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Adventures in Time & Space: Amy in the TARDIS

Things in the TARDIS got heated when the Doctor was yanked over to the console by the scruff of his collar by the tall sexy redhead currently snogging him passionately. She was aggressive and persistent in her endeavours to relinquish the time lord of his shirt, pulling the suspenders once more over his shoulders before trying to rip the buttons apart. The Doctor’s will was fading as the woman broke down his resolve proving resistance was futile.

He couldn’t deny it was tempting to just give in to her demands. She was hot, sexy, gorgeous, her long legs incredible to look at and even better to touch. She wore a simple red dress with an incredibly short skirt that left little to the imagination, her black tights adorning her legs down to her shoes. And from the way her body felt when she pulled him against her, she had no underwear on. He could confirm she wasn’t wearing a bra when his hand accidentally pressed against her chest and felt her hard nipple through the thin fabric. She smiled noticing his hand, quickly grabbing it to hold against her breast as she kissed him.

The Doctor had given up trying to convince her this was a bad idea, resorting to plan B as he arms reached around the amorous girl and turned several dials and switch’s flying the ship somewhere. It was hard to concentrate with Amy distracting him like this, but it wouldn’t be the first time he multitasked flying and sex.

Amy was relentless in her pursuit to seduce the time lord, giving up on the shirt and moving her hands to his trousers. She almost had them unzipped when the Doctor grabbed her hands and flung them behind her back glaring at her. She stared back in challenge, leaning against the console wrapping her legs around him pulling him closer so their groins rubbed together. The contact made her sigh and he reluctantly groaned in response. Biting her bottom lip Amy waited to see if the man would let her hands go.

He did, only to grab her by the waist and lift her up so she was sitting on the console. She gasped in surprise when he started kissing her neck, moaning seductively as she wrapped her arms and legs around him in an embrace. She could feel his trousers tenting outwards, the bulge against her crotch making her sex moist. She returned her hands down to finish the job and this time the Doctor didn’t stop her as she reached in and pulled his penis out of his pants.

It finally occurred to her she wasn’t sure what to expect when she reached inside his trousers. It was just lucky he had a penis for her to grab onto. She was even more shocked to discover how generous his penis was, her hands wrapping around the thick girth examining its shape making her throat become dry. She licked her lips imagining herself climbing off this console down to her knees and slavering her tongue over his dick, taking it into her mouth and giving her raggedy man a blow job. Her ten year old self would be horrified while her teenage self would be ecstatic.

Her adult self, however, was disappointed because she never got to climb off the console. The Doctor’s body pushed against her, his hands shoving her back against the console making her exhale. She stared up at him as he dragged his fingers back along her stomach bringing Goosebumps on her skin, watching as he pried her thighs open and teased her groin. She shivered under his touch, waiting to see what came next as his erection drifted closer. Cum stained her black tights, from both sides. She was about to reach done and begin lowering them when the Doctor’s fingers suddenly curled into the fabric and tore it open. Feeling the sudden waft of warm air against her exposed pussy made Amy inhale. And when the Doctor’s cock swiftly penetrated her womanhood she almost fainted.

She’d imagined what this moment would be like for so long. Now here she was having sex with her raggedy man, her Doctor. And it was amazing. The Time Lord fucked his companion against the console, each thrust sending jolts of pleasure though her body. Amy threw her head back and bucked her hips against him, wrapping her legs around his waist pulling him deeper into her core, her hands gripping the sides of the console. The doctor’s hands held her hips as he pummelled her, his breathing raspy and his gaze hooded under his long hair. She found a brief pause in the rutting to reach up and grab his shirt, pulling herself up to wrap her arms around his shoulders and kiss him desperately. He ran his hands beneath her red dress and squeezed her skin, groping her boobs as they fucked each other.

Somewhere in the passionate embrace the Doctor came to his senses, muttering something about this being a bad idea. Amy wasn’t listening as she tried to recapture his lips, keeping her ankles locked when he tried to pry her legs off of him, refusing to let him go as she tugged on his hair and sucked on his neck. So after trying and failing to throw the redhead woman off the Doctor decided he needed to take the Tardis somewhere to get help, which meant he had to navigate the controls with a horny redhead mounted on his still rock hard erection. Luckily it wasn’t the first time he’d flown the Tardis while having sex with a companion, weaving around the console flicking switches and pushing buttons keeping his balance with Amy hugging him. She rolled and swung around the console with him, determined not to let his distractions distract her as she ground her hips against him even as his body pressed against her to lean across the levers flying the ship. The fact he was flying and fucking made it even more exciting.

But things got most steamy for her when he slammed her onto the side of the console with the telepathic interface. It was a complete accident, as was the moment her hands came loose to support her weight, her fingers slipping into the jelly-like interface while his cock impaled her cunt. The contact with the Tardis created a feedback loop as she felt her lust and pleasure amplified and fed into the ship only to be redirected back to her. Amy moaned as the Doctor finished flipping levers between thrusts, her back arching lifting her hips off the controls, her heels finding a brief moment of purchase on the edge. She came from the feedback, her walls clenching him tightly as her moans turned into a scream. When her orgasm finished her feet slipped off the console and she fell back down onto the doctor’s cock.

However, she also landed on a particularly smooth and cylindrical object pultruding out of the control panel directly beneath her, it’s tip rounded and angled at just the right point. Amy’s hips fell just perfectly enough for this round and smooth object to slip between her bum cheeks and penetrate her anus which swallowed it whole on her way down.

Amy’s mouth fell open in shock as she felt the thick phallus thing lodge itself deep in her ass, her legs dangling over the side of the console with the Doctor still buried in her pussy. She looked down in her lap, as if she could see through her red dress and beneath her bottom to find out what was invading her. The Doctor didn’t seem to notice as he spun the monitor around over their heads. She pressed her palms against the panels and tried to push her hips up again, but her feet kicked uselessly at empty air and she couldn’t quite find the strength to lift her body off the device. Worse still, her fingers were still interlaced with the telepathic circuits and now she could feel the device inside her ass, like an additional extension of herself. When her hips moved she felt it from both ends and gasped. It felt like she was fucking herself in the ass.

Then the Doctor continued to fuck her, his hips battering her pussy desperate to complete something she started. She rode him as he fucked her hard, each thrust grinding against the device in her anus rubbing it through her walls while her butt ground against the console sending signals through the circuits to her brain. She was being double penetrated by both the Doctor and the Tardis and her mind almost melted from the experience.

After an unspecified amount of time Amy struggled to count, the console shuddered as the Doctor brought the ship into a landing. Amy had no idea where he’d taken them. She was still trying to wrap her brain around how he had managed to fly his ship and fuck her at the same time. Then the TARDIS stopped she felt the object in her ass pulse in response, the vibrations running up her spine putting her on the verge of an orgasm.

But moments before she could cum, the Doctor yanked his cock out of her pussy pushing himself away from the console. She cried out in desperation from the emptiness, the urge to cum burning in her loins. She stared after the time lord as he hurriedly fastened his trousers and told her he’d be right back, ignoring her protests as he sprinted out of the police box. Amy was left trapped on the console with her anus impaled on whatever it was she had sat on, unable to remove herself from it. And worse, she was so close her body was trembling.

She didn’t know how long she would have to wait for the Doctor to return and finish her off, so she tried to once again push herself up. But her heels couldn’t find a foothold and her arms weren’t strong enough to lift her hips all the way off the phallus. The most she got was halfway up the smooth surface, until her palms slipped due to the sweat and she slipped back down stuffing her ass full again. Each time made her moan, the link feeding her mind the sensations of her tight anus wrapping around her non-existent penis. In the end she got so desperate she just sat on the console and fingered her pussy to try and finish the job. But after having the time lord shoving his dick inside her, fingers weren’t enough. The heat built but she couldn’t quench the thirst.

The Doctor returned approximately twenty minutes later to find Amy desperate and horny exactly where he left her. She opened her mouth to beg him to fuck her again, until she realized he’d brought a friend. Her friend. Specifically her fiancé, Rory. The young man saw her and his eyes widened, glancing to the Doctor in a mix of fury and confusion. The Doctor rambled some nonsense as an explanation or an excuse before shoving Rory over to his fiancé, telling him she needed a word. Amy kept her mouth, and her legs, shut for as long as she could until Rory came close enough to talk to her. Then she revealed she didn’t want to talk right now, her hands whipping out to grab his jacket and pull him in for a desperate kiss. The man was shocked but had learnt long ago not to fight her when she was horny. Their first time was one such impulse and it wasn’t a private affair. Neither was this as she ripped his trousers open and begged him to fuck her right now.

Mercifully, he reluctantly obliged as his penis found her soaking pussy and inserted itself into her warm entrance. The man noted the feeling of something rubbing against him through the girl’s walls, but didn’t have time to ask when Amy latched her lips to him and gripped his back tightly pulling him closer so he could grind between her legs. The two of them fucked against the console, their mouths moving in a sensual kiss that grew steamy the longer it went on while their hips buckled and thrust against each other. Or rather Rory’s did. Amy’s remained stuck on the additional appendage rocking inside her ass stimulating the redhead further. Her legs wrapped around her fiancé’s waist pulling his as deep as he could go, her pussy swallowing his cock whole massaging his length desperately. Her hands flew to his hair, tugging on it roughly between digging her nails into his scalp keeping his head still so she could make out with him. He wasn’t a slouch, however, attacking her just as roughly as he hands lifted her dress and reached underneath to palm her tits, pressing her nipples against his palms squeezing her mounds roughly.

The heated exchange lasted only a minute, long enough for Amy to finally relieve the tension the Doctor left in her groin with a loud moan. Rory rode her through the orgasm, fucking her through it and into a second where he also ejaculated into her needy cunt. Amy shuddered as her boyfriend filled her body with his love, collapsing against his torso finally relived of all the sexual tension that drove her to fuck the Doctor in the first place. She knew Rory was going to have questions, but right now she was exhausted.

The Doctor, watching from off to the side, clapped his hands and returned to fiddling with the controls. Rory and Amy didn’t pay him much attention until he started asking about a particular lever that seemed to be missing. From the discretion he gave Amy figured out where it was, asking Rory to help her climb off the console. The young man hooked his fingers under her bottom and gently lifted the woman off the long rounded lever, her gaping ass aching from the intrusion when it was finally removed. The Doctor found it soon after, slipping past the panting lovebirds and using it to pilot the TARDIS to their next adventure.

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