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Adventures in Time & Space: Bad Dreams (Doctor Who)

Tegan found herself in that dark place again. She couldn’t remember how she got here. Was she dreaming again? Or had she never left?

“DOCTOR!” She called, her voice echoing back at her from the darkness. Her heart started to race as she ran, but she didn’t seem to be going anywhere. She began to panic, hearing the laughter coming from all directions. She didn’t ask who it was. She knew. She recalled that giggle. She covered her ears, but she could still hear it. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” She screamed.

“Oh Tegan, you will never be alone” a sinister voice told her, its sound creeping into her skull and filling her with terror.

She spun around and gasped as the figure stood before her, dressed in monochrome exactly as before, with the same twisted grin and piercing gaze. She stood her ground, even though every nerve in her body told her to run like mad. “You’re not real” she said, her voice shaking.

He stepped forward, his smile growing wider when she stepped back in fear. “How can you be so sure?” He asked her.

“I know. We banished you. You were sent away” she cried. He reached for her and she leapt back gripping her head. “I won’t let you take over my mind again” she yelled.

His laugh cut through her like a knife. Suddenly he was behind her, his hot breath on the back of her neck. “My sweet child…I don’t need your mind. Your soul is already mine” he hissed.

Tegan gasped as her breath left her lungs, her eyes rolling into her skull. She fell backwards into the arms of this man, who wrapped his arms around her like a blanket. She fell into the blackness and suddenly she was suspended in the air by the thick red scaly body of a giant snake. She stiffened as it looped around her, hugging her body over the black void. She lifted her head and saw the massive head hover in front of her face, it’s yellow eyes piercing her soul.

“You belong to me now, little human” The Mara whispered. “Your mind, body and soul are mine to do with as I please.”

Tegan felt all control leave her as she submitted to the Mara. It wasn’t like before. Last time it locked her in her mind and took control of her body. She looked down and watched as she undressed herself against her will, her own hands molesting her breasts and pussy. The Mara laughed through her mouth, savoring the pleasure it put her through, the abuse it forced upon her. She moaned from the orgasms, screamed from the pain, but couldn’t stop it from fucking her raw.

Then the hallucinations came. Previous hosts. She saw Aris, the member of the Kinda she gave the snake too. He pulled her into his arms and thrust himself into her, raping her with his thick manhood. Then the figure from before arrived, fucking her from behind, pulling on her hair, nails digging into her flesh. She found herself strewn over a chessboard next, spitroasted between two elderly figures who bickered over her wailing body, taking out their frustrations upon her. She was violated in both body and spirit, collapsing to her knees in tears. Then her eyes lifted and she gasped in horror as she saw herself, a clone, a doppelgänger, who wore the same sinister grin before she climbed on top of her and forced herself upon the girl. Tegan discovered what it meant to go fuck oneself as she was assaulted by a crueler and more sadistic version of herself.

The black void persisted. She didn’t know how long she was here. She didn’t even know where here was. She tumbled through space from one nightmare to the next. Or maybe it was the same nightmare. She stopped calling out for help. She knew none was coming. She couldn’t escape the Mara before, why would this time be any different? And the Mara had her firmly in its grasp. She would try to run but it’s snakelike form would coil around her, wrapping her up so tightly until she couldn’t breathe. Sometimes it would loop around her torso and crush her chest until her ribs constricted against her lungs. Other times it wrapped around her neck and strangle her, taking perverse pleasure it watching her turn blue. She would find herself hanging off the ground, suspended horizontally or upside down, left to catch her breath or pass out. It’s eyes were always watching her when she opened hers, waiting for her to regain consciousness.

At some point she stopped fighting back. She welcomed it instead, submitting to its will as it was forced upon her. She rode its thick erection when it invaded her holes, clutching its scaly body bouncing on its cock like she was hypnotized. She’d stumble from one abuser to the next, fucking each of them like a whore or a slut, smiling when they punished her or hit her. She would watch in fascination as the Mara gave her visions of all the ways it tormented her, letting her watch from outside her body as it was raped and strangled or devoured by its huge maw. She witnessed herself get swallowed whole, her body sliding headfirst down its gullet to be suffocated inside its stomach. She looked down and saw its mouth sliding up and over her breasts, eating her up and making her disappear into the darkness.

“You are mine, now and forever” the Mara told her.


Somehow, Tegan found her way out of the nightmare, waking up on her bed in a cold sweat. She was panting and screaming, her heart pounding against her chest, struggling to breathe.

The small figure sat up next to her, her eyes full of concern as she wrapped her arms around the young woman. “What’s wrong?” Nyssa asked, comforting the earthling through her panic attack.

Tegan fought to get her breathing under control, looking around the bedroom of the TARDIS, reminding herself it was just a dream. She clutched Nyssa’s hands, squeezing them tight for support. She had tears in her eyes.

“Another nightmare?” Nyssa asked. Tegan nodded. “Was it Adric?” She asked.

Tegan shook her head. “The Mara. I keep having dreams about the Mara. It’s like he’s…” she shook her head, chasing the bad dream away. She turned to the young woman next to her. “I’m supposed to be comforting you” she said guiltily.

Nyssa shrugged her bare shoulders. “We comfort each other” she whispered softly, wiping the tears from her cheek.

Nyssa had slipped into Tegan’s room suffering from nightmares of her own. Adric’s death had hit them all hard, the Doctor especially. She didn’t want to bother him, so she sought comfort in her friend Tegan. The stewardess was happy to let her sleep with her tonight. She was grieving him too. “I’m sorry I woke you” she whispered.

Nyssa smiled, kissing Tegan on the cheek. “Come back to bed” she suggested, helping her settle back down. She shuffled up against her and draped her arm over her, letting the older woman cuddle her tight. She didn’t say it, but she was grateful to be so close to her. She had been struggling to sleep anyhow. “I miss him” she muttered, a tear falling down her cheek.

“I miss him too” Tegan replied, kissing her forehead fighting back her own tears.

The two friends laid in bed together doing their best to sleep while bad dreams haunted them both.

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