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Adventures in Time & Space: Disciplining Ace (Doctor Who)

Ace knew she was going to be in for it one of these days, if she kept up her reckless antics and disobedient attitude. It wasn’t in her nature to do as she was told.

But when she returned to the TARDIS to find the Doctor waiting for her, she could tell she was in for a reckoning.

“What’s going on Professor?” She asked, acting all innocent as she walked around the console. She could smell trouble coming a mile away, and he had that look most of her teachers gave her before they started threatening detention.

The Doctor kept his gaze on her while he circled the room, his umbrella in his hands behind his back. He was silent for a long moment. Long enough to make the young woman anxious. “I think it’s time we reasserted some ground rules, Dorothy” he said.

Ace’s lips twitched in a scowl. He knew she hated that name. She knew he was trying to provoke her. She held her tongue, swallowing the spiteful remark she might’ve thrown at him. She didn’t respond, not wanting to acknowledge her true name.

The Doctor didn’t smile, approaching her slowly, staring at her. “How many times how you disobeyed me over the past twenty-four hours?” He asked her.

She shrugged. “I dunno” she replied, looking down at the ground.

“You don’t like to do as you’re told” he remarked quietly. Disapprovingly.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “It’s never bothered you before.”

“Your disobedience has never put you in real danger before now” he said, referring to their last adventure.

She grimaced, recalling how close she had come to being killed this time. And getting others hurt. She looked down apologetically. “I’m sorry professor. I’ll try to do better.”

“I sure you will” he said in a low commanding voice. He walked past her, tapping his umbrella. “But it’s high time I started enforcing some of these rules you keep breaking. So today, I think a reprimand or two is in order.”

Ace looked up at him, unable to hide her amused smirk. “What are you going to do? Spank my bottom?” She joked.

The Doctor turned his head and smirked. Ace lost hers and turned pale.


A few minutes later, after some stern words and loud protesting, Ace was in her bedroom being bent over the Doctor’s lap and having her bottom spanked. “if you insist on acting like a child, I will endeavor to treat you like one” he said while he brought his palm against her backside to smack her.

Ace gasped, clutching the bedsheets tightly as she held back a scream. The Doctor didn’t pull his punches in his corporal punishment. Each slap rang loudly and hurt as it connected to her bum. It was humiliating enough to be marched in here and told to remove her clothes, stripping down to her underwear before being laid over his knee so he could pull her panties down and bare her bum. But she never thought she’d actually be put through this torture. At least it’s not the cane, she thought, recalling one grumpy old hag at her school used to have one and always threatened to use it on the troublemakers.

The Doctor smacked her again, counting the number of times he recalled she disobeyed him. The number was growing and her ass was glowing red now. He alternated cheeks to keep it even, bringing his hand down and eliciting another gasp or grunt or whimper from the young woman. Ace wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of showing pain, or fear, but he could see it in her body language, every time she tensed when he raised his hand bracing for the next slap.

“Do you think that’s enough?” He asked her after after two more smacks, nursing her tender bum with his fingers.

Ace held her breath, afraid it was a trick. How many time had he spanked her? Somehow it didn’t feel like enough.

“Have you learnt your lesson?” He asked her.

She nodded her head.

“You won’t disobey me again, will you?”

She shook her head.

He hummed thoughtfully, with a little suspicion. His hand caressed her bum and she tensed. He heard the tiniest of whimpers, anticipating more. He nodded, satisfied with the punishment. “Stand up” he instructed. She obeyed, awkwardly climbing to her feet. She pulled her panties up and winced as they rubbed against her sore bottom. He sat on her bed with his umbrella in front of him, resting his chin on the handle while she stood before him sheepishly. “You promise you will do as you are told from now on?” He asked her.

“Yes professor” she replied quietly, looking down at the floor.

“Look at me” he said. She lifted her gaze. Their eyes met. “I need to be sure”he told her sternly. “If you do as you are told…if you are a good girl…you will be rewarded. If not…bad girl’s get punished” he told her.

She shivered, glancing down at her state of undress, then at the older man seeing a familiar mischievous look in his eye. Her lips flashed a smile. “I will be a good girl. I promise” she replied.

His lips curled into a smile. “We shall see” he smirked.

His first first task for her was simple. He instructed her to kneel in front of him and suck his cock, something she was very capable of. She followed his instructions obediently, showing him she could do as she was told after all. She took him into her mouth and lavished his manhood with her tongue, wrapping her lips around him and bobbing her head up and down. He petted the back of her head proudly, leaning back to enjoy the blowjob from his obedient assistant.

“Good girl. See, you can follow the rules” he smiled. “Do you want your reward?” She nodded her head eagerly, worshiping his cock until he gave it to her in her mouth. “Remember to swallow” he added.

Ace found herself unprepared for the volume of ejaculate he let out, struggling to resist her gag reflex before she coughed it up. She released his cock and panted while more plastered her face, dripping onto her chest. She managed to swallow what she could but it dribbled onto his lap. She looked up and saw him looking disapprovingly. “I’m sorry Professor. I tried” she said sincerely.

He hummed, looking at his stained trousers. He beckoned her up and she rose anxiously. “I suppose I could let this one slide” he considered, zipping up his trousers. Ace smiled, wiping the cum off her chin and scooping it into her mouth. “You promise to be good from now on?” He asked again.

“Yes professor” she replied in earnest.

“Excellent. We wouldn’t want you to make any bad habits, would we?”

Ace saw an opportunity and stepped forward. “What if I like being a bad girl?” She asked curiously.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “Then I’d have to punish you again” he replied.

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “But I’ve been a very bad girl professor” she admitted, teasing him with a dance while she stripped out of her underwear, tempting him with her young sexy body. “Maybe I should be punished again” she suggested.

The Doctor examined her eager young body, giving her his own conniving smile. “Are you sure you haven’t been punished enough” he inquired, reaching down to squeeze her red bottom.

Ace stifled a whimper, her butt still very sore and sensitive. Now that she thought about it, she wasn’t confident she’d be able to sit down for a while. She exhaled slowly, the Doctor’s palm feeling very hot against her flesh. She looked up at him and put on an innocent face. “Maybe I need a different punishment. I have been very bad.”

He considered her suggestion, admiring her honesty at least. He looked down at his stained clothes and shrugged, tossing the umbrella aside. “I’m sure I can think of something” he whispered, removing his clothing.

Ace grinned, excitedly watching the man get undressed, waiting patiently like the good girl she wanted to be. He approved of this and beckoned her forward to get a kiss on the lips. She kissed him back, her loins warming up. “Climb on the bed” he ordered. She obeyed, climbing up and lying on the mattress comfortably. “On all fours” he corrected.

Ace hesitated a moment before rolling over, getting into position. “What are you going to do Professor?” She asked nervously. She squeaked when his hands grasped her sore bum. “Professor, I’m so sensative down there” she whimpered.

“Exactly. Meat tastes the most delicious when it’s tender” he replied, diving into her ass to devour it.

Ace whimpered when the Doctor started licking at her anus, using his hands to squeeze and massage her butt making her moan. She clutched the bedsheets, gritting her teeth trying not to vocalize how much discomfort she was in. “Please…Professor, couldn’t we just…” she suddenly cried out when his hand smacked her hard on the ass. “Ow!” She yelled, whirling around. “What was that for?”

“From now on, I’d decided to spank you every time you call me proffessor” he explained firmly. “My name is the Doctor.”

“Every time? Come on proffessor…”

He slapped her again, getting another yelp as he smacked her sore bum. She stumbled forward, holding her breath and trembling. “Do I need to count up the number of times you broke this rule today?” He asked her.

She quickly shook her head, already capable of doing the math and not liking it. The Doctor returned to eating out her ass, delving deeper into her hole with his tongue. Any other day this might’ve made Ace quiver with pleasure. But after all that spanking it was torture. “Please…” she whimpered.

“What’s that Ace?” He asked, rising up glean over the shaking girl. He caressed her backside and watched her shiver under his touch. “I seem to recall you enjoy a little anal, don’t you” he said, bringing his dick to tease her back door. “Perhaps that’s to be expected. If good girls get rewarded, then bad girls deserve to get it in the…”

“No, please don’t” she suddenly screamed, her head shaking back and forth frantically. “Please pro…Doctor, don’t put it in my ass” she begged, on the verge of tears.

He leaned over her curiously. “And why not?”

“Because it hurts. My ass is sore and it hurts and if you put it in me I might die” she said, surprised at her own words tumbling out of her mouth.

The Doctor was impressed. Ace had been reduced to pleading faster than he anticipated. He looked at his cock, rubbing it against her anus breifly, listening to her whimper pitifully. “Bad girls should be punished” he reminded her, running his hands over her bum and her back.

Ace held back a sob when she felt something push against her ass, the threat of pain too much to handle. She shook her head desperately.

“Do you promise to be good from this point on?” He asked her.

“I promise. I’ll be a good girl, I swear” she screamed.

He waited for an agonizing minute before removing his cock from her anus. She released a shaky breath, tears falling down her cheeks without her knowing. “Roll onto your back” he ordered, which she did without complaint. He leaned over her and looked down at the anxious girl. “You still need to finish your punishment” he said.

“Yes Doctor” she whispered, lying still waiting for him to punish her.

But instead he took her knees and spread her legs, gently lowering himself between her thighs to enter her tight pussy. She moaned in relief, and pleasure at last as the older man lay on top of her, pinning her down with his weight. “Now I’m going to fuck you at my own pace” he told her quietly. “It will be slow and I will enjoy it. But you…you are not allowed to cum until I say so” he said.

“Okay” she replied.

It didn’t sound like much of a punishment at first. But then the Doctor fucked her at an agonizingly slow pace, dragging his cock back and forth along her walls. Her breathing got heavier, which became harder to take as the time lord’s body pressed down against her almost crushing her. Ace moaned softly, her mouth falling open and her eyelids closing. After a while her chest heaved and she felt an urge in her gut, a climax incoming. She was about to cum when the Doctor tutted in her ear. She held her breath, holding it in. Then she realized the true extent of this cruel punishment. “Oh no. Oh fuck” she whimpered.

The a doctor took his time with her, and enjoyed watching her face contort each time she forced herself to deny an orgasm, to hold her breath, to suppress a moan. Her walls constricted and her breasts pushed against him. She was becoming uncomfortable and desperate. She opened her eyes and would flash daggers at him, hating him, pleading with him, willing to apologize for everything. If she could breath properly, she might string some curses together and shout at him, then follow-up with with an apology and a vow she’d never be naughty or bad again. But the Doctor would continue to fuck her slowly, savoring her torment, making sure she learnt her lesson.

After several long painful minutes, maybe twenty or so, Ace was on the verge of sobbing. “Please” she whimpered, so rigid she might snap in two.

The Doctor looked at her and decided she had suffered enough. He leant down and gently whispered in her ear “you May cum now.”

Those works opened a dam and Ace experienced the biggest climax in her life. She was hit with an orgasm so powerful she had to clutch the Doctor to hold onto something. Her pussy gushed and she squeezed his manhood in her young cunt, taking him on the longest rollercoaster ever. By the end, she was moaning and gasping and shaking, shivering and sweating before finally collapsing on the edge of consciousness. She wasn’t even sure if the Doctor finished somewhere in that madness. All that mattered as the feeling of relief that washed over her. She never wanted to be a bad girl again.

The time lord gave her a few minutes to recover, climbing off her and sitting on the bed next to her. When she was coherent, she sat up and looked at him embarressed. “I’m sorry” she said, forgetting what she was apologizing for.

“Apology accepted” he said. He got to his feet and stretched, like he was enjoying a good workout. “Now, remember the new rules we’ve established” he said. “We wouldn’t want to repeat some of those punishments now, would we?” Ace shook her head obediently, sitting on the edge of her bed like a child. The Doctor smiled, satisfied with his handling of the situation. “Now go get cleaned up. We’ve got places to be” he smirked.

Ace grinned excitedly, jumping to her feet. “Yes proffessor” she cheered. She went to rush of and have a shower when his hand shot out to smack her bum again. She yelped and spun around, seeing him raise and eyebrow. “Sorry Doctor” she replied, rubbing her sore bottom.

The Doctor smiled, tapping the girl on the nose. “Good girl” he said. He had a feeling these new ground rules were going to work out very well.

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