. She counted down, the orgasm breaking to boiling point. “One…t..two…THREE!”

Both the young women screamed as they released a shared orgasm, cumming simultaneously clamping their thighs together to squirt fluids against one another as their bodies curled and contorted around each other. Their hair stuck to their faces when they finally collapsed back onto the bed breathless and panting, their chests heaving while their hips quivered from aftershocks. The bedsheets were drenched in sweat and cum, their arousal filling the air making the two drunken lovers lightheaded.

The orgasm left them both exhausted, their eyelids too heavy to open, their limbs too weak to move. The only one who managed to shift her body was Mel, who groaned from discomfort as she sluggishly lifted her head to look at Amy’s naked body strewn across her bed. She rolled forward, attempting to crawl up to her, but instead slumped forward falling on top of the girl. Amy grunted a little, but Mel seemed content resting against her chest using her breast as a pillow. “You okay?” She asked, dragging her hand up to pat her head and shoulders.

“Hmm” Mel replied sleepily. She seemed perfectly satisfied. Before she passed out, she muttered an odd line; “I love you mom.”

Amy tried not to be too weird out, though she was to delirious to worry about it. So she lazily replied “love you too sweetie” before letting her head fall back to the pillow and pass out into unconsciousness.

The next morning the two of them would wake up with a splitting hangover and a vague memory of what they did last night. Amy would feel mortified about succumbing to a lesbian affair while Mel would be relieved the redhead wouldn’t recall her best friend confessing to be her daughter from the future in her drunken stupor.

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