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Fanfiction Stories

A variety of stories based on third party properties written for fun.

Note: These stories are not endorsed or affiliated with their related properties. all rights are reserved to the copyright holders. These projects are fan productions/parodies and do not represent the characters, writers or studios who are affiliated with them.

#Supergirl_Sins Past Cover.png


Sins Past

An alternate take on the CW TV-Show.

Kara Danvers faces many threats over her career, but her failures continue to haunt her. But they soon come back to kill her as a new villain called the Reckoning arrives to make her life Hell.

Featuring storylines and characters arcs for some of the most notable heroes and villains in DC, Including Dreamer, Brainiac V, Alex Danvers, Hank Henshaw, Martian Manhunter, Metallo, Lena Luthor and new original characters.

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Coming Soon


An Unofficial Novilisation

Inspired by the plot details of the unfinished movie from WB, brought together by NebsGoodTakes on twitter, this is my take on the story that was never told.

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