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Adventures in Time & Space: Dalek Assault (Doctor Who)

It was weak and wounded, but the Dalek was far from powerless. And it’s hate fueled its determination.

It stalked the warehouse while the soldiers hunted it. Inferior beings with primitive weapons. But without its mobile shell, the alien was vulnerable. And injured. It had enough adrenaline to attack one of the humans, but not enough strength to kill it. It needed time to heal, but it’s rage was profound. It stalked its prey, hunting those who hunted it. But it was smarter than them. Smart enough to see, in its weakened state, they were too mobile to kill.

So it went in search of weaker prey.


Tegan was still suffering from a concussion. One minute she was conscious and awake. The next she was delirious and passing out. The bomb unit dressed the wound on her head and she was ordered to remain in the cot to rest. Just as well. Every-time she tried to get up she got dizzy. She laid down and tried to sleep, despite the pounding headache.

The Doctor disappeared with the soliders to secure the warehouse. The woman helping her left to chase up the ambulance for her. Turlough was still out there somewhere, possible through the time corridor. And then there was the Daleks.

Tegan wasn’t sure how she was going to sleep through all of this. But she closed her eyes and tied. She felt so tired.


The Dalek found its prey with ease. The human female was immobilized, lying on a cot with a blanket over her. It followed her scent and crawled along the floor, scurrying up to climb up under the blankets with her.

She stirred momentarily before drifting off again, unaware of the mutated alien crawling up her bare legs towards her.

The only sign of an intruder was the shifting of the blanket as she moved underneath. If someone was to come in and remove it, they would find a large disgusting mash of skin and muscle pulling itself over her with long slimy tentacles and a pulsing hateful eye glaring at them.

It climbed up her legs and crept under her black skirt, which was lifted with it above her navel. She shivered as her body felt something rub against her groin, the slime soaking her underwear while a hungry alien explored this specimen seeking a weak point. They had studied humans meticulously over the years and knew everything about their anatomy. This Dalek found the entrance to her reproductive organs, tearing open her panties to gaze at her sex. It was crude, but her bodily functions could sustain it for a little while, before it killed her. It latched onto her body and brought its mouth to her entrance, inserting its feeding tube.


Tegan gasped in her sleep, her dreams becoming vivid. The concussion kept making her hallucinate breifly, so she mistook the sensation of something penetrating her as a figment of her imagination. She writhed on the cot as she dreamt of being entangled in vines, each of them wrapping around her body, grabbing her arms and legs. She tossed her head from side to side, trying to escape the dream. Then she felt the pressure in her pussy and she moaned, her dream becoming something wet and erotic.

Her walls clenched around the invader, but it probed deeper, soaking up her cum. She fell against her pillow, her knees bending attempting to slam shut. Her thighs were forced open by thick tentacles coiling around them, her legs pinned down to keep her still. More wrapped around her torso, slithering under her shirt to stimulate her breasts to make her aroused. She whimpered hotly, her body reacting on instruct, playing into her invaders hands. Somewhere in her delirium she tried to reach down and and grab her attacker, but tentacles caught her wrists and pinned them to her sides, coiling up her arms.

The feeding tube pushed all the way to her womb, making her cry out in pain as it breached her uterus. It began to suck up her fluids, using her body to sustain itself and make it stronger. Her moaned became wails, the vivid dreams starting to crumble. The pain was waking her up. The Dalek didn’t care if she was conscious or aware of what was happening to her, but it wanted her silent. It sent its longest tentacle up her arching spine to loop around her throat, squeezing it tight, preventing her from screaming.

Tegan choked on her wails as she was strangled, her body violated, her awareness drifting to horror as she realized she wasn’t dreaming before becoming fuzzy as she started to lose consciousness. Black spots started dancing around her vision as she was suffocated, the tentacles crushing her slowly while this thing drank from her womb. She whimpered pitifully, calling for the Doctor making what little sound she could before she passed out.


The Dalek fumed, extracting itself from the unconscious female.

Her body had delivered as much sustenance as it could while she was conscious. But it could not grow stronger on what little she had to give. It had no reason to continue raping her, but it also did not have the strength to finish her off either. The effort taken to strangle her into an unconscious state had proved too taxing already. It had to leave, before it was discovered.

The Dalek slipped out of the command area, leaving Tegan unconscious in her cot. It sought to take its rage out on the Doctor and the humans helping him. It’s rage will give it the strength it required when the time comes.

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