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A Second Chance (The Misadventures of Pricefield)

(minor CONTENT WARNING for underage teens in this story.)

Max’s vision comes back from the white light, the dots fading from her eyes. She forgot the strobing effect jumping through photograph always resembled, and the weightlessness that always made her queasy. She blinked as the world came back into focus, the buzz of activity ringing in her ears along with voices and birds. She looked up and found herself back in Chloe’s house. But it was Chloe’s house as she recalled it years ago, the week she left for Seattle. The last time she and Chloe were together. She looked down at her younger body. It was strange having her 18 year old mind in her 13 year old body. She heard the developing photograph in front of her. Looking up to see Chloe’s dad standing there holding the camera. “I hope the flash didn’t scare you Max” he said, holding the photograph in his hands looking at it. “That’s a keeper” he smiled.

Max reached out and took the photograph. The image was exactly the same as the one she was just holding in the junkyard. She looked up to her right, hesitantly glancing at her best friend who had been standing next to her. Chloe looked so different back then, her natural blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes big and dazzling. She looked across and found Max staring at her. “Max?” Chloe said quietly.

Max looked into her wide eyes and realized something was different. She was surprised, shocked and confused p, not the cheerful young girl she should be. Her eyes narrowed and she looked closer. “Chloe?” She asked, sensing something different about her.

Chloe looked down at herself, her body smaller, the tattoo on her arm gone, her hair the wrong color. She stared at Max. “Max!”

“Chloe!” Max gasped. It was her, but not her. It had worked. She couldn’t explain how and she had serious doubts it was possible, but somehow she brought Chloe back through the photograph with her. They were both back in their younger bodies, back in time together. It took everything they had not to freak out and squeal.

Chloe’s head spun looking at her house as it used to be. “Holy shit” she whispered under her breath, grabbing Max by the arm yanking her into the living room onto the sofa. “Is this actually happening or have I gone crazy?” She asked.

“You’re not crazy!” She replied, amazed and astonished. I can’t believe I did it. I brought Chloe with me. This is so surreal.

“So, what do we do?” Chloe asked her.

Max froze. She wasn’t sure what they could do. This was just an experiment. She never thought to wonder what would happen if…

“Hey, honey. I’m just making a fabulous breakfast with Chloe and Max” William’s voice cut through the conversation. Max looked up and saw Chloe’s face turn pale as she turned around, finally realizing when she was. Max saw her friend tense up as she looked at her dad, reaching out to take her hand as she stared at him answering the phone. They both know Joyce was on the other end. They both knew what he was about to say. “What? Oh, I didn’t know you had to get groceries. Of course I’ll come pick you up.”

Chloe bristled as she turned back to look at Max. She looked frantic, tears in her eyes. Max remembered all too well. This was the day he would have his car accident. This was the day he died. Max knew what she was thinking because Max had already done this once before. That’s why she leapt up to stop Chloe when she stood up. “Hey William! Chloe and I were wondering if it’s okay if we played upstairs for a bit” she said, stepping in front of her holding her back trying to make everything look normal.

William turned back to them after putting the phone back in it’s bracket. “Oh, of course” he smiled. “I’m just going to step out and go pick your mother up” he told his daughter. Chloe opened her mouth but Max turned around and shushed her, pushing her back into the living room as her dad starting patting his pockets. “Now where did I put my keys” he wondered aloud.

As soon as he was out of earshot Max whispered to Chloe “we can’t.”

“That’s my dad” Chloe whispered, staring over Max’s shoulder desperately.

It pained her to see her like this but Max knew she couldn’t. “If we change anything the timeline changes” she told her. “I’ve seen what happens if we save him, I know. I know it’s hard, believe me but we have to…I’m sorry, but this has to happen” she said, tears in her eyes as she looked at her friend. Chloe looked at her, shaking her head struggling not to shove past the girl and insist dad stays here where it’s safe. After much anguish she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, reluctantly nodding to Max. “Let’s go upstairs” Max suggested, wanting to get Chloe as far away from what was about to happen as possible. Chloe followed behind her as the young girl guided her through her own home.

William was still looking for his car keys when the girls started climbing the stairs. Halfway up Chloe stopped and turned back around. “Hey dad” she said, walking back down making Max panic. William turned to his daughter and was surprised to get a huge hug from his little girl. “I love you” she said, hiding her tears as she hugged him tightly.

William looked at her in bewilderment before hugging her back. “I love you too kiddo” he smiled, squeezing her tightly before pulling her off him. “Now go have fun with Maxine okay. I’ll be back soon” he promised. Chloe nodded, turning away quickly and hurrying up the stairs. Max raced after her. Neither of them dared look back for fear he would see them both crying.


Chloe’s room was much tidier back then, though not by much. It was comforting being in this time capsule as they sat together on her bed hugging their knees silently. After a few minutes of arriving they heard the front door open and close. They didn’t say anything for a long while. “Are you mad at me?” Max asked anxiously after a drawn out silent minute.

“A little” Chloe admitted. She shifted on the bed, looking at Max trying to stay mad. But she couldn’t manage it. “I get it” she said glumly. “It can’t have been easy for you the last time you were…I remember you acting weird back then, here before. I’d almost forgotten about it, it was so long ago. That was it, wasn’t it?” She asked.

Max nodded. “I was hard, setting things back. It was the hardest thing knowing what was going to happen. I wish I could fix it. I don’t want William to…I’m sorry.”

“Me too” she replied. They both fell silent, emotional with the future. They sat on the bed looking around at their past, recalling their last day together, today. “It wasn’t a good day in the end was it?” Chloe remarked.

Max thought back to the rest of this day. She couldn’t say it was herself. At the time she was set to go to Seattle. She spent the day trying to find a way to tell Chloe she was leaving. Chloe already knew though, pretending she didn’t so they could have one last day of fun. And then Joyce came home crying and everything changed. “No, it wasn’t a good day” she agreed sadly.

Chloe lifted her head and took a deep breath. “We should’ve done more to make it better” she said, unfolding her legs to hop off the bed. “We’ve got a second chance now. We could make it better.”

“How?” Max asked, looking up at her as she circled her bedroom.

“I don’t know. We’re thirteen, I’m sure we can think of something” she smiled. She got an impulsive idea and jumped back onto the bed. “Come on!” She said, pulling Max up to begin bouncing on the mattress. Both girls jumped up and down, their frowns turning to smiles as they got to be kids again. Five years of trauma and angst faded away in the space of a few bounces on the bed. They laughed and giggled until the limited space on the bed proved too much to handle, their bodies colliding tangling their legs sending them tumbling to the mattress. It made them laugh even harder as they pulled each other back up. “I forgot how fun being thirteen was” Chloe chuckled.

“So did I” Max giggled, climbing to her knees holding Chloe by the hands. She looked at her friend, adoration filling her heart pushing her forwards to capture her lips with hers. They kissed softly, briefly before pulling back. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it” Max whispered.

Chloe broke into a big smile. “If you didn’t kiss me, I was going to kiss you” she replied, cupping her face pulling her back into another kiss.

The two teenagers made out on the bed, holding each other in an embrace. Somewhere in the kiss it occurred to them this made it their first kiss in this timeline, a few years too soon. When they broke apart there was a spark that indicated they didn’t want it to end, and wanted it to go further. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Chloe asked.

“I think so” she gulped. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea?”

“Why not?”

“Because we’re just kids” she said.

“We’re not kids anymore” Chloe argued. “We’re eighteen.”

“In our younger bodies, which makes us too young to have sex” Max argued back.

Chloe shook her head. “This time travel stuff is really confusing” she groaned. “Can’t I just make love to my girlfriend while we have the house to ourselves?”

Max shrugged nervously. As much as she wanted to, it felt wrong. Chloe shuffled forward on her knees and leant back in to kiss her. Her hands fell onto the girls waist and slipped under her T-shirt. “Chloe, we shouldn’t” Max gasped, feeling her fingers touch her skin.

“Tell me you don’t want to do this” Chloe said, looking at her with eyes full of desire much older than her thirteen year old self. She reached down and peeled her own shirt up over her head, her blonde hair falling over her bare shoulders as Max found herself staring at her exposed underdeveloped chest, her breasts just starting to take shape. “Tell me you want to stop” she said, reaching under Max’s shirt to caress her stomach and back, teasing the underside of her tiny boobs. Max bit her bottom lip, reluctantly lifting her arms allowing Chloe to remove her top. They knelt topless on the bed, staring at each other with confused feelings and burning adoration. Their lips met and their bodies pressed together. The spark returned and passion engulfed the teenagers.

They fell onto the bed in a sweet embrace, their lips together in a kiss. The two of them made out softly until Max pulled away, still on the fence about rewriting their little corner of history. “Do you really want to do this now?”

“Don’t you?” Chloe asked.

“I do” she confessed. “But why didn’t we before?”

Chloe rested on an elbow, mulling it over. “We we’re just kids” she acknowledged. “I guess we were…I was nervous. Can I admit something?” She asked. Max nodded. “I’ve always wanted to kiss you back then. That day I knew you were leaving. I wanted to kiss you then. I was afraid if I didn’t, then you’d forget me.”

“Why didn’t you?” She asked.

She sighed. “Fear. Then everything started going wrong. Dad died. I guess I missed my chance.” She started laughing. “If I’m being honest, you were one of my biggest regrets. I always wanted you to be my first.”

“First what?”

“First kiss. First love. First everything” she said.

Max blushed. She hadn’t realized Chloe felt that way. “Can I admit something?” She asked. Chloe nodded. “I wanted you to be my first too. But I was too scared to ask.”

Chloe laughed harder. “Christ, we should’ve done this the first time” she said, leaning over kissing Max on the lips. “We couldn’t lost our virginity together.”

“At thirteen?” Max hesitated again. “It still feels wrong.”

“It would’ve been better than my first” Chloe muttered, her fingers stroking Max’s skin tenderly.

Max looked at the girl curiously, sensing a deep regret in that statement. “Your first? You mean your first time? You’ve never spoken about it” she said inquisitively.

“You’ve never asked about it” she smirked. Her expression soured however. “Not my finest moment. It was at a party. I was fifteen, one week away from sixteen. I had another one of my famous spats with David. I went to that house party mad, used it as an excuse to drink a lot and get very drunk. Flirted with all the boys, and a few of the girls. The worst thing is most of that party was a blur. I remember making out with a cute guy. I think he was cute. I do remember my first time was outside, in the cold night air. There was a tree, my clothes were on. I don’t think it was the same boy though. It didn’t last long though. Or maybe it did.”

“That doesn’t sound to bad” Max said optimistically.

“It was awful” Chloe rebuffed. “That much I remember. My first time having sex and I don’t even remember it properly. I couldn’t even tell you the boys name. Any of them.” She turned back to Max, asking her “do you think I’m awful? Losing my virginity to a random stranger?”

“You’re not awful.”

“But I bet your first time was much better.”

Max chuckled. She hadn’t shared that story before. She trusted Chloe enough to tell it though, especially given how she gave up her most embarrassing secret. “My first time was with Warren” she told her.

“Warren? You mean science geek Warren?” Chloe smiled. “Well, he is cute. But you didn’t meet him until you came to Blackwell.”

“No” she nodded, confirming she lost her virginity more recently than people realized. “It wasn’t planned. It happened the first time he invited me to his place to watch the original Planet of the Apes. We were having a good time, things got…you know. One thing led to another and we had sex watching the movie. It didn’t last long, five minutes maybe. Warren was sweet, kept worrying about hurting me. I kept worrying I wouldn’t be good enough. It happened, it ended, we were embarrassed. But we managed to laugh and we finished the rest of the movie in our underwear. It became our tradition; going ape as he called it.”

Chloe stared at Max with great envy. “See, that’s the type of memory you should have when you lose your virginity” she whined. “Yours was sweet and adorable. Mine was awful and not worth remembering.”

Max took Chloe’s hand and leaned in for a kiss. “It doesn’t matter who we lost our virginity to” she told her. “What matters is that we had our first time together. I’m sorry it took us so long…”

Chloe interrupted her sentimental speech with a deep kiss. She didn’t care how long it took, as long as it happened. They were together now, then and now. Their kiss deepened and Chloe looked into Max’s eyes. “If you don’t want to, then we won’t. But I want our first time to be now. I don’t care if it changes things, or how old we are, I only care about you.”

Max stared back at her, biting her bottom lip. She didn’t know what would happen. She was afraid. She didn’t want to be afraid anymore, not with Chloe. She took Chloe’s hand, their fingers interlocking, looking into her eyes. “I love you Chloe” she said. “I loved you then, I love you now, and always will.” She took Chloe’s face and kissed her passionately. Damn the timeline she thought.

Max took control of their destiny and moved onto Chloe, kissing her down her neck as she climbed on top of her, her hands running down her young body sensually. Chloe moaned, melting into the mattress as her girlfriend kissed down her chest. When she reached her nipples she gasped, finding them more sensitive than she expected. “Oh Max” she purred as the young girl hooked her fingers in her waistband, lifting her hips so she could pull them down her legs. Max threw them to the floor by the bed, swiftly doing the same to Chloe’s underwear before diving between her thighs. “Oh Max!” Chloe cried as she licked her young virgin pussy.

The sensory overload hit her quickly as Max ran her tongue up and down Chloe’s clit, the blonde shuddering into shock as she climaxed abruptly. Her legs kicked out and her pussy squirted a little into Max’s face, shrieking loudly in pleasure. Max lifted her head and Chloe covered her mouth and blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry” Chloe apologized sheepishly. They both broke into a fit of giggles as Max crawled up to kiss Chloe’s quivering stomach. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum so quickly in my life” Chloe said, wiping her eyes from laughing so hard, her red face carrying a big smile.

“Still better than the house party?” Max asked.

Chloe pulled her face up to kiss the evidence of her premature orgasm from her face, playfully replying “so much better.” They kissed one another, the blondes body now buzzing with excitement as she ran her hands over her lovers body. “Now you’ve popped my cherry, I should return the favor” she said, rolling the brunette onto her back so she could pull her clothes off and strip her naked.

Max giggled nervously, as Chloe kissed her body up and down, giving her flat chest as much attention as she had done. Her teenage body was much more sensitive to pleasure, making her wonder if she could last longer than her friend had. But the moment Chloe’s fingers brushed against her sex she realized five minutes might suddenly be generous. “Oh Chloe” she gasped, shivering when her fingertip found her clit and touched it. She opened her knees giving her an opening to feel her moist entrance. Their eyes became fixed together as Chloe eased her finger inside her pussy. Her walls seemed to tighten the moment it intruded, a spontaneous shriek escaping her mouth. “Sorry” she blushed, clinging to the girl as she patiently caressed her until she loosened up and let her slide her finger further. She closed her eyes and whimpered, all the tension running between her legs. She climaxed moments later from the anticipation alone, the tightness forcing her hand out.

“A lot faster than five minutes” Chloe teased softly, cradling her trembling girlfriend as she caught her breath.

“Still worth it” she replied, looking up at her girlfriend affectionately. They lay there recovering from their first orgasms of this timeline, their noses touching. “Do you want to try again?” Max asked her, tracing shapes along Chloe’s breast. Chloe replied with a smile and a kiss, pulling her into another embrace. They had all the time in the world.

They fooled around for ages, almost all afternoon. They explored their thirteen year old bodies intimately, trying things they wouldn’t have tried until they were older. They made love through dozens of orgasms, their bodies tingling with pleasure as they cycled through positions, licking each other’s pussies, scissoring each other and rubbing their pussies. They moaned, whimpered and screamed in joy and desire until they were both exhausted and overstimulated, collapsing into each other’s arms feeling tingly and sweaty. It felt like they had been making love for hours. A glance at the clock told them it had only been one hour.

“We shouldn’t stay in bed too long” Max muttered as she snuggled up to her girlfriend. “Then again, we should be snapping back to our own time at any minute.” Chloe smirked, picturing their younger selves waking up in bed with each other confused and freaking out. It was a shame they won’t remember any of this. She rolled over on the bed, reaching over the side as Max reached for her. “Where are you going?” She asked sleepily.

“I’m just looking for that camera” she replied, leaning over the edge to search for it on the floor. She felt Max slump back onto the pillow, her hand stroking her back too exhausted to help. Chloe dug around under her clothes, pausing when her hand slipped into the pockets of her shorts. She pulled out the car keys she’d snuck from the hallway while Max was dragging her upstairs, bringing them with her where her dad couldn’t find them. She knew Max wouldn’t have approved, warned her against changing the timeline, but it can’t be worse than the way it was now. She slipped them back into her pocket and prayed for something better.

She found the Polaroid camera under the bed, bringing it up to take a picture of her and Max snuggling together. She flashed a big smile for the camera, making sure it was a good one leaving little doubt to what it meant. She waited for the photo to develop and left it in view on the bedside table as a gift for the past before snuggling up to Max. She hoped wherever they woke up it was with the best memory ever.

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