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Adventures in Time & Space: Cambridge Canal (Doctor Who)

Romana wouldn’t have called Cambridge to be a romantic location. Traveling along the canal by boat, basking in the sun reading a book while the Doctor pushed them along, however, had been a very pleasant experience. It was very tranquil, even if the odd pedestrian staring at them from the bridges they passed under.

The Time Lady lowered her book while she conversed with the Doctor, admiring him up on his perch with the pole in his hands demonstrating one of Newton’s fundamental laws. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Push the pole, the ground pushes back, the boat moves forward. Of course that’s consistent provided your grip on said pole is firm to apply equal pressure. If you let go of the pole, the pole stays where it is and slips out of your grasp, just like if did when the Doctor got complacent and nearly toppled into the water. She laughed as he fumbled for it, amused by his brief incompetence. “Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to paddle back to shore” he said, climbing into the boat to seek out their alternative.

She closed her book and sat up, giving him a playful expression as she put her hand on his arm. “Or we could just drift for a while. It’s a lovely day, after all” she suggested.

The Doctor raised his eyebrow, nodding his head before sitting back in his seat. “It is, isn’t it? Beautiful sun. Calm water.”

“And not a single onlooker in sight” Romana observed, noticing they had drifted into a secluded part of the canal. Out of sight of the roads, with one one footbridge which was currently vacant.

“peaceful” the Doctor agreed.

“Private” Romana smirked, casually unbuttoning her blouse.

The Doctor looked at her, observing how she laid back and slowly unbuttoned her dress. He smiled, admiring how bold she had become since they began traveling together. “Are you suggesting we take the opportunity to sunbathe?”

“I’m suggesting we take the opportunity to make the most of this boat ride before we have to go see the Proffessor” she replied, slipping off her gloves. Her hair fell behind her back as she beckoned the Time Lord to her, brushing his leg with her foot.

He didn’t need any more convincing to climb across and join her in a sultry kiss. She pulled him into her waiting arms, their lips moving as one. They had been taking as many moments like this as they could. It was more exciting than having sex in the TARDIS. Romana had become addictive to the risk.

The boat drifted gently along the canal, momentum carrying them further along the water, while the two of them peeled out of their clothes. They didn’t get naked, only removing what got in the way. Romana spread her legs and the Doctor eased himself into her, their gasps of pleasure escaping their mouths. She had given him access to her breasts as well as her womanhood, and he fondled them like a child. She moaned in pleasure, squeezing his manhood with her walls.

“This is the life” the Doctor sighed, rocking the boat gently as they made love. “Beautiful day. Calm water. Gorgeous women.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, Doctor” she smiled, kissing him delicately.

“Oh? Anywhere in particular?”

She giggled, biting her lower lip. “Wait and see” she teased, hooking her legs around him to pull him deeper. The boat rocked and she clung onto him tightly, panting into his ear.

There was a moment when she opened her eyes and thought she saw a man watching them from a nearby bridge. She cocked her head, wondering why he was staring so intently. He didn’t have the look of a man who had caught a couple having sex on the canal. And then there was the voices. She was sure she heard voices, whispering, arguing, talking over each other. But then the Doctor’s cock hit that spot that she loved so much and her orgasm jostled her attention away. When she opened her eyes again, the man was gone and the voices had vanished.

“Are you alright?” The Doctor asked her.

She looked back at the man, who had paused to see she had become distracted. She cast one last look at the empty bridge before nodding. “Everything is fine” she replied. She couldn’t see any reason for anything to be wrong.

The Doctor shrugged and asked if she wanted to resume. She agreed. They could get another orgasm or two before they needed to go see the Professor.

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