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Adventures in Time & Space: Call me Master (Doctor Who)

Bruce’s snoring always seemed to keep her awake at night. You’d think after being together for so long she would have gotten used to it, or found a way to deal with it. But no, she continued to toss and turn and curse under her breath. Of course he was oblivious to her irritation as she reached into the bedside counter and pulled out the earplugs from the drawer. They wouldn’t drown out the noise entirely, but hopefully they’ll let her sleep.

While the young woman laid in bed beside the paramedic, Bruce’s jacket moved as the Master slithered out of the sleeve. His latest scheme to survive his execution left him without a body, his remains now this semicorporeal serpent made of ectoplasm. He had escaped the TARDIS and sought the Doctor. But first he would need a new vessel, a new body. He slithered across the dark bedroom towards the bed, slithering under the sheets seeking out the pair of sleeping humans unaware of his presence.

It was the female he found first. He crawled over her bare legs, slithering up and under her nightgown. She shifted in her sleep, her eyes closed, her hearing muffled. She was finally dozing off and believed she was dreaming. In the dream she was somewhere warm and beautiful and she was enjoying the company of a handsome man with big muscles and a chiseled jaw. She sighed as she rolled onto her back, brushing her cheek with her hand, her mind conjuring the fantasy of his lips against hers.

The human mind could play many tricks on a person, even as their body is being assaulted by an alien entity. The Master snaked around her body slowly, stalking up between her breasts towards her face. The woman moaned as the slimy sensation slithering over her was mistaken for the touch of a sexy paramedic, even as the snakelike creature coiled around her neck to look at her aroused face. Her hand moved under the sheets to her groin, slipping under her nightgown to touch herself. Her lips parted and she inhaled deeply, unwittingly opening the door for the Master to invade her body.

He dove into her mouth and slithered down her throat, causing her to gag and choke. But this did not wake the woman from her dream as her mind imagined it as a cock she was swallowing. She began to suck, her neck bulging and her torso jerking and convulsing. Her hands clenched into fists and her toes curled into the bedsheets. Arousal spiked within her as the Master squirmed deeper, forcing his way down her throat. Her body protested even if her mind did not, yet she did not wake up. Not even when he submerged completely into her body and she gasped for breath.

He decided at once this body wouldn’t do. It was fragile and weak. He pushed further, slithering through her stomach and into her intestines. The woman moaned, her body writhing on the bed as the entity made its way through her to her exit. The slimy serpent left out of her ass and she exhaled. Then, either because he changed his mind or out of morbid curiosity, the Master twisted and plunged into her other hole, penetrating her cunt and pushing into her womb. She let out a cry which Bruce didn’t hear due to his snoring, her back arching off the back as she felt something deep in her uterus squirming and slithering, exploring and pushing against her walls. Whatever dream her mind cunjored drove her mad and she climaxed in her sleep. So did the painful sensation of giving birth to this alien as it exited the way it came.

The young woman colapsed against the bed panting, breathing heavily and deeply as ectoplasm trailed from her open legs, the gaping hole of her violating pussy pulsing with each breath. She wouldn’t have any realization of what was done to her. To her, it was all a strange dream.

The Master moved on to his next victim. His next potential body. Like before, he slithered to Bruce’s mouth first. Even in this form, he had no intention of penetrating the male through his anus. He gazed at the snoring man a moment before plunging forward, silencing his snoring as he forced his way down his throat. This time Bruce almost woke up. But the shock and the lack of breathing capability knocking him unconscious pretty quickly, long enough for the Master to violate him and enter his body.

Next to him, his partner registered the snoring had stopped through her earplugs and smiled. “finally” she whispered.

Bruce fell still on the bed for almost an hour, his torso rising and falling as the Master acclimated to this body. Soon the man’s spirit was consumed and replaced by his superior mind, the entity seeping into every corner of the host until there was nothing of Bruce left. When the man sat up and opened his eyes, they flowed green with narrow slits like a serpent. The Master breathed in his new lungs and smiled.

“Mm. Baby, come to bed” his girlfriend whispered, registering his absence in her sleep.

The Master turned and looked down at the human female, a sinister gleam in his gaze. He would need time to acclimate to controlling this body. He would require practice. So he started with her, moving down to pull the covers off the hot young woman and examining her gorgeous body intently.

She stirred when his shadow fell over her, hands moving unnaturally over her body. Her nightdress was dragged up to her hips exposing her lower half. Her breath came out shallowly and her eyes fluttered open. “Baby?” She whispered groggily. Her eyes widened a moment when she saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at her. But then Bruce’s lips pressed against hers and she was pinned to the bed, the air sucked out of her lungs as his tongue plunged into her throat. She froze briefly, trapped and immobile. But then she closed her eyes and melted into the powerful kiss, her hands reaching up to pull him closer. Their lips ground against each other and their tongues danced, the powerful man dominating her until she couldn’t breathe. And then he pulled away and she was able to pant again, her heart racing. “Oh, baby…” she whispered.

The Master tested control over this body by seizing control over this woman. He held her down and kissed along her neck and jaw, groping her breasts and stimulating her nipples to make her cry. He pinned her wrists down so she couldn’t move, dragging his nails over her thighs as he spread her legs to plunge his manhood into her vagina. She screamed and howled in pleasure, arching her back when he thrust into her hard and fast, fucking her into the bed with more force that she had experienced before. Her toes curled and she moaned, her nipples growing hard. “Yes Baby, FASTER!” She screamed. She wrapped her arms around her lover, clutching him tight, riding the waves of escasty shooting up her spine while he fucked her harder and faster, driving her wild like never before. She came and screamed and then came again, spiraling from one orgasm to the next. Her hips buckled, her back curved, her mouth fell open. She screamed in disbelief and joy and rapture while the Master ravaged her human form with a sinister smile.

It was hours before she woke up again to find Bruce standing by the window gazing out at the rising sun. She had a smile on her face, recalling the satisfaction she felt when they finally stopped making love. She rolled over the mattress gazing at him, barely feeling the bruises his powerful fingers left over her body. She didn’t know what possessed Bruce last night to fuck her that hard, be she found it alluring and exciting and was eager to go again.

Unfortunately, the Master had no intention of indulging in carnal activities today. He had other concerns to worry about. And a Doctor to find.

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